Hanabi: "Because the fun brought by lies is the most boring~"

Hanabi agrees with Pei Guang's words. They Masked Fools have different aesthetics of happiness. Although they can also lie, they are generally truthful and do what they say.

If someone really has the ability to hire the Masked Fool, then the Masked Fool can definitely achieve the results the employer wants. As for what happens in the process and other things other than the results, the Masked Fool is not responsible~

In fact, Hanabi wanted to take revenge on Pei Guang's behavior, but she was not very angry. As a happy fun person, while teasing others is fun, being teased oneself is also fun.

The Lezi people would not be so angry that they would ask the other party to do something because they were teased. On the contrary, they would like to praise Pei Guang for his fireworks. Even with abstract thinking she couldn't figure out what he was going to do.

Mingming had been communicating with Xing Zhengzheng before and suddenly they started to argue. While they were arguing, he was able to take advantage of the situation and bring out the props to trick her.

Among all the Masked Fools, there are only a few who can do it seriously and without any sense of disobedience.

Of course, Hanabi was overthinking. The quarrel between Pei Guang and Xing just now was a real quarrel. But for the player and his buddies, quarreling, scolding each other, and exposing each other during the game are part of their fun.

Hanabi looked up at Pei Guang and smiled with narrowed eyes: "I didn't expect you to understand us quite well~ Did Sangbo tell you?"

Pei Guang: "What do you think?"

Hanabi: "Let me guess? I don't know~ But since you believe in me so much, I would like to remind you in a friendly way~ This girl next to you is~"

Hanabi stopped suddenly when she said this. She was curious about what expression Pei Guang would show at this time.

Pei Guang looked at Liu Ying: "Oh? Do you think she has an identity? You've known it for a long time. With the virtues of me and Xing, how can we be so blind that we fall in love with us when we see us? It's nothing more than some strange force. Does the special purpose want to use me to achieve her goal? This is not important. The most important thing is, Liuying, will you harm me and my companions? "

Liu Ying, who was suddenly asked, became excited: "I, no, absolutely not, you, you are friends... absolutely not..."

Before Liu Ying finished speaking, Pei Guang interrupted: "Look, if she said no, then she wouldn't. In fact, the first time she appeared, I thought something was wrong with Liu Ying. But who doesn't have a problem? I There is a problem with He Xing's existence, there is a problem with your existence, and there is even a problem with Qi'er's life experience. Well, there are some problems with the characters that can appear next to the player. As long as they don't deliberately trick us and hurt our companions, then there is no problem. Whether it’s profit or friendship, playing games is too much and too tiring.”

Xing stood aside and put his hands on his hips: "That's right, why do you think so much~ Just fight your enemies, and play with your friends."

Hanabi looked at the two of them with great interest: "You guys are so interesting~ Okay, you can think whatever you want, I've told you everything I need to say~ Don't cry when the time comes."

Pei Guang stared at Hanabi seriously: "Is there a possibility that I can make you cry harder?"

As he spoke, the holy light emerged from Pei Guang's body again. Seeing this holy light, the expression on Hanabi's face froze. After experiencing this ability herself, she vowed that she didn't want to experience it a second time, so Hanabi hurriedly changed the subject.

"Ahem~ I see you're okay, come on~ come with me~"

Xing looked at Pei Guang: "How about? Follow her?"

Liu Ying clasped her hands on her chest, and her tone was a little low: "I always feel..."

Pei Guang: "It's okay, I just wanted to see if there are any things that we can't get through regular channels. I've deliberately gotten to know these people before. You can say that the Masked Fool will do anything for fun, but the things they get are really fun. But we have to be careful not to be the target of being played.”

Xing: "Let's go then?"

Pei Guang: "Let's go!!"

Hanabi took the lead, and the three of them followed Hanabi.

Maybe because of happiness, or maybe because there is no need to disguise, the fireworks leading the way are jumping forward.

Hanabi's jumping is different from Pei Guang's jumping when he's not doing anything. She is a serious girl who jumps. When I see Hanabi's body shape and the way she jumps, I will praise her cuteness.

But it's a pity that Pei Guang and Xing are different. Xing, who was following behind, looked at Hua Huo jumping and asked Pei Guang seriously: "Look at her jumping, did you say anything?"

Liuying: "Ah? Why do you ask?"

Xing recalled: "When I first met A Guang, I said that jumping around when there is no plot will be a bonus."

Liu Ying: "Is there any other way to say this?

Pei Guang nodded seriously: "Yes! Moving more will increase your attributes, but I think her behavior seems to be hiding a secret. Do you remember what she said before?"

Star: "Take us to see something only for adults?"

Pei Guang: "Yes! Maybe she is just warming up for watching adult content. The abominable Masked Fool has definitely concealed important information. Let me guess, she is definitely doing the prerequisites for watching adult content in advance. When she found out that we couldn't get in, she would say something like, "Oh, I'm sorry, I need some preparation for this."

What needs to be admitted is that Pei Guang imitated Hanabi's tone of voice so vividly that both Meteor and Hoshi stopped with fists.

Liuying: "What should we do? We? Beat her up?"

Xing looked at Liuying in surprise: "Well, you learn very quickly. For this reason, you are definitely different from the Huanlu we met before."

Pei Guang: "Calm down! A beating is the most efficient in theory, but in reality it is not. As the Masked Fool, she definitely wants to watch us have fun, so we won't let her watch. We will learn the moves she makes."

Liu Ying looked at Hanabi bouncing and asked nervously: "Imitate her moves?"

Pei Guang pondered: "Probably not. Simply learning the movements is a bit too restrictive. Maybe just jumping and moving forward? Or maybe dancing and moving forward at the same time?"

Liu Ying: "Ah? But I can't dance..."

Pei Guang: "It's not a big problem! We can do it. Don't worry, the actions I can do are all super simple. But since this is a dream, do we want to do something very simple but not possible in reality?"

Xing: "Elaborate?"

Liu Ying: "It's up to you."

Pei Guang: "It's simple, let's play Q~ I'll try it first, eh? It really works!"

Pei Guang's idea is very simple, that is, while moving, let his body bounce. In reality, due to physical limitations, he couldn't play Q, but this was a dream, so Pei Guang thought about giving it a try.

After this attempt, he discovered that he could do actions that would have shattered all his bones in reality, and he didn't feel anything at all.

Pei Guang's body moved up and down, left and right like a soft body. Looking at this scene, Liu Ying whispered: "Can this be done?"

Star: "Is there anything you can't do?"

Xing's body bounced like Pei Guang, while Pei Guang looked at Liu Ying who was so shocked that he couldn't speak: "This is a dream. In a dream, we must have imagination. Come on~ Let’s play Q together.”

Q's bouncing star drew a rainbow in front of him: "That's right~ In dreams, we have to have imagination!"

This kind of imagination will probably make the dreamer's head buzz after seeing it.

At this time, Hanabi was jumping forward with her hands behind her back, but as she walked, she suddenly found that many passers-by looked over.

"Huh? You're not looking at me?"

Hanabi felt that these eyes were not looking at her, but at the person behind her. Turning her head subconsciously, she saw a scene that shocked her pupils.

Behind her, Pei Guang and Xing, who were walking normally, imitated her to jump and walk. It didn't matter that the two of them were able to swing their butts in the air while jumping and walking.

This is not the point. The point is how on earth did these two people manage to be so playful? That's right, while Pei Guang and Xing were dancing along, their bodies were rising and falling like soft bodies.

Of course, this is not the point. When she turned her head, Liuying was still trying to jump like Pei Guang and Xing while her body became springy. When Hanabi looked over, Liuying seemed to have found the trick and imitated Pei Guang. Q played the same way.

"I succeeded~"

Liu Ying's tone was full of happiness, while Pei Guang smiled and said: "Look, let me just say it! This is a very simple action, anyone can do it. What golden night? Today let's enter the night of Q bombs ~”

Pedestrians on the roadside looked at the trio of Pei Guang and others with some curiosity. Some people gave it a try. It was better not to try. Once they imitated Pei Guang's movements, they found that they could really bounce.

As a result, under the witness of Hanabi, the Q bomb trend intensified. This thing is like opening your mouth to swallow a light bulb. Everyone who sees it is curious whether it can be done. This attempt can really be done. As a result, the pattern spread like a virus.

No, Hanabi was stunned for a moment, and the force of the Q-bomb had already reached the golden moment in front of Sand Gold.

Sand Jin: "What's going on?"

Sha Jin looked at the person in front of him. He first looked at the person playing Q in the distance for a while, and then the person complained: "Is it a stupid virus? Only stupid people do it." Then he followed the Q and started laughing.

When did the silly virus spread in this dream? Placer gold is a bit confusing.

Compared to the confused sand gold, Hua Huo was dumbfounded. When she first saw Pei Guang and the others, she just felt funny. But when she saw more and more people around her playing the ball, she also gave it a try. When Hanabi saw herself playing like everyone else, Hanabi was completely stunned.

Chapter 363: "Kokona, let us burn this bad dream to ashes"

Hanabi looked at herself and everyone in Q-bomb. She changed from a confused state at the beginning to a happy state now.

"Interesting~Interesting~Is this the player's power? Isn't this the limit? It's just..."

Hanabi didn't understand how Pei Guang did it. She remembered very clearly that Pei Guang and the others just muttered a few words and then started to play like crazy?

Who cares~ If she has fun, she will be happy.

Hua Huo led them in front, and Pei Guang and his group followed behind. Q Bomb's body spread rapidly like a virus.

However, when Pei Guang and his party followed Hua Huo to the vicinity of the Aodi Shopping Center, Hua Huo discovered something confusing. Why did the few people who were following her crazy suddenly disappear?

"Where are the people?"

Hanabi remembered very clearly that the three people had gone crazy before, and they were more or less following her. Why did they disappear when they turned around?

Where are people? Where are people?

The people didn't run far. When they entered the Aodi Shopping Center, the three of them followed Hanabi obediently.

But as he followed, Pei Guang, who had been looking for the mission everywhere, found traces of the mission.

Affected by Pei Guang, everyone started playing Q out of curiosity. Even if some people who were not interested did not play Q, they looked at the people around them as if they were having fun. There are also some people who are working. Although they maintain good professionalism, their eyes can't help but glance at them.

But among these people, Pei Guang found something unusual. It seemed that in front of a clothing store, a brown-skinned girl was squatting down in pain and hugging herself.

A magazine fell next to her, and a note was scattered in the magazine.

Seeing the unusual people here, the experienced Pei Guang said: "You two, stop for a moment! I discovered the mission!"

Looking in the direction Pei Guang pointed, both Xing and Liuying saw the uncomfortable girl.

The inexperienced Liu Ying raised her head and looked in the direction Pei Guang was looking at: "She seems...in need of help..."

Xing nodded vigorously: "Yes! So according to experience, we should help her and complete her mission! Get rewards that are helpful to us! Right, A Guang?"

Pei Guang nodded: "That's right! According to traditional arts..."

Before Pei Guang finished speaking, Xing had already begun to shake his head and answer: "According to traditional arts, the rewards obtained in the mission will be of great help to our subsequent branch lines. Hehe~ I will memorize your words."

Pei Guang knocked Xing on the head: "Not only can he memorize it, but he can also answer it quickly."

Liu Ying understood Pei Guang's words, but looked at the fireworks leading the way with QQ bullets not far away, and asked in a low voice: "But we don't want to..."

Pei Guang waved his hand: "It's not a big problem. Her mission is a branch line at first glance. There are also urgent and non-urgent between branch lines. Besides, the mission will not disappear as long as we don't push the main line. Let's do it first. She will be there for a while. On the contrary, this person seems to need our help more."

"Besides, she just gave us a good special effect. I guess she won't be able to get gold coins in a short time. It's just a good time for us to do a task to consume some time, and then we can fully touch her body."

Xing: "Well said! I'll let you see my luck then."

Xingxing was eager to try, and Liuying was also looking forward to it, but when she thought of her identity, she became depressed again.

Pei Guang patted her shoulder: "Why are you sad? You should try it when the time comes, just in case something goes wrong."

Liuying: "Can I do it too?"

Pei Guang shook his head: "I don't know, but you can try~ Who knows if you don't try?"

The Pei Guang trio just went to help the people they saw over there who looked wrong without even notifying them. After all, when players do tasks, they never notify the NPC: "I won't do this task now, I will do something else." task.”

As a result, when Hanabi found out that the person was not there, the person had already disappeared.

Hanabi began to search for the lost trio all over the world. As for the Pei Guang trio? The three of them have surrounded this brown-skinned woman with short black hair.

The woman named Kokona was still squatting in pain. She did not notice the strangers around her. The clerks in the store noticed the situation outside, but they chose to remain silent.

Kokona took several deep breaths. It took a long time for her to feel more comfortable. When she was about to get up, she found that there were three more... people in front of her?

Pei Guang, the middle one among the three, looked down at her with a calm expression. It was impossible to know what kind of terrifying beast was hidden under this calm expression.

To Pei Guang's left hand was Xing, who was holding a watermelon stick and looking at her with a half-smile on his face.

Liu Ying on the right was holding her hands on her hips and holding back some expression. Being inexperienced, she was the first one not to hold back: "Ahem! Sorry, I couldn't hold it back..."

After watching the three people speak, Kokona cautiously asked: "Excuse me, what is it about me..."

As a manager of a luxury store, she has seen all kinds of customers, and she can handle even those who seem aggressive.

However, before she finished speaking, Pei Guang shook his head and interrupted: "Yes! Of course there is. I see that you are in a very bad state now. This beautiful lady, is there anything you need our help with? No matter what task it is, , requests, commissions, we can help you complete it, because we are..."

Xing on the side seemed to have touched the lines in the DNA at this time, and subconsciously answered: "We are nameless guests traveling through the galaxy! What we are best at is helping people solve various difficulties."

Liuying raised her little hand: "I am not a nameless guest..."

Pei Guang: "Yes! You are not Wumingke, but you are now our accomplice."

"Accomplice..." Liuying was a little confused about whether to laugh or cry.

Looking at the trio playing tricks, Kokona smiled, but when she was about to say something, she hugged her body and started shaking in pain.

Xing: "What should I do? She seems to be so uncomfortable that she can't speak..."

Pei Guang thought seriously: "Look! Her expression, movements, and demeanor are all telling us that she is sick. So what should we do if she is sick?"

Star: "See a doctor!"

Liu Ying: "Take medicine?"

Pei Guang: "Yes! We happen to have special medicines that can cure most diseases!"

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