Fortunately, the area of ​​the entire floating island is huge.

The number of ghosts is even more numerous.

I don't know how many god servants have fallen.

The ghosts on the entire floating island, as long as they sense the breath of Di Junlin.

It would rush towards him frantically.

Go ahead!

No hesitation!

Di Junlin is like a magnet, attracting these ghosts.

On the entire floating island, there are the most ghosts containing the power of the basic five elements.

Other attribute power ghosts are relatively less than half.

The blue light surrounding Di Junlin's body became more and more intense.

A colorful cloud appeared above his head, in which the power of the five elements circulated.

There is also an indelible black line hiding behind the colorful clouds.

The system message refreshes the screen.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully comprehending the power of gold, the power of gold, the power of wood, the power of fire, the power of water, the power of earth, the power of darkness... Current control progress: 40%! 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully comprehending the power of gold, the power of gold, the power of wood, the power of fire, the power of water, the power of earth, the power of darkness... Current control progress: 50%! 】


When the control progress of the five basic sources of power has all reached 50%.

The progress of the Dark Force was completely stagnant.

The ghosts carrying dark attributes are completely emptied.

But the other five worlds of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth are growing more rapidly.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully comprehending the power of gold, the power of gold, the power of wood, the power of fire, the power of water, the power of earth... Current control progress: 65%! 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully comprehending the power of gold, the power of gold, the power of wood, the power of fire, the power of water, the power of earth... Current control progress: 75%! 】


Just half an hour.

The ghosts on the entire floating island!

Get devoured by Di Junlin!

The last system prompt sounds.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully comprehending the power of gold, the power of gold, the power of wood, the power of fire, the power of water, the power of earth... Current control progress: 85%! 】

Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, the control of these five forces of heaven and earth all stayed at eighty-five percent.

The sharpness of gold, the vitality of wood, the moisturization of water, the heat of fire, and the mellowness of earth!

Five different forces hovered around Di Junlin.

[Ding, it is detected that the host's comprehension of the world has entered a critical state! 】

[The fourth regulation of the universal auxiliary upgrade template is implemented, and you can use the auxiliary items in the system space that are beneficial to the host's cultivation! 】

A mysterious force burst out from the back of Di Junlin's mind again.

System space is open.

Among them, a porcelain bottle of medicinal herbs, which had accumulated dust for a long time, opened the mouth of the bottle by itself.

The elixir full of spiritual light rushed out from it, as if carrying its own wisdom, trying to escape from control.


Wangjie, the best Taoist enlightenment pill!

But before the elixir could escape, an invisible big hand shoved it directly into Di Junlin's mouth.

It melts in your mouth!

The powerful medicinal power spreads instantly.

A light flashed in Di Junlin's mind.

A series of insights about the power of the five elements suddenly came to my mind, which was even more subtle than the insights gained from swallowing ghosts.

His hands began to wiggle subconsciously.

Metal, wood, water, fire, earth, five different powers are surrounded by his hands.

Like a toy, it is manipulated to change constantly.

"The five elements mentioned in the previous life, the most concise summary is that the five elements generate and restrain each other!"

"The Five Elements produce each other: Metal produces water, water produces wood, wood produces fire, fire produces earth, and earth produces metal!"

"On the contrary: Metal overcomes wood, wood overcomes soil, soil overcomes water, water overcomes fire, and fire overcomes metal!"

Di Junlin murmured.

The power of the five origins in the hand merged in an instant!

Metal, wood, water, fire, and soil are completely integrated and become one!

Intertwined and intertwined with each other, the power of different attributes was perfectly integrated in his hands.

A terrifying aura filled his body.

My heart's understanding of the power of the five elements is even higher!

Almost to the top!

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully comprehending the power of gold, the power of gold, the power of wood, the power of fire, the power of water, the power of earth... Current control progress: 100%! 】

A crisp system prompt sounded again!


A small beep.

Di Junlin's chaotic body glows golden at this moment!

The rays of light of Shenxi suddenly appeared, and hundreds of chains of order vibrated in his ears.

Under the illumination of golden light, a powerful force constantly emerged and filled his body.

[Ding, congratulations to the host's chaotic body that has been increased by the power of the five elements, and the power of the source has greatly increased! 】

[The Chaos Divine Body has broken through to the 22nd floor (1W/100W)! 】

[The Chaos Divine Body has broken through to the twenty-fifth floor (1W/180W)! 】


[Chaos Divine Body breaks through to the thirtieth floor (1W/300W)! 】

The system prompt sound, which had not stopped for a long time, rang frantically again.

The power of the five elements that had just been mastered was surrounding Di Junlin.

A large amount of pure faith power remaining on the entire floating island was swallowed up by the Prison Blood Demon Tree!

Transform into pure five-element energy and infuse Di Junlin's chaotic body.


The excited cry of the ancient giant elephant exploded in Di Junlin's heart.

With the continuous improvement of the Chaos Divine Body, break through the limit! !

A large number of physical particles began to transform into ancient giant elephants.

Raging power flooded Di Junlin's body and began to ascend frantically.

Sixty-eight thousand three hundred... Sixty-eight thousand four hundred...

Sixty-nine thousand one hundred... Sixty-nine thousand three hundred...

Until 71,000 ancient giant elephants coagulated in Di Junlin's body!

The golden light above the Chaos Divine Body became more and more dazzling.

Among the hundreds of chains of order that surrounded Di Junlin, there were more and more cracks in the chains.


A crisp crack sounded.

A wisp of gray air flowed out from his chaotic body.

Di Junlin's consciousness was swallowed by an irresistible suction.

This suction woke him up from his enlightened state.

"here is?"

The environment in front of you changes.

The familiar Chaos Origin Hall appeared in front of Di Junlin's eyes.

Five groups of different colors of the source light group flew out directly from this ancient palace.

Charged straight towards Di Junlin.

Echoes with the five elements on him!

As if attracted to each other.

Gold, red, blue, green, yellow!

The five source light clusters shone in the air and suddenly fell!

Unencumbered in the slightest, it merges directly into Di Junlin's Chaos body.

Following his meridians, it was transformed into imprints of different shapes and entered into his dantian.

Stand side by side with the imprint of the origin of thunder and the imprint of the source of light!

The most basic source power of the five paths, exuding its own power, began to merge with Di Junlin's gray Yuan force.

Yuanli Jianghe began to riot, and wisps of gray airflow emerged.

Start to accommodate the power of the five elements a little bit!

[Ding, the chaotic body is undergoing transformation, and the origin of the five elements is blending! 】

[Ding, it is detected that the host is currently entering a breakthrough state! 】

[Universal auxiliary upgrade function continues to work! The fourth regulation continues! 】

At this time.

Several system beeps sounded softly.

The system space is opened by itself.

Another top-grade Enlightenment Pill appeared in Di Junlin's mouth.


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