Damn, what does this old Song care about students.

Actually let students die on Nightmare difficulty?

Do you deliberately mess with me.

Didn't you see that Ren Yasu, the daughter of Commander Ren, only chose the purgatory level difficulty?

Does this old Song have an opinion on me?

Wang Tianli, the principal of Jiangnan No. 3 Tianqi Middle School, quietly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"What kind of realm is that kid who chose Nightmare difficulty just now?"

"Could he have reached the Heavenly Spirit Realm?" Li Yuanxin asked curiously.

Lin Min beside him also turned his head and looked at Wang Tianli with great interest.


"Captain Li, wait a moment."

"I'll ask the head teacher of that student to introduce you."

Wang Tianli's heart pounded, and he suddenly remembered the information about the student just now.

Good you Song Wenmao, you must have an opinion on me!

That student just now was Di Junlin from their class!

Only last week I applied for a low-grade apocalypse stone from the school to give him apocalypse.

Even if Apocalypse succeeds, how much strength can it have now?

He even signaled him to choose the Nightmare-level difficulty secret realm!

Is this to disgrace all the face of our third Tianqi Middle School?

"Old Song, come here."

Wang Tianli greeted Song Wenmao with a blank face and came to him.

"Old Song, please tell us about the student who just chose the nightmare level difficulty secret realm to our Deputy Director Lin of the Jiangnan Town Demon Bureau and Head of the Jiangnan Military Department."

When Song Wenmao heard Wang Tianli's words, an ominous premonition surged in his heart.


Di Junlin chose Nightmare Rift?

Did he think he didn't die fast enough?

Song Wenmao had been chatting with the beautiful head teacher of the first class just now.

He didn't even notice the difficulty of the secret realm chosen by the students in his class.

Every student knows the information about the secret realm very well.

What the hell was Di Junlin thinking?

You must know that you die in the secret realm, although you will not really die.

But it will still cause cracks in the skill tree!

It will take at least a month to recover.

And this old king!

Didn't you just steal a bottle of his good wine?

Don't pull me into the water!

no way!

Song Wenmao showed a confident smile, "Leader Li, Director Lin, Di Junlin is the student representative of our class!"

"Not to mention good academic performance, it is also a work-study program."

"I think he should be confident in choosing the Nightmare Secret Realm."

Song Wenmao said without blushing.

Judging from this morning's perception, Di Junlin's skill tree ranks are definitely not simple.

What's more, he's not a fool, so he shouldn't be fooling around.


"So what state is this child in now?" Lin Min took Song Wenmao's expression into his eyes and asked with a half-smile.

Can I say I don't know?

Wang Tianli seemed to have guessed that Song Wenmao wanted to be rotten, and immediately glared at him.

Song Wenmao hesitated for a few seconds, "He is now..."


"What is this kid's skill tree rank?"

"how is this possible!"

At this time.

Li Yuanxin's surprised voice suddenly came from their ears.

Lin Min, Wang Tianli, Song Wenmao, and Liu Xia followed Li Yuanxin's gaze.

The light curtain that Li Yuanxin was looking at!

It is the nightmare level secret realm where Di Junlin is located!

Di Junlin in the light curtain just raised his hand!

It will crush the evil poisonous worker ants with the strength of Tianxingjing two stars without warning!

see this scene.

The students in the entire secret hall suddenly burst into a commotion! "Fuck!"

"Isn't this Di Junlin? Didn't he pick Nightmare?"

"Didn't he just get the Apocalypse Stone from the head teacher of the second class last week?"

"Shouldn't he just come in and come out dead?"

"Why do those evil and poisonous worker ants explode on their own as soon as they get close to him?"

"Is there something wrong with this secret realm? Even the evil one has become an actor?"

All the students in each class looked at the screen of light where Di Junlin was standing in horror.

Everyone's expression is exactly the same, dumbfounded!

"Wait! Look! Isn't Wang Yuan also a student in class two?"

"But the poisonous worker ants in front of him ripped off his arm!"

"How can there be a problem in the secret realm!"

"It's Di Junlin's strength, too strong!"

Another student glanced at the light curtains of the other students in Class 2, took a breath and said.

Bing Yuexin was also standing in the crowd, watching Di Junlin's mighty appearance, and silently clenched her fists.

And this moment.

Nightmare-level Doom Lair Rift.

"Is this the evil poisonous worker ant?"

"It looks so ugly."

As soon as Di Junlin entered it, he saw several one-meter-high blue-purple ants rushing towards him.

The dismembered parts of these ants have metallic barbs, and the thin transparent lavender wings vibrate slightly.

Four compound eyes stared at Di Junlin's body, and the black mouthparts on his face kept moving.

It looks like a monster with many different organs stitched together.

If people with poor psychological quality, I am afraid that the first time they see it, they will be shocked.

"Blood Prison!"

Di Junlin is also subconsciously unfolding the power of blood prison directly.

Directly cover these evil and poisonous worker ants.

The brand of the talent skill tree in his palm flickered, and a giant tree appeared behind him.

A faint Shen Xi lingered around him, the silver hair flying behind him.

The dark red pupils lit up slightly, and an entry appeared in front of Di Junlin's eyes.

It's the message of the evil worker ants.

[Target]: Evil poisonous worker ants.

[Realm]: Two stars in the Awakening Realm!

[Evil Attribute]: Dark rot.

[Talent Evil Skills]: Corrosive Venom, Sharp Poison Beak, Evil Poison Compound Eyes...

[Systematic Review]: If there is no antidote for the vicious evil ants all over the body, I advise you not to fight with them.

"Tianxingjing two stars?"

"Is this the nightmare level difficulty? The weakest evil spirits have the strength of two stars in the Awakening Realm?"

"How can a welfare secret realm be so difficult?"

"Is there really something tricky?"

"The head teacher and the dean seem to want us to pass the customs as quickly as possible?"

Di Junlin frowned and didn't think much about it.

Raise the right hand to control the blood in the body to condense a blood-colored long sword.

Several evil and poisonous worker ants have already entered the area covered by the power of blood prison!


Di Junlin shouted softly.

The few blood in the body of the evil poisonous worker ants flowed back instantly!

Pulled by the power of blood prison, the riot began!

The breath all over his body was instantly chaotic, and one of the evil and poisonous worker ants closest to Di Junlin.

A little bit of blue-black blood appeared on the hard shell on the surface of the body!

Like a leaking balloon, the blood in this venomous worker ant seemed to have found an outlet.

All started pouring out towards this gap!

Then it exploded around their bodies!


With a loud bang, the evil and poisonous worker ant closest to Di Junlin died instantly.

The broken corpse sputtered around, with a faint blue-green poisonous mist.



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