This idea became more and more intense in Pei Guang's mind. He now wanted to find a trash can to try and see if he could get something good.

At this moment, feeling the shouts of the trash cans around him, Pei Guang smiled. Not only did Pei Guang smile, but Liuying, who watched the whole process from outside, only smiled.

Compared to the smiling Liuying, Xing was much more excited. At this time, Xing didn't know when he picked up the memory bubble and smashed it to the ground.

"Open the door! Open the door! I haven't touched these trash cans yet!!!"

Xing's desperate voice resounded throughout the golden moment. People nearby didn't know why this person could hold the memory bubble and knock, and they were even more puzzled why this person wanted to bang the trash can.

People in the distance couldn't hear what Xing was saying, but such a desperate voice made them feel uncomfortable for a second, but after a second, they became Q-elastic again.

"Hey~ Fun, really fun!"

Unfortunately, the fun time always comes to an end. With the rise of the Q-elastic trend, the dream master actually ordered the heads of each family to ban this Q-elastic behavior. Obviously, they were slow, and what greeted them next was not the Q-bullet dream, but the appearance of a new family.

This family was none other than the Trash Can Family.

The Trash Can Family now regarded Pinoconi as the holy land where the king was born. In order to protect the peace of the holy land and prevent it from being polluted by garbage, the seven trash cans that tested Pei Guang in the dream came to Pinoconi first.

They did not want to destroy the peace of Pinoconi. They sat in Pinoconi's dreams like ordinary trash cans. When they met people with predestined relationships or people who tried to destroy the holy land, they would let these people know the cruelty of the trash cans and the power of the Seven Martial Buckets under the King!

If the seven of them still couldn't beat them, they would shake their eldest brother, one bucket under! The real guardian.

Pei Guang didn't know about this, and the current family didn't know either. Even the dream master didn't know that there were a lot of trash cans in Pinoconi's dream.

When Pei Guang experienced the dream bubble and Pinoconi changed, Hua Huo finally finished reading the bar and re-entered the dream.

Entering the dream, Hua Huo spoke: "Damn trash can, don't let me touch you."

Hua Huo returned to the dream, but when she returned to the dream, she saw Pei Guang, Xing and Liu Ying communicating about something. Seeing Pei Guang coming out, Hua Huo was puzzled: "Are you done?"

Pei Guang nodded: "It's over. It's a good experience. It's really something that adults can experience."


Hua Huo was a little confused. How long has it been since she was kicked out, and Pei Guang has finished the experience? Did she miss the good show?

Looking at the silent Hua Huo, Pei Guang said goodbye to her: "Dreams are very interesting, but this big eyeball seems to have a problem, and Xing and Liu Ying can no longer experience dreams. Since we can't experience it, we will leave first. If you have anything, come to us at any time~"

Since Meng Bubble can't continue to play, Pei Guang doesn't plan to waste time here, and prepares to play something else with Xing and Liu Ying.

Hua Huo was a little confused, especially when she saw Dr. Edward with his eyes rolled up, she was even more confused.

Although she didn't know what happened, she knew that she missed the fun.

"Damn trash can! Why did I use a trash can to make a dream bubble? It's all Sambo's fault, damn Sambo."

The reason why Hua Huo used the trash can as the theme is mainly because Sambo said: "Pioneers like trash cans very much. If they don't touch the trash can for a day, they will feel uncomfortable."

What's the result? I used the trash can as the theme to create a dream related to Pinocchio this time, and after reading a little bit of the content, I was kicked out of the dream by the trash can?

The trash can in the dream bubble came out in front of me and gave me a puzzle to find the fault. When I couldn't answer it, I kicked myself out of the dream, causing me to miss Pei Guang's wonderful dream experience?

Thinking of this, Hua Huo clenched her fists, but at this moment, she saw a trash can not far away. The moment she saw the trash can, she got angry.

However, when she was angry, she heard an even more angry voice.

"This water is fun. Lend me some more and I'll leave some for you."

Hearing this voice, Hua Huo subconsciously looked at the drink that Pei Guang gave her. There were still a few sips left before, enough to play with several people, but now there is only a small sip left?

Chapter 367 Watching the Proposal Ceremony, the Literary Girl Hua Huo

"Damn it!"

The God of Fun actually stole her things, and Hua Huo didn't know what to say. But soon Hua Huo found something wrong. Although there was only one sip of the drink left, there was something special in the drink.

Looking carefully, ripples appeared on the last sip of the drink. This ripple came from the blessing of joy. Looking at this blessing, Hua Huo smiled.

The drink was still Pei Guang's drink, but there was something more in it.

Knowing that there was something wrong with the drink, Hua Huo didn't rush to do anything with it, but came to the dream bubble to understand what happened in the dream bubble.

Although she didn't see the content of the dream bubble directly, she still knew what happened in it through the dream bubble.

This world is a stage, and what happened in Pinocchio was a very interesting drama. In this drama, Hua Huo found her role.

Originally, the development and ending of this scene were already predetermined. She only needed to play this role that no one chose, so that she could personally participate in and enjoy a good show.

But after coming into contact with Pei Guang, she was sure of one thing. The drama in Pinoconi was still going on after the appearance of this special being, but no one knew what happened next, and even the fixed ending had changed.

"It's really interesting~ Is this his power? Such an interesting stage, such an interesting plot, and the eyes of countless people. It seems that I need to change to a more interesting stage~"

Hanabi smiled and took out Pei Guang's remaining drink. Looking at the last sip of the drink, her smile became even brighter.

"God of fun? Then let me bring a moment of joy to this scene~"

Hanabi drank the last sip of the drink. At this moment, her mask covered her face, and the mask and her smiled brightly at the same time.

At the same time, on the other side, Pei Guang and his group, who had left Hanabi, were complaining while pressing the road.

Xing: "Damn it! You are the only one who has experienced such a wonderful dream. That Dr. Edward is really a loser."

Originally, after experiencing Pei Guang, Xing was ready to go in and have a good time, but what happened? After Pei Guang came out, the dream bubble couldn't be entered. Doctor Edward also rolled his eyes, which made Xing very dissatisfied.

Pei Guang: "Okay, okay~ This dungeon is probably a limited-time trial dungeon, but there will definitely be a chance to experience it again in the future. Since we can't experience it now, let's go play something else first. Do you know what else is fun here?"

Hearing Pei Guang's inquiry, Liu Ying looked at Pei Guang expectantly: "I know~ You have brought me to experience so many interesting things. Next, let me take you to visit Pinoconi, okay?"

Pei Guang: "Okay!"

Hearing the affirmative answer, Liuying smiled and pointed to the road ahead: "Everyone, follow me. I will take you to visit the famous attractions here."

Under the leadership of Liu Ying, Pei Guang and Xing walked to the main road of Golden Hour.

Liu Ying: "This is Grax Avenue - the main road of the Golden Hour~"

Liu Ying introduced this place to Pei Guang and Xing. There were countless vehicles driving on this avenue, and there were a variety of shops on both sides of the street, selling luxury goods that could only be experienced in dreams.

There was a huge flow of people here, but these people were affected by Pei Guang's previous Q-bomb, and many of them looked like they were Q-bombed.

Just when Liuying was about to take Pei Guang and Xing to see the statue of Clock Boy, there was a commotion on the street. At the moment of the commotion, exclamation marks appeared on Pei Guang and Xing's heads at the same time. Before Liuying could say anything, Pei Guang and Xing ran over happily.

Looking at the two people who suddenly disappeared, Liuying opened her mouth: "I...was left behind?"

But before she finished speaking, she saw Pei Guang, who had disappeared, sitting on the ground and running back at high speed with a bucket in his hand: "There's no time to explain, hurry up and get in the bucket!"

Seeing Pei Guang coming back, Liu Ying had a smile on her face and jumped directly into the bucket.

The familiar barrel, the familiar feeling, and the feeling of moving at high speed in Pinoconi gave Liu Ying an inexplicable emotion.

But the wonderful time will eventually come to an end. Just when Liu Ying was enjoying this wonderful time, Pei Guang had already reached the point of commotion. There are people around here,

At this time, he squeezed a hole in the crowd and waved to Pei Guang, who was coming: "Here~here~"

Pei Guang held the bucket containing Liu Ying and went straight into the opening. After entering the opening, Pei Guang, Xing and Liu Ying saw what the crowd was looking at.

In the middle of the crowd, a man was proposing to a woman. There were flowers and a troupe performance with the characteristics of Dream World.

In the festive music, the man raised the flowers in his hand: "Pear! Marry me!"

The red-haired lady named Li looked at the man in front of her with an excited, happy and happy expression. Today she was led by her boyfriend to experience this dream city. She had been looking forward to when her boyfriend would be able to Propose to yourself.

Today was the day they were leaving Pinoconi. She thought there was no chance this time, but she didn't expect that when she was leaving, she encountered a surprise prepared by her boyfriend.

But because I was so happy and excited, the words I wanted to agree to were stuck in my mouth.

Although the words could not be spoken, the lady hugged her lover tightly, and at the moment she hugged him, her voice also shouted: "I do~I do~I do!"

At this moment, the two people hugged each other and kissed each other. Watching this scene, Xing clapped hard. Liu Ying looked at the two such happy people, and a light appeared in her eyes, but the light turned away. Passed away, but was replaced by an indescribable sadness.

Seeing the two people looking happy, Liuying wished them well from the bottom of her heart. She could tell that the couple would get married and be together after leaving Pinoconi. Waiting for them might not be so beautiful, or even It may be that various parents have endless quarrels, and more seriously, the two may even part ways in the future.

But whether it's a painful future or a beautiful future, they all have a future, and I...

Liu Ying sighed softly, but then she turned to look at Pei Guang... Although they knew each other for a short time, she would never forget the real and dreamy experience in this dream, and she would never forget it. ,unless…

While she was thinking wildly, the crowd around her became even more chaotic. When she subconsciously looked up, she found a flower flying towards her.

It turned out that the couple who had successfully proposed were sharing their joy. It might be the custom of their hometown, or it might be a whim. The two of them jointly opened the flowers in their hands and shared them with the passers-by, hoping that the passers-by would also do the same. You can find your other half.

One of the flowers that was spilled happened to fly towards Liuying, but before Liuying could reach out, Pei Guang and Xing on the side saw the flying flowers and took action at the same time.

Pei Guang took advantage of his long hands and reached directly for the flower that flew over. When he was about to get it, Pei Guang started to taunt: "I won!"

Originally, when he saw Pei Guang about to get it, Xing didn't want to grab it. After all, there were a lot of flowers thrown out. It would be great to grab other people's flowers. But after hearing this taunt, Xing couldn't sit still. He didn't need the other flowers today, but he had to grab this one.

Xing directly took out the Flame Spear and flicked Pei Guang's hand away. As he bounced it away, Xing shouted: "A Guang! Don't blame me for not practicing martial ethics, Flame Spear!!!"

Along with Xing's shout, amber light emerged from the flame spear, and the pure power of protection wrapped around the flower.

This flower may never have thought in this life that one day it would be protected by pure power of protection in a dream.

Xing's hand successfully flicked Pei Guang's hand away. Pei Guang wanted to stretch out his other hand, but the wonderful physics in the dream made him miss the chance because the flower fell on Liu Ying's chest.

Liu Ying's breasts don't look big, but in fact it is easy to keep the flower from falling to the ground. Of course, if it were a tall and capable Taibu-sama, it would definitely fall to the ground steadily. .

The flower fell on Liuying's chest. Looking at the delicate flower on her chest, Liuying subconsciously took it in her hand.

She looked at Pei Guang and then at Xing. After thinking for a while, she handed the flower to Pei Guang: "If you like it, I'll give it to you."

The two people who didn't get the flowers had no idea. This was their daily struggle for boring things. It was the spice of life and the unique play of the pioneers.

But after Liuying snatched it, she actually wanted to give it to Pei Guang? At this moment, the alarm bells sounded for March 7th! She said that Pei Guang had been trying to gain favor with others all day long, and something would happen sooner or later. Now that he was fine, something really happened, and a cute girl actually gave him flowers?


Xing suddenly realized something. Pei Guang didn't seem to be interested in Liu Ying either? Did Liu Ying simply think that Pei Guang liked it, so she gave it to him? At most, it’s a favor reward? That's okay. Besides, why should I be vigilant for March?

Xing's mood flipped several times in an instant, but Pei Guang didn't have much idea. When Liu Ying gave it to him, Pei Guang accepted it directly.

"Thank you~ Well~ Is this your favor gift?"

Liu Ying: "A favor gift?"

Xing explained: "It's a gift you gave A Guang because you felt good about him."

Listening to this explanation, Liu Ying nodded vigorously: "Well, gift, thank you for bringing me so much fun and showing me so many interesting things."

Liu Ying felt that she had been contaminated by Pei Guang's good luck. She had not encountered a proposal scene in the dreamland for such a long time. Unexpectedly, Pei Guang not only took her to be chased in a car, took her to watch a movie, but also took her to see a proposal scene.

Although she may never have the opportunity to experience this in her life, she wants to share this gratitude and happiness with people who have brought her to experience this.

Pei Guang: "Then I'll accept it~Thank you~You are such a good girl~"

"Hmm~" Liuying showed a bright smile.

The two couples who proposed successfully distributed the gifts and left. They wanted to return to their own planet and prepare for the subsequent wedding.

After watching the proposal scene, Xing, who was walking on Grax Avenue, raised his arms: "Well~ This trip is not in vain~ Where should we go next?"

Xing was already looking forward to what he would encounter next, while Liuying introduced Xing and Pei Guang with a smile on her face: "Next, let's go see the statue of Clock Boy, it's like a landmark~ Nuo, go through it This road is just ahead.”

The proposal site is a bit far away from the statue of Clock Boy. You need to cross a big road and walk up a few flights of stairs to reach it.

If nothing unexpected happened, the three of them crossed the road and walked for ten minutes to the square, admiring the iconic building in the golden hour.

The three of them walked across the road together. There were a lot of vehicles in the dream, and they had to wait for a good time to cross the road.

After waiting for a while, when no vehicles passed by, the three of them walked across the road together. In theory, you don't have to obey the traffic rules when crossing the road in Pinoconi, because you won't feel anything if you are hit by a car, and even people who are hit because the impact is not strong enough will not exit the dream.

Of course, there are also wonderful physics in dreams. If the collision is serious, there will be a traffic accident or even the vehicle will be damaged.

It stands to reason that the biggest accident on the road is to be hit by a car, but when crossing the road, the sharp-eyed star suddenly noticed something flashing on the road.

She subconsciously swooped over and lay on the ground, looking for something. She was ready to see what was glittering on the ground.

"Huh? What's this? A coin?"

Seeing that something was really coming out of Xing, Pei Guang was so excited that he wanted to pounce over to see what it was. But before Pei Guang could pounce on it, he saw a luxury car appear on the road. Before he could wait for two seconds, Pei Guang When I regained my composure, I saw the car crash directly into Xing and knock Xing away.

Yes, the star was knocked away. In reality, the vehicle that hit the star might fly, but this is a dream.

I don’t know if it’s because the angle is perfect because he’s lying on his stomach, or because in the dream, if the car hits someone, he will be knocked away. At this time, Xing was holding a coin from the game city in his hand, and his whole person was knocked flying. In the sky.

And the flying speed of the star was not slow. In the blink of an eye, the star turned into light and disappeared from the field of vision of Pei Guang and Liu Ying.

Pei Guang's eyes widened when he saw this scene. One second, Xing was here fine and even picked up good things, but the next second he was knocked away?

Pei Guang hurriedly took out his mobile phone and asked about Xing's situation in the group.

Pei Guang: "Xing! How do you feel?"

Xing: "I'm in the sky, I feel good, ah~ I feel like I'm flying far away?"

Xing was directly hit by the car and went to the border. Although he could teleport back, for safety reasons Xing still did not intend to waste the number of teleports and prepared to run back.

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