Gao Wu: Beginning With A Chaotic Body, Becoming A Blood Demon God In Prison

Chapter 152 The Holy Spirit Moves? Abnormal? (Picture)

"what did you say?"

"Just as King's Landing broke through the Heavenly Venerate Extreme Realm, he beheaded a Nightmare-level Evil Evil Turtle??"

"It's still the Evil Evil Turtle whose cultivation base has reached the five-star perfection of the Heavenly Venerate Realm!"

"how is this possible??"

"The innate ability of the Nightmare Evil Turtle, almost no human powerhouse of the same level can resist!"

"At least a powerhouse with eight or more stars in the weather realm can defeat it, and it is impossible to kill it!"

Yuan Zishan's eyes widened and she was about to question.

Hong Yuansheng snapped his fingers, and his fingertips flashed silver.

A screen of light suddenly appeared in front of Yuan Zishan's eyes, in which the battle scene between Di Junlin and Exu was being projected.

And the highlight moment when Di Junlin was bleeding all over his body and destroyed Exu with one sword.

Seeing this, Di Junlin silently greeted Hong Yuansheng.

Step out of the stone house and walk into the teleportation array outside the stone house.

Leave the Celestial Marrow Spirit Pool.

This cheap senior sister is also a fighting maniac. Last night, she had to pull herself to test her combat power.

He refused to press him directly under him.

Sitting in front of him forced him to fight.

That is, firm will.


May be abused!


Tiansheng Academy.

training area.

A silver light flickered, and Di Junlin appeared at the entrance hall of the Heavenly Marrow Spirit Pool.

The scorching sun above his head scattered golden light, shining on his face.

The hostility that was still in his own body slowly dissipated under the sunlight.

Di Junlin's mood couldn't help calming down.

The realm of cultivation has improved wildly in a short period of time, and it is not without any negative effects.

Most of the influences are mainly suppressed by the Chaos Divine Body.

But for his own state of mind, the Chaos Divine Body has no effect at all.

When your mind is out of balance.

Then maybe there will be a real problem.

Next, the Kaiyin source crystal condensed by the Prison Blood Demon Tree.

The priority is to improve the will to unyielding.

I don't know if improving your willpower is to improve your own mood?

Di Junlin looked at the training area where people came and went, and made a little identification of the direction.

Go towards the dormitory area.


Freshman dormitory area.

In the top villa estate.

The three girls with their own strengths sat and laughed together.

Not far from them sat two grumpy brothers with big eyes and small eyes.

"Sister Yasu! My brother has returned the message!"

"He's already back! He said he'd go back to the dormitory to find us right away!"

Chu Qianyuan looked at the smart watch on her wrist with a look of joy on her face.

The whole person jumped up and threw himself into Ren Yasu's arms.

"Sister Yasu, did you say big brother was injured?"

"Actually, I just want him to be safe, but why are those evil spirits..."

"If only I could have the apocalypse right away!"

Chu Qianyuan thought about the danger that Di Junlin encountered this time.

I felt powerless in my heart.

If there is no problem with her physique, she can practice normally.

She will definitely do her best to become the most powerful being and protect the safety of her big brother!

Ren Yasu and Qin Lanlan looked at each other and comforted softly, "Don't worry, your big brother is many times stronger than me!"

"He'll be fine for sure!"

"Your big brother has been working hard to heal your problems."

"Qianyuan, you have to trust your big brother."

Qin Lanlan walked to Chu Qianyuan's side and patted her on the back lightly, "The old palace master of Tiansheng Academy has left the customs in person. Maybe your big brother will get the chance not to."

"But the problem with me..." Chu Qianyuan was about to speak.


At this time.

The doorbell of the villa kept ringing.

A virtual projection fell in front of everyone, revealing the scene outside the villa.

A young man with a masculine face, delicate facial features, and a tall and strong stature appeared on the screen.

"Qianyuan, are you in there?"

"The weather is nice today, can I invite you to Sacred Heart Paradise?"

"It's not just you, all of our classmates will go."

The young man said very enthusiastically.

As if afraid of Chu Qianyuan's rejection, he turned to reveal the figures of other boys and girls in the entrance guard projection screen.

"Wu Tianxie? Is it him again?"

"Really annoying."

Chu Qianyuan looked at the boy with a bright smile in the picture, and a look of disgust flashed in her eyes.

"Shallow edge?"

"What's the matter? Is this your classmate?"

Qin Lanlan frowned and asked.


"This person has been approaching me continuously since my first day in school."

"I always wanted to invite myself to leave the area where Tiansheng Academy is located and go to the amusement facilities outside."

"Sister Lanlan, do you think I'm too sensitive? I always feel that this person has bad intentions towards me."

"I've never told anyone that I live here. I didn't expect this boy to be found."

Chu Qianyuan said helplessly.


Ren Yasu looked at the smiling boy in the picture.

There was an inexplicable sense of disgust in my heart.

The tree brand of the talent skill tree in her palm suddenly felt a hot feeling.

"Why is the Holy Spirit of Light and Darkness activated at this time?"

"Is there something wrong with this boy?"

"The Holy Spirit of Light and Darkness is reminding yourself?"

Ren Yasu frowned and unleashed her talent skill tree to raise her perception ability to the limit.

He shrouded Wu Tianxie in Chu Qianyuan's mouth.

Wu Tianxie didn't seem to feel anything, and still maintained a bright smile.

He continued to speak to the access control camera in front of him, "Shallow edge? Have you thought about it?"

"The classmates are waiting for you. You just arrived in our class."

"This event to Sacred Heart Paradise is specially organized for you."

Wu Tianxie said word by word, his expression still did not change.

He waited for a long time, but there was still no sound from the villa.

"Hey, what's the matter, didn't you agree to go to Sacred Heart Paradise together?"

"Could it be that Squad Leader Wu didn't convince Chu Qianyuan at all?"

"Are we just waiting here to waste time now?"

"Squad Leader Wu is really rude..."

"I heard that Squad Leader Wu is having a good time?"

Listening to the soft laughter of many students behind him.

Wu Tianxie's pupils flashed a trace of hostility.

Damn stuff.

It's impossible to let Chu Qianyuan leave Tiansheng Academy?

So how should he accomplish his task?

Wu Tianxie thought anxiously.

These days, in order to get closer to this mission goal, he has used all his academic skills.

But this Chu Qianyuan is simply soft and hard.

How could a little girl be so cautious?


"no problem?"

Ren Yasu in the villa carefully probed Wu Tianxie's body over and over again.

But he didn't find a problem, he is an ordinary human?

But how can it touch the Holy Spirit of Light and Darkness?

It will only react when it comes into contact with evil energy!

So, Ren Yasu shook her head at Qin Lanlan.

Qin Lanlan rubbed Chu Qianyuan's head knowingly, "Qianyuan, since you think this boy has bad intentions."

"Then let's just reject it."

"Let them play by themselves."

Chu Qianyuan nodded, looked at the screen of the door controller, and was about to speak.

A familiar figure appeared on the screen.

"big brother!!"


(PS: Not much to say, look at the picture and see the picture~)

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