The power of the ninth-order chaos is madly sucking the power of heaven and earth.

quickly gathered in his hands.

The bloody magic sword in Di Junlin's pupils suddenly appeared in front of him.

And at the front of his left hand, dozens of low-level evil spirits gathered in the weather realm.

The magic blood sword made a buzzing sound in the air, as if feeling the stimulation of blood.

Turned into a huge blood light.

It suddenly cut off the heads of dozens of low-level evil spirits in the weather realm!


Di Junlin's voice was like death whispering in their ears.

The blood devoured by Soul Eater poured out in a more violent manner at the same moment.

It erupted with the Demon Blood Sword.

The dozens of evil spirits controlled by Soul Eater watched the blood swords fall from the top of their heads.

Scarlet blood swelled up and shrouded their evil bodies, like death descending.

The threat of death rattled in their hearts.

next second.

The evil body was divided into two by the blood sword of the demon pattern, and the violent blood could burst!

The vitality in their bodies was suddenly annihilated.

All perish!

at this time.

Those dozen or so of the Nine Stars of the Weather Realm, the perfection realm, are evil, and the power of heaven and earth gathered together is connected with the power of chaos in Di Junlin!

Different lights of different colors are blazing in the air.

The power of heaven and earth of different origin attributes began to gather the power of heaven and earth of Blue Star.

Collision in a more exotic way.


"Damn you!"

Seeing this, the dozen or so Nine Stars of the Weather Realm Perfect Realm couldn't help but let out a long howl.

In their eyes, a human being!

How could it be possible to stop the "potential" formed by so many nightmare-level existences!

I am afraid that in an instant, the "potential" of this human being can begin to collapse.

Once the "potential" of human cohesion collapses.

The body will suffer severe backlash.

By the time!

This human can only be captured.

All his secrets will become theirs!


"What do you daydream about in broad daylight?"


Di Junlin sneered.

The Chaos above his head suddenly lit up with gray light.

The power of the five elements, the power of death, the power of thunder, the power of light, and the power of blood prison are all in motion!

It can be called the ten powerful "power" forces of the ninth rank of the first grade alone!

Convergence of Chaos!


Where is the "crooked melon and cracked jujube" that the dozen or so weather-level nine-star perfection realm evil comprehension can contend?

Ten different brilliance shines, instantly controlling all the power of heaven and earth between heaven and earth.

Losing energy can only be the evil of heaven and earth.

Immediately wrapped in chaos.

The power of the five elements is the first column, and the power of the other five worlds gathers the power of the five elements.

Instantly decompose the evil spirits of the more than ten nine-star perfection realm in the weather realm!

Not only that!

The potential of the Five Elements will also block all the broken "potential" energy after decomposition.

The blood prison force is like a robber, swallowing these "potentials" into the mouth.

[Ding, the chaotic force devours the fragments of the heaven and earth, and the transformation progress of the original mood increases by 0.05%! 】

[Ding, the chaotic force devours the fragments of the heaven and earth, and the transformation progress of the original mood increases by 0.03%! 】


The system beep suddenly sounded.


"good stuff?"

A light flashed in Di Junlin's pupils.

But his movements were not slow at all.

The chaotic trend expanded again in the air, wrapping all the fragments of the evil spirit of heaven and earth of the nine-star perfection realm of the ten weather conditions.

Begin to quickly decompose and devour, and convert it into its own energy.

Accelerate the transformation of chaos towards artistic conception.

"You guys still have a little use value!"

"But that's all!"

"Blood Rage!"

Di Junlin felt that the chaotic force engulfed the dozen or so fragments of the evil spirit of heaven and earth in the perfect state of the nine stars in the weather state.

The violent suffocating energy on his body was no longer restrained, and it suddenly covered these dozen or so evil bodies of the nine-star perfection realm in the weather realm.

The blood in the whole body began to be violent.

The blood in the veins is like a high-pressure water gun bursting with a rolling sound.

Raised to level 47, Blood Rage almost tripled Di Junlin's strength!

In addition, Di Junlin has already reached the perfect cultivation level of the seven stars in the weather realm.

The terrifying aura that erupted actually made the dozen or so celestial bodies of the nine-star perfection realm tremble.

A death threat that they had not felt for a long time exploded in their hearts.

They forcibly cheered up and escaped from the backlash caused by the shattering of heaven and earth.

One by one turned into its original form, and a huge evil body appeared in the air.

A strong evil spirit fills the space.

Before they could attack.

A murderous voice sounded.

"Blood Prison Extreme Swordsmanship!"

Di Junlin's left hand condensed a blood sword, and the magic sword Ariffith clenched in his right hand lifted up.

The hands swayed rapidly in the air, like a phantom.

Thousands of blood-red sword lights suddenly burst out, under the vision of the ancient Chongtong.

It fell to the weak point of the evil body of the dozen or so weather-level nine-star perfection realm.

The dozen or so of the nine-star perfection realm in the weather realm were evil, and their eyes were covered by a rich blood light.


"Get out of here!"

Several of the evil spirits lit up with evil lights, trying to use their innate abilities to leave the space shrouded in blood.

Available in the next second.

Severe pain came from all over the body.

The pain made them suddenly widen their eyes.

The powerful bodies they are proud of are under the hands of the magic sword, Alyphis, who has unlocked the four layers of the original seal.

Like a thin layer of paper.

It was easily cut and cracked, and the limbs were separated from the limbs.

Hot blood splattered in the air.

The vitality was swallowed up by the magic sword Alyphis.

Thunder roared in the air, and rolling thunder fell from the sky out of thin air.

Dispel the evil energy on their evil bodies.

All perish!

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully killing the Nine Stars of the Weathering Realm, and obtaining a lottery card, 3,635 origin points! 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully killing the nine-star perfect evil night bat in the weather realm, and obtaining a waiting-level lottery card with 3,635 origin points! 】


[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully killing the nine-star consummation evil mail squirrel in the weather realm, and obtaining a waiting-level lottery card with 3,635 origin points! 】

Countless system prompts start to refresh.

The frantic ding ding sound in his mind was directly blocked by Di Junlin.

Dozens of huge blood-qi light groups emerged above the dozens of nightmare-level evil bodies.

Under Di Junlin's ascended to the tenth floor.

He has understood the essence of these blood gas light clusters.

These **** light clusters are actually one of his original abilities.

The reason why the Hell Blood Demon God is called the Hell Blood Demon God.

Its profound meaning is to fight with blood, and the more you fight, the stronger you become!

Absorbing the blood energy of others is the unique power of the Hell Blood Demon God.

Five blood-colored swirls appeared beside Di Junlin.

Devoured the blood-colored light group that appeared in mid-air.

The god-like prison-suppressing force began to operate, and the blood in the blood vessels made a thunderous sound.


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