Gao Wu: Beginning With A Chaotic Body, Becoming A Blood Demon God In Prison

Chapter 222 Brother, I'm The Emperor Of Europe

As for the mood of sixth-order and above.

It takes a fight to find out.

With the imprint of the gods alone, he can control two soul skills!

Even if he has not been able to condense the original artistic conception.

You can also use the standard soul skills of Uranus realm powerhouses through the mark of the gods.

"Brother, what are you thinking?"

"Are you leaving soon?"

Chu Qianyuan stuck out her little head and looked up at Di Junlin.

She could feel the powerful murderous aura lingering around Di Junlin.

And the anger that can't be dispelled.

Her ancient bloodline has been erupting these days.

It caused a strange change in her physique.

A little bit of starlight flickered in his dark pupils, Chu Qianyuan suddenly stretched out his hand and put his five fingers together.

The resentment floating behind Di Junlin was instantly taken into her hands.

He was attacked by a strange energy for a time, and all dissipated.


Di Junlin looked at the haggard face of the girl in his arms and didn't know how to speak for a while.

Suddenly my mind clears.

Something seemed to disappear from him.

Makes it feel very relaxed for a while.

The anger in his eyes dissipated a lot.

The level of indomitable will also suddenly began to beat.

He even raised a level on his own.

At this time.

Chu Qianyuan, who had just crushed those resentments, was slightly shocked.

A special energy poured out from between her eyebrows and rushed towards her heart.

It made her heart beat twice as fast.

【What should I say? You really should go. 】

[Time is tight, there are only ten days, and all the origin points must be collected! 】

[With shallow luck, I should be able to draw good things for myself! 】

[Use all the remaining lottery cards. 】

A familiar voice resounded in Chu Qianyuan's heart.

She looked at her big brother with a bit of surprise at the way she didn't want to say anything.

What did you just hear?

Big brother obviously didn't speak, right?

Don't these voices...

Is it all what big brother thinks?

I can actually sense the thoughts in my big brother's mind?

"Brother, I'm fine."

"I believe you will restore me."

"Go ahead."

Chu Qianyuan temporarily suppressed the thoughts in her mind and said to Di Junlin who didn't know how to speak.


Di Junlin was slightly startled.

Qianyuan she knew I was leaving?


Didn't wait for Di Junlin to think about it.

With a peaceful smile on Chu Qianyuan's face, she gently broke free from Di Junlin's embrace.

Take Di Junlin's right hand and place it on his head.

Her beautiful eyes opened slightly, and she looked up at Di Junlin quietly.

"Brother, I am the Emperor of Europe."

"I'll give you a little luck, you will definitely go well this time."

"I'll wait for you to come back."

As Chu Qianyuan was speaking, she shook her head gently, letting Di Junlin's big hand rub her long black and soft hair.

"Shallow edge, I..."

Di Junlin looked at Chu Qianyuan's delicate face and suddenly understood something.

Could it be that this is the legendary Shuangtong?

Does she know everything?

What am I being hypocritical about?


"Synthesize all the remaining lottery cards!"

Di Junlin took the initiative to rub Chu Qianyuan's little head and looked at Chu Qianyuan's sweet smile.

He closed his eyes suddenly.

No more hesitation, directly synthesize all the draw cards to prepare for the draw.

[Ding, start synthesizing lottery cards! 】

[Ding, the number of low-level lottery cards detected by Host is extremely large, and will be directly leapfrogged to synthesize higher-level lottery cards! 】

[Ding, from now on, if you kill a creature below the Celestial Realm cultivation level, you will no longer get a lottery card! 】

【Drawing cards are being synthesized...】


[The lottery cards are all synthesized! 】

[Congratulations to Host for getting Hou-level lottery card X8, king-level lottery card X7, and emperor-level lottery card X6! 】

"All the draws! Including three god-level draw cards!"

Di Junlin glanced at the system messages.

Looking at the system prompt that kills the creature below the Celestial Realm cultivation base and no longer obtains the lottery card, I can't help frowning.

Is this system unplayable?

Accumulated, this road has been blocked for me?

Originally, I wanted to divide several energy clones to slaughter those low-level evil spirits.

It can be saved now.

Looking down at Qianyuan, he saw that he was still sitting obediently.

Di Junlin's heart warmed.

Look at the system prompt that pops up next.

[Ding, the god-level lottery card is successfully used! 】

[The world of the heavens is locked, start drawing...]

[Ding, congratulations to Host for obtaining the best pupil technique Susanoo! 】

[Ding, congratulations to Host for obtaining the best god-level Awakening Stone! 】

[Ding, congratulations to the Host for obtaining the best god-level open source cone! 】


[Ding, the royal lucky draw card starts to be used! 】

[Ding, congratulations to the Host for getting the mysterious ancient fragment·Tian X1! 】

[Ding, congratulations to the Host for getting the best royal rank Huiyuan Pearl! 】

[Ding, congratulations to the Host for getting the top-ranked Aoki Dragon Ball! 】

[Ding, congratulations to the Host for obtaining the top-ranked emperor-Shen Shen Yuan pillow! 】


[Ding, congratulations to the Host for getting...]

Dozens of lottery messages jumped in a row.

Di Junlin looked at the flickering items in the system space.

His body trembled slightly, and his heart was full of excitement.

At the same time, there was a trace of melancholy.

Knew it.

The lottery still has to rely on shallow margins.

A wave of down, not one is not the best!

Especially those few god-level best products!

Powerful pupil art from the world of Hokage Susanoo!

There are also god-level best awakening stones and open source stones!

Eye Technique · Susa: It can consume a lot of Yuan force and soul power to summon Susa. All the equipment on Susa's body is controlled by the summoner, and Susa's strength depends on the summoner himself! The summoned Susa can fight independently, or it can be blessed by the summoned one.

(System remarks: This is a powerful pupil technique from the world of Hokage. All usage restrictions have been lifted. It can be used for spiritual attacks. The more energy and soul power consumed, the stronger Susa will be!)

Awakening Stone: A special item from a mysterious place, which can be used to stimulate human physique, awaken the hidden power of origin, and awaken more powerful power.

(System note: The usage conditions of the Awakening Stone are special, please use it at the critical point to trigger your true power!)

God-level top-quality open-source stone: a special item from the mysterious land, which can be used to unlock a new source power, and at the same time allow one to perfectly control this power, but it requires a special medium to use it!

(System remarks: This is the legendary stone that countless creatures dream of. It carries a powerful power of open source. Please use it with caution!)

Di Junlin takes a quick look at the profiles of these items.

His pupils shrank suddenly, and a look of shock flashed in his eyes.

The things I just got in the lottery seem to have a special effect.

Especially the Awakening Stone.

The moment he saw the Awakening Stone, the imprint of the Prison Blood Demon Tree in the palm of his right hand began to agitate.

It seems that he wants to swallow this Awakening Stone immediately.

However, Di Junlin was the first to suppress the agitation of the Prison Blood Demon Tree.

He can feel it.

The current self cannot use this Awakening Stone yet.

Strength is not enough!


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