Gao Wu: Beginning With A Chaotic Body, Becoming A Blood Demon God In Prison

Chapter 130 Half Step Emperor Realm? Blue Star Limit?

Just finished.

The ethereal evil sage desperately urged the power of his own space origin.

The evil body that shrouded the heavy wounds turned into white light and flickered in the air.

He disappeared directly in front of Huo Lin and Xie Luo.


"what happened?"

"Why did Sorahara's origin suffer heavy damage and escape directly?"

"Is it..."

Huo Lin and Xie Luo have not been able to regain their senses.

The evil body is still falling rapidly towards the magic capital settlement.

The two huge realms that contain the power of their own source have also been completely condensed in the air.

Once their realm will be ground covered!

The creatures in the entire Demon City will be controlled by their two evil spirits.

"Fire Lin!"

"Forget it! Quickly devour humans!"

Scorpion Luo's anxious voice sounded in the air, and its speed increased again.

The field filled with dark green venom is also sinking.

There was definitely a problem with Sorahara fleeing, and a layer of anxiety suddenly increased in his heart.

But now that's the point, he can only bite the bullet and continue.

The realm can immediately cover most of the demons, devour the power of those human beings, and expel the original wounds from the body.


"Devouring my Daxia Humans?"


"Time stands still!"

In times of crisis!

A silver light lit up above the heads of Huo Lin and Scorpion Luo!

The entire magic capital settlement was illuminated by silver light.

Everyone, everything, everything!

All are stopped!

In that huge space crack, two figures are slowly walking out.

It was Hong Yuansheng and Di Junlin.

Hong Yuansheng's face was no longer as kind as before, and he glanced at the current Demon City settlement, exuding a coldness all over his body.

Right palm.

A silver light was flickering constantly.

He slowly turned his head and said to Di Junlin with a smile: "Jun Lin, the teacher will take you to slaughter the saint today!"

"Tianzun, Tianhou, Tianwang, Dihuang, Tiansheng!"

"Starting from the weather realm, you must begin to understand the power of the heaven and earth that belongs to you!"

"With the help of the power of heaven and earth, temper the body and soul!"

"With the help of the power of heaven and earth, temper the essence of 'potential'!"

"The sword has the power of the sword, and the gun has the power of the gun! Everyone has their own 'power'!"

"The trend of heaven and earth is also divided into equal orders! From the first order to the ninth order!"

"There is also a difference in grade between different 'potentials'!"

"Rank 1 to Rank 9, rank represents the potential of 'potential', and also represents the achievements that can be achieved in the future!"

"The weather realizes the 'potential', the heavenly king refines the 'intention', the earth emperor condenses the 'domain', and the heavenly saint merges the 'source' into a 'realm'!"

"Today, let you experience the origin realm of the Heavenly Sacred Realm in advance!"

Say it.

A terrifying aura that was hundreds of times stronger than Huo Lin and Xie Luo poured out on Hong Yuansheng!

A touch of silver light appeared above the sky.

That's a shadow of the world!

Among them, there is infinite vitality, and there is a majestic eruption of heaven and earth!

And now!

This huge world of silver light is condensing in reality.

Towards the purplish red realm and the scorpion poison realm of Huo Lin and Scorpion Luo!

That's right!

It's crushing!

That silver light world fell quickly!

Collision with Huo Lin and Scorpion Luo Purple Realm and Scorpion Venom Realm!

The powerful realm of the two evil saints does not even have the ability to resist.

Like a fragile tofu dregs, it shatters when touched!

The power of the source was quickly swallowed by the silver light world!

Just half a second.

The power of the source in the fields of Huo Lin and Scorpion Luo was swallowed up.

The realm of the two began to collapse.

Huo Lin and Scorpion Luo, who were frozen in place by time, suddenly resumed their actions.

A mouthful of blood could not help spewing out.

"Hong... Yuansheng!?!"

"Your realm is... actually..."


Huo Lin was terrified.

The huge scar on its back began to glow silver.

The time shrouded in the fire lin begins to warp!

The huge evil body began to degenerate in the air!

The purple-red flames on the surface of the body gradually extinguished.

The evil body exudes the meaning of corrosion and decay, the muscles begin to age, and black spots appear all over the face.


The whole body turned into fine gravel and floated in the air.

Life cut off.

A nightmare-level evil sage who reached the five-star perfection in the heavenly holy realm died quietly.


"Is it the power of the Holy Land?"

Di Junlin's ancient double pupils have long been opened, and golden pupils and blood pupils are spinning in his eyes.

Looking at the scene in front of him, he was horrified.

He just barely saw a flash of silver light just now.

The evil that made him feel extremely powerful was actually shrouded in the teacher's domain.

Dying without resistance.

Tianhou realizes the 'potential', the heavenly king refines the 'intention', the earth emperor condenses the 'domain', and the heavenly saint merges the 'source'!

It only accommodates the source of time! ! !

Just so powerful! !

If I can develop the Chaos Divine Body to the extreme, and integrate all the source light groups in the Yuanyuan Palace into my body!

Re-integrate into the realm of your own creation!

How strong will you be?

"and many more!"

"Just now! If you can make up for the evil in the Heavenly Sacred Realm!"

"Will your cultivation level go to heaven?"

Di Junlin suddenly thought regretfully.

And this time.

Scorpion Luozheng looked at Hong Yuansheng with a look of horror.

The transparent blade inserted into his scorpion tail also glowed with silver light.

The powerful realm of Hongyuan Saint shrouded it even more.

Time begins to warp.

Under the action of the power of time, Scorpion Luo's evil body began to age like crazy.

The power of the source is eroded by time.

"Respected human powerhouse!"

"I am willing to be your loyal servant!"

"Please spare my life!"

Scorpion Luo's own evil body transformed into a humanoid body, and knelt humbly in front of Hong Yuansheng.

The origin of the soul is revealed in front of Hong Yuansheng.

The scene of Huo Lin's death just now is vivid in his mind.

The human being in front of him is a hundred times stronger than before!

I can't stop the vitality from disappearing in my body at all!

Damn Sora!

If there is a chance! ! !

Sora must die! ! ! !

"Hehe, man-eater!"

"You deserve to be my servant too?"


Hong Yuansheng's eyes were cold, he raised his finger and pointed at Xie Luo lightly.

Time is speeding up again!

The rotten and withered aura of death has already emerged in Xie Luo.

"Do not!!!"

"Hong Yuansheng!!! You humans will definitely be destroyed!"

"Even if you have already stepped into the Emperor Realm with half a foot!!!"

"The world rules of this planet! The Emperor Realm is not allowed!"

"But it doesn't restrict the entry of foreign emperors!"

"Five years! Five years later! My saints are free!"

"The Holy Emperor is coming, you humans, all of you will die!"

Scorpion Luo roared furiously.

It knows it can't live anymore.

The huge body of the evil body reappeared in the sky above the magic capital settlement.

The remaining source power in the body began to surge, filling his evil body that was getting old!

He's going to blow himself up!

He wants to let all the human beings in the Demon City be buried with him! ! !

The power of the source begins to boil!


The space where Scorpion Luo was located began to shatter.

It was as if the world could no longer bear his power.


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