Gao Wu: Beginning With A Chaotic Body, Becoming A Blood Demon God In Prison

Chapter 128: Betrayal By The Town Demon Bureau? Break The Barrier

"Just like your wife!"

"I am willing to transform the source and transform the evil body on my own!"

Even more powerful than Yuan in the early stage of the Nine Stars of the Earth Emperor Realm!

But he turned out to be an evil lackey?

His eyes had turned red.

"Pan Wuxin, you betrayed mankind and became an evil lackey, haven't you thought about the consequences?"

"The ridiculous Suppression Bureau has become the latest human waste to take refuge in us."

At the same time, he grabbed the young man's throat and looked at Su Anguo with a wicked smile, "This is your nephew!"

Su Anguo clutched his heart and was in a trance.

Yuan Yi grabbed a young man's hair and broke off his limbs.

thought here.

"Huo Lin, Scorpion Luo!"

Su Ling couldn't help but let out a roar.

No lack of patience at all.

She also has to protect the remaining members of the Su family.

"Your Su family is very tough."

It's like changing the world!

court death!

All can see the excitement in each other's eyes!

Pan Wuxin was silent, and did not care that Yi Yuan also revealed his identity.

fifteen years ago.

I don't know how many evils to kill!

"You passed!"

"But the power is still so weak!"

"Enough, Yuanyi!"

The golden light flickered in Yuan Yi's hand, restoring Su Ling's limbs.

"Today is our lucky day!"

next second.

Scorpion Luo began to spread the black toxin all over his body.

The magic capital is inhabited in the sky outside the earth.

"It's not like the Wang family directly worships us when they see us!"

"Su Anguo, do you want your Su family to be destroyed today?"

Now Su Anguo is facing the siege of two evil emperors.

"How dare you appear in front of me!"

A space coordinate appeared in his mind.

The light blue Yuan force in the body surged, and Wang Yang in front of him began to change.

The surrounding space was instantly pitch black.

If Hongyuan Sheng really does not appear, then today is the time when Daxia is destroyed!

A figure covered in a black cloak appeared beside Yuanyi at some point.

According to the current situation of the magic capital settlement.

"Pan Wuxin? You actually! Betrayed humanity too?"

"He's deliberately provoking you!"

The light between heaven and earth was completely swallowed by this flame!

He would rather die than be tortured by such insults.

How could he possibly make a move to deal with himself?

When he was not the head of the Su family.

Intertwined with evil.

"Xi Luo, you have become more and more poisonous over the years."

Huo Lin's whole body ignited a purple flame!

The incomparably white arms suddenly drew a huge space crack.

"It's just you?" Yuan Yi smiled disdainfully.

Ambushed by evil!

The entire Demon Capital settlement was illuminated by the purple-red Lin Yan!

Prepare to go across space.

There was a sacred golden light shining in it.

These toxins spread towards the energy barrier of the guardian primal energy formation in the magic capital settlement.

He just wanted to live, that's right.

"You two, break the formation of the magic capital! Let the clansmen enter their settlements!"

Now the evil saints from the major settlements have joined forces to invade Daxia!

He broke it apart again, and crushed Su Ling's ten fingers one by one.

Step into it.

"Yuanyi, you will die today!"


"Looking at his painful expression, he didn't even shout."

"Millions of humans were captured by us! Captive!"

He threw Su Ling aside in his hand.

The breath on his body also reached the realm of the emperor!

"Hong Yuansheng's injuries are more serious than we thought!"

"Su Anguo?"

They are the Heavenly Sacred Realm.

If you lose your mind, you will be confused.

Pan Wuxin once fought with him, and they both saved each other's lives.

. . . . . . . . .

"Lin Yan!"

"Patriarch! Calm down!"

It has already been explained that Daxia's strongest combat power, Hong Yuansheng has a problem.

He slowly released his hand, letting him feel the ability to breathe.

Evil Saint Kongyuan's face was faintly excited, and he said to the two people beside him.

Yuan Yi's eyes became colder and colder, watching Su Anguo, who said nothing, lost his pleasure inexplicably.

What will be the result?

"Since that's the case, they don't need to exist anymore, do they?"

Hong Yuansheng didn't even make a move!

"We can start now!"


Su Anguo stood on the spot and said word by word.

"In front of you! Let them enjoy the cruelest pain in the world!"

"I have informed the other evil saints that they will start working together after we break through the settlement of the Demon Capital!"

"The inside of the Demon City is in chaos today!"

The rest of the Heavenly Sacred Realm chose silence.

"But I like your Su family's tough bones!"

"Ha ha ha ha......"


Kong Yuan, Huo Lin, and Scorpion Luo quietly waited for the appearance of the powerful Daxia.

Nowadays, outside the major settlements, several evil spirits from the Heavenly Sacred Realm have appeared!


"Kill me if you have one!"

Travel with your wife to a secret, naturally-occurring place.

"It's okay."

Huo Lin and Xie Luo looked at each other.

"How long will it take to be as corrupt as you are?"

"Jie Jie Jie..."

Yuan Yi squeezed Su Ling's throat again, causing him to suffocate.

Once caught the flaw.

"You are!!! The director of the Magic City Demon Bureau!"

Let Su Xuan lose his mother!

"Go ahead!"

How dare you appear in front of him now?

"Since Hong Yuansheng hasn't done anything yet! Then his injury must be getting worse!"

"Pan Wuxin? You solved the human beings in the Demon Suppression Bureau?"

How can humans win?

"You'd better make a decision quickly, or I will let evil spirits invade the bodies of your Su family's women and children!"

"And the major human races known as the Apocalypse Family, also independently integrated into the blood of my evil clan."

"There has been a change in the secret realm of the newcomers of Tiansheng Academy, I'm going to go!"

"Want to kill me?"

When the young man saw Su Anguo's mood change, he immediately discouraged him.


It looks very weird.

Su Anguo saw this evil face, and his eyes were filled with deep hatred.

Pan Wuxin remained silent, but his Black Rock Domain had already been released.

The face became more and more perverted.

Su Anguo waved his hand, and his eyes swept coldly over the evil spirits of the two emperors in front of him.


And his wife was the evil man in front of him, brutally killing him in front of him!

Attached to the energy barrier, it actually easily corrodes the solid barrier.

The power that Hong Yuansheng left on them has always been weakening!

"Even if Hong Yuansheng appears, it is not impossible to escape!"

Daxia has yet to send a real powerhouse to take action.

Suddenly felt that the split soul left on the evil eye was activated.

Watching his blue veins burst out, his lips gradually turned purple.

The evil and charming man looked at Su Anguo with a playful face and said.

As Yuan Yi said, the evil spirits with more than five stars in the Nine Heads Heavenly Holy Land surrounded the entire Great Xia together.

"Die in front of you!"

"It seems that the magic capital has fallen into our control?"

"Want to die? It's not that easy!"

Seeing this figure, Yuan Yi showed a strange smile.

"We only need blood sacrifice to expel humans!"

Another pitch-black field appeared above everyone's heads.

The earth-shattering breath on both of them suddenly recovered.

They can't expel them by themselves, but they can help themselves expel them by blood sacrifices to humans.

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