Gao Wu: Beginning With A Chaotic Body, Becoming A Blood Demon God In Prison

Chapter 198 The Teleportation Array Is Broken, You Killed Them

"It's finally out."

"Empty Spirit, destroy this teleportation array immediately!"

A slightly embarrassed figure fell at a distance of only two kilometers from the Bregdon settlement.

The space gap behind him is disappearing quickly.

"Okay, master."

A loli figure shrouded in white light appeared behind Di Junlin.

The powerful space origin power penetrates the space cracks.

The Divine Refinement Space Teleportation Array was hidden in the space cracks, and it was immediately chaotic under the impact of this powerful space energy.

The teleportation array that was about to be closed made a soft sound.

The space is constantly up and down.

The originally smooth spatial dimensions began to wrinkle.

Under the squeeze of force, the spatial coordinates are chaotic, and the heaven and earth element force is violent.

It exploded like an inflated balloon.

The teleportation array in the Divine Refinement Space shattered with a bang.

"Nice job!"

Di Junlin likes it.

Ethereal is like the darling of space, growing with the time of birth.

The manipulation of space power is becoming more and more proficient.

What excites him is that the comprehension progress bar in his system panel jumps slightly.

Has his progress in comprehending the trend of space finally reached 0.1%?



"You finally came out!"

"Hand over everything you got from it!"

An ecstatic laughter rang in Di Junlin's ears.

The prototype of the evil explosion black bear transformed by Yan Hei, the evil body dozens of meters high appeared in the sky above the winter side wall of Brugge.

A huge black shadow shrouded the Australian human warriors who had lost any fighting ability in the potholes.

The terrifying momentum made the incomparably strong city walls tremble constantly.

The rubble crumbled all over the place.

In the Bregdon settlement, there are countless unarmed ordinary Australians who are holding on to the side wall.

Throw them at random on the edge of the city walls.

Human wailing and desperate roar filled the sky above the entire Bregdon settlement.

"This is?"

Seeing that the teleportation array in Shenlian Space was destroyed by Ethereal.

Di Junlin wasn't relieved yet.

Suddenly I heard a familiar voice behind me.

He turned around suddenly, and at the same time felt countless evil breaths.

See the scene inside the Bregdon settlement.

His face changed suddenly, and anger burned in his dark red pupils.

At this moment, Breguet has become a scene of purgatory on earth.

Human and evil blood stained most of the area.

There are broken arms everywhere.

The buildings in the city were completely destroyed.

Many women and children sat helplessly on the ruins, their eyes dull and hopeless.

"Evil invading human cities?"

"Breaking all the human warriors in it, but not killing them?"

"Instead, they gathered together?"

"Is this waiting for me to show up?"

Several thoughts flashed through Di Junlin's mind.

See the three familiar "good brothers", the Evil Exploding Black Bear, the Evil Shadow Black Panther, and the Spirit-Swallowing White Tiger.

In addition to the words of the evil black bear just now, he immediately understood the purpose of these evil spirits.

Moreover, this evil burst black must have entered the Divine Refinement space.

He also passed the test of the general level of God.

Otherwise, it will not wait for the rabbit at the exit of the Divine Refinement Space.

This evil spirit wants to obtain crystals of divine will and crystals of faith from him?

for these things!

Directly lead the evil clan to capture this human settlement, and use the lives of hundreds of thousands of Australians to force me to submit?

"They are courting death!"

Di Junlin's eyes narrowed slightly, a dangerous glint between his eyes.

The magic sword Alyphis appeared in his hands. The majestic blood in the body like a wild dragon began to boil.

In the dantian, which is still undergoing constant transformation, the gray Yuan force that has almost turned into an ocean flows wildly along the meridians.

The brand of the Prison Blood Demon Tree in the palm of his hand is even more excited and flickering.

The perfect breath of the seven stars in the weather realm poured out unreservedly.

They headed towards Yan Hei, Yinghu, and Tun Hu, who were shrouded in nightmare-level evil spirits with nine stars in the weather realm.

"Humans, capture immediately!"

"We can consider letting these humans go!"

"You should know how to do it."

Yan Hei's huge body stood above the Bregdon settlement.

It made a sound like a Hong bell beating a drum.

The giant bear's eyes, twice the size of a watermelon, narrowed slightly.

A look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, this human being in that secret realm has raised the cultivation base to the seven-star perfection in the weather realm?

It seems that this human has absorbed all the crystals of faith and divine will before leaving.


He can only die!

The killing intent in Yan Hei's heart suddenly increased sharply.

However, there was no change on the surface, and there was even a strong playful look in his eyes.

Seems to be waiting for Di Junlin's next choice.

If you want to save the human beings they control, what will this person do?

"Yan Hei, let them all go."

"I can spare your life! Otherwise you will all die!"

Di Junlin returned what Yan Hei had said.

He held the hilt of the magic sword Alyphis with one hand, and looked at the eyes of those human beings who were eager to survive under the winter side wall of Bragg.

Silently closed his eyes.

When it opened again, a pair of noble golden pupils appeared beside the dark red pupils.

His sharp eyes swept across the dozens of nine stars in the weather realm in the winter sky of Brugge.

Full of killing intent and anger!

Catch up? What are you kidding?

If you dare to kill my human race, then all of you must be buried with them!

"Jie Jie Jie..."

"Yan Hei, is this human crazy?"

"He doesn't seem to be a human from Yangzhou? Why does this complexion look like a human from Daxia?"

"You brought us to break through this human city for this human being?"

"What's in him worth doing? Should it be shared with us?"

The eyes of many evil spirits beside Yan Hei showed greed.

Yinghu and Tun Huan showed a sneer when they saw this, and silently hid in the crowd.

Especially Swallow.

The moment he met Di Junlin, he felt like he was being choked by fate.

The sense of crisis of death is getting stronger.

There is definitely something wrong with this human being in front of him.

He trusted his intuition and talent.

Time to find a chance to leave.

"Hehe, let's catch this human alive first!"

"If you want to know what secrets he has, go and arrest him!"

Yan Hei showed a sinister smile, and the bear face full of black hair looked a bit funny.

No evil spirit cared about Di Junlin's threat.

Even contempt for this human being who is only in the perfect realm of the seven stars in the weather realm.

How difficult can it be to capture this human being?

"Di Junlin, since you don't want to take it easy."

"Then these humans below should be damned!"

"Remember, you killed them!"

Yan Hei, like the other evil spirits, didn't care about Di Junlin's threat.

Even those ordinary evil spirits who directly commanded their subordinates began to devour the human beings under the stronger Bregdon!


"A group of demons, the Lord will definitely punish you!"

"You must go to hell!"


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