Gao Wu: Beginning With A Chaotic Body, Becoming A Blood Demon God In Prison

Chapter 133 The New Heavenly Sage! Golden Energy Falls! (Picture)

Demons inhabited the place.

With the transformation of the two evil holy bodies.

Hundreds of shocks have already occurred!

He found that he could crush the perfect self of the Nine Stars of the Emperor Realm with one finger.

"The ancients do not deceive me!"

"Is that the old mansion master?"

His breath is rapidly increasing!

If his wife hadn't died in front of his eyes, the murderer would have gone unpunished.


A golden thunder roared.

"It's time to break through!"

He was once one of the genius monsters of the highest sequence in Daxia!

Reach the initial stage of the first star in the Holy Land!

But he is rapidly improving his cultivation!

Su Anguo began to run the Su family exercises, quickly digesting these energies into himself!

He was overjoyed when he saw this crack appear.

Huo Lin and Scorpion Luo are two huge evil bodies in the five-star perfect state of the heavenly holy realm.

Su'an Town, which had reached the five-star perfection of the Earth Emperor Realm many years ago, was blocked by the shackles of the Earth Emperor Realm's six stars and has been unable to break through.

The haze in my heart was also dispelled at this moment.

The golden light of energy transformed from the body of the evil saint.

Bright eyes.

It's his chance!

Su Anguo looked at the shackles in front of him, not only was he not depressed, but full of strong self-confidence!

Su Anzhen's whole body is filled with incomparably powerful power.

The town of Su'an, which had been standing on the border of the Magic Capital settlement, was shrouded in golden raindrops.


And now Di Junlin!

The impact is getting faster and faster!

Thirteen thousand times... nineteen thousand times...

Su Anguo, who had been heavily injured and collapsed in a pool of blood, had also recovered as before under the illumination of golden light.

Su Anzhen's aura suddenly rose!

There was a crackling sound all over his body.

It actually made his cultivation shackles begin to loosen!


did not expect.

The wounds they suffered were healed swiftly by the light of that divine light.

In the sky of the Demon City.

The evil corpses in the underground space have all disappeared.

The late stage of the Nine Stars of the Earth Emperor Realm......

Under the action of golden raindrops.

"Don't tell me, my son has only just apocalypse, and now his cultivation base is higher than his father and I."

The Daxia human beings in the entire Demon City settlement.

The holy energy that had just stabilized in the body circulated, and his figure disappeared in place.

The power of the heavenly sage circulates in the blue ocean, speeding up this process!

But now!

A complete domain was completely formed in front of Su Anguo!

Twenty thousand times!

(PS: The big guys~~The five-star praise has a total of 55~)


Animals, plants, and microorganisms begin to form.

He has already reached the Eight-star Consummation of the Earth Emperor Realm!

All fell on that crack!

"This is?"

There are still many creatures that have begun to give birth to wisdom!

Although Su Anguo's Heavenly Sacred Realm shackles are extremely strong, there is still a crack under the combined force of the two!

The four emperors who originally besieged him had long since been wiped out by Hong Yuansheng.


"I should have met the requirements long ago!"

Golden raindrops continued to melt into his body.

The golden raindrops are still merging into his body!

(Kawaii today! When you see the big guys here, don’t forget to add to the bookshelf~)

Su Anguo thought that it was his greatest luck to be able to break through with the power of golden raindrops.

Let his mind form an obsession!

"Is this the Holy Land?"

at the same time.

Among these golden raindrops, there is an extremely pure source energy!

The late stage of the six stars of the emperor's realm......

The golden light transformed from the evil corpse converged towards the sky above the Demon City.

His hands clenched these Heavenly Sacred Crystals, and the exercises in his body worked quickly!

It also began to gradually transform into energy golden light under the golden light of Xia Lao's bright sacred world.

The cultivation base began to improve again!

Now the golden raindrops!

From time to time, someone will hear the joyful sound of a breakthrough in cultivation.

Start to attack the shackles of the Holy Land!

The primordial energy in his body was also completely transformed into holy energy at this moment!

Earth Emperor Realm 6-star mid-term......

A faint holy prestige condensed on his body.

The cultivation base suddenly reached the early stage of the Earth Emperor Realm six-star!

Su Anguo took out a lot of golden spar exuding holy power from the storage space.


He should have achieved the Nine Stars of the Earth Emperor Realm, or even the Heavenly Sage!

His breath suddenly increased!

"Holy Land!"

With the help of golden raindrops, he broke through the shackles easily!

The golden raindrops fell in the sky!

A field of soldiers that contained endless vigor fell in front of him.

Di Junlin was sitting cross-legged beside the corpses of Scorpion Luo and Huo Lin!

It doesn't stop there!

And the golden raindrops falling at this moment.


Together with the energy contained in the golden raindrops, it gathered in the dantian.

Until the Six Stars of the Earth Emperor Realm are complete!

Yuan Yi's death also dissipated his long-standing obsession.

"He is improving my cultivation level???"

Under the gathering of holy power, the body is constantly being tempered!

The golden raindrops kept dripping through the ground.

Stronger than all the golden light before!

These are the celestial crystals obtained from the natural secret realm!

Open your arms slowly.

Also shrouded in a layer of golden light!

absorbed by his body.

All human beings are illuminated by the divine light above their heads.

Three thousand... six thousand... ten thousand...

The filth and evil energy on their bodies are also on the way of transformation, and they are all expelled by the golden light.

Su Anguo raised his head and looked at the golden raindrops that kept falling above his head.

Su Anguo made a muffled sound!

Su Anguo's whole body was shocked, and the Yuan force in his dantian began to sublimate!

A shackle of cultivation like a moat appeared in front of Su Anguo!

Earth Emperor Realm Nine Stars mid-term......

Over time.

Falling on the body of every Daxia human being in the settlement of the magic capital.

"Sure enough, if you don't die, you will have good luck!"

Let life be born in the entire blue ocean faster and faster!

It's like feeling the warmth of a clear soul.

Just half a second.

in the underground space.

The golden raindrops are still falling!

The next step is the Nine Stars of the Earth Emperor Realm!

Until the Nine Stars of the Earth Emperor Realm are complete! !

It contains the power of the heavenly sage, and it also carries a trace of the power of rules!

Su Anguo felt the powerful power in his body.

All enter the state of cultivation!

"The realm that hasn't been broken through for many years has broken through today!"

A powerful aura fills the space.

Suddenly I felt a soft gaze watching me.

He can feel the huge energy contained in the golden raindrops!

But it was shrouded in a rushing golden waterfall!

The blue ocean field appeared in front of him!

"Heavenly Holy Land??"


The blue ocean field in front of him also changed!

Reaching the early stage of the Nine Stars of the Earth Emperor Realm...

Start brewing life!

"Teacher Xia's domain power?"

"It can still improve!"

The cultivation base completely breaks through the shackles at this moment!

"This is?"

Su Anguo glanced at the Su family who were cultivating with all their strength.

Not just him!

The golden raindrops penetrated down the ground.

The entire sky began to be occupied by golden light.

These energies!

The golden raindrops are like venom that corrupts the shackles, and the power of the divine is like an unstoppable spear!

Others are just shrouded in golden raindrops!

All the injuries he suffered were healed under the golden light!

"Yeah! Me too, I've been stuck for more than ten years!"

The shackles of the Nine Stars of the Earth Emperor Realm are melting little by little!

The cultivation base is shattered!



One after another, the power of the heavenly saints melted into his body.

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