Just like their family name, they usually fight in groups when facing their enemies. In the short time that Pei Guang and Liu Ying had communicated, they had already surrounded the two of them.

Seeing this scene, Liu Ying felt a little headache. Meeting Pei Guang was completely unexpected. She also had her own purpose and what she wanted to do. It would be fine if one or two people disturbed her. However, it was really disturbing for someone from this family to disturb her. People have headaches.

But fortunately, Pei Guang was not a stowaway. If she came forward to explain this kind of thing, it would be explained clearly.

She wanted to explain, but Pei Guang didn't want to explain at this moment, because at this time, Pei Guang had a wonderful logic that belonged to the player in his mind.

These people thought that he and Liu Ying were stowaways, and that they were not stowaways but were even invited by the family. They had a ticket for an unknown passenger, and such a big ticket was the ticket that was hit by the Star Dome Train.

I was invited by the family, and this unknown guest who has a formal identity and can be recognized as long as he is not blind is regarded as a stowaway? look! Stowaway, what a reasonable and reasonable reason to arrest yourself.

As a regional security team, violent organization, or at such a critical time, do you say that they cannot recognize people from various forces? Pei Guang didn't believe it.

Because of this, Pei Guang analyzed that they were so sure that he was a stowaway that it was definitely intentional. Since it was intentional, the explanation was meaningless, and he fell into their trap.

Pinoconi's 'actual manager' welcomed them in, but he was treated as a stowaway? Is the plot unclear and deliberately targeted?

At this moment, Pei Guang made up no less than half a million words of novel content in his mind, covering various contents such as family strife, brother-sister love, childhood sweethearts eloping, etc.

Thinking of this, Pei Guang looked at Liu Ying firmly. At this moment, Liu Ying was a little confused. Why did this person suddenly become determined?

Pei Guang looked seriously at the hound family members who had surrounded all the passages. His tone was a little excited: "It seems that we are caught in a strange incident..."

Liu Ying glanced at the Star Dome Train ticket on Pei Guang's waist: "How about... let's explain? They are just here to catch stowaways, but you are not a stowaway..."

Pei Guang shook his head: "No, no, no! Explanations are useless. We have already been involved in the incident. According to the normal plot flow, we must have been caught on purpose, and then claimed it was a misunderstanding. In the end, one played the bad role and the other played the bad role. We let it go, but in fact we have become someone else’s flag, allowing others to fight behind their backs.”

"In the end, these few chess players played for a long time, and I, the player, only got a little rubbish reward!"

Liu Ying: "It sounds so scary..."

"To be fair, usually if you don't have a choice in this kind of plot, you have to play like this, but now I have a choice! Let's rush out!"

Liuying looked at the people surrounding her. There were only three people trying to catch her before, but now there were more than twenty people surrounding her from all directions, and this time there was even a leader.

There was a possibility of running before, but now she can't see how to run? But considering Pei Guang's ability to force people to wake up from dreams, is it not impossible for more than 20 people?

But the hound family is one of the major forces in Pinocchio after all, and it offended the other party...

Before Liu Ying could say anything, Pei Guang was already ready to take action. While taking action, Pei Guang explained: "I understand, you want me to explain it to avoid misunderstandings caused by words. But this kind of behavior is only right because of misunderstandings." The plot produced is effective, obviously this is not the case, let’s strike first!”

Seeing that Pei Guang had made up his mind, Liu Ying put back what he wanted to say: "Then... what should we do? It's up to you."

Pei Guang: "Easy! Catch me."


Liuying was stunned for a moment, and then she saw a scene that made her brain tremble.

She saw Pei Guang sit down on the ground, and then while moving his butt, he himself moved at high speed.

This scene not only made Liu Ying's brain tremble, but the people around him who saw this scene for the first time also felt that their brains had been tainted. Although this was a world of beautiful dreams, the world of beautiful dreams existed somewhat logically.

Wall walking is not a difficult thing in the dream world. The dream builders have set up places where you can walk on the wall in some places, so that every Pinoconi visitor can be satisfied.

But the problem is that other people's walls are walking, and Pei Guang is sitting on the ground and climbing on his butt, so forget about climbing on his butt. Pei Guang can even use his butt to move backwards on the rope quickly? What the hell is this?

Everyone was stunned. Pei Guang looked at the stunned Liu Ying and reminded: "Hey, hey, hey~"

Liu Ying's brain was still a little unresponsive. Seeing her brain being attacked, she took out a trash can, stuffed her into the trash can, and then she held the trash can and used this unique trick. Start running.

Of course, as a player, Pei Guang is very small-minded.

Treat yourself as a stowaway and arrest yourself? If he really violated the rules, Pei Guang would have nothing to say. After all, he had promised Ji Zi and Pam not to behave as the Romans do.

But he is a member of the Star Train. He was invited by Pinoconi, received by the actual manager of the family, and received a souvenir from the company's employees. But in the end, he was arrested? That means they violated the rules. What they did was all self-defense.

He was slandered and arrested by the violent organizations here, and even had to use violence to restrict his personal freedom. As a pioneer, he couldn't resist? Resist! It is also pioneering.

Pei Guang was seen holding a trash can in his arms. Liu Ying inside the barrel looked at the outside world with a confused expression. People from the surrounding hound family saw Pei Guang's strange movements and confirmed the accuracy of the other members' information.

This guy is definitely a stowaway! They have never seen any serious person who can hold a bucket with a person in it and walk faster than running on his butt. Even if it is faster than running, this person can climb walls, spin in circles, and even climb walls. A big jump on the wall and then the butt is attracted to the other wall like a magnet.

Besides, why are you running away if you're not a stowaway?

"Fuck! Catch these two stowaways!"

"These two are super dangerous stowaways!"

"Go find the head quickly!!!"

"Block the streets! They're running!"

As a family that maintains dreams, the hounds have very rich experience. In dreams, they will always encounter some beings with extraordinary talents or special abilities, but it doesn't matter. As long as they dare to cause trouble in the family territory, their hound family will never let them go.

But they were wrong. Pei Guang was not running around like this to escape, but to try out the effect of this halo's ability in this dream.

After testing it, holding on to his own speed and ensuring that his skills were not weakened, Pei Guang turned around and faced him directly.

"Believe in the Holy Light!"

Pei Guang shouted out his skill. While shouting out this skill, in order to have a sense of ritual, Pei Guang raised the bucket in his hand, and adjusted the effect of generating monsters so that the top of Liu Ying's head appeared. The light of the Holy Light.

At this moment, Liu Ying was thinking about life. She was thinking about where she was born and where she will die. She remembered that she should have been a normal person a few minutes ago. How could she be like this now?


That's fun... isn't it? The light above her head would not hurt anyone and was very efficient. The most important thing was that the light was really comfortable, so comfortable that she couldn't help but smile.

Although I have just met Pei Guang, isn't it a plot that only appears in games and novels to fight against enemies with the companions I just met? At this moment, Liuying felt like she had become a 'heroine'. Although it was only for a few minutes, this was a feeling she had never experienced before.

She had experienced doing things with her companions, but when doing those things, she just wanted to finish them quickly, but at this moment, she just hoped that the happy time could be longer and longer.

Liuying smiled under the holy light~ and along with Liuying's smile, all the enemies howled and fell.

The range of belief in the Holy Light is only ten meters, but now all enemies are within the range of ten meters. Under the illumination of the Holy Light, the angry bodies of more than 20 people froze at the same time.


Regardless of male or female, regardless of race, regardless of age, as long as it is the person chasing, the body stops at the same time, and makes a sound of pain and joy.

The pain was because they had cramps under the illumination of the holy light. Their limbs were cramping in eight directions at the same time. The simultaneous cramping of dreams and reality made their bodies unable to move in an instant.

Simple physical pain could not stop them, so Pei Guang increased their perception of comfort, causing their bodies to rapidly secrete dopamine in an instant, allowing them to instantly experience a sense of pleasure that they could not experience even in dreams.

Dreams can't do things beyond their own knowledge. Because of this, these people don't know that their bodies can feel so good! How to describe this feeling? When you are constipated, the feeling of relief suddenly becomes clearer, and the feeling of cleanliness is several times greater.

Pei Guang has already held back. According to Pam and Jizi's request, he will just subdue everyone and will definitely not leave any sequelae. No, it cannot be said that there were no sequelae, because Pei Guang did not directly ask them to exit the dream world, so their reactions were seen by passers-by.

"Shocked! Members of the hound family actually convulsed in the street!"

"A heinous criminal would commit such a thing."

"Be careful! There are stowaways who play tricks on people at the golden moment."

The information was spreading rapidly, and due to the influence of Pei Guang's skills, the videos taken by these people did not capture the specific appearances of Pei Guang and Liu Ying.

In the video or photo, Pei Guang is holding a trash can, and a shining girl appears in the trash can. Liu Ying's looming smile paired with Pei Guang's holy light made everyone interested in this girl. Some people even called this smile on the Internet: "The smile of the goddess of dawn~"

Under the illumination of the light, the members of the hound family lay on the ground and lost their ability to resist. Some weak members even exited the dream world directly.

Although no one could tell who this person was, the light could be felt as holy even through the screen. At this moment, the holy light was known to more people.

Pei Guang and Liu Ying were not aware of the changes in the outside world. When Pei Guang saw the enemy falling to the ground, he stood up and ran to these people.

"Hehe~ It's my favorite part again~"

What is the happiest thing after defeating an enemy? Of course he touched the body! The reason for not letting them exit the dream world is to touch the corpse. Now these people have lost their resistance and can let Pei Guang take it.

These people were still conscious, and because they were conscious, they saw a horrific scene.

Pei Guang was seen licking his lips and approaching them with eyes full of desire. They never expected that today's stowaway would turn out to be a tough guy. Not only a tough guy, but also a pervert?

The hound members were frightened, and they let out painful screams when Pei Guang approached.

Facing this cry, Pei Guang remained unmoved and did whatever he had to do.

Pei Guang: "What's it called? You just have a cramp, not a pullout!"

"And you! I'm not interested in men!"

"Hey? Brother? You actually shipped the goods? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, how do you feel? Are you comfortable? Come! I'll make you feel better."

At this moment, Pei Guang fully demonstrated what it means to be a player's ugly face. The person who took out something from their pocket, Pei Guang, gave the other party a very good look and even gave him a better set of meals.

Not shipped? Let’s continue the dream + reality double cramp.

Being robbed of things by smugglers was something these people expected. But when Pei Guang touched their things, these people discovered something horrific that they could never dream of.

Pei Guang left. When these people recovered, they discovered a plot that seemed to appear in a horror movie. It was obvious that Pei Guang took something from their pockets, but there was still nothing missing in their pockets.

Just imagine, when someone takes control of you and takes out a lot of things from your body, and when you recover, you find that you have nothing missing. What could be the little thing? Of course it's something from Xuanli Xuanqi.

So what did Pei Guang take? Is it lifespan? Or luck? Or is it the future?

Horrible remarks appeared among the members of the Hound family. Who knows who these remarks came from, but they became more and more evil as they spread, and they couldn't be suppressed at all.

No, half an hour has not passed since Pei Guang arrived in Pinoconi. There are legends about him among the people and among his family. At this moment, Sunday received information that someone was causing trouble, but now he really didn't know that this matter had anything to do with Pei Guang.

At the same time, because of this wave of events, the hound family's attention to Pei Guang has once again increased to a higher level.

Pei Guang: ★★★★☆

Liuying: ★★★★☆

This time, not only did Pei Guang's level increase, but Liu Ying was also specially marked. After all, according to their intelligence, they were a pair of stowaways. They seemed to be a couple?

Pei Guang's Holy Light is terrifying, but today's family has discovered a weakness in Pei Guang's skills, and that is the range! Since it was not appropriate to arrest them at close range, they decided to arrest these two heinous stowaways remotely! They will use vehicles! !

Once a weakness is discovered, it will be easy to deal with it. At this moment, the members of the hound family are full of confidence from top to bottom. At the same time, today's new member of the hound family has brought important information.

What? Who sent the information? have no idea.

There are many people who can do this kind of thing, the Masked Fool, the Riddler, and the Rememberer can all do it. No matter who it was, it wasn't Hanabi, because Hanabi was still reading.

Chapter 357 Delicious food to share

After touching the corpse, Pei Guang hugged the bucket with the firefly and ran away in an unusual way. After running a long way and making sure that there were no people of hound family around, Pei Guang returned to the ground and put the bucket down.

"No...are you okay?"

There was some strange excitement in Liuying's frightened tone. Although she didn't do anything practical, she felt inexplicably happy when she thought of going crazy and laughing with the person in front of her.

The simple and efficient combat process has inexplicably hilarious results. It is efficient and fun, and the method of escape is abstract and outrageous. It is truly a unique experience that can only be obtained in a dream.

Recalling how surprised the people around her were when she was exposed to the light just now, the smile on her face became even brighter.

Looking at the happy Liu Ying, Pei Guang looked around and nodded with certainty: "It's okay for now. I won't know for a while, but I think they won't cause trouble for us in a short time."

Liu Ying: "Does that mean there will be more? This is terrible..."

Pei Guang spread his hands: "Who knows? I'm sure the chess players won't bother us if they see us being difficult to deal with. We'll find a way to knock them all down when they come. Just in time, we have to do it before they come. Have a good time~ By the way, do you know what’s fun here?”

Liu Ying nodded, put her hand on her chest and looked at Pei Guang expectantly: "Many, many~ If you don't mind, I can take you to experience all kinds of interesting things, and... if I leave now, I may be arrested directly. Bar…"

Pei Guang: "It's not a big problem! Believe me, when they finish fighting among themselves, our suspicion will be lifted. But before that, the two of us are just grasshoppers on the same thread, and we're done jumping here together. You lead me I will experience Pinoconi, and when we leave the dreamland, I will take you to other places to play~"

When Liu Ying heard that she could go somewhere else to play, she didn't show any excitement, but instead showed an imperceptible hint of sadness.

For ordinary people, this change is difficult to detect, but as a player, Pei Guang captured Liu Ying's emotional changes, but he did not speak and just wrote it down silently.

Liu Ying took a gentle breath and looked at Pei Guang with a smile on her face: "Okay! Well~ Then think of it as payment for letting you be a guide in the future. This time, I will be the guide and let you Come and experience this dream world~”

Pei Guang nodded: "No problem! I will take over your mission. No matter what happens, I will complete the mission and take you to other worlds."

Liu Ying lowered her eyebrows, not knowing what she was thinking, but soon she smiled again and looked at Pei Guang: "Okay~ I will take you to visit the town, let's go~"

Liuying turned around and looked around at her surroundings. After confirming her location, Liuying breathed a sigh of relief: "It looks like it's not far away~"

Pei Guang: "Where are we going?"

Liu Ying: "I'm going to take you to the Aodi Shopping Center, where the dream sales are very famous. In addition, there are various luxury goods, clothing, trendy toy stores, and even car dealerships, as long as you have enough alfalfa coins , you can buy whatever you want. But our first stop is not there, but the square outside. Let me treat you to some delicious food~"

Pei Guang: "Huh? You pay the bill? Okay, then I'm not polite, but I have agreed in advance that my consumption level is a bit high."

Liuying showed a hesitant look: "Well... it should be fine, right? I still have some savings..."

Pei Guang: "It's not too late, let's go?"

Liuying: "Let's go~"

Although she was wanted by the hound family, because there were no family members around, and because Liuying was very happy now, her pace was much slower. Because she walked faster, the happiness quickly disappeared.

The two were walking one behind the other, but just when Liuying wanted to open the topic, she suddenly heard the sound of running beside her.

I saw Pei Guang trotting all the way forward. At this moment, Pei Guang's eyes were filled with tenderness and expectation that even Liu Ying was shocked to see.

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