Gao Wu: Beginning With A Chaotic Body, Becoming A Blood Demon God In Prison

Chapter 150 Complete Control! Another Supreme Weapon? (Picture)

A pungent copper stench filled his nostrils.

Di Junlin frowned.

Resisting the smell of copper, he shoved all the remaining pulp into his mouth and swallowed it.

"So bad?"

Di Junlin chewed quickly, swallowing some of the pulp that remained in his mouth.

The first time I ate something, it tasted like chewing wax.

Devil fruits are also unpalatable.

The smell of copper in the nose has not dissipated for a long time.

Before Di Junlin took out the water from the storage space of the Hell Blood Devil Tree to rinse his mouth.

The gravitational fruit that has just been swallowed enters the stomach and is instantly digested.

His body suddenly began to change.

A strip of khaki lines appeared on the surface of Di Junlin's body.

The surrounding stone tables and chairs were suspended under the control of an invisible force.

Di Junlin's Ancient Eyes automatically unfold.

The golden pupil light that saw everything looked at the power shrouded above the suspended objects in front of him.

That's a strip of yellow lines!

These yellow patterns surround the surface of those items.

They completely eliminated their own gravity, so they were suspended in mid-air.

Under the vision of the ancient heavy pupil.

Di Junlin stared fascinatedly at the lines in front of him that were like the laws of gravity.

The mysteries of the rules of gravity are constantly being revealed.

The Chaos Divine Body began to flash with golden light.

Hundreds of chains of order linger around him.

On the surface of one of the chains of order, a trace of cracks began to appear.

"Is this the power of gravity?"

Over time.

More and more the rules of gravity are being understood by Di Junlin.

In the entire stone house, more and more things are suspended in the air.

The primordial power of the Gravity Fruit was continuously integrated into Di Junlin's body.

More and more realizations came to mind.

Di Junlin's hands were wrapped with invisible gravitational threads, and if he stretched his hand slightly, these gravitational threads would wind in the direction he pointed.

A pale green teacup in front of him was entangled with gravitational threads.


Di Junlin controls the gravitational thread retraction.

The gravity on the pale green teacup suddenly increased dramatically!


under the surging gravity.

The light green teacup instantly fell to the ground, and it smashed into pieces when it collided with the ground.

"So this is gravity?"

"Light and floating, heavy and sad!"

Di Junlin realized something.

A special force of heaven and earth rose out of him!

Gravity Fruit is still working.

At the moment when the force of gravity is condensed, continue to promote its growth.

Advance Di Junlin's understanding of the force of gravity.

A series of system prompts began to beat at this moment.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for understanding the "potential" of gravity, the current control progress is 10%! 】

[The fruit of gravity stimulates the power of the source of gravity and is integrating into the host's chaotic body! 】

[The progress of Gravity Control has begun to improve! 】

[Control the progress: 20%...40%...60%...100%! 】

The moment when the force of gravity controls the progress to 100%!

A pale yellow light condensed in Di Junlin's hand.

In the entire stone house, the gravity of all objects was completely controlled by Di Junlin.

He found that he could change the gravity of these objects at will.

It can even affect its own gravity!

It must also affect the gravity of the existence of other life!

It's just like a panacea.

Not only that.

The power of the Gravity Fruit was not completely exhausted.

Help Di Junlin understand the force of gravity, and only consume one-fifth of the power of the entire Gravity Fruit!

All the rest of the power was sealed into the energy ball condensed by the system.

The surface of the originally blood-colored energy sphere was slightly yellowish.

"There is one more force in the world that I completely control!"

Di Junlin felt himself changing.

Once again, he gathered his consciousness and looked towards his own attribute column.

Among them, the content of the column about the control of the situation of heaven and earth has changed.

[Currently comprehended: Gravity 100%, Thunder 100%, Light 100%, Blood Prison 100%, Death 20%! 】

"One more power of heaven and earth!"

"The trend of the world that should be understood next has already set a goal!"

"Just understand the five elements!"

"Five elements are the foundation of all elements, and only after understanding them can they build their ultimate power!"

Di Junlin thought to himself.

Look at the mysterious armor gift box in the system space.

compared to lottery cards.

The mysterious armor gift box is what he is most looking forward to.

The last mysterious armor gift box allowed him to draw the Bloodthirsty Breastplate of Doom!

What about this time?

Will other parts of the Doom Bloodthirst set appear?

It is said that the artifact of the breastplate is Xueli.

So will other parts give birth to other spirits?

Di Junlin suddenly had some anticipation.

He took out the mysterious armor gift box from the system space.

The surface of the mysterious armor gift box is engraved with armor patterns of various armors, leggings, and shoulder pads.

Every pattern has a mysterious color.

Exactly the same as last time.

Di Junlin opened it directly.

A blood-red light suddenly lit up in the gift box.

He looked inside the gift box.

A pair of blood-red boots were lying quietly in it.

The surface of the boots is engraved with many black and red gems, with complex and mysterious patterns all over the place.

The bloodthirsty breath came.

Di Junlin reached out and took the blood-red boots out of the box.

He felt a sting in his hands as he touched the boots.

The palm is pierced.

Blood spurted out and landed on the boots in his hands.

It is quickly engulfed and absorbed.

Di Junlin suddenly felt a strange connection to the blood-red boots in his hands.

at the same time.

The information of this pair of boots emerged in my mind.

[Target: Epic · Bloodthirsty Boots of Doom (one of the components of the heavy armor set)].

[Equal Rank: Supreme Supreme Artifact].

[Attribute: 1. Enhance the wearer's defense ability by 60%;

2. Enhance the speed of the wearer by 80%;

3. Enhance the wearer's stamina by 20%;

4. Enhance the wearer's upper limit of life, upper limit of energy, upper limit of strength, and blood evil crit by 5%;

5. When wearing it, a small amount of Yuan Li can be recovered every minute! 】

[Incidental skill: Blood Flash (after opening, it can flash freely within a range of 100 meters for five seconds)! 】

[Set effect: 1. Enhance the engraving power of the skills of Blood Prison, Soul Eater, Blood Prison and Mountain Collapse by 20%, and the damage of multiple blood shackles in the bloodthirsty state is doubled;

2. Increase by 20% the power of Blood Prison, Rampage, Blade of Blood Energy, Blood Prison, Mountain Collapse, and Blood Energy Burst Skills, the attack coverage area and the power of Blood Prison Lava are greatly increased;

3. The engraving power of high-level active skills in the Hell Blood Demon Tree is increased by 50%, the attack coverage area, and the power of blood prison lava is increased by 80%)]

(Set effect is not activated)

[System Remarks]: This is the supreme epic source tool used by the legendary Sky Killer. It consists of ten parts, and the Bloodthirsty Boots of Doom is one of them! When it came, because the source energy was too powerful, it was temporarily sealed by the power of the rules of the world, but its effect was still as good as any equipment! There is a special connection between epic suits, and the host can collect them according to this!

(Every time the seal is lifted, the Supreme Artifact will glow with more powerful power!)

(The emperor's blood prospered, killing the sky as an alliance! - Mysterious creed)


(PS: Big guys~~ Not much to say, look at the pictures!)

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