Seeing the bottomless bottom, Hua Huo hugged Pei Guang nervously: "I'm afraid..."

Liu Ying said softly: "Don't be afraid! Next, I'll show you what he's really good at, climbing the wall with his butt!"

For Liu Ying, who has experienced it personally, this way of running is very interesting, but watching Hanabi who is also being hugged aside, Liu Ying is a little unhappy.

However, a little comparison shows that Liuying is a little happy. Because of Hanabi's figure, Pei Guang can clamp it with just one pinch. But Liu Ying had a good figure, and in order to avoid touching some sensitive parts, Pei Guang had to stretch the wall wider and hug her tighter.

But Liuying soon realized something was wrong: "What makes me happy?"

But it was obvious that Pei Guang didn't give Liu Ying time to think, because Pei Guang held them in his arms and made a leap, gliding from one building to another.

On this day, the tracking hounds saw a scene they had never seen in their lives. They saw a man holding two women and carrying an old man on his back while running vertically down the building while making a leap.

And while Pei Guang was leaping, some evil thing put a rainbow light on the back of Pei Guang's butt that Pei Guang himself didn't see. So when Pei Guang leaped, a rainbow appeared on Pei Guang's butt. This kind of rainbow light appeared on Pei Guang's butt. It feels like Pei Guang sprayed... although this is really not the rainbow that Pei Guang sprayed.

Just imagine, in the middle of the building, a person sticking his butt out sprays a rainbow...

Even if such an abstract picture was a dream, they couldn't dream of it, but now it appeared in front of them.

At this moment, the hounds forgot about the pursuit and watched this scene with wide eyes and mouths.

Pei Guang sprayed a rainbow that he didn't even know existed and landed safely on the opposite building. After landing on the opposite side, Pei Guang started climbing the stairs directly.

Seeing Pei Guang's movements, they chased him directly. Unlike Pei Guang, they needed to pass through the mechanism designed by the dream builder. The speed of passing the mechanism was not slow, but compared with Pei Guang's direct leap over, it was a lot slower.

On this day, the interesting mechanism designed by Pinoconi's dream builder successfully stopped his own people.

The foursome arrived at the rooftop of another floor safely. Pei Guang, who arrived at the rooftop of another floor, was not idle. He took out a lot of weapons from the storage space.

These are all kinds of weapons that Pei Guang brought from the Luofu Immortal Boat, including missiles that look like crossbows and single-molecule chainsaws that look like saw blades.

Pei Guang took out his weapon and urged Liu Ying and Hua Hui at the same time: "Quick! Choose the weapon you feel comfortable with, and I will arrange it around. When they come over, we will give them a big gift!"

It was because he was unprepared before, and he was also discovered at the same time. There were fewer people versus more people, and Pei Guang was not sure about saving an old man who lacked memory.

But now that there was time and no one was around, he was ready to fight back.

When Liuying saw a flying sword, she took it over and said, "I'll just take this~"

Hanabi: "That's all I say~" Unlike Liuying, Hanabi's eyes lit up when she saw the chain saw in the pile of weapons. Good girl Hanabi raised a chain saw about the same size as herself.

Liuying: "What should we do next? Do we... have any help?"

Pei Guang nodded: "Yes! I am shaking people now."

Pei Guang had already taken out his mobile phone and was about to shake people. Pei Guang opened his mobile phone and directly entered the simulated universe test group.

This group was established by the Black Tower. In order to let Pei Guang know the simulated universe news group in a timely manner, Pei Guang didn't know how to describe the current situation, so he used a classic way to initiate an inquiry.

Pei Guang: "Are you there?"

Black Tower: "It's impossible to measure."

The data obtained last time has not been analyzed yet, and the cost was a bit high last time. The Black Tower is soliciting sponsorships from all over the universe. Fortunately, Pei Guang obtained a lot of research information about the Amber King during his last simulation. Using this information, Black Tower really got a lot of sponsorship from the company.

In addition, the simulated universe is still being rebuilt, played and maintained. Pei Guang explodes every time he plays, which is a bit painful, but fortunately, the gains are countless times greater than the losses.

Pei Guang: "As long as the person is here, don't be afraid if I say one thing here."

Screw Gum: "Don't worry, we are members of the genius club, we will not be afraid."

Pei Guang: "Our train crew was invited by Pinoconi to attend the grand event. What do you think?"

Heita: "What's wrong?"

Pei Guang: "I met a genius club member who was imprisoned by his family!!!"

Black Tower: "?"

Screwgum: "?"

Ruan Mei: "?"

Stephen: "?"

Ruan Mei and Stephen, who were originally diving, were shocked when they saw the news.

If it were ordinary people, they would just take it as a joke, but who is Pei Guang? He is a person who is valued by Bo Shi Zun, and can even make Bo Shi Zun smoke and let his best friend Aha help cool him down.

Heita: "Tell me the details!"

Pei Guang: "To be specific, I traveled around the world in Pinoconi and met an old man who was imprisoned. The old man said that he was a member of the Genius Club, and his name was Chadwick."

Black Tower: "!!!"

Heita: "Are you kidding?"

Pei Guang: "I'm on a mission!"

If Pei Guang said he was not joking, Black Tower might have taken it as a joke, but when Pei Guang said he was on a mission, Black Tower immediately took it seriously.

Heita: "Are you serious? Hurry! Come back to the space station to find me!"

Black Tower became serious at this moment. Not only Black Tower, but also Screw Gumu, who followed Black Tower to analyze the information obtained from Pei Guang last time, also became serious at this time.

As for Ruan Mei and Stephen, they are watching for the time being.

But what Pei Guang said next made Ruan Mei feel like she couldn't watch the show.

Pei Guang: "We can't get through. We finally rescued this old man, but now he is being chased and intercepted~ I can't leave now. If I could leave, I would have taken this old man and disappeared."

"I'm going~ They sent a lot of people~ Help, help, help~"

Do you want to say that Pei Guang's place is so urgent? Not at all. Pei Guang had already connected several buildings on the border and quickly made arrangements. He planned to use these members of the hound family as gold coins.

On the other hand, after a brief exchange between Heita and Screw Gum, both of them chose to believe Pei Guang's words.

Black Tower: "Screwgum has gone! Also, protect him. This is also my mission."

Screwgum: "Please don't worry, I will arrive at Pinoconi as quickly as possible, and please protect Carlond Chadwick."

Pei Guang: "Oh? It's a double mission? Don't worry, no one can take him away before you come."

Originally there was only one mission, but Pei Guang's attitude was to just make do with it and earn some gold coins by the way.

Can one task become two tasks? There is another one posted by the generous person Heita? Then Pei Guang's attitude became better.

Looking at the members of the hound family that were constantly surrounding him, Pei Guang took out his thermal weapon.

Pei Guang's thermal weapon is very simple, a trash can filled with bombs that can detonate simultaneously.

After preparing the weapons, Pei Guang took out some garbage bags.

Pei Guang used a lot of garbage to strengthen his own data in the dream, but fortunately, the remaining garbage was enough for him to use the [Bucket Power] skill he had obtained before.

Pei Guang placed the garbage bag on the ground while mumbling something.

"The evil family is doing evil in the land of dreams. Countless ordinary people are imprisoned in their dreams. Even the geniuses of the genius club have become their slaves. But! They can't stop our will to save the dream world. The sacred garbage bag connection Follow us, let us unite in the dream, come out! Let us be united in our thoughts and protect this beautiful dream."

Following Pei Guang's call, the garbage bags on the ground disappeared, and as the garbage bags disappeared, rays of light fell from the sky one after another.

Looking at the light falling from the sky, Liu Ying and Hanabi, who were ready to fight, opened their eyes wide. They saw that as the light disappeared, one after another garbage cans with limbs appeared here.

In addition to trash cans with limbs, there are also trash cans that look like vehicles, trash cans that look like weapons, trash cans full of fertile power, trash cans full of will to destroy, trash cans with seven colors...

Using garbage bags as sacrifices, various trash cans appeared here. Tong who was good at fighting stood in front, and Tong who was good at strategy waved a feather fan. Just like Pei Guang summoned, they responded to the call of the King of Garbage and became one with the King of Garbage.

Watching trash cans appear one after another, Liuying, who was ready for a fight, fell silent, and Hanabi felt like her brain was a little down.

Even Chadwick couldn't help but sigh when he saw this scene: "See you soon."

wrong! This kind of thing is not a matter of longevity at all. It’s true that everything can be done in the dream world, but what’s the point of using a garbage bag to summon a trash can? Can it really be summoned?

Of course, it doesn't matter if all the people who come are trash cans. Hanabi actually sees an acquaintance in the trash cans she summoned?

Sambo over there? Do you really think I wouldn’t recognize you if you were wearing a trash can? And that one over there, why are you hanging the mask outside the trash can?

Forget about summoning a real trash can, how did you guys get summoned here?

Although the Masked Fool likes to have fun, isn't this too abstract? It was obviously normal to help the imprisoned people escape from the family before, but why did it suddenly turn into a legion battle? The problem is that what I have here is a bunch of trash cans...

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