Gao Wu: Beginning With A Chaotic Body, Becoming A Blood Demon God In Prison

Chapter 169: Little Red Bottle Of Blood Return? Profiteer! (Picture)

Di Junlin looked at his system properties bar.

【Target】: Di Junlin!

[Realm]: Heavenly Venerate Realm Ten-Star Extreme Realm! (In the state of heavy damage, it can play less than half of the strength)

[Physique]: The 21st floor of the Chaos Divine Body (23W/80W), the seventh floor of the Ancient Heavy Eyes (38000/40000).

[Cultivation method]: God's Elephant Suppressing Prison Force (66000 Giant Elephant Reality).

[Talent Skill Tree]: Hell Blood Demon God;

[Currently available skill engraving]: Lv.5 top pick. (The talent skill tree has been severely damaged and is slowly recovering, temporarily unable to use other skills to engrave)

[Currently comprehended: Gravity 100%, Thunder 100%, Light 100%, Blood Prison 100%, Death 80%! 】

[Remaining open source crystals]: None at the moment.

[Lottery Card]: No.

【Origin】: 10,213,400.

[System Remarks]: You can't even kill a goblin when you are in a state of heavy damage. The only gain in facing death is pure heart, run away!

Note: (Current status on-hook upgrade speed: 100 points/hour, on-hook upgrade points will be automatically converted into repair ability, repair injuries as much as possible).


"Not only was he severely injured, but even the Prison Blood Demon God Tree was severely injured?"

"There is only one skill mark left that you can use now?"

"Even the storage space can't be opened temporarily?"

Di Junlin's expression became more serious.

He also saw the escape mission issued to him by the system.

Evil Spirit Brake?

The Seven Desires Evil Saint is actually dead?

Is it? Master killed it?

But how could he...

Di Junlin was in disbelief, but quickly calmed down.

Review your own situation and your current situation.

The only good thing is that he is still alive!


The only gain is that the control of the death trend has reached 80%!

This time he was indeed only one step away from death.

That experience is truly unprecedented.

"Forget it, just live!"

"It seems that I can only use the origin point to exchange for healing medicine for recovery!"

Di Junlin is not a pedantic person.

The origin point has not been used before because it is not necessary.

Now is this time of crisis.

If you don't keep the origin point, it's just courting death!

If you die, everything you have now will be turned into nothingness.

He quickly opened the system mall and began to look for consumables that could heal the injury as soon as possible.

"The system screens for healing consumables with a price lower than 10 million origin points!"

Di Junlin's thoughts moved, and he hadn't had time to check the system mall.

Suddenly I felt several existences with strong threats, which were rapidly approaching my position!

not good!

He raised his head suddenly, and his consciousness returned to his body.

On the back of Di Junlin's left hand, a black skull pattern emerged on its own.

A wisp of pure evil aura emerged, lingering around him.

This wisp of evil seems to have given the coordinates of other evil spirits to guide.

Several evil spirits who were still looking for Di Junlin's location were also attracted by this pure evil energy.


"Three heads of the eight-star Heavenly Venerate Realm Perfect Heavenly Evil Poisonous Scorpion, and one head of the Heavenly Venerable Realm Nine-star Early Stage Venomous Evil Spider!"

"A war?"

Alyphis controlled her body and came to Di Junlin's side.

She is always paying attention to her surroundings.

The Zi Yao demon flame on his body has already ignited, swallowing the surrounding evil energy into his own fuel.

She lost Di Junlin's blessing, although she was still strong.

But the strength is still limited!

Without Di Junlin's primordial support, the magic of the magic sword itself would not be able to fight for a long time.

It's fine if it's one-on-one.

But now a total of four evil spirits are coming quickly.

It doesn't stop there.

With the passage of time, more and more evil spirits sensed the breath of evil spirits on Di Junlin's body.

One by one showed excitement.

Abandoning his deep sleep and choosing to wake up, he gathered towards the direction of Di Junlin.

When Di Junlin heard Alyphis's words, he did not hesitate at all, and endured the pain and stood on the blade of the magic sword.

Shout out, "Run!"

Alyphis was stunned for a moment, and the body of the magic sword suddenly became larger.

Zi Yao Demon Flame began to subside, and took Di Junlin away from the canyon and drilled into the jungle.


"Buy me some time!"

"As much as possible to slaughter the weak and weak evil spirits, absorb blood energy for me!"

Di Junlin instructed Alyphis a few words and looked at the system mall again.

The system has listed all the products with a healing effect below 10 million origin points.

He quickly scanned the products in the system mall.


Di Junlin couldn't help but let out a foul language.

In the entire system mall.

The cheapest blood-returning red bottle actually requires a bottle of 5,000 Origin Points.

And the effect is only to slowly restore 1% of your own blood?


I remember that I drew this small red bottle of blood before?

Di Junlin's eyes lit up slightly, and he focused his attention on the system space.

Among them, there are fifty bottles of blood-returning small red bottles lying there quietly.

I don't know how long it has been in place.


Di Junlin took it all out, with a gust of wind in his ears.

Fill the small red bottle of blood return in your hand directly into your mouth.

A faint red light lit up on his body.

Under this red light, the wound on the body surface accelerated the healing speed.

The chaotic meridians in the body also began to gradually repair.

But not fast.

Di Junlin didn't care, he poured all the fifty red blood-returning bottles into his mouth.

The red light on the surface of the body became rich, but the speed of wound recovery did not change.

But the degree of repair is getting deeper and deeper.

"not enough!"

Di Junlin glanced at his status bar.

[Heavy wounded state, the injury is slowly recovering...]

At this time.

Di Junlin's ears came with the rapid sound of breaking wind.

His body shook violently, and the magic sword suddenly turned to one side.

A sharp stone slid across the right side of his head.



"You actually carry the Evil Saint's slaying seal on your body! If you kill you, I will be able to get a lot of resources!"

A black four-eyed gecko appeared behind Di Junlin.

The cultivation base of the five-star perfection in the Tianzun Realm is not hidden.

The grey tongue shot out, the barbs curling up towards Di Junlin.

His eyes were full of excitement.

I didn't expect this human to break into his own territory directly!

If you don't kill this human being, you will be sorry for your luck!



"Buy one more minute for me!"

Di Junlin poured all the gray energy that had just recovered in his body into the body of the magic sword.

A purple-black sword light appeared in the dark jungle.

Without warning, it pierced through the head of this four-eyed gecko with a perfect cultivation of five stars in the Heavenly Venerate Realm!

The tyrannical demonic energy filled its evil body.

devour all its life.


(Big guys~~ Are you not even urging more updates now?)


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