Yuan Li watched as his bone knife stabbed into the left heart of the human being in front of him.

That unhindered, one-hit-kill thrill.

It had filled her body.

She couldn't help pinching her two legs covered with bone spurs, and a touch of "poetry" permeated between the valleys.

"Finally dead?"

Yuan Li looked at the blood sprayed in front of his eyes, his seductive and serious face loosened slightly.


"That human is not dead!"

"What you hit was just a blood!"

The angry voice of the Seven Desires Evil Saint resounded in everyone's ears.

Yuan Li was stunned for a moment, but found that the human body he had just stabbed had disappeared.

And Di Junlin's body actually appeared beside the middle-aged man with the national character face.

The doom bloodthirsty boots under the feet flashed with blood.

The remaining energy in his body was completely consumed in order to use the "Blood Flash" of the Bloodthirsty Boots of Doom.

But let him temporarily out of danger!

"The wheel of time!"

Hong Yuansheng's body has fully recovered.

An angry voice resounded throughout the small world of Tiansheng, and the silver light world enveloped everyone.


"Contribute your last strength to the saints!"

The Seven Desires Evil Saint felt the power of Hong Yuansheng, and his eyes were full of ruthlessness.

Can't wait any longer!

Hong Yuansheng just woke up from the closed state.

It takes half a second to move to this point!

This half second is enough!

When Yuan Li heard the voice of Seven Desires Evil Saint, his expression changed drastically.

Immediately understood what he meant, and immediately condensed his own domain to cover himself.

I want to teleport myself away.

"Do not!!"

"Master Seven Desires, you can't do this!"

"I am the holy seed of the evil spirit family!!!"

Yuan Li's sharp terrified sound resounded.

The next second, the Seven Desires Demon Marks on her arm flickered wildly.

The magic marks of different colors light up one by one!

Arrogance, jealousy, rage, laziness, greed, gluttony, lust!

The power of the Seven Desires directly covered Yuan Li's evil soul, erasing his own intelligence.

Take full control of her body.

"Yuanli, you are dedicating your life to the saints!"

"You should be honored!"

The Seven Desires Evil Saint manipulated Yuan Li's body and directly sacrificed all of his origin domain!

The originally gentle power of teleportation has become violent!

"Space Riot!"

After Yuan Li's origin domain was completely sacrificed, the entire newcomer's dormitory area suddenly lit up with white light.

Under the control of the Seven Desires Evil Saint, the powerful power of space origin fell on Di Junlin's body without warning.

"what is this?"

I felt the severe pain coming from all over my body and the emptiness of my body's energy.

Di Junlin, who had not regained his mobility, could only watch helplessly as the white light enveloped him.

The threat of death flooded his mind.

The dark red eyes were full of unwillingness.


The middle-aged man with the national character face called out his sharp domain to block Di Junlin.

I want to block this power of space origin.


He hasn't waited for his sharp field to completely fall.

That space source directly burst out many transparent space blades.

Almost completely penetrated the sharp field of the middle-aged man with the Chinese character face.

And the spatial origin that envelopes Di Junlin is even more terrifying.

Shatter the space where Di Junlin is located!

Let its body fall directly into the spatial turbulence.

Numerous shattered space debris pierced through his body.

For a time, his body was riddled with holes!

A trace of the original imprint of evil spirits has fallen on Di Junlin's left heart!

He began to frantically devour the vitality in his body.


Di Junlin couldn't help but let out a roar.

Countless blood holes appeared on Di Junlin's body, and pale golden blood splattered everywhere.

Then a terrifying space turbulence involved it and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Only a faint blood mist was scattered over the spot where Di Junlin had just been.

"King's Landing! No!!!"

"Seven Desires!!!"

"You die for me!"

Hong Yuansheng suddenly fell, looking at everything that happened in front of his eyes with cracked eyes.

A long sword shrouded in dazzling silver light fell in the air.

Instantly cut off Yuan Li's evil body controlled by Seven Desires Evil Saint.

The powerful source of time begins to accelerate time.

Erase all traces of Yuan Li left in the world!

"Jie Jie Jie!!"

"Hong Yuansheng? Are you angry?"

"Even if it's in your territory, in Tiansheng Academy!"

"You can't even save your disciple!"

"The ending of a human in the Heavenly Venerate realm falling into the turbulent flow of space! It has long been doomed!"


The arrogant laughter of the Seven Desires Evil Saint continued to sound.

Hong Yuansheng didn't say a word, and the long sword with silver light in his hand fell again!

Destroy the last power of the Seven Desires Evil Saint directly!

"It's useless!"

"Do you dare to leave Daxia? Do you dare to face the countless evil saints of my holy clan?"

"Do you know how many of you humans have become my clan's lackeys?"

"They knelt under us and kissed our toes in order to live!"

"In order to live, send Yuan Li and Yuan Thorn into the world you created!"

The Seven Desires Evil Saint did not wait for Hong Yuansheng to wipe away the last trace of his evil spirit.

It has since dissipated, leaving only the laughter resounding throughout the small world of Tiansheng.

The power of the seven desires, which is full of bewitching, remains, and it wants to influence the will of the strong in Tiansheng Academy.


in the villa.

Chu Qianyuan saw Di Junlin disappear into the turbulent flow of space.

Suddenly there was a piercing cry.

"elder brother!!!"

"You are not allowed to die!"

Her eyes were red, and blood and tears were under the corners of Chu Qianyuan's eyes.

A special energy suddenly burst out from the whole body, all rushing towards the eyebrows!

The black lotus imprint that has not appeared for a long time, at this moment, stretches the flower bones seductively.

One of the petals glowed white.

This white petal emerged from the black lotus mark and shot towards Di Junlin who fell into the turbulent flow of space.

But Chu Qianyuan fainted directly, and the black lotus mark between the eyebrows seemed to be nourished by something.

Starts flashing continuously.

The fat on Chu Qianyuan's body began to dissipate quickly.

In just half a second, he became skinny.

"Qianyuan! What's wrong with you!" Qin Lanlan hugged Chu Qianyuan in his arms at a loss.

"not good!"

"This is a disease that Qianyuan has been suffering from since childhood!"

"Lan Lan, stabilize Qian Yuan's heart!"

Ren Yasu recognized Chu Qianyuan's current situation at a glance.

Behind him, a black and white giant tree appeared, and the holy light shone on Ren Yasu's body.

"Hand of Lay on Hands!"

The yin and yang divine scepter in his hand was on top of Chu Qianyuan's head.

The soft divine energy was quickly injected into her body, supplementing the vitality of Chu Qianyuan being constantly swallowed by the strange black lotus mark.

"No, the speed of devouring is too fast!"

"Xiao Shi, Xiao Xuan!"

"help me!"

Ren Yasu felt the Yuan force frantically consumed in her body and shouted anxiously.

Shi Jingxian and Su Xuan, who had been standing by the side, unhesitatingly drained the energy in their bodies.

Injected into the light and dark Holy Spirit tree behind Ren Yasu.


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