Gao Wu: Beginning With A Chaotic Body, Becoming A Blood Demon God In Prison

Chapter 227: The Black Nether Swamp Riots, Destroy Them

"Everything we get in the black secluded swamp, we don't get a cent from the plateau settlement!"

"It can even let him enter the natural ice source pool in our plateau settlement to temper his physique!"

Lin Yijian said without hesitation.

This is something that the high-level people in their plateau settlements have already decided.

He also didn't want ink marks, his female apprentice was still inside.

Although she was protected by the sword mark she made, the darkness in the black secluded swamp engulfed all energy.

The mark she left on her body lasted up to three hours.

"Old man Jian, your plateau settlement is refreshing this time."

"A few years ago, I wanted to enter the natural ice source pool to quench my body, why didn't you let me in?"

Yuan Zishan looked at Lin Yijian in surprise and suddenly remembered something, and asked with a bad look on her face.

"Are we stupid? You want to temper the Six Paths!"

"Not only does it require a lot of energy, it will also overdraw the source!!"

"If you go in, will this natural ice source pool still be there now?"

"Yuan girl, you were evil in their territory, take that..."

When Lin Yijian heard Yuan Zishan's words, the wrinkles on his face suddenly curled into a ball.

The blue veins on his arms and even his forehead burst together, and his eyes widened.

The sword intent has already begun to condense behind him, and he almost slashed Yuan Zishan with a single sword.

"Get it! Old man Jian, don't mention the past!"

"Didn't I go in?"

"We are all from Daxia, how can we Huo Huo's own things, right?"

"Let's go, let's take King's Landing to Heiyou Swamp now!"

Seeing that Lin Yijian wanted to break the news, Yuan Zishan interrupted him immediately.

At the same time start to change the subject.

Really are.

How can these people not forget the glorious history of their own back then?

Do you have such a good memory?

? ? ?


What did Mrs. do in the first place?

Not only do the strong people in Australia know that, but the strong people in the realm of land emperors in front of them are even more desperate?

Did Senior Sister rob them all?

Di Junlin has been standing behind Yuan Zishan, treating himself as a mute.

He couldn't get in on the conversation between the two. Instead, he became more and more curious about what Yuan Zishan had done.

However, these two are also a little too inky.

Now he just wants to hack to death the evil spirits outside the settlement.

Not interested in other things.

at this time.

Yuan Zishan and Lin Yijian suddenly raised their heads and looked in the same direction.



The whole earth shook, and an extremely violent roar suddenly sounded.

The other courtyard where Di Junlin and others were located collapsed in an instant.

One after another complex Yuan pattern lights up at the feet of everyone, and the space teleportation array in the center of the other courtyard is shrouded.

Lin Yijian and Yuan Zishan, who were arguing, suddenly became extremely solemn.

The momentum of the Earth Emperor Realm rose into the sky, protecting Qi Yuanshu, Qi Yuanshu, and Di Junlin.

Lin Yijian looked into the distance, a blue sword shadow condensed behind him, "Yuan girl, those evil spirits outside are really crazy!"

"They actually want to pull the human settlements of our Daxia Kingdom into the Black Nether Swamp!"

"Just looking for death!"

Yuan Zishan nodded lightly, the power of Six Paths emanating from her hand.

With a very complicated expression, he asked, "Old man Jian, who else knows the whereabouts of Jun's Landing and I except you?"


Lin Yijian's rising momentum froze slightly.

The originally serious face suddenly changed drastically, "You mean, some of them betrayed Da Xia!"

"How come?? They were all..."

"Why not?"

"The change in the magic capital is a lesson from the past!"

"Very good! Really good!"

"I didn't expect that a clown would dare to jump out just after the teacher retreated!"

"I didn't go to the magic capital last time!"

"This time, the plateau will be pacified by me!"

Yuan Zishan's voice became extremely cold, and her indifference made Lin Yijian tremble.

This killer.

At the beginning, it was just the Uranus realm that slaughtered an evil race that had the land emperor realm.

Now that those people have emerged, what will the end be like?

"Old man Jian, you take King's Landing to the Black Secluded Swamp!"

"The most powerful evil above the Black Nether Swamp is nothing but the nine stars of the Uranus realm!"

"Jun Landing alone can slaughter them all!"

"The plateau settlement, let me come!"

The Six Paths portal appeared behind Yuan Zishan, and the Six Paths portals gradually merged together.

The portal opened, and terrifying power circulated in this portal.

She drilled directly into it, and her figure disappeared in front of Di Junlin and Lin Yijian.

I do not know where to go.


"Jun's Landing, you follow that old man Jian to the Heiyou Swamp."

"I'll kill a few people, just come!"

Yuan Zishan's angry voice rang in Di Junlin's ears.

Di Junlin was slightly startled, but felt an inexplicable sadness in his heart.

In his heart, Daxia is the most powerful country in the entire Blue Star.

But again and again, he found out.

In the country of Daxia, there are already too many worms.

These worms have lost their humanity in order to survive.

People who have lost their humanity!

Is it still human?


Really should kill!

Di Junlin's eyes were suddenly filled with boundless suffocating energy, and an incomparably powerful killing intent erupted from his entire body, spreading all around him.

Qi Yuanshu and Qi Yuanshan, who had just woken up from the fainting state.

Couldn't say a word yet.

He was affected by the killing intent that erupted from Di Junlin, and his mind was oppressed for a while.

Passed out again and again.

"Kid King's Landing, let's go."

"Your senior sister is right, the plateau should be cleaned up."

"The evil clan now wants to open the black secluded swamp and devour the entire plateau settlement!"

"There must be high-level people in the plateau settlements involved."

"Now! What we do is also very important!"

"Otherwise, the Daxia humans in the entire plateau settlement will be devastated!"

Lin Yijian felt the evil spirit on Di Junlin's body and said earnestly.

At the same time grab Di Junlin and dash wildly in one direction.


It is the entrance to the Black Nether Swamp!

At this moment, the entrance of the black secluded swamp has been crowded with evil spirits.

The guardian element formation of the plateau settlement has already been opened.

The violent shaking came from that direction.

"Elder Jian, what should I do now?"

"Can you destroy this Black Nether Swamp?" Di Junlin asked immediately.

Lin Yijian listened to Di Junlin's words, pondered for a few seconds, and then asked, "Can you really wipe out all those bastards?"


I didn't expect this old man to be quite grounded.

Dry waste?

I'm going to exterminate them!

Di Junlin's blood-red pupils suddenly lit up, and he said decisively, "I'm going to slaughter them!"

"it is good!"

"Kill them!"

"Very good! Then the old man tells you, as long as you slaughter all the seven major races in the Black Nether Swamp!"

"Put the essence and blood in their bodies and pour it into the center of the black secluded swamp!"

"The entire Black Nether Swamp will collapse!"


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