Gao Wu: Beginning With A Chaotic Body, Becoming A Blood Demon God In Prison

Chapter 230 Qinglian Sword Song, Kill The 2 Emperors In 2s

Seeing the human who killed their clan in front of him escape.

The evil energy on the two evil swamp eagles suddenly surged, and the other evil spirits that appeared beside them were engulfed by the black swamp domain for a while.

All die.

The anger of the two evil swamp eagles almost made them lose their minds.


"Hu Li, Hu Xi enough!"

A loud sound like a drum rang through the ears of the two evil swamp eagles.

A 20-meter-high Evil Marsh Shrew appeared in front of them, with sharp teeth flashing coldly.

Five-fingered and clawed toes plow the ground into deep ravines.

The black-brown hair stood on end, and the relatively small scarlet eyes were full of hostility.

The breath on his body is even more terrifying, several times stronger than the two evil swamp eagles in front of him.

"Shrews! That damn human killed our younger brother!"

"I want him to die!!!"

Hu Li, who was in the five-star realm of the Earth Emperor Realm, flapped his steel-like wings.

One after another hurricane rolled up beside him and swept away towards the plateau settlement.

All the creatures that passed by were involved in it.


"Both of you hear clearly!"

"Contact the clansmen in Heiyou Swamp immediately!"

"The humans that Yang Zun asked to kill have entered!"

"Just him."

"This time, he must be captured alive, and if he cannot be captured alive, his body must be left behind!"

The voice of the shrews sounded in the darkness, and the two evil swamp eagles in front of him temporarily suppressed their anger.


Strange sound waves emanated from the bodies of the two evil swamp eagles.

Introduced into the dark swamp not far behind.

Not only the two of them, but other evil spirits of different races also received orders from the top.

Inform the people of Di Junlin's entry into the Black Swamp.

It seems that the entire Black Nether Swamp is a trap specially prepared by the evil clan for Di Junlin.

"Okay, shrew!"

"Now it's time for us to attack the guardian formation of the Daxia Country Plateau settlement!"

"I want to devour that human named Lin Yijian just now!"

"The power of his domain origin will allow us to advance!"

The two evil swamp eagles with cruel smiles melted into the darkness.

Together with the densely packed evil spirits, they rushed towards the direction of the plateau settlement.

In addition to these two land emperor realm evil swamp husks.

Evil Marsh Otter, Evil Marsh Spider, Evil Poison Toad, Evil Nematode are the four major races in the dark secluded swamp.

Also dispatched all the clans inland imperial realm

"a bunch of idiots!"

The evil marsh shrew named Shifu had contempt in his eyes, standing in the air without any intention of moving.

The fat and huge body gradually shrunk.

It has become the size of an ordinary hamster, and there is a cunning look in the tiny mouse's eyes.

It fell from mid-air and drilled directly into the ground.

Today's action is entirely to contain the strong human beings in the plateau settlement.

As long as those evil saints didn't take action in person, who would attack this tough Daxia human settlement?

Since these two fools want to devour humans, let them go.

At that time, it is their own unlucky to die like the evil swamp eagle just now.

I just have to wait in the ground for the end.

The most important thing is to capture that human being in the black secluded swamp!

The black vole transformed by the shrew drilled into the depths of the ground.

Find a relatively comfortable position and lie down.

Much like salted fish.

Everything in the outside world seemed to have nothing to do with him.

"Hu Li! Just let you go, how dare you come?"

"Death to me!"

"You don't see the water of the Yellow River coming up from the sky, rushing to the sea and not returning!"

"Qinglian Sword Song!"

Lin Yijian's murderous voice resounded outside the entire plateau settlement.

He had just returned to the energy barrier of the plateau settlement, and the energy in his body had already recovered by more than half.

There is no black secluded swamp that accelerates the disappearance of Yuan force.

He doesn't need to care about the depletion of his own energy at all.

The passionate sword song resounded in everyone's hearts along with the majestic soul power.

Falling on Hu Li's ear, it was like countless small swords were piercing his evil soul.

There was only a huge cyan sword intent flashing in front of his eyes.

A blood line appeared in the center of the huge evil body.


The moment this blood line appeared, Hu Li's body split into two in the air.

The two halves shattered in an instant.

The terrifying energy exploded, involving all the evil spirits around Huli.

The death of the five-star complete existence of the Earth Emperor Realm blew itself up.

Who can afford it?

Even Hu Xi, the closest kin to Hu Li, was enveloped by this terrifying energy.

Was hit hard in an instant.

At this time.

Hundreds of cyan sword lotuses appeared around Hu Xi.


All of them were suddenly shattered, and the sword energy swept across Hu Xi's evil body.

Hu Xi, who had been hit hard by Yuchi's death because of Hu Li's death, has not been able to react.

He was enveloped by Lin Yijian's Qinglian sword energy.

The flesh was cut, and the evil soul was shattered under the influence of Qinglian Jiange.

Just a few short breaths.

Two Evil Swamp Hulks in the Land Emperor Realm were beheaded!

Gods are extinct.


"How dare you do this!"

"All the people of the land emperor realm! Let's do it together!"

"Destroy this human settlement today and make this place the territory of my holy clan!"

A voice full of endless hatred sounded in the darkness.

An evil swamp eagle with a complete cultivation of eight stars in the Earth Emperor Realm suddenly appeared outside the energy barrier of the plateau settlement.

The black-gray feathers on his body were erected, the sharp beak was opened, and a ray of energy condensed in his mouth.

The evil swamp gas rose into the sky, with a stench of corrosion, and shot out along the energy light group in his mouth.

It slammed hard on the energy light group in the plateau settlement.

How powerful is the evil spirit of the Eight-star Perfection Realm in the Earth Emperor Realm?

The power of the source of his own innate talent that is motivated, except that the existence above the same realm can temporarily resist.

Hardly anyone can stop it.

"Boom rumble..."

The energy light group full of evil swamp gas suddenly collided with the energy barrier formed by the guardian element array of the plateau settlement.

A huge roar suddenly sounded, and the energy barrier was shaken.

The energy barrier of the entire plateau settlement was shrouded in a dark green gas.

It eroded wildly around.

The swamp gas of the evil creatures in the black secluded swamp is similar to the darkness of the outside world.

Can dissolve all energy creations!

A tiny gap pierced through the energy barrier of the plateau settlement.

The power of darkness in the Black Nether Swamp seems to have got a vent, and along this energy barrier, it instantly pours into the plateau settlement.

Even the gap that has just been broken returns to its original shape.

It can't stop these insubstantial darkness.

"Lin Yijian!!!"

"Erosed by the power of the Black Nether Swamp, it devours the energy of heaven and earth in your human settlements."

"How long can you Daxia humans last?"

"Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie..."


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