Gao Wu: Beginning With A Chaotic Body, Becoming A Blood Demon God In Prison

Chapter 103 Heavenly Spirit Extreme Dao! New Task! (Picture)


Several of the evil swarms have reached the king-level double-headed evil leopard.

It seems that he feels the crisis, and the evil spirit surging in his body.

The sluggish color in the pupils quickly disappeared, and I ask the control of the magic sound to regain consciousness.

Watching his own group rush forward one after another towards Zi Yao Moyan not far in front of him.

Immediately let out a roar.

I want to bring these clansmen back to their senses.

But before they could make a sound, hundreds of purple-black sword lights appeared in front of them.


These sword lights carry an unimaginable sharpness.

The moment it touches their body, it penetrates their body without exception.

Hot blood spurted out from the wound.

The evil body was dismembered on the spot, and the stumps flew around.

Among them, the king-level double-headed evil leopard whose cultivation base has reached the nine-star perfection in the Heavenly Spirit Realm is even more taken care of by Alifis!

The sword light that was nearly double that of others flashed on his body.

The two leopard heads were beaten to pieces, and their limbs were cut off!

The evil body immediately fell to the ground, although not completely dead.

But also lost the ability to resist.

And the few cultivation bases next to him are nothing but elite-level double-headed evil leopards with perfect eight stars in the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

But not so lucky.

The evil body was instantly cut off by Alyphis.

The blood in the body was swallowed up.


"With so many evils, the master should be able to successfully break through!"

Alifis held the body of the magic sword in his hand, and the Zi Yao magic flame shrouded all the two-headed evil leopards that had not yet completely died.

All the two-headed evil leopards were burned to ashes by the Ziyao Demon Flame!

The powerful swallowing power burst out from the body of the magic sword!

Devour all the blood energy in these two-headed evil leopards.

Alyphis did not absorb it herself, but sent it all to the Hell Blood Demon God Tree!

"Master after the breakthrough!"

"It must be able to sweep the entire secret realm!"


Under the cliff, next to the black evil light beam.


Di Junlin exhaled a turbid breath, feeling that the growth of the energy in his body was getting slower and slower.

It was almost about to stop, and I could only hope that Alyphis would speed up.

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted!

Especially the ten-star extreme path that he wants to enter directly into the Heavenly Spirit Realm!

He can feel that this time he wants to enter the realm of the extreme way.

It is more difficult than the previous two times, and it is even more difficult to break through!


He must enter the pole!

Only after entering the pole and then breaking through can you maintain the ability to fight in leaps and bounds!

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully killing the nine-seven-star double-headed evil leopard in the Heavenly Spirit Realm, and obtaining a spirit-level lottery card with 415 origin points! 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully killing the nine-seven-star double-headed evil leopard in the Heavenly Spirit Realm, and obtaining a spirit-level lottery card with 415 origin points! 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully killing the Nine Stars of the Heavenly Spirit Realm and completing the double-headed evil secluded leopard, and obtaining a premium lottery card, four hundred and fifty-five origin points! 】


In an instant!

Dozens of system beeps rang in Di Junlin's ears.

The Hell Blood Demon Tree behind him began to glow with blood and trembled constantly!

The aura on it is also getting stronger and stronger!

Suddenly, a huge blood energy filled the hell blood demon tree!

The idol in Di Junlin's body that was about to stop spinning began to spin again!

The speed of rotation is several times faster than before!

Xue Li, who was just about to return to the doom and bloodthirsty breastplate space, suddenly widened his eyes.

The maid skirt on her body was blown.

The red light in the eyes became brighter!

Do you have a bright red strawberry in your hand?

The Doom Bloodthirst breastplate on Di Junlin also began to glow red.

At this moment, the huge Yuanli energy flooded his whole body!

The number of ancient giant elephant particles that have just stagnated at 18,000!

Start changing again!

Flesh particles seem to be beaten with chicken blood!

Start transforming like crazy!

Eighteen thousand three hundred... 18,500...

Eighteen thousand nine hundred... 19,100...

Until the power of 19,999 ancient giant elephants is condensed!


An earth-shattering roar exploded in Di Junlin's ears!

The great river of Yuan Li in his dantian madly opened up around him!

It's twice as big as before!

At the same time, the concentration of Yuan Li is constantly increasing!

At this moment, the Yuanli River has become a rolling river!

Under the support of the huge Yuanli energy, it has almost reached its limit!

"Alyphis, great job!"

"Break it for me!"

Di Junlin felt the soaring energy in his body!

There is excitement in the golden red eyes!

The breath of stagnant growth seems to have injected new energy.

Start surging like crazy!

Turn into countless Dao Yuan force needles, stabbing towards the shackles that limit the improvement of cultivation base!


A slight sound.

Di Junlin is here!

Break through the shackles of the Nine Stars of the Heavenly Spirit Realm in an instant!

Enter the realm of the extreme way!

Reached ten stars in the Heavenly Spirit Realm!

Three blood-colored pole chains suddenly appeared in his dantian.

In an instant, his dantian was blocked!

But Di Junlin's breath is growing fast and frantically!

Another blood-red star condensed out next to the Prison Blood Demon Tree, and ten blood-red stars revolved tirelessly around the trunk.

Di Junlin's Chaos Divine Body and Ancient Eyes!

The golden light shines at this moment!

The light of Shen Xi surrounded him, and the chains of order exuded special power.

His pupils suddenly transformed into two pupils, one red and one gold surrounding each other!

Powerful momentum soars into the sky!

The cultivation base is still improving under the flooding of the remaining Yuanli energy!

Directly reach the peak of the Ten-star Extreme Realm of the Heavenly Spirit Realm!

On the trunk of the Prison Blood Demon Tree, another brand-new skill imprint lit up with golden light.

[Ding, congratulations to the host's Chaos Divine Body for breaking through to the ninth floor (200/50000)! 】

[Congratulations to the host's ancient heavy pupil for breaking through to the fourth floor (26/8000)! 】

[Congratulations to the host's cultivation realm being raised to the 10-star limit of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, and the on-hook upgrade speed has been increased to 150 points/hour! 】

[Ding, the task is being generated...]

【Release Mission: Extreme Rescue! 】

[Task content: The secret realm of the newcomers of Tiansheng Academy has been invaded by evil spirits. The number of evil spirits has reached several thousand and is still growing rapidly! Please go to the host to rescue immediately, and eliminate the evil spirits in the secret realm! 】

[Quest reward: One god-level lottery card, 300 Origin Crystals, one Qualification for Physique Baptism, 30,000 Origin Points! 】

[System Note: Hurry up, Sao Nian, those evil spirits want to blow up the entire secret realm! Be careful to be bombed! (?■_■)】

Another series of system prompts sounded.

Di Junlin's eyes shot a faint golden light, and the golden light on the surface of his body gradually faded.

The ancient heavy pupil and the Chaos Divine Body broke through together, and the world in front of him seemed to have changed.

He could see more strange and tiny pictures.

They can even perceive their origins.

Di Junlin could feel the powerful force that was surging inside him.

At the same time, it is also rapidly mastering these forces.


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