Gao Wu: Beginning With A Chaotic Body, Becoming A Blood Demon God In Prison

Chapter 146 Abandon The Mission? Endless Pursuit? (Picture)

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully killing the five-star consummate Evil Evil Turtle in the Weathering Realm, and obtaining two waiting-level lottery cards, 2,635 origin points! 】

The system beep sounds.

No surprises.

Exu, whose life was hanging by a thread, was submerged by Di Junlin's nearly a thousand sword lights.

The only remaining half of the head was completely shattered by Di Junlin, as was the remaining evil body.

All chopped up.

Let Exu no longer be able to condense a trace of vitality.

Completely destroyed!

A giant tree appeared behind Di Junlin, and several blood-colored vortices appeared around him.

It began to devour the huge blood energy remaining in Exu.

A nightmare-level evil spirit with five stars in the weather realm, bringing huge energy.

Instantly filled Di Junlin's body!

Idol's Suppressing Prison Strength and Doom's Bloodthirsty Breastplate madly transform it!

The four pole shackles in Di Junlin's dantian began to loosen.

There seems to be a sign of a breakthrough!

[Ding, warning! ! ! 】

[Too much energy entering the host's body will directly lead to a realm breakthrough! 】

[Whether to give up the mission: The ultimate trend? Directly into the weather realm? 】

A rapid system prompt sounded in Di Junlin's ear.

"Jin into the weather realm?"


"I can't just enter the weather realm like this!"

Di Junlin felt the powerful Yuan force in his body. He didn't expect the blood energy left by Exu to be so powerful.

Powerful enough to directly help him break through the Heavenly Venerate Extreme Realm!

But his "potential" of heaven and earth has not yet been completed, and he is far from the ten "potential" of heaven and earth required by the system.

too far.

If you enter the weather environment like this, the system may have other problems.


"Help me temporarily seal these Yuan forces."

"I want to continue to complete the mission of the ultimate situation, and can't enter the weather realm."

Di Junlin shouted to the system in his heart.

The system appears to have received Di Junlin's message.

Deep in Di Junlin's mind, a mysterious energy surged.

Fall to his dantian.

Seal all the huge vitality energy that keeps pouring into it!

A blood-red energy sphere was formed above the gray Yuanli River.

The surface of the sphere is covered with mysterious and delicate lines, which completely seals all the energy.

Not a trace leaked out.

[Ding, the blood energy has been completely sealed, and it will be automatically activated after the host enters the weather realm! 】

[Please understand the ten trends of heaven and earth as soon as possible, and complete the construction of the ultimate trend! 】

[The rules of the host's world are changing...]

After the blood energy is sealed.

Three system prompts appeared in front of his eyes.

With the seal of these energies, the boiling river of Yuan Li in Di Junlin gradually calmed down.

A belated feeling of weakness enveloped his body and mind.

"Bluestar's world rules are changing?"

"Does it also affect my understanding of the power of heaven and earth?"

"Or does it have an impact on the current situation of mankind?"

Di Junlin looked at the last line of the system prompt, looking extremely puzzled.

But this system actually ran away after half the words?

"Damn human!"

"How dare you! How dare you kill Exu?!"

A terrifying murderous aura enveloped Di Junlin.

Let the hairs on his whole body stand up, like entering an ice cave.

An unprecedented sense of crisis came to mind.

A huge palm flashing seven different colors rolled towards the position where he was standing.

With the prestige of the supreme heaven and the earth, the power of heaven and earth is held hostage.

Makes Di Junlin unable to move at all.

"It's this powerlessness again!"

"Weakness is really the original sin!"

Di Junlin frowned, finding himself disgusted by the powerlessness.

His body was under the effect of this murderous aura.

Completely incapable of resistance.

As if he would die in the next second.


A long sword flashing with silver light suddenly pierced through the space.

Smash the handprints shot by the Seven Desires Evil Saint!

"Jun Lin, are you okay?"

Hong Yuansheng instantly appeared beside Di Junlin and asked with great concern.

There was still some shock in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, Di Junlin not only defeated Exu, but also killed him directly!

As such.

A month later, in the ancient ruins, the human side had one less opponent.

Cultivating a nightmare-level Evil Evil Turtle requires resources.

I am afraid that the entire evil clan will find it difficult to continue.

After all, there are other powerful evil races besides the Evil Evil Turtle.

"Master, I'm fine."

"Just a little off."

"The tortoise shell of that stinky bastard is really hard. Fortunately, my big sword is even more 'hard', otherwise I wouldn't necessarily kill him!"

Di Junlin said rudely.

His eyes provocatively glanced at Seven Desires Evil Saint.

Want to kill Lao Tzu?

Go eat shit!

He tui!

"Hong Yuansheng!"

"You'd better not leave your Daxia territory!"

"Otherwise, you will die!"

"And that young human, the ancient ruins are your burial place!"

The Seven Desires Sage saw that Hongyuan Sage was standing in front of Di Junlin, and threatened very angrily.

The power of the evil saint on his body is surging, and he seems to want to continue to shoot.

But he didn't dare to step into the magic capital.

His real body has always been outside the magic capital settlement.

It has always been far away through its own means.

It seems that he is very afraid of Daxia's position.

"Ha ha."

"kill me?"

"Are you okay?"

"If you could, you could have killed me fifty years ago!"

"Seven Desires, this time the relic contract has already come to fruition!"

"See you in a month, but don't die unexpectedly." Hong Yuansheng sneered.

"Hehe, kill me?"

"Just because of your ugly clan?"

"I have one sword and one, and I will cut them all down!"

Di Junlin also said disdainfully.

What are you afraid of standing beside you?

Can't beat the evil saint for the time being, can't you make a wave of mouth guns?


"very good!!!"

The red lust brand that represents anger on the Seven Desires Evil Saint flickers wildly.

Gritting his teeth, he glanced at Hong Yuansheng and Di Junlin.

But he found that he couldn't do anything about them at all.

There was only one angry look left, and the incarnation dissipated in front of the two of them.

"You wait! Especially that young ant!"

"In the future, all the members of my holy clan will remember your breath and your face!"

"As long as you show up in the wild!"

"I will face the endless pursuit of my saints!"

The voice of Seven Desires Evil Saint resounded in everyone's ears, and the expressions of Old Xia, Hong Yuansheng, and Su Anguo changed slightly.


A black light penetrated the space and landed on top of Di Junlin's head.


"Seven desires, you are courting death!"


Hong Yuansheng suddenly took action and pinched the black light in his hand.

Instantly pinch.

Only a strange black evil spirit was left in the palm of his hand.

Silver light penetrates it, removing all negative energy from it.

At this time.

The entire void than the battlefield has begun to dissipate with the death of Exu.

Hong Yuansheng took Di Junlin back to Lao Xia and Su Anguo.

And the black evil energy in his hand has completely turned into silver white.


(PS: Guys, this body is perfect, right?)

(Hurry up and hand over the small gift, the kind and handsome bosses will definitely find a girlfriend like the following!)

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