Gao Wu: Beginning With A Chaotic Body, Becoming A Blood Demon God In Prison

Chapter 209 Are We Going To Be Muscular Men? (Picture)

It's not over yet!

After the evil body of "Yan Hei" was controlled by the fallen god.

Everywhere in the body was transformed by divine power.

Muscles, bones, cells, soul...

With the passage of time, qualitative changes have already taken place.

Every inch of skin is accompanied by a touch of divine power, and many beliefs are integrated into it.

The blood energy contained in his body is almost ten times more than that of normal nightmare-level evil spirits!

For Di Junlin, it's an incredibly powerful boost.

Like a rocket, his cultivation base is rapidly improving!

Quickly rush to the cultivation base of the early stage of the Nine Stars of the Weather Realm.

flooded with enormous energy.

Not a single moment stopped.

Still climbing!

In an instant.

It has reached the late stage of the Nine Stars of the Weather Realm!

Di Junlin's breath paused slightly.

Suddenly rushing to the weather realm, nine stars are consummated!

At this moment, the Yuanli River in Dantian has completely turned into a vast ocean of Yuanli.

There are various lights in the ocean of Yuanli.

It is interspersed with gray chaotic airflow, which circulates continuously.

The perfect fusion of the power of various attributes.

Di Junlin's current gray elemental force can almost be called chaotic elemental force.

After all, this chaotic elemental force is like chaos.

Tunna embraces everything.

The chaotic elemental force is flooded with the energy left by "Yan Hei".

It is still skyrocketing, constantly raising the upper limit of Yuan Li.

Yuan Lihai continues to expand towards the surrounding area, and continues to develop!

Completely reached the limit of the nine-star realm of the weather realm.

"Extreme Realm!"

"I am coming!"

Di Junlin's pupils flickered sharply.

As the energy in the body increased, five blood-red chain phantoms appeared on the dantian.

The boiling Yuan Li ocean condensed a chaotic Yuan Qi column.

Rush towards these five blood-red chains!

Under the fusion of the huge chaotic force.

The five pole shackles that just emerged were solidified in an instant!

There are many unknown runes inlaid on these five pole shackles, as well as various strange patterns.

Compared with the shackles condensed by Tianzun, Tianling, Tianxing, and Chujue's extreme realm, it appears to be stronger.

It seems to have a special energy.

It can be immune to the invasion of most of the yuan force, so that the entire dantian is firmly locked.

A powerful force was blocked, and a terrifying aura radiated out.

Let Di Junlin's breath rise again.

To the extreme!

A blood-red cyclone circled around him.

The power that swept the sky and the earth frantically poured into Di Junlin's chaotic body.

His cultivation will break through!

Reach the ten-star extreme realm of the weather realm!

Ten blood-red stars circled around the Prison Blood Demon Tree behind Di Junlin.

Two brand-new skill imprints light up on the trunk of the Prison Blood Demon Tree.

There is also a touch of magic power pouring out from these two brand-new skill imprints.

It made the original blood-red Prison Blood Demon Tree look extremely magical.

It seems that this is the true state of the Prison Blood Demon Tree!


The Hell Blood Demon Tree is still quickly swallowing the blood gas light group at the bottom.

After Di Junlin broke through to ten stars in the weather realm, his breath did not stagnate but continued to grow.

Only one tenth of the blood energy left by "Yan Hei" remained.

This one-tenth of the energy, with the help of Xue Li.

There was not a trace of waste, and it all melted into his body.

So that Di Junlin's cultivation level can reach the ten-star limit of the weather realm!

There is only one step away from the realm of heaven.

But it's a step away, for others.

Almost like a moat.

at this time.

The transformation progress of Di Junlin's chaotic origin mood is also stagnant at 72%!

The continuous transformation of the chaotic trend has prompted the birth of Di Junlin's own mighty power.

Not only has his chaotic body been strengthened, but the biggest change is the soul space!

The essence of the power of artistic conception is actually the means at the spiritual level.

It is the bridge of soul transformation.

With the condensing of the original artistic conception, Di Junlin's soul space has almost expanded dozens of times.

Soul power has become like a river, no longer erratic but can be used to launch offensives.

The strength of the soul space also means that the soul becomes stronger.

This makes Di Junlin feel that his mind has become very agile.

It's like being in a state of enlightenment.

Always stay awake.

"This is the extreme weather?"

"My soul seems to have undergone a huge transformation under the tempering of the power of heaven and earth?"

"Even your talent and understanding are much stronger?"

Di Junlin felt his state carefully.

There is endless power coming from all over the body, compared to the previous self.

Now he seems to be able to easily crush three?

The 140,000 ancient giant elephants condensed in his body, which made him go further and further on the road of "big muscle tyrant".

"Why do you like to kill others with your hands more and more now?"

Di Junlin felt something was wrong with him right now.

We are handsome and handsome men who walk the world with swords, how did we become muscular men?

"The Chaos Divine Body has broken through to the thirty-eighth floor, and there seems to be a sign of a breakthrough in the Divine Elephant Suppression Realm?"

"The ancient giant elephant is transforming towards the ancient dragon elephant?"

Di Junlin adapts to control himself as soon as possible, and at the same time urges the trend of chaos to continue to transform towards the original artistic conception.

If you want to break through the realm of the king, comprehension of the original artistic conception is the first condition.

And the chaotic trend he controls, once it is completely transformed into the original artistic conception.

Then his strength will be greatly increased.


There was a constant roar from below.

The blood-red Thunder Tyrannosaurus condensed by Di Junlin raised his sturdy giant palm to directly smash the evil spirits that appeared in front of him.

Between the gestures, the arc of thunder flashed.

Dozens of charred evil bodies appear every second.

But the evil under Bregdwinter seems to be endless.

It poured out continuously from the dark jungle.

"Why haven't these evil spirits given up?"

Di Junlin was about to check the system information when he felt the heat coming from the Prison Blood Demon Tree in his palm.

He couldn't help but restrain his mind and looked under the side wall of Bregd Winter.

Suddenly, the whole space became extremely silent.

Under the winter border wall of Bragg, the blood-red Thunder Tyrannosaurus and the evil are still fighting.

But the noisy voice was getting farther and farther away from him.

As if isolated by space.

Invisible pressure emerged in Di Junlin's heart.

Made him unable to breathe for a while.


"Who! Get out of here!"

Di Junlin's ancient eyes opened again, and his sharp sword-like gaze swept around.

Bright golden light lit up in the soul space, and the unyielding will played a role.

It has transformed two-thirds of the rudimentary form of the chaotic origin and also played a powerful role.

Under the surge of soul power.

Cover yourself.

Prevent other existing moods from affecting you.


Amidst the silence, the sound of breaking wind suddenly sounded.

An evil black sword tip suddenly appeared above Di Junlin's head.

Ling Lie's incomparable sword energy erupted beside him.

An evil sword intent emerged, poking at the rudimentary chaotic mood shrouded around Di Junlin.

The evil soul power and Di Junlin's soul power suddenly collided in the air.


(PS: Thank you again for the big guys who have been seeing here all the time, you are definitely true love!!! Author Jun, although I am busy with work and slow in coding, but I have never broken since the book was opened! Character guarantee!!)

(In addition, please send the free gifts refreshed every day to the poor author~ I beg~)

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