A slightly embarrassed figure rolled out from the golden space vortex.

In front of him is an army of undead composed of countless skeletons and corpses.


A strong vibration resounded in Di Junlin's ears.

The gigantic Skeleton King sensed Di Junlin's breath.

Excited emotions circulated in his purple soul flame.

Let the entire undead army become more violent, and attack the floating island energy barrier with a more ferocious momentum.

"here is?"


Di Junlin looked at the surrounding environment with a puzzled expression, but was not frightened by the army of undead separated by a barrier.

Even he thinks these undead armies are a little cute?

Can't hit me anyway.


dead? There should be no blood in the body, right?

Sorry, you are not cute at all.

Those evil "big brothers" are the real brothers.

Especially the ones who just chased me down.

Absolutely true brother!

He must be hacked to death after a while.

"Wait? What am I doing?"

do not know why.

After entering this space, Di Junlin felt as if he had somehow awakened his funny attributes?

He shook his head vigorously, temporarily suppressing the distracting thoughts in his mind.

He looked around and began to observe where he was now.

Blue sky and white clouds?

Necronomicon skeletons plus zombies?


Am I in the sky?

What the hell is this place?

Di Junlin suddenly looked towards the inside of the floating island, and there were countless palaces standing in the entire floating island.

Every palace exudes an ancient atmosphere, most of which are in ruins.

There are only a few relatively intact palaces left with a faint divine light?

and many more?

divine light?

Why did this word pop into my head all of a sudden?

Di Junlin suddenly felt something was wrong.

It seems that an invisible force is affecting him.

He clearly remembered that he broke the chance token before entering here.

According to the function of chance token.

He should be considered to have entered the land of opportunity.

Why does it look weird here?

"Bang Bang!!"

The army of undead outside the energy barrier is still crashing against the barrier, and I don't know how long the energy of this floating island can last.

On this floating island, he did not feel a trace of heaven and earth vitality.

It's almost like the realm of forbidden magic.

Nothing but those palaces.


"Where have we been?"

"Why do I feel the fluctuation of the power of faith?"

"Are we in the land of the gods now?"

Ariffith's surprised voice resounded in Di Junlin's heart.

She tried to get out of the sword spirit space, but was blocked by an invisible force.

It made her even more sure!

This is the realm of the gods condensed by the power of faith, or the remnants of a dead god.

"The land of the gods??"

Di Junlin frowned.

How could Blue Star have such a place?

Should I sigh now, Blue Star is really amazing.

"Master, if you want to leave here, you can only pass the test left by this fallen god!"

"I can sense that those tests exist in the palace!"

Xue Li Ruannuo's voice suddenly sounded.

"There won't be any plots like taking a house, right?"

Hearing this, Di Junlin couldn't help but groaned.

I always feel that those gods are a bunch of old yin.

The one who is uneasy even after death, wouldn't it be a simple matter to leave some means to revive?

Xue Li said helplessly: "Master, what do you think?"

"This kind of god's realm used to be the place where this god servant was selected."

"I can decipher what happened here, but it's not complete."

"The undead army outside should be the enemy this god once encountered."

"Even if I die, I want to completely destroy this place."

Di Junlin pondered for a while, and praised with a surprised expression: "Xueli, awesome~"

Xue Li: "(⊙?⊙)?"

How do you feel that your master has become a jerk when he arrives here? ?

This land of gods seems to allow people to return to their own nature?

So the master was originally a joker?

This word seems to have come from the master?


Alyphis couldn't help but snorted coldly.


The owner absolutely loves loli!

Never complimented me, just too much!

What's so good about loli? If you really want to count the time, Xue Li must be at the level of an old witch.


"Okay, Alyphis."

"Don't be petty."

"Just like Xue Li, you are also my closest friend."

Di Junlin sensed Ariffith's dissatisfaction and comforted him.

Who said I only like loli.

Adults, I'll be fine.

Qianyuan, Lanlan, Yasu and the others...

and many more?

Why am I thinking about this? ? ?

A golden light suddenly lit up in Di Junlin's soul space.

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

The desire in the heart is constantly being aroused.

The body is unconsciously approaching the palace closest to him.


Di Junlin bit the tip of his tongue hard, a trace of blood running down his mouth.

The pain cleared his mind.

He concentrated his consciousness on the Prison Blood Demon Tree.

Crushed all the remaining Kaiyin source crystals and turned them into a huge red beam of light that fell on the unyielding will of the skill mark.

The consumption of the open source crystal is completely empty.

The indomitable will that was originally only twenty-six was raised to forty!

In Di Junlin's soul space, the soul villain who looked exactly like him was shrouded in circles of golden light.

The soul space began to expand under the action of golden light.

He clearly felt a trace of white airflow being expelled from the soul space.

The lustful thoughts that were constantly floating in the mind were completely eliminated.

The ancient heavy pupil opens on its own.

The red and gold pupils changed, and the vision in front of him changed.

"This is?"

Di Junlin's pupils narrowed.

There are countless ghosts around him!

These ghosts were driven away by the golden light of the soul that had just been lifted.

Still trying to get closer.

[Ding, congratulations to the host's ancient heavy pupil being upgraded to the eighth floor (2345/60000)]

The system beep suddenly sounded.

There was a burning sensation in both eyes.

The world in front of me has undergone subtle changes again.

Di Junlin glanced at the system message and found that in this environment.

His ancient heavy pupil is doubling the progress, as long as he keeps opening the ancient heavy pupil.

It won't be long before you can upgrade again.

The ancient heavy pupil, who has been promoted to the eighth floor, has begun to brew special energy.

Maybe if I raise a few more layers, I can really stare at one to death.

Kill with eyes.


"Why are these ghosts still divided into colors?"

The ghosts floating around Di Junlin have the vision of the lifted ancient eyes.

Different colors appeared, of which red, gold, and blue were the majority, and yellow and green were relatively few.

There are also many strange black ghosts lurking in them.


"These ghosts are former servants of God!"


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