Gao Wu: Beginning With A Chaotic Body, Becoming A Blood Demon God In Prison

Chapter 207 Starry Sky Hand Cannon! God Of Destruction

"Yan Hei" changed his face when he heard the voice from behind.

He didn't expect Di Junlin to be able to move in space!

"This is???"

"Yan Hei" actually felt a terrifying threat from behind.

Let him, the former god, feel the danger of death once again.

So close to him!


Di Junlin's icy voice sounded again.

The hand cannon in his hand became brighter.

After a few seconds of gaining momentum.

The bright starlight exudes strong energy fluctuations in the muzzle of the small interstellar hand cannon.

The entire body of the hand cannon was extremely hot.

Di Junlin has just completed the blood flash, and the remaining energy in the body is all input into it at this moment.

The sinister right arm's ghost hand bursts with blue veins, and pulls the trigger fiercely!

The silver-gray gun body seemed to be unable to withstand the powerful energy, and gaps appeared.

A group of light like a scorching sun shot out from the muzzle of the small interstellar hand cannon.

The target is firmly locked on the "Yan Hei" in front of him!


The cannon of the small starry sky hand cannon in Di Junlin's hand emitted with this energy light group.

It seems to have completed its own mission and then shattered.

The bright starlight engulfed all the light in the entire space.

The "Yan Hei" that was close at hand was instantly engulfed.

"Starry Sky Hand Cannon???"

"In the barren star field, how can you get the products of the technology alliance star field??"

"It's still this weather taboo item called a must-killer!"

"Yan Hei"'s expression changed again and again like a marquee.

Although the Starry Sky Hand Cannon is a one-time consumable, it can gain momentum after a period of time.

Unleash terrifying power.

It is the product of those humans in the world of the Science and Technology Alliance, specially developed to deal with the world of cultivation.

But if this hand cannon falls into the hands of practitioners, it will become even more terrifying.

Therefore, production was stopped, and it was listed as one of the taboo items in the waiting list.

After Di Junlin's body energy blessing.

The starry sky hand cannon that was originally capable of exerting the full power of the Nine Stars of the Weather Realm.

The power of this cannon has already reached the level of six stars in the realm of heaven, or even seven stars in the realm of heaven!

"Yan Hei" was just trying to fend off Di Junlin's attack.

A lot of divine power was consumed to condense the divine shield and divine light shield.

After a flash.

The divine power in the body at this moment was just as Di Junlin expected.

almost dry.

And the evil black bear he devoured could not resist Di Junlin's powerful power.

A god who has lost his divine power is simply a target to be beaten.

"Yan Hei" was full of unwillingness in his eyes.

No longer block the space here, but quickly take back the field that you cast.

He will use the power of the broken domain.

Stop Di Junlin's hand cannon!


"A god without divine power is even worse than an ordinary evil spirit!"

"Look at what this is?"

A thin layer of white crystals appeared on Di Junlin's forehead.

A pure power of faith condensed around him, transformed by the white crystals on his forehead.

It actually condensed into the same divine power as "Yan Hei" in the body.

More importantly, in this divine power, there is still the imprint of the divine spirit in front of "Yan Hei".

The magic sword Alyphis was suspended beside Di Junlin.

That touch of divine power suddenly burned.

Fall into an empty space.

"The crystal of my faith???"

"My divine power??"

"My Spiritual Mind brand? Is it gone?"

"No! My domain!"

"Yan Hei" could no longer maintain the power of the pupil, and he could only see a familiar power passing through the air.

The realm that he was desperately trying to recover suddenly lost contact at this moment.

A blood-colored light curtain descended from the sky.

Directly engulfing his broken source domain.

The phantom of a blood-colored giant tree condensed in the air, frantically swallowing the power of the source domain of "Yan Hei".

Treating its source realm as food, countless roots are stabbed into it.

Start getting nutrients.

"Yan Hei"'s body shook suddenly.

His mind became extremely chaotic, and the pain from his soul swept through his body.

A hot and bright starlight engulfed the flesh of "Yan Hei" at this moment.

The tyrannical energy burst out suddenly, melting the flesh and blood of "Yan Hei" in an instant.

Muscles, bones, flesh and blood all evaporated.

The vitality in "Yan Hei" was suddenly cut off.

Only the broken soul that once served as a god flew out of the flesh.

The soul condensed into a thin figure, and glanced at Di Junlin with a resentful look.

Start running away in the other direction.


"Can you go?"

"Destroy the divine light!"

Di Junlin's ancient heavy pupil has always locked the breath of "Yan Hei".

I saw the soul body of "Yan Hei" flying out of its flesh.

The golden-yellow ancient heavy pupils, which had already been lit up, suddenly shot out a small beam of light full of destructive power.

An ancient heavy pupil who was promoted to the tenth floor in the Divine Refinement Space.

There has indeed been a huge transformation!

This divine light of destruction is the terrifying ability that emerges after reaching the tenth floor.

Under the eyes!

All destruction!

When Di Junlin opened his eyes, the divine light of destruction shot out involuntarily directly penetrated the divine refining space!

And now!

Destroy the beam of light represented by the divine light, come first!

Suddenly the broken soul of "Yan Hei" was enveloped!

The divine light of destruction, which was countless times more terrifying than the power of death, erupted above the mutilated divine soul of "Yan Hei".

All things end!

for destruction!


"My other spirits! Will return sooner or later!"

"You will surely die!"



The supreme destruction contained in the divine light of destruction suddenly erupted.

The broken soul of "Yan Hei" only had time to let out a cry.

He was completely annihilated by Di Junlin's Destruction Light!

No more traces left!

"Finally dead?"

Di Junlin's four pupils opened slightly, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that "Yan Hei" had completely disappeared.

An incomparably strong sense of weakness emerged from all over his body.

In order to urge the ancient heavy pupil to condense this divine light of destruction, he consumed all the energy stored in the blood-colored energy ball in Dantian.

It even consumes all the energy converted from Xue Li in one time.

This Destruction Divine Light is not at all the power that he can easily use at present.

If the ancient heavy pupil recovers on its own, it will take at least a month to condense a divine light of destruction.

In order to kill this god from nowhere, he has exhausted all his cards.

At this time.

Several system prompts suddenly sounded in my ears!

[Ding, it is detected that the host's innate origin tree is self-devouring the broken origin domain of unknown attributes! 】

【warn! warn! This source realm cannot be merged with the Chaos Divine Body! 】

[Please make your own choice for the host! 】

[1. Forcibly integrate the broken origin domain and condense it into its own origin domain in advance, the result is unknown! 】

[Second, the system assists the innate source tree to completely decompose the broken source domain and transform it into the source domain energy to support the transformation process of the host's source mood! 】

[Three, directly smash the broken source domain, use it to strengthen the physical body, and it is expected to raise the three layers of the Chaos Divine Body! 】


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