Jizi and Walter sighed after listening to the exchange between the three. They knew that there would be another rule on the train in the future, prohibiting dancing during the jump.

As for this time? Forget it, Ji Zi is quite happy to see the three little ones showing off their youth and vitality on the train. It is normal for young people to bump into each other. Compared with the previous two times, it was just a dance, so it was not a big problem.

The three people came to the central open space and got ready. March 7th asked curiously: "What are we dancing this time? Is it that... huh? Gangster shake? Or the Ax Gang? Or free play?"

Pei Guang thought carefully and said: "They are not suitable. The movements are too difficult and it is easy to fly out during the jump. Let's do something simple and rough?"

Star: "Simple and crude?"

Pei Guang nodded. He took out the stereo and found the music. He pressed the play button and pure BGM played.

This BGM is the BGM of Pokémon Saiba City. Some people may not know this name, but when it comes to Toothless, many people know it.

This is what Pei Guang is planning to dance this time. It is simple and rough, and is very suitable for simple dance movements during the jump.

Along with the exciting BGM, Pei Guang's body moved simply. At this moment, everyone turned their attention here.

When Pei Guang jumped up, everyone felt that Pei Guang seemed to be abstract. Although his movements were very simple, they had a kind of attraction.

Seeing Pei Guang dancing, Xing's eyes lit up, and there was amazing wisdom in her eyes. She walked up to Pei Guang and started moving to the music.

Looking at the two people who jumped up, March Qi remained expressionless and silent. Her silence was not speechless, but that she was studying seriously.

After watching it twice, she learned, and after the star, she joined the team.

However, when the three of them jumped up, Dan Heng, who was organizing the think tank, seemed to feel the power of the Dragonborn.

Out of curiosity, he followed the feeling and walked out, but when he saw the three people jumping up in the hall, he felt that it had something to do with the power of the dragon. But the strange thing is that his intuition and strength are telling him that this damn thing is the power of a dragon.

Dan Heng fell into deep thought. After thinking for a while, he walked over silently.

Dan Heng joined the organization, and Ji Zi and Walter, who watched Dan Heng join, were really silent at this moment.

Ji Zi: "It's over, Dan Heng was also led astray."

As he said this, the smile on Jizi's face did not disappear.

Walter pushed up his glasses: "I think we can also keep up with the trend."

Jizi: "Hmm?"

Jizi didn't say much. To be honest, she did find it a bit interesting. The simple movements combined with the exciting BGM and the joy of everyone participating together made Jizi couldn't help but get closer.

But it was obvious that someone was faster, and Walter had already joined them before Himeko got close.

That is to say, Pam is not here. If Pam sees the state of these six people here, his brain will definitely shut down.

Amidst the dancing of the cheerful models, Pam's announcement came from the train.

"Hey, hey, hey~ Dear passengers, please pay attention, the train is about to jump, please sit tight and hold your handkerchief~ The jump is about to begin, May, Thursday..."

Pam's countdown sounded on the radio. As the countdown sounded, Jizi and Walter calmly left the team and sat on their seats. Again, as seniors, you can play with the juniors, but there are some things you can't make a fool of. We still need to retain a little bit of the dignity of our seniors.

When the two sat down, the countdown to the jump counted to one.

The train began to jump. The train's jump did not affect Pei Guang's swaying to the music. However, what Pei Guang did not notice was that with the train's jump, he was no longer in the train.

In a dark but gorgeously decorated room, a girl wearing a gorgeous dress looked at the person who appeared in front of her.

This is the world of memories. She didn't expect that she could accidentally enter the same dreamland as a stranger.

Although it was uncommon to enter the same dream, it was not uncommon either. What really surprised her was that she could enter the same dream with such a strange man.

If it were an ordinary person, she would take him away from here, but looking at Pei Guang in front of her, she had the idea of ​​​​looking at him for a while.

Because at this time, Pei Guang didn't feel that his consciousness had left the train and entered the world of dreams. At this time, Pei Guang was enjoying the dancing body with his eyes closed.

She even felt as if she was resonating with the other person. It was obviously the first time they met, and they didn't know each other's depth. As Tongxie... she could naturally sense the magical power from Pei Guang, the power of Tongxie's destiny. Differently, she felt that Pei Guang's influence was more pure and would not affect people's bodies and consciousness at all. She only relied on her own subjective decision-making to participate.

Want to participate? She was lost in thought, but it was obvious that her body reacted a little faster than her brain. She followed Pei Guang's music and imitated Pei Guang's movements.

Anyway, if you leave this dreamland, you will forget everything that happened here. Since you will forget everything here, then follow your body's instinct and join the embrace of Tonghe.

etc? What the hell is it about her, who has the same destiny and joins Tonghe's arms?

Forget it, no one knows what the ghost is, anyway, she joined in with her eyes closed.

However, when she joined, Pei Guang opened his eyes: "Huh?"

Pei Guang opened his eyes and fell into deep thought. He glanced at his mini-map. Two of his own marks appeared on the mini-map. He clicked on his own mark to take a look. Good guy, one consciousness and one body?

Pei Guang: "Has my consciousness traveled through time? Can I dance for myself during the jump????"

Pei Guang also noticed that only he and Xing Chuan were on the same map on the mini map, and there were no problems with the marks on the other people's mini maps.

It's just that consciousness travel is nothing to Pei Guang. As a player, he can always accept all kinds of weird settings. What really makes Pei Guang a little confused is why there is a beautiful white-haired girl in a dress following him here. bgm jump?

Pei Guang thinks this girl is quite interesting. She has a halo and a pair of decorations that look like wings behind her head? This is not the point. The point is that this girl dances very well, with graceful movements and smooth movements. She looks very professional at first glance.

At the same time, she danced as if there was a kind of magic. Watching her dance, Pei Guang felt that his whole body was filled with warmth, as if he was hearing a lullaby.

Pei Guang felt that the sudden lullaby was a bit noisy, so he turned off the background music.

When he turned off the background music, the girl named Mockingbird also sensed something. She frowned slightly and subconsciously opened her eyes. When she opened her eyes, she saw the man who danced to the music before was looking at her.

At this moment, her body froze, and looking at the frozen girl in front of her, Pei Guang clapped and said, "Don't pay attention to me, keep going, it's pretty good-looking."

The robin was silent. After a moment of silence, she introduced herself with a smile on her face: "Singer, robin."

Pei Guang's expression became solemn as he listened to the other party's self-introduction. It was not because he was attracted by the famous-sounding name of Robin, but because of her previous self-introduction, which was deeply touched and engraved into his DNA. instinct.

Pei Guang introduced in a serious and nonsensical manner: "Trisolaran Pei Guang. Singer! Why do you appear here? Do you have any bad thoughts about me? To realize life, I am not a casual person, but if it is you If so, I can get up casually~"

Listening to Pei Guang's self-introduction, Mockingbird's expression became serious. She felt like she had heard the name Pei Guang before, but she didn't know why she couldn't remember it.

Pei Guang: "?"

Sensing Pei Guang's doubts, Robin looked at Pei Guang with a smile: "Pei Guang...I always feel that your name is so familiar. Have we met before?"

Pei Guang shook his head: "No, but I have read books about you."

The robin wondered: "My...book?"

Pei Guang nodded: "Right? The name of this book is "To Kill a Mockingbird"."

Pei Guang was just joking, but Robin felt her heart beat faster after hearing it. For some reason, when she heard the name of this book, she had a bad feeling. In the United..., she …”

Thinking of what happened to her, Robin had some bad feelings. However, when she thought about it seriously, Pei Guang began to behave differently.

I saw Pei Guang calmly touching the tables, chairs and benches around him, and then a magical scene happened. It was obviously the furniture in the dream, but all of it was taken away by Pei Guang into his own storage space.

This kind of thing was expected by Pei Guang, because many things obtained in the dream world of the game can be used directly by players. For players, there is no distinction between dreams and reality, as long as they can get something, they can use it.

In the past, Pei Guang would only take things on the surface, but after having the special halo, Pei Guang sat on the ground, moved his butt to the ceiling, and started to take action on the light bulbs on the ceiling.

While Pei Guang was searching the house, Xing, who also came to the intersection of memory and reality, suddenly felt something when he looked at the woman named Huang Quan in front of him.

"This feeling is..."

Xing felt a familiar power of the halo. She originally planned to let the woman in front of her take her away from this strange place, but when she found that the accelerating halo was activated, a bright smile appeared on her face.

Then Huang Quan saw a scene that slapped her brain crazily. She saw Xing sliding against the wall with her breasts and belly? Although this is a dream world, she has seen people in the dream world walking on the wall as if they were flat ground, but she has never seen this kind of scene of sliding against the wall with their breasts and running with their butt.

"Am I...dreaming???"

Huang Quan doubts life, not only Huang Quan doubts life, but the robin who has reacted at this time is also doubting life. Mingming thought that this room seemed normal before, but why did everything in the room disappear in the blink of an eye?

She subconsciously looked up and saw that the way Pei Guang's head was moving crazily on the ceiling made her feel like she had entered a horror movie dream.

Now that there were twins standing outside the corridor looking at her, she was no longer surprised.

Chapter 2 Monthly Bounty

As the title says, the version has been updated, and there are also activities during the New Year, so I will launch a wave of bounties.

It’s still the old rule, based on the monthly standard of 120,000 words.

10,000 reward plus one more update

100 monthly ticket plus one update

100 blades plus one update

This time there are multiple gold boxes, and one gold box is directly counted as twenty.

I feel like you can’t make me spend the Chinese New Year in code words~

Chapter 348: Huang Quan: "Square dancing is so fun"

Robin was numb. As a superstar, she had witnessed the diversity of species, but today she saw such a completely different guy in person. Even she felt like her brain had been damaged.


Looking at Pei Guang's appearance, Robin smiled: "You are quite interesting. Stop playing here. I will take you away from here. Staying here all the time is not good for your health." ~”

Listening to the robin's words, Pei Guang heard some unusual meanings. The Robin Man has a beautiful voice, but for some reason, Pei Guang feels that this girl's voice seems a bit unnatural, something wrong?

Robin saw the change in Pei Guang's expression, and she guessed what Pei Guang guessed. She just smiled and didn't say much.

Pei Guang, who silently memorized this clue, did not mention it, but asked the robin: "You said staying here is bad for your health? Where exactly are the settings here?"

Robin: "This is the boundary between reality and memory. Your and my thoughts accidentally appear in the same dream. This is the first greeting to you from the dreamland~ But don't worry, we will meet soon." Wake up from your dream and forget what happened here.”

In fact, Mockingbird doesn't know why she came in, but she still understands the characteristics of this place. Unlike the dream land, the experience here is really a dream for those who come in.

Most people will forget what they dreamed about when they wake up. A small number of people can remember part of it, but only part of it.

Because of this, when Pei Guang told her to kill her, she was just curious but didn't ask more, because asking was in vain and she couldn't remember.

Just when Pei Guang was about to ask something more, the movement in the corridor stunned both Pei Guang and Robin.

The robin was wondering, could there be someone else in this dream?

Pei Guang was shocked. Could it be that Xing got the precious treasure box and opened it himself?

At this moment, Pei Guang lost interest in the so-called plot and clues. The most important thing was not to let his accomplices give out good things.

Every player is worried that their friends will not ship, but at the same time, they don’t want their friends to ship. When their friends draw cards, they will have full guarantees, zero drops, and all greetings.

After getting acquainted with everyone, Pei Guang was in this state. He opened the door directly to see what Xing was up to.

The robin also came out out of curiosity, but when she came out, she saw a scene that made her heart stop.

I saw a gray girl with her torso pressed against the wall, her limbs raised in the air and spiraling in the corridor, from the ground to the wall to the ceiling, from the ceiling to the wall and back to the ground.

This scene made her feel familiar. Isn't this the same action Pei Guang made just now?


Mockingbird was afraid of these two things that were so unknown and unsanitary. This fear and fear were deeper than not being able to go on stage. Even at this moment, she felt that she couldn't sing, couldn't go on stage, or even be killed. These things were nothing. What terrible.

In reality, it's really scary to meet two people who do things that even the Masked Fool can't do.

Xing's eyes lit up when she saw someone coming out of the room. She spun around and came to the door of Pei Guang's room and said hello to Pei Guang.

"Ah Guang! You're here too. I didn't expect that we are so destined, but let me tell you, I have better luck than you. I met a beautiful big sister~"

Pei Guang: "Me too? I am the number one idol in the universe!"

Xing: "The big sister I met has such a long knife that she can kill both of us~"

When these words came out, Huang Quan's expression froze as he came over. She couldn't tell whether Xing was praising herself or belittling herself. But one thing Huang Quan needs to admit is that Xing is able to do things that normal people cannot do in dreams.

Pei Guang also noticed Huang Quan who was following him. Looking at Huang Quan's dress, Pei Guang only wanted to ask one question in his mind.

Huang Quan also saw Pei Guang's expression, and she spoke directly to Pei Guang: "Ranger, Huang Quan..."

Pei Guang shook his head: "I don't want to know your name, I just have a question... Will exposing your belly button really not make it look thinner?"

Xingze asked curiously: "Huh? Will it become thinner?"

Xing Ye suddenly looked at Huang Quan curiously. When she saw Pei Guang and Xing, she felt like her brain was buzzing and about to burn out. After being asked this question, she felt her brain trembling.

Looking at Huang Quan's expression, Pei Guang looked at Xing seriously: "It seems that he is not running away!"

Xing: "How did you tell?"

Pei Guang: "It's very simple. If she really flees, she will show an embarrassed expression. Look at her expression, she looks like she has a headache. She must have been made speechless by me."

Xing: "So that's it, but Ah Guang! There's something wrong with you. If it were in the past, we weren't on particularly good terms with each other. You wouldn't ask this question. Aren't you afraid of lowering your goodwill?"

Pei Guang spread his hands: "What are you afraid of? Anyway, the memory will disappear if you leave here."

Xing: "Yes! She told me that after leaving, she will forget everything she has experienced here."

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