A big question mark appeared on the top of Liu Ying's head, and Pei Guang sighed: "It's a pity that he wore too few clothes, and it seems that the pockets are close to the body. Forget it, let this guy touch the body and give it to Xing."

It's not that Pei Guang doesn't touch women, it's that touching them randomly without getting them to like him will lower the other person's opinion of him. Not only will it reduce the other person's good opinion of you, but it will also reduce the good opinion of those around you.

And if you don't think about others, just think about March 7th, and you can't touch beautiful girls. Of course, being touched by a pretty girl is another story.

Considering that he wanted Xing to touch the body, Pei Guang took out his mobile phone and contacted Xing in the group.

Pei Guang: "We caught a good guy, come here and touch his body!"

Xing: "No problem! But wait a minute, I found something interesting here."

Pei Guang: "Okay, I just want to go see a movie."

March 7: "Movie? What movie?"

Pei Guang: "I don't know what to think about "Mint Colored Galaxy". If it's good, let's watch it together?"

Star: "Okay!"

March 7: "Okay!"

Pei Guang: "By the way, Qi'er, what are you doing?"

March 7: "Of course I'm shopping~"

At this time, March 7th was already addicted to shopping. The things sold in the dream world were so beautiful that I liked every one of them. And because of Pei Guang, she doesn't need to buy it and go through the process to make it real like ordinary people.

As long as she bought it in the dreamland and stuffed it into the storage space, it belongs to her. This also allows many things that cannot be brought back to reality on March 7 to still be brought back.

This immediately aroused March 7's desire to shop. She was going to take advantage of the interest rate difference to buy back all the things she liked. Besides, how long had it been since she entered the dream world? Just a few hours.

As a beautiful girl, it is so easy to spend a day shopping.

But when she thought about going shopping for a day, March 7th suddenly shivered. She always had a bad premonition, but she didn't know what the bad premonition was yet.

Xing and Pei Guang don't have to worry, it must be them. Could it be that they will run out of money? Um! It's possible.

Besides, they have only been apart for a few hours. You can't say that Pei Guang hooked up with a cute girl after being apart for only a few hours, right? etc? It seems that this is really possible...

March Qi, who was thinking about it, suddenly had a frozen expression, but then she gave up thinking. She couldn't stop this. Besides, with Xing here, there is no need to worry about Pei Guang being snatched away.

But March 7th forgot one thing, and that was the possibility that Xing was not by Pei Guang's side.

After several people chatted in the group some more, Pei Guang hung up the group chat.

Liuying: "How should she... deal with it?"

Pei Guang: "Hold on first. Xing will come to us when she's done playing. Then let her touch the body."

Liuying: "Phew, I thought you would do something to her."

Pei Guang: "I'm overthinking it. If I have breasts but no breasts and butt but no butt, do you want to say you have good skin? Every person I know has better skin than the other one. Being a little more friendly will make my colleagues who have a high opinion of me less favorable. It's not worth the gain. But here. Before…"

Although Pei Guang will not do anything to Hua Huo, some insurance measures must be taken.

Pei Guang took out a trash can, took out the bottle, and stuffed the pacifier connected to the bottle directly into Hanabi's mouth.

Hanabi fell asleep with her pacifier in her mouth in the trash can! ! ! !

Watching this scene, Liu Ying's eyes widened and she didn't know what to say. She could only silently give a thumbs up to Pei Guang. Without further ado, just playing around like this, she felt that Hua Huo's absolute favorable impression of Pei Guang was negative when she woke up.

Just thinking of Pei Guang's skillful movements, Liu Ying suddenly wondered how many people had been attacked by Pei Guang...

Chapter 361: Watermelon Sticks Fireworks

Pei Guang skillfully packed up the fireworks, stuffed them into the trash can, hung up the pacifier, and installed four wheels under the trash can. Pei Guang nodded with satisfaction.

Pei Guang was looking forward to getting something out of this beautiful girl who could transform.

Liuying: "Next...just put her here?"

Pei Guang shook his head: "How can that be done? What if someone accidentally rescues me? Take it with you."


Pei Guang: "Don't worry, it won't delay our fun~ Let's go watch a movie~"

Originally, Pei Guang's plan was to explore this film and television city, but now it seems that the reward has been obtained, so there is no need to explore around. He should just watch the movie before the end.

I just want to see if this movie is interesting in advance, and then I can take March 7 to watch it.

"Yeah, but according to the current favorability situation? If I take Qi'er to watch a movie, Xing will definitely come to cause trouble? Forget it, just make trouble, it's not a big problem!"

Pei Guang has an indifferent attitude. Anyway, March 7th's favorability has almost been increased. According to his analysis, the only thing left to do now is to continue to clear the main story to unlock a higher favorability limit for March 7th.

Liu Ying could tell what Pei Guang was thinking, but after thinking for a while, she fell silent.

Pei Guang and Liu Ying watched a wonderful movie. It was a movie about feelings. In Pei Guang's opinion, this movie was indeed very suitable for couples to watch together.

In the play, the protagonists met by accident, went through various hardships, and finally managed to get together by talking to each other.

In Pei Guang's opinion, this is a very classic plot, and you can even guess the ending after reading the opening, but the actors in the play brought this movie to life.

It is precisely because the plot is so classic that almost everyone has experienced it.

The protagonists met unexpectedly, from strangers to familiar acquaintances, happily communicating together, and sharing their heartfelt feelings. They both have little secrets, and because of the secrets they have a lot of conflicts, but after the conflicts, the weather clears up.

There are laughter and laughter, and there are tears. Even a very classic plot is performed with a unique feeling.

However, if Pei Guang is to evaluate, this plot is based on ten games and novels with male and female protagonists, and nine of them have similar plots. But as long as the plot is well acted, no matter how classic it is, it will attract players' attention and even immerse them in it. The same is true for Pei Guang.

Now he was starting to think about how March Qi would cry when he brought March Qi over, but what Pei Guang didn't notice was that when Liu Ying sat here and watched, her eyes were a little red.

Watching the plot in the movie, she became herself. In reality, she may never have the opportunity to experience such a normal life in her life.

In the dream, she could control her body very well, but the emotional reaction still appeared on her face.

Fortunately, for a better viewing experience, the environment was dark at this time, otherwise she would not have dared to imagine how ugly she looked now.

Pei Guang was thinking about March 7th, Liu Ying was thinking about himself, where was Hua Huo? She was still enjoying a baby-like sleep. With the pacifier in her mouth, she couldn't help but suck it.

It's obviously the same movie, but the three people have completely different ideas.

The movie was over. When the movie ended, Pei Guang walked out with Liu Ying carrying the trash can. Standing outside, breathing the outside air, Liu Ying felt much better.

"This movie is really good, but..."

Liu Ying's tone was a little low: "Is there such a happy ending in reality? Even if there is, it won't happen to me..."

This is Liu Ying's heartfelt emotion. She likes the perfect ending in the movie very much. This ending is in line with people's expectations for beauty, but because it is so beautiful, it makes her feel too far away, so far away that she doesn't even think about it. Dare to imagine.

Liu Ying showed a wry smile. Seeing Liu Ying's wry smile, Pei Guang pulled up his own face and said, "Ah~ I'm so lethargic~ Why don't you just smile~"

Looking at Pei Guang's expression, Liu Ying's depression disappeared: "Hahaha~ What's your expression?"

Pei Guang: "Look at the sad expression on your face that makes you laugh~ Hey, I shouldn't have taken you to see this movie. Since you are not satisfied with this movie, wait until I dig through the trash can to find a new movie ticket before I take you to see it." How about the new one?”

Listening to Pei Guang's words, Liu Ying chuckled and said: "How is it possible? You are already lucky to see this this time, right? How can you pick up the next one..."

Pei Guang: "How about we make an appointment, and when I find the next movie ticket, we will still be in this dreamland, still here, and watch a new movie together?"


Liuying was silent. She didn't know if there would be a chance to come back after leaving here.

Seeing Liu Ying's hesitant look, Pei Guang asked, "Don't think too much, just say whether you want to see it or not."

Pei Guang snapped his fingers: "That's it! I'll take over your task of watching a movie. I'll come and give you the task when I get the new movie tickets. Hum, the rewards for completing the task will be huge. "

Hearing that a reward was about to be given, Liuying hesitated: "But I..."

Pei Guang interrupted directly: "If there are no physical rewards, spiritual rewards will do, increase your favor, or praise me. If you can invite me to complete the favor mission, I will be even happier. I am easy to spend." "

Pei Guang was sure that there was something unspeakable about Liu Ying, but no matter how unspeakable it was, Pei Guang felt that this girl was quite good during the time he spent together. No matter what, Pei Guang did not want to see anything happen to this girl.

As a qualified player, you want to overcome all possible tragedies and make the final plot develop in the direction you expect.

While the two of them were sighing here, Xing, who had been exploring the dream world, ran over.

"Aguang! I'm here! Come on, let me see who I want to touch!"

Xing's voice interrupted the wonderful atmosphere between the two of them. Pei Guang waved to Xing immediately: "This is the guy. She is disguised as Sambo and wears a mask. I guess she is the Masked Fool. But it's not a big problem. , whoever she is, I feel she will deliver!”

Hoshi walked over. She first glanced at Liuying, and after muttering in her heart for a while, she set her sights on Hanabi.

Good guy, Xing calls him good guy, how many hours has it been? Pei Guang just hooked up with one and knocked down the other? Is this skill very powerful?

But complaints are complaints, and her hands are not honest at all. She first took off Hanabi's pacifier, then took her out of the bucket and put it on the ground. Finally, she extended her sinful claws towards Hanabi.

"Hey hey~ just let me touch you!"

Looking at Xing's slightly perverted look, Liuying asked in a low voice: "Is it really okay? Her smile... is so scary..."

Now Hoshi looks like a perverted slut, Liu Ying always feels that if she hands Hanabi to Hoshi, something bad will happen.

Pei Guang said calmly: "Don't worry, the physical body is not very attractive to me and Xing. As for games, there is no best-looking one, only better ones. What we are really interested in is whether we can find something on her body." I have a feeling that she will deliver a good product!”

Liuying: "How are you sure?"

Pei Guang: "Player's intuition!!!"

As a player, you will always have a wonderful intuition. When you draw cards or open boxes, you will secretly feel that this time it will be shipped. This feeling is really very metaphysical, and I suddenly have the idea of ​​​​shipping the goods, and the order is drawn.

This feeling came suddenly, and from Pei Guang's experience, it was correct to follow this feeling.

Xing took action. Just like Pei Guang said, neither of them were perverts and had no interest in sleeping beautiful girls or boys. You sleepy beautiful girl, at most the character controlled by the player and the player's physical energy will be reduced by one, but the things that come out can make the player's happiness and strength increase by one.

Today's star is very skilled. In a few breaths, she touched all the places on Hanabi's body that could hold things. Not to mention, it was just like Pei Guang predicted, it was shipped.

What appeared in Xing's hand was a watermelon stick. The watermelon stick was only the size of a palm, but the moment he saw the watermelon stick, Xing knew that this thing was definitely a good thing.

"Ah Guang! It's out! It's out. Look what this is."

Xing ran to Pei Guang excitedly and showed the watermelon stick to Pei Guang.

Pei Guang took the watermelon strips. Fortunately, Pei Guang's eyes widened when he saw them.

[Weapon special effects: talking watermelon strips]

[Effect: When equipped to a weapon, the weapon will transform into a watermelon stick, and the watermelon stick will cause mental attack to the enemy every time it attacks. 】

[Note: Please note that this mental attack may cause the target to enter a violent state, so please use it with caution. 】

Take a closer look at this watermelon stick, what a good guy, Pei Guang calls it a good guy.

There are eyes and a mouth on this watermelon stick, but the eyes and mouth are exactly the same as those of a real person. Even if they are the same, they are still crooked. They are crooked to create an abstract beauty.

Xing looked at Pei Guang excitedly: "Ah Guang! How is it? Is it fun?"

Pei Guang was silent looking at this special effect. He was silent for a long time before nodding: "It's fun, very fun. This special effect has a debuff, which has a probability of making the person being attacked go berserk. Berserk means that various attributes are improved and the aggressiveness becomes Looks stronger.”

Xing: "Hey! It sounds like it's very powerful. Can you give me a try?"

Pei Guang: "Okay!"

Xing took out his own bat, and Pei Guang put this special effect on Xing's bat.

Liu Ying had been watching the two people struggling, but when she saw Pei Guang adding special effects to Xing's bat, her expression froze.

From her perspective, Xing's stick turned into a watermelon stick, and a pair of real eyes on the top of the stick and a real mouth with big white teeth facing forward.

Star: "How about it?"

Xing swung his bat a few times while asking. Pei Guang was really silent when he saw Xing waving the bat.

Along with the waving of stars, the watermelon stick's mouth showed a particularly excited look, and the abstract smile made people feel a headache just looking at it. Especially that look, just being stared at reminded Pei Guang of bad things.

Not to mention Pei Guang, Liu Ying shivered when she saw this scene and hid behind Pei Guang subconsciously. She could feel the aggressiveness of the bat in Xing's hand.

In terms of efficiency, this bat may not be very high, but after seeing Xing swinging this thing, she only felt that her brain was shaking and her body was resisting.

Seeing the reactions of Pei Guang and Liu Ying, Xing kicked her own bat proudly. After putting the bat on her shoulders, she looked at Pei Guang excitedly: "Aguang! Let's go! How about we try this special effect! "

Pei Guang pointed to Hua Huo, who had been pulled out of the bucket by Xing and whose body was touched: "Isn't this just right? You can see that the eyes of the people around you are not here, so you can try her hand with her."

Liuying: "Isn't this... bad?"

Xing: "I feel very good! Of course I have to give her a try. Besides, she drank our coffee and slept like a baby for ten minutes. No accident, she couldn't wake up at all, and Sambo It’s the perfect experimental material!”

Xing took the bat in his hand and poked the sleeping Hanabi's buttocks. Xing didn't use any force, just poked normally to experience the special effects of this weapon.

When the stick was poked, several people present heard a strange sound.

"My family, who understands? I'm really speechless. The Masked Fool doesn't want to have fun, but she sleeps here. Does she want to sleep to make me happy? It's really embarrassing for her to be the Masked Fool, regardless of the facts. Not to mention that I have more fun being the Masked Fool than she does.”

While Xigua Tiao was taunting her, her expression changed wildly. She would complain at one moment and feel disgusted at the other. Not to mention the content of her complaint, the change in her expression alone made both Pei Guang and Liu Ying have the urge to beat her up.

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