Good guys, they call them good guys. They are worthy of being four-star good citizens. They are so good at playing. They really don’t treat them as outsiders.

But it doesn't matter. Now that they have been discovered, they will be greeted by hounds that will attack and bite them crazily.

When Pei Guang and Liu Ying were having dinner together, they were diligently studying the characteristics of Pei Guang and Liu Ying. After observing the video left at the scene, they determined that Pei Guang's incontinence skill should only have a range of about ten meters.

Therefore, they all prepared long-range weapons. This time they would definitely make it impossible for Pei Guang and Liu Ying to come back.

They acted immediately, but Xing on the other side of the road was a little confused. She remembered that she and Pei Guang had just fallen from the sky. She happened to meet Sunday and Robin here. She chatted with them, walked around and followed the instructions. Pei Guang came to find the coordinates on the mini map.

As soon as he was found, someone wanted to arrest him? And Pei Guang also hooked up with a new girl?

Xing felt that it was normal for Pei Guang to hook up with a little girl. As for Pei Guang's behavior of gaining favor, it cannot be said that everyone would take the bait. Five out of ten could still do it.

What really confused Xing was why these people arrested Pei Guang? Or is it really to catch Pei Guang?

Pei Guang looked at the confused Xing and shouted: "They are the lackeys of the family. They insist on arresting me because they say I am a stowaway. They are deliberately looking for trouble!"

Xingke knew Pei Guang very well, even though she and Pei Guang were crazy every day, and each thing they did was more abstract than the last. But she dared to say that Pei Guang would never do anything that violated Pinoconi's rules.

So why arrest Pei Guang?

This question arose in Xing's mind. As a child who had been taken care of by Pei Guang after losing his memory, Xing's mind instantly came up with dozens of reasons for arresting him.

While Xing was thinking, Pei Guang had already made an action plan.

Pei Guang noticed that these people all had long-range weapons in their hands. When encountering long-range weapons, Pei Guang felt a little troubled. After all, these people can't really be killed, and I don't have very effective long-range means on my side.

It can be judged from this that the arrest at this stage is not to subdue the opponent but to find a way to escape. So how to escape? Pei Guang saw the car parked aside.

The moment he saw the car, Pei Guang had a perverted smile on his face.

He had a perfect plan. He would first drag down his captors, then grab the car and run away.

Yes, Pei Guang's plan is so simple and crude, but for players, this plan is enough.

Although Xing and Pei Guang were separated by a street, when she saw Pei Guang showing a perverted smile, she also showed a perverted smile.

Liu Ying was completely dumbfounded. She was obviously caught now, so why did she suddenly laugh so pervertedly?

Pei Guang moved, and Pei Guang took out the black garbage bag that he had accumulated for several worlds.

Pei Guang took out a huge black garbage bag. He and Xing looked at each other first. After Xing nodded in understanding, Pei Guang threw the explosives in his hands towards the crowd and shouted loudly: "Blow it up." happy!!!"

Yuanfangxing's pupils shrank when she saw these black throwing objects. She and Pei Guang were across the road. Coincidentally, there were people around her who wanted to catch Pei Guang, so these people also became Pei Guang's targets.

Others don't know what's in Pei Guang's garbage bag, but she knows!

All kinds of garbage from Beloberg, the Black Tower Space Station and the Earth, and Xing also saw some special packaging in these garbage bags.

These special packages are incredible. They contain roasted durian, soybean juice, canned herring and other delicacies mixed together with garbage that has been left for who knows how many days!

This is really the most powerful liquid bomb in Pei Guang's hands, the liquid bomb with the most obvious effect on the more civilized carbon-based life forms! Regarding this bomb, all those who have tried it say good things about it.

At this moment, Xing, who had looked at Pei Guang, knew that he had to be serious.

Xing immediately turned around and took out the flame spear. The amber light on the tip of the spear instantly enveloped Xing's body. In addition to himself, Xing also thoughtfully used the power of protection for several people passing by.

The favorability of the enemy does not matter, but the favorability of passers-by is very important to Pei Guang and Xing, so both of them try their best to ensure that passers-by will not be harmed too much.

"The tip of the spear is already lit!"

When the people of the Hound family saw the 'bomb' thrown by Pei Guang, they were shocked. They didn't expect that Pei Guang could use dreams to such an extent and actually make a bomb?

Although no one will die in the dream world, and damaged buildings will be restored, it will still hurt if they are bombed. Therefore, these people are either preparing to evade or use their own means to intercept.

But just when they were about to take action, they felt a pure and incomparable power of protection.

“The protective destiny walkers are helping us!!!”

I don’t know who shouted such a voice. As soon as this voice came out, the hounds at the scene became proud.

Cunhu's Fatewalker is famous for resisting beatings, but under the protection of Cunhu's Fatewalker, a mere bomb? Not worth mentioning! At this moment, these hounds decided to use Cunhu's power to rush over, catch Pei Guang and Liuying, and humiliate them severely.

But unfortunately, the power of protection is not to help them. The husky among the hounds naturally knows this. Let alone Husky, everyone knows what is in Pei Guang's garbage bags.

So when she saw Pei Guangren throwing a mental attack object, she ran away.

The hound is on, the husky is gone, and so is the fool. And as a star that releases the power of preservation? Just as the trash bag was about to arrive, she used her special move.

"Fire Spear!!! Charge!!!"

At this moment, Xing rushed out, and in just a blink of an eye, Xing jumped out a lot. At the same time as Xing rushed out, the flames with protective power burned these garbage bags.

There was obviously no communication, but the two people released a combination of skills in perfect harmony.

The garbage bag shattered and the ammunition inside flew out instantly. This was an indiscriminate attack. Danxing used the power of protection on passers-by before running away. The power of protection kept the garbage out, but even if the garbage did not corrode his body, it made his brain start to tremble.

Compared with the passers-by who were protected by Xing, they were confused at first, but then they screamed when they saw these disgusting things appearing. But then they found out that it was not on them, but on others. Although they felt sick, they felt more lucky and ran away.

The hounds were miserable. At this moment, the wonderful smell caused their brains to shut down. After a few seconds of downtime, some people vomited in disgust, while others roared in anger.

Unfortunately, by the time they reacted, it was already too late, because during the few seconds they were stunned, Pei Guang reached out to the nearest luxury car.

What Pei Guang is eyeing is a black flying car called the Steinway Peregrine. This is a Pinocchio specialty flying car. This flying car is a status symbol in Pinoconi.

When Pei Guang appeared in front of it and wanted to open the door, it was disdainful. It was not the kind of bus that anyone could get on, it was a luxury car! As a luxury car, it has its own pride and dignity.

But Pei Guang's appearance shattered its pride and trampled on its dignity.

Pei Guang quickly took out the unlocking tool and poked its decorative door lock, and the car door opened.

At this moment, the car felt fear and despair. It was a luxury car, but it was opened so easily by a prisoner? At this moment, it felt that its body had become rubbish.

The trash can not far away felt that this car was like garbage. It opened its trash can and was ready to meet this car that it thought was a garbage car.

Unfortunately, Pei Guang would not give it a chance to enter the trash can. Pei Guang opened the car door and shouted directly to Liu Ying: "Get in the car!"


Liu Ying was once again dumbfounded. From Pei Guang making a decision, throwing away the garbage, to getting in the car, the whole process went smoothly. In just the blink of an eye, someone else's car was stolen?

"Isn't this... bad?"

Pei Guang: "What's wrong? They insist on arresting us. This is called emergency evacuation, and we must get rid of them quickly. My ticket is about to expire."


Before Liu Ying could say anything, Pei Guang got into the car and said, "If you don't follow me, you know what you will face later~"

Liuying subconsciously looked at the hounds not far away who were already wearing masks of pain. Pei Guang's attack this time would not leave any physical harm on them, but it definitely left a very deep psychological shadow on them.

No need to look at it, Liu Yinghuang just wanted to think about how terrifying this attack would be if it hit her. It would be okay if it didn't hit her, but if it really hit her, she would have no choice but to set the sea on fire.

No, even lighting the sea will not release the anger at that time.

After thinking about this, Liu Ying decisively followed Pei Guang into the car.

Pei Guang got into the car and touched the car. After roughly understanding the situation of the car, Pei Guang stepped on the accelerator, and the car rushed out.

As a car, when the door is opened, it knows that it has no choice. At the same time, it sees what Pei Guang does.

If Pei Guang's attack hits it, it believes that even if it is a luxury car, it will fall into the arms of the trash can. Its goal is not to be a small trash can, its goal is to fly freely on the road.

At the same time, Xing on the other side saw Pei Guang and Liu Ying getting into the car safely and preparing to run away. She nodded with satisfaction: "As expected of A Guang, he easily got into the car that can avoid the enemy's pursuit."

However, when Xing was feeling proud, she suddenly discovered that the car was running in the opposite direction to her? Seeing this scene, Xing's eyes widened and he ran: "Hey? Ah Guang! Ah Guang! Wait for me, I haven't gotten in the car yet! What will I do without you? Ah Guang!!!"

In the car, Pei Guang suddenly trembled as he started to drive.

Seeing Pei Guang's strange look, Liu Ying came back to her senses and asked nervously: "What, what's wrong?"

Pei Guang: "I feel like I've forgotten something? But I don't know what I've forgotten, forget it! It's not important, let's go directly to the film and television city!"

However, just as the two were about to head to the film and television city, Liuying noticed that there seemed to be a car following them around.

"We...are being followed."

Pei Guang: "Hey, you're pretty sharp~, it's not a big problem! It's all within the plan. You tell me how to get to the film and television city first, and leave the rest to me."

Pei Guang also noticed that their car had been targeted. The hounds would naturally think of someone driving away, so they had prepared an emergency plan, and several cars immediately followed Pei Guang's car.

The tracking car is constantly reporting the movements of Pei Guang's car. Soon more people will intercept Pei Guang on various roads.

"More, more cars..."

Liu Ying looked at more and more cars around him, holding his hands nervously on his chest, while Pei Guang calmly turned on the convertible mode of the luxury car, and reminded Liu Ying: "Fasten your seat belt, I will let you You can see how powerful I am as a racing king. But how can I not have some music while racing?"

Pei Guang made a stereo while driving and played a song directly.

Because there was no time to choose a song, the speaker automatically played based on the last playback result. The last time Pei Guang used the speaker to play a song was when he danced square dance with Huang Quan and Robin in the dream world, so this time he played the most dazzling ethnic style. Songs after that.

And what’s the most dazzling ethnic song? The free flight of the Phoenix legend.

The moment he listened to the Free Flying BGM, Pei Guang felt that his whole body was in a state of excitement, and Liu Ying couldn't help but hum along when he heard the cheerful BGM.

A very simple rhythm, very cheerful music, accompanied by the honking of vehicles and the sounds of hounds trying to attack, gave Liuying a very cheerful and exciting feeling.

Pei Guang listened to the BGM and said to Liu Ying: "Come on~ let's sing together~ I tell you, this song is the most exciting when we sing it together. Let me demonstrate it to you first~ Don't dislike it if it sounds bad~"

Liuying: "No!"

Liu Ying looked at Pei Guang expectantly. Now that he had followed Pei Guang into the car, Liu Ying decided to indulge herself a little. After all, this is a dream world, and you can do whatever you want.

Pei Guang didn't reply, but started singing along with the music.

Pei Guang: "Who is singing? It warms the loneliness."


Pei Guang: "White clouds are lingering, tears are drifting~"

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Liu Ying seemed to hear a strange ensemble in Pei Guang's singing, but then she listened carefully and realized that she had heard it wrong. There was no strange ensemble, but Pei Guang's singing was difficult to hear.

She listened to the female voice singing in the music, and then listened to Pei Guang's singing. She could only evaluate Pei Guang in two words: "Deadly."

Seeing Pei Guang singing selflessly, Liu Ying complained softly: "It's so unpleasant, it's so unpleasant, but..."

Liu Ying couldn't help but stood up in the car at this time. After standing up, she opened her arms.

"It's so interesting~Aguang~Speak louder."

Pei Guang: "Okay~"

Even in a dream, a car traveling at high speed can still make people feel the wind.

Feeling the wind blowing through her body and listening to this very exciting song, Liu Ying smiled.

Accompanying the song, Pei Guang drove the car near the film and television city, but Pei Guang did not stop at the film and television city and continued to move forward.

The reason why Pei Guang passed by here is also very simple. Teleportation from the dream world cannot be teleported to reality, but teleportation can be done within the dream world. Passing by here, after luring people away, teleport back directly with Liu Ying.

After leaving the film and television city, Pei Guang increased the speed of the car to the extreme and rushed out towards the outside.

As an experienced driver in drag racing, Pei Guang also personally showed Liu Ying and all those chasing him what it means to be an experienced driver.

I saw Pei Guang singing and driving a convertible. Whether the passers-by he met were squatting on the spot with their heads in their hands or subconsciously avoiding them, Pei Guang was able to perfectly avoid every passer-by every time.

Hitting them in the dream has no impact on these pedestrians. Even if they are directly hit and killed, these passers-by are just waking up in reality.

But Pei Guang chose to play on the high difficulty level, driving as fast as possible and even turning on the nitrogen gas to speed up. To his surprise, he didn't hit anyone.

For players, if they can play a high difficulty level, then it is a high level of difficulty. Passers-by can pass the level without any injuries. Thinking about being able to complete this, Pei Guang got excited.

While Pei Guang and Liu Ying enjoyed this unique experience, the people in the Hound family became increasingly angry.

"Damn stowaways, don't let me catch you, or you won't get any good results."

"Let you know how powerful we are!"

"Damn it, where are you hiding?"

The people of the Hound family became more and more aggressive as the car drove, but they found that no matter how hard they drove, they could not catch up with Pei Guang's car.

But compared to Pei Guang, their actions were much rougher. They couldn't catch up in a straight line, so they were going around passers-by? Don't care if he's a passerby or not, just bump into him.

Anyway, you will not die in the dream. Either you will be knocked into the sky and you will not continue to experience the dream, or you will be woken up directly. It is not a big problem.

The hounds tried their best, but the top management of the hound family was confused. They knew that daring stowaways appeared during the golden hour, but how long had it been before they had already turned into racing during the golden hour?

Not even a few hours have passed since the stowaway was discovered, the order was given to arrest him, and now he lost control.

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the senior leaders of his hound family clearly feel that someone is causing trouble in their family.

Compared to the senior members of the Hound family, Sunday, who was dealing with matters during this golden moment, had a solemn expression when he saw a car passing by.

He clearly saw the car just now. Pei Guang and a girl were sitting together in the car and singing songs, while behind him, the people from the hound family were chasing him in the car? What crime did this pioneer commit that warranted such an outpouring of force? ? ?

At this time, Sunday was a little confused. Even though as the actual manager of the family, he had dealt with various matters and even made various arrangements for future events, he felt his head was buzzing when he saw this scene. .

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