In the face of death, Su Xuan seemed to let himself go.

His eyes rolled, as if he had thought of something, and suddenly came to Shi Jingxian's ear.

"let me tell you!"

"When you were a child, your phone bill was topped up, but I actually did it."

"At that time, in order to become a member of Goose Sausage, I accidentally..."

"I just didn't expect that your parents are so serious that they have to mix doubles with you!"

"Oh yes, you didn't actually have a problem with bedwetting when you were a child."

"Every time I go to your house to play, I can't help but put your hand in the ice water, and you pee without knowing why."

"Hahaha...and back then..."

Su Xuanzheng speaks vigorously.

Suddenly, a fist bigger than a sandbag was getting closer and closer to his big face.



"I was wrong! Didn't I confess to you?"

"Don't slap your face!"

"Hey! Not there! Future sex!"

"Big brother! Big brother!"

Shi Jingxian pressed Su Xuan under his body expressionlessly, and his fists kept falling on him.


How did I know this pit bull when I was a child?

Every time I commit a crime, I get beaten by myself!

What makes Lao Tzu have social phobia now, and he can't speak more than five words!

damn thing.

I will hammer you to death today!

Qin Lanlan turned her head with a subtle expression, "Ah? Su Xuan was such a fool when he was a child?"

Ren Yasu shook his head, "It's more pitiful than he said."

"Think back then..."

Qin Lanlan and Ren Yasu watched Su Xuan and Shi Jingxian fight from a distance.

But both of them had Di Junlin on their minds.

"Yasu, can't you get in touch with the family?"

Qin Lanlan held a golden flower in his hand, and Yuan Li kept entering it.

But there was no reaction.

Ren Yasu pointed to his blue bracelet and shook his head, "The secret realm began to collapse, the space was fluctuated, and they couldn't be contacted."

"Looks like we're this time, alas..."

Qin Lanlan sighed and put away the golden flower in his hand, no longer wasting his Yuan strength.

Ren Yasu quickly swept the life-saving items in the storage space.

His gaze was fixed on a silver-white array plate.



The sound of space breaking continued to sound.

The space boundary wall of the secret realm is already full of cracks!

A terrifying space storm is brewing, and the energy in the entire secret realm is rapidly dissipating.

Whether it was evil energy or Yuan force, all disappeared!

The space far away from Qin Lanlan, Ren Yasu and others has been turned into nothingness by the space storm!

Everything in it was erased.

Not even a speck of dust was left.

At this time.

A flash of lightning flashed.

Di Junlin appeared in front of the crowd with a cracked empty bag.


"I brought back the original space stone!"

"Can you arrange the Yuan array?"

Di Junlin came to Hu Qianyuan's side and asked with a solemn expression.

Hu Qianyuan smiled awkwardly, "Junior, the secret realm collapsed too quickly."

"I'm afraid I can't do it, even if my cultivation base is not sealed..."

Qin Lanlan and Ren Yasu walked to Di Junlin's side.

"Jun's Landing, does your skill tree have spatial capabilities?" Ren Yasu asked with a serious face.

Di Junlin was slightly startled, "My skill tree?"

The Hell Blood Demon Tree does seem to carry some spatial power.

Just like the Blood Prison Three-stage Slash, each of his blood-light landings involves a little space power.

There seems to be a trace of Blood Prison Collapsing Mountain.

"It does carry a trace."

"But it only plays a supporting role."

Di Junlin answered quickly.


The space that was only five hundred miles away from them began to shatter!

A wisp of space storm hit, and everyone felt the power of the storm outside the secret realm at this moment.

Just a trace!

It caused cracks in many of the newly born fleshly bodies.

Blood spurted out.

"It's too late to explain!"

"Jun Lin, give me your hand!"

"Hold the space stone in your hands!"

"I fuse the power in my body with you! Activate the power of the original stone in space and open the array in my hand!" Ren Yasu said quickly.

Without waiting for Di Junlin to answer, he took his hand quite naturally.

A silver-white array disk appeared in her hand.

The center of the array plate is engraved with many complex array patterns.

Hu Qianyuan just glanced at it intently, and for a moment felt numb all over his body.

The rank of this array is too high!

Can the two really start smoothly?

Hu Qianyuan looked worried.

"This is! Escape the formation plate!"

Qin Lanlan immediately recognized the source of this array.

"Yasu, after the last time we cleared the natural secret realm, this is what you got?"

"But you didn't..."

Qin Lanlan's voice stopped, and the words were swallowed again.

An oval silver-white stone suddenly appeared in Di Junlin's right hand!

A strong power of space erupted in his hands!

"Want to run?"

Di Junlin's red eyes suddenly turned golden.

A stern gaze stared at the space rough stone that was constantly vibrating in his hand and wanted to escape.

Inside the original space stone, there is a silver-white spiritual body that is condensing.

It constantly absorbs the power of the surrounding space.

The rate at which the secret realm is broken is getting faster and faster!

Di Junlin burst out with the mighty power of the Chaos Divine Body, stubbornly suppressing the Space Stone.

"Jun's Landing, here I come!"

"You stabilize, keep this state, and gradually increase the speed!"

"Until I tell you to stop, you stop!"

Ren Yasu's slightly heavy breathing came.

Her whole body was full of black and white qi, and it spread to Di Junlin's body along the clasped palms of the two!

Di Junlin was like a conduit at the moment.

The power used to stimulate, lead, and unblock the original stone in space.

The array plate in her hand must be activated by powerful space energy!

Now, the secret realm is shattering faster and faster!

They only have this chance to survive!

"it is good!"

Di Junlin ignored the resistance of the spirit body inside the space rough stone.

Suddenly using the Soul Eater, a blood-colored vortex line of defense in the palm of his hand.

He regards the space power of the space rough stone as blood, thereby quickly transforming the power to activate the array!


The space rough stone seems to feel the rapid disappearance of its own power.

Immediately start the riot and float the power of your own space!

The power of space absorbed by Di Junlin became as violent as the outside space storm.

It made the Escape Formation Plate just lit up in Ren Yasu's hand to flicker.

Once it is turned on, it fails!

All will die!


Di Junlin cursed inwardly, and a trace of madness flashed in his pupils.

I want to pour the power of my own thunder source into it and destroy the spiritual body born in the original stone of space.

"Master, let me come."

Xue Li suddenly ran out of the breastplate space.

Glancing at the spiritual body of the space rough stone, a mysterious smile appeared on his face.

After growing up, Xue Li (many pictures posted before have been reviewed and lost, let's see and cherish)

Get into it without hindrance.

The space rough stone, which was still rioting just now, suddenly calmed down.

A lot of space power was sucked up by Di Junlin!

All poured into Ren Yasu's body.

Ren Yasu couldn't help humming softly: "Well..."

Lin Bin heard the strange voice and looked at the strange expressions of the two of them.

(Students and juniors, isn't it bad to fight savagely in front of us?)


(PS: Guys! I will read any comments, and I will also reply or like the funny ones! In addition, these days of crackdown, many of the chapters I posted last week have been revised? ﹏?)

(At present, the cumulative five-star praise count is 6~~ Big guys remember to join the bookshelf and send free gifts)

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