That is to say, if Xing and March 7 are not here, both of them will scream in surprise when they see Pei Guang's abnormal expression here. Because when Pei Guang becomes perverted, he wants to trick people. Pei Guang's habits also affected Xing, which caused some or even many people to be unlucky once Xing became abnormal.

Pei Guang looked at Hanabi excitedly: "Don't worry, if you can't fight, I will put you in a safe place when the time comes. I have rich experience in protecting minors. Let's go! Let's set off now and go to the border to find monsters and explode gold coins. go."

Liu Ying raised her little hand: "Since we are going to the border... I happen to know a way..."

Pei Guang waved his hand: "No, you want to say that you have a secret passage that can get us where we want to go, right?"

Liuying nodded: "That's right! And..."

Just as Liuying was about to say something, she saw Hanabi looking expectantly. The moment she saw her, Liuying decided to hold back her thoughts.

She originally wanted to take Pei Guang to a very good scenic spot. There were few people in that place and she liked it very much. It was considered her secret stronghold.

Pei Guang is willing to take her to play, and she is naturally willing to share her favorite scenery with Pei Guang.

But now that Hua Huo is a third party, she doesn't want to go. It's not that she doesn't want to take Pei Guang with her, but she doesn't want Hua Huo to see her secret stronghold. There is obviously something wrong with Hanabi. Bringing this kind of person over will only affect her mood.

Of course, only Liu Ying knows in her heart whether she has other ideas.

Seeing Liu Ying hesitate to speak, Pei Guang patted her shoulder again: "Don't worry~ We won't take your secret passage this time. Well~ It's not that we dislike your secret passage, but we will follow the normal procedure. If we really take a secret passage, this secret passage will definitely be filled with enemies, right?"

If Liu Ying said she knew a way, Pei Guang would still dare to follow her, but when she said there was a secret passage, Pei Guang refused.

At this time, Pei Guang thought of many bad settings, such as digging a trap in his ancestral grave and building a secret passage that would kill several people every time he walked. Or maybe they talk about a secret passage, but if you know it, you can walk alone.

Liu Ying: " do we get there? Continue...get hit by a car?"

Recalling that Hoshino was hit by a car at the border, Hanabi had an idea that she wanted to complain about but couldn't.

Pei Guang: "It doesn't have to be so troublesome. Can we walk straight there?"

Hanabi: "Go straight there? But there are many, many buildings here~"

Pei Guang stretched out his index finger and shook it: "No, no, no! This is not a lot of buildings, but a lot of passages. Let's go! I will take you to the border quickly."

Liu Ying and Hua Hui were both curious about what Pei Guang would do, and Pei Guang also showed his plan to the two people.

Pei Guang had a lot of bold ideas when he came to this dreamland, but he never had the chance to put them into practice. Now that the opportunity came, he decided to have a good time.

Pei Guang's plan was also very simple. He first took out his weapons and dug up materials from the ground and buildings in Pinoconi.

For Pinoconi, whether the building is destroyed or otherwise, it will return to its original state after a while. Pei Guang just used his wooden sword to dig out the buildings here. In a short while, he dug out hundreds of materials with a standard size of one cubic meter.

With these materials, Pei Guang started his own plan. He imitated the MC cube man and placed a cube next to the building, and the cube stuck to the building securely.

Then Pei Guang dug up the building next to the block to make the block float. Then, let alone Liu Ying and Hua Huo, even the dream builder saw the scene that made his head buzz. The block floated.

The floating cube seemed to be supported, and it had no effect on Pei Guang's jumping or other movements when he climbed up.

At this moment, Pei Guang showed an expression of satisfaction on his face: "Well, let me tell you, the building was broken in seconds after sewing, so why didn't the floating building be sewn? It turns out that we are waiting in the dream world!"

Since coming to this world, Pei Guang has actually tried the floating cube setting. As a very classic setting in sandbox games, Pei Guang found that this setting cannot be used in this world?

But since it was said that it was all stitched up, Pei Guang assumed that it had not been activated yet, or that it was a skill that could only be used on special maps.

When he came to the dreamland, Pei Guang planned to use this skill, but when he came here, Pei Guang had no chance or time to try it. Now that he has the opportunity to try it, hey~ it's done.

Listening to Pei Guang's words and looking at the floating cube, Liu Ying didn't feel any surprise. Floating buildings in the dream world were not impossible.

Most people couldn't make a building float, but if Pei Guang could do it, she felt it was natural.

On the other hand, Hanabi clapped excitedly when she saw the floating building: "It's amazing, it's really amazing. You can actually make the building float? Can I do it?"

Hanabi's tone was full of admiration and expectation for Pei Guang. Even when she said these words, her hand accidentally touched Pei Guang's body as if by accident.

But the moment she touched it, she quickly retracted her hand as if she was electrocuted, but soon Hanabi touched it again with a blushing face, as if she had made some important decision.

First he touched Pei Guang's hand gently, then lowered his head and touched Pei Guang's hand with some redness.

Seeing this scene, Liuying was completely silent. She felt that this girl was a bit high-ranking. Who wouldn't be confused after seeing this method?

But Pei Guang was not confused. Seeing his hand being stuck by the other party, Pei Guang said with a look of disgust: "Sister, let's explain it. If you really want to touch it, just be honest. Don't worry, I won't do it." Dislike you."


Hua Huo opened her mouth to say something, but Liu Ying walked up to Pei Guang and nodded seriously: "Yes, he said that if you want to be honest, don't be shy and act bravely. Let me show you. Can I touch you please?”

Pei Guang nodded: "Of course~"

With Liu Ying taking the lead, Hana Huo seemed to have learned something and reached out to Pei Guang: "Um, can I touch you?"

Hanabi's eyes were full of expectation and fascination, and anyone who touched Hanabi's charming hands was enough to be fascinated to death.

Seeing Hua Huo's tempting inquiry, Pei Guang put his hands in front of his chest and made an X shape: "No! I refuse your request!"

This sentence made Hanabi a little angry. Her tone was a little dissatisfied, and she looked at Pei Guang with puzzled eyes: "Why? Didn't you say... I can touch him if I tell you if I want to?"

Pei Guang sighed helplessly: "Yes! But only if you are an adult. Before I asked you if you were a minor, you acquiesced, and you acquiesced that you were a minor. How could I let a minor do such a thing?"

At this moment, Liuying also understood what Pei Guang had done. She looked at Pei Guang with a serious expression: "But it's not good for her to see such behavior, right?"

Pei Guang clapped his hands: "That's right! Minors can't see this scene, it's not a big problem! I'll code it!"

As he spoke, Pei Guang used the Holy Light. Pei Guang was like a paladin in various games and animations, mosaic between himself and Liu Ying.

At this moment, Hanabi's eyes widened. Only now did she realize that she seemed to have been... tricked? Pei Guang is not interested in minors at all? Are there just some projects that minors are not allowed to experience?

etc? Would this man take such a thing so seriously?

At this time, Liuying, who had been unhappy because of Hanabi's appearance, was extremely happy. She stretched out her hands and touched Pei Guang's hand. Although she just touched the hand, Liuying had a wonderful experience.

This time Liu Ying became excited: "Huh? It seems very interesting?"

Pei Guang: "It's fun, but don't be cruel~"

Liuying: "Okay~ Can I touch it again?"

Pei Guang: "No problem~ This is a project that adults can experience."

Liu Ying: "Is this how male muscles feel? It's my first time to experience it myself."

Pei Guang: "You can also experience more interesting things, but you need to increase my favorability to unlock them~"

Liu Ying: "Well, if you don't want to increase your favorability, can you use money?"

Pei Guang: "No! I am a serious person."

Liuying and Pei Guang did not do anything under the cover of the holy light, they just misled Hanabi.

Hanabi couldn't see what was happening in the Holy Light, but hearing Liuying's happy laughter and Pei Guang's happy laughter, Hanabi gritted her teeth and stamped her feet unwillingly.

"Wait? Why should I not give in?"

Hua Huo suddenly realized, what was there to be unwilling to do? Originally she didn't care, but when she heard Liu Ying's laughter, she suddenly felt uncomfortable.

In addition, she also felt that the 'underage' that Pei Guang said was a big pit dug for her. Although it was interesting to let Pei Guang expose his special quirks and use them to threaten and ridicule, if there was a pit, she would fall into it herself. That would be boring.

So Hanabi hurriedly explained: "I'm not a minor, I'm an adult. Look, this is my proof~"

Hanabi took out the dream passport, and Pei Guang canceled the dream passport of Holy Light and looked at Hanabi, okay! Pei Guang didn't know where Hanabi got the dream passport that matched her current identity, but anyway, the passport stated that Hanabi was an adult.

At this moment, Pei Guang suddenly felt that it was meaningless, and Liu Ying also felt a little regretful. Finally, he had something that could help Hanabi, but it turned out that Hanabi had a way to prove that he was an adult. What a pity.

Hua Hui looked at Pei Guang with some trepidation at this time: "I have proved that I am an adult, then can I touch you?"

Pei Guang opened his arms: "Of course!"

After receiving the permission, Hanabi happily opened her arms, but then Pei Guang turned around and reminded Liu Ying and Hanabi in a solemn tone, "Okay~ You still want to touch me when you are free. Now our top priority is to go to the border to explode." Gold coins. When the gold coins are enough, I will give you good things."

Liu Ying looked forward to it: "Good stuff?"

Pei Guang: "It's a secret~ You will know it when the time comes. I can only say that it is a very rare and good thing."

Pei Guangke remembered that the light cone the clock boy took out contained the image of Liu Ying. He planned to exchange Liu Ying's related light cone for it and give it to Liu Ying to win her favor.

Hanabi also came over at this time: "What about me?"

Pei Guang looked at Hua Huo seriously: "You have come with us, there must be ~ I am a very fair person, as long as you are on the same side as me, you will definitely benefit."

Hanabi: "You're so kind~"

Pei Guang put his hands on his hips proudly: "That's right!"

After waffling for a while, Pei Guang began to take action. After making sure that the building materials could float, Pei Guang began to dig out a large amount of materials. After digging enough materials, Pei Guang began to build a floating channel.

I saw that in the golden hour sky, a one-meter-wide passage was being built at a very fast speed.

On this passage, Pei Guang kept moving forward in front of him, and Hanabi followed Pei Guang behind him, walking "fearfully" and "cautiously". Liuying followed Hanabi. After several tests, she had determined that there was something wrong with Hanabi.

As for the people underneath discovering it? That is impossible.

Since ancient times, CT scans have been performed without raising the head. Even if one does, the abnormality on the top of the head cannot be found. Besides, today’s families don’t have time to care about the extra things on the top of the head.

Because now the whole golden moment has been turned into a mess. First, Pei Guang was regarded as a stowaway and was wanted by the entire Pinoconi. Sunday needed to come forward to help explain.

Regarding the special existence of Pei Guang, Sunday also felt a headache. Without further ado, he said that the fact that he could let his sister bring the trash can from reality to reality proved his ability.

As soon as he solved Pei Guang's problem, he received information that a five-star stowaway had appeared at the border. This stowaway had turned that border into a no-man's land.

Everyone, whether they were hounds or dreamers, was captured, and all the containers there were broken open. The only good news is that some of the tough monsters over there were also killed.

Before he could deal with the problem of illegal immigrants here, he encountered something more difficult to solve. The envoy of the guardian entered Pinoconi.

And this guardian envoy not only entered Pinoconi himself, but also brought an entire family into Pinoconi. If it was a normal family, it would even be said that the dream master would come to greet him on Sunday.

This is a preservation order. As long as the preservation order is there, the company will never dare to do anything to Pinoconi.

But the problem arises, this preservation order is not a human being! It's a trash can.

Sunday looked at the bucket in front of him and felt his head buzzing. Even if his sister took out a trash can from her dream, the trash can had become a messenger?

Damn it, what on earth was the Guardian Star God thinking? Give the trash can so much power?

But hell be damned, reception still needs reception.

In order to highlight the importance they attach to the Protector, the family still needs to make every effort to receive this special Protector. At the same time, the appearance of the Protector also attracted Sha Jin's attention.

After going back and forth, this group of people had no time to study whether there was an extra road in the sky, which allowed Pei Guang to build a road in the sky leading to the dream-building border with peace of mind and happiness.

However, for the sake of efficiency, the path Pei Guang took was in the opposite direction of the star.

Away from the city, there are buildings one after another on this side of the border. There are no roads under the buildings but a bottomless abyss.

Hanabi did not cause trouble along the way. To be precise, Hanabi had no interest in causing trouble when others were working. On the contrary, she preferred to play a role and achieve her own goals through this role.

The most important reason for following Pei Guang was that she felt that by following Pei Guang, she could experience a new script that was completely different from the original script, so she chose to join as a 'girl'.

When she enters the state, she will play this role wholeheartedly, playing the role until she forgets herself. Because of this, Hanabi, as a girl, will never do anything disruptive.

Hanabi played this role wholeheartedly, and while staring at Hanabi, Ryuu Hotaru, who was following at the end, suddenly felt a bad feeling.

At this time, Pei Guang had already reached a rooftop on the border. Pei Guang planned to occupy the border with this rooftop as the center. Then build passages leading to each building, and finally occupy the border to make it your own monster spawning ground.

At this time, Pei Guang had already begun to imagine the wonderful scene after spending thousands of gold watch money on Guai Zan for a few days and then exchanged it for various light cones from the clock boy. He even began to fantasize about giving Liu fluorescent cones. Later, there was a scene where Liu Ying gave herself a favorable impression.

Just when Pei Guang was imagining, Liu Ying's words brought him back to reality: "Be careful, there are people in front of you, quite a few..."

"Your perception is quite keen, but it's not a big problem. Wouldn't it be better to have someone else?"

Hanabi trembled: "Better? We will be caught, right?"

Pei Guang: "Don't worry, we won't be caught, and no one will even find out that we did it. I'm telling you, I'm professional in sneak attacks. Come with me, and I'll take you to hide there."

Pei Guang's attitude is very clear. After all, he is regarded as a wanted criminal and has become a five-star good citizen. Then he should do what a five-star good citizen should do, right?

However, when Pei Guang led people to lurk there, he suddenly found that the situation here was a bit complicated.

This is a rooftop. There is an old man sitting on a chair on the rooftop. Surrounding the old man are two members of the hound family who are clearly staring at him. There are also three secret whistles in the dark surrounding, also staring at the old man.

Hanabi: "Wow~ What kind of battle is this? Why are so many people staring at this old man?"

Pei Guang shook his head: "I don't know, maybe this old man has committed something big? Or maybe he is an enemy of the family and is difficult to kill, so he is under house arrest? I smell the smell of a mission. This old man must have special missions and rewards, come on!" Let’s find a way to get this old man out first.”

Liu Ying looked around and pondered: "What should we do? There are five people here, forming a fight. There are only three of us, and we can knock down three at the same time..."

Pei Guang: "It's not a big problem. Leave the seduction to me, but I'll need your help later."

Liuying: "What can we do?"

Hanabi: "Can I do that too?"

Pei Guang nodded: "Okay! Come! You can hide in this trash can later. When they get close to the edge, just kick them down."

After arranging the action process, Pei Guang walked out swaggeringly. Seeing someone appear, several people from the hound family here frowned.

Although this place is remote, tourists will always come here. As monitors, their task is to drive these people away.

They were about to drive Pei Guang away, but just as they were about to drive him away, Pei Guang took out a sack first. He directly put the sack on the old man's body, then turned around and ran away carrying the sack.

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