Di Junlin's breath suddenly soared at this moment!

Break through the early stage of the Seven Stars of the Supreme Heavenly Venerate Realm!

The pure energy that Yuan Si left behind was quickly consumed!

Let Di Junlin's body become more powerful, and he will only be one step away from reaching the middle stage of the Seven Stars of the Heavenly Venerate Realm!

There are seven blood-red stars lingering on the Prison Blood Demon Tree behind him!

Brighter than the formation of the Heavenly Spirit Realm!

Di Junlin's terrifying aura in the early days of reaching the Seven Stars of Heavenly Venerate shrouded the surrounding space!

The energy of the entire space is completely controlled by him.

Lightning flashed in his hands.

A thunder giant tiger that resembled a spirit-devouring giant condensed under him.

The breath of this thunder giant tiger has reached the level of six stars in the Heavenly Venerate Realm!

"Condensing it? Only 1/10,000 of Yuan Li is spent?"

"Energy creation is for Heavenly Venerate!"

"Is this the power of the Heavenly Venerate Realm?"

"One person to ten thousand troops?"

Di Junlin quickly mastered the skyrocketing power within him.

With the Chaos Divine Body, he felt the time of his day.

The breakthrough of the cultivation base is really too fast.

If it weren't for Yuan Si's special energy, I'm afraid it wouldn't be so easy to reach the Seven Stars of the Heavenly Venerate Realm!

"I miss that Gu Guben Peiyuan Dan a little, what's the matter?"

Di Junlin inexplicably recalled the elixir he had taken before.

If it weren't for these medicinal herbs to replenish the body.

At the same time, it stabilized his realm.

How can it be so stable to reach the seventh level of the Heavenly Venerate Realm now?

Even if he has the ancient memory of the blood demon god and the indestructible and unyielding will.

Also stick to the basic law of energy.

More importantly, relying on the speed of his cultivation.

At present, none of the skill imprints he has learned can reach his current level.

Twenty-five minutes to condense an opening source crystal.

Can't even catch up!

not far away.

"This apprentice's cultivation base!!! Reached the Seven Stars of the Heavenly Venerate Realm!!?"

Lin Bin, who was being treated by Ren Yasu, felt the breath emerging from Di Junlin.

And the thunder giant tiger he just condensed.

said suddenly in surprise.

It attracted a few sophomores from Tiansheng University around him with shock.

"Lin Bin, what did you say?"

"Di Junlin isn't he a freshman???"

"Wait... he seems to have hacked all the evil spirits to death??"

A sophomore has just woken up from a coma.

Hearing Lin Bin's voice, he immediately wanted to refute.

As a result, he turned his head and saw that the entire mountain range was covered with evil blood?

The number of students at Tiansheng Academy was even less than half.

"Hu Qianyuan, Ling Bin, where are the students from our academy??"

"Why are there only a hundred of us left??"

The student looked at the students around him who were awake from the coma with a bewildered expression.

Everyone lost a limb?

Lying on the ground almost like a human stick?

An ominous premonition surged in my heart.

Hu Qianyuan and Lin Bin looked at each other with sympathy, "All died at the hands of evil."

"If it wasn't for Di Junlin, we'd be dead right now!"

"He saved us all!"


The student had a complicated expression and looked at the other student A beside him, "Really?"

Student A was stunned for a while, looking at the subtle expressions of Qin Lanlan, Ren Yasu, Su Xuan, and Shi Jingxian.

I only felt that my head froze on the top of my head, and nodded confidently, "Really!"

"He saved us all!"

Only then did Qin Lanlan smile, "Senior, you have just woken up!"

"I'm here to tell you what just happened!"

"Di Junlin sacrificed... his life in order to save you all, and that's how it exploded..."

"Look at his white hair! It almost took decades of his life!"

"We owe him so much..."

Qin Lanlan was in tears as she spoke, and she was moved to tears.

The student who just spoke couldn't help rolling his eyes.

The surviving students looked at each other.

The expressions are all confused.

Student A: "..." (This year's college entrance examination champion is so fierce??)

Freshman B: "..." (So what? Di Junlin's hair was originally white, right?)

Freshman C: "..." (Thinking about it! Those who have grudges with Di Junlin seem to be dead! No way...)

Student Ding: "..." (Huh?? Mist grass! Why is my fifth stick gone? Are all the evil spirits so jealous of me?)

Standing not far behind Qin Lanlan, Shi Jingxian, Su Xuan, and Ren Ya were expressionless.

It's just that the eyes of Su Xuan and Shi Jingxian are very wonderful.

Su Xuan glanced at Shi Jingxian: "Sister Lan is so good at editing??"

Shi Jingxian rolled his eyes, "Woman!"

Su Xuan suddenly widened his eyes and looked at Shi Jingxian with horror, "Are you looking for a woman behind my back?"

Shi Jingxian: "..."

Ren Yasu: "(⊙o⊙)?"

at this time!

The entire secret space began to vibrate!

The power to maintain the space appears to be undermined.

There was a huge crack in the sky of the secret space.

Beyond the cracks!

It is an endless void!

The incomparably terrifying space is filled with turbulence, and it seems to feel the breath of the secret realm.

The originally chaotic spatial turbulence actually converged into a shock wave.

Rush towards the rookie challenge secret realm where Di Junlin and the others are!

"Boom rumble..."

The huge sound spread throughout the secret space!

The crack on the top of the head began to spread and expand!

At the same time, there are dozens of relatively small cracks, which are generated in different directions!

The ground on which Di Junlin and the others were standing began to crack!

It is different from the cracks blasted by Blood Prison and Collapsing Mountain!

These cracks appear now!

Wider and deeper than the crack Di Junlin blasted!

Once in it!

There is only one result!

That is death!

Lin Bin looked at the changes in the environment, and his face suddenly turned ashen, "It's over, this secret realm has begun to collapse!"

"The evil's purpose turned out to be! Take away the original stone of the core space of this secret realm!"

"Now they should be successful!"

"We... I'm afraid..."

Hu Qianyuan's complexion changed drastically when he heard the words, and he was about to stand up.

But he didn't remember that he lost his limbs, and immediately shouted: "No! We still have a chance!"

"Just take back the original space stone!"

"I can rearrange the formation! I am a third-level high-quality Yuan formation master certified by the association!"

Many students who survived have not felt fortunate.

For a time, his face was as pale as Lin Bin.

They who lost their limbs and suffered heavy injuries seemed to be no different from the cripple.

The only function at the moment is.

Wait to die!

Qin Lanlan, Ren Yasu, Su Xuan, and Shi Jingxian watched the changes in the secret space.

Immediately understand the current situation.

A black light flickered.

Ren Yasu came to Di Junlin's side instantly and felt the powerful breath of Di Junlin.

Her always clear expression finally changed a little, "Jun's Landing, you..."

Before she could finish.

Di Junlin had disappeared before her eyes.

Stepping on the thunder giant tiger under his feet, it turned into an electric light and rushed into the hollow in the center of the mountain.

The space fluctuations there are extremely strong!

A silver light shrouded!

Ren Yasu froze in place.

A familiar voice came from my ear, "Let's talk later!"

"I'll kill that squint first!"

Ren Yasu: "..."

(It's so hard for my mother to add a buff to you??)


(Wow, the cumulative five-star praise has reached 80, this chapter is an update! Now start again from zero~)

(The queen stares: "Hand over all the free gifts!" = ̄ω ̄=)

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