For example, when the sword passes through the throat, it will directly vibrate + rotate when it reaches the throat, and the other sword will penetrate the enemy from bottom to top in the blind spot of vision. Two flying swords are aimed at the temple. As long as one sword succeeds, it will be a serious injury.

However, Sui Yang is an energy body. For energy bodies, this kind of attack is just to scare people but not to cause damage. What really makes Rong Ju confused is that when Yan Qing's sword attacked, Rong Ju felt as if he saw a woman with silver hair, red eyes and perfect figure. This woman grabbed it and slapped its mouth madly.

In reality, sword wounds don't hurt, but the mouth in the illusion hurts really. Sui Yang, who has lived for who knows how long, was slapped in the mouth in the illusion?

Just fight with swords, what do you mean by asking someone to slap your mouth? This is an insult to the sword!

Seeing Yan Qing's fighting style, Gui Naifen shuddered: "This fighting style looks so cruel..."

Su Chang also nodded and said: "Yes! It makes people feel cold just looking at it. If this sword hits me, a large piece of flesh will be gone..."

Pei Guang looked at the two of them: "What are you afraid of? Yan Qing is in the same group as us. He is fighting our enemies. No means are excessive when treating enemies. If we consider human nature, it is merciful to kill without abusing them. Look at Yan Qing, how efficient and merciful he is. Every blow is a sure kill, and it is the kind of sure kill that will never let people have a chance to survive, from the brain to the internal organs, not even a piece of flesh will be left. If it was an ordinary enemy, it would definitely die cleanly, which is simply the greatest mercy to the enemy. "

Su Shang: "Eh? It seems to be true. If this trick is used to deal with the rich evil creature, I think it is just right. You see, with this sword, a large piece of meat disappears directly. The ordinary rich evil creature dies directly. Even the powerful ones will be injured if they are hit like this. "

Pei Guang: "Right~"

While the sharp comments were made here, Rong Ju on the other side was chopped by dozens of swords and slapped dozens of times and suddenly shouted: "Stop!"

Don't say that Yan Qing was ruthless, but when the opponent shouted to stop, Yan Qing really stopped, and Yan Qing stopped. At this time, Rong Ju shouted angrily: "You cheated, you actually added something that shouldn't be added to the sword! ! ! "

Yan Qing: "Huh?"

Yan Qing was stunned. Add something to the sword? Nothing was added! This is a slander against himself!

Feeling Yan Qing's thoughts, Yan Qing's swords also nodded with a buzzing sound.

Pei Guang also walked over and looked at Rong Ju at this time: "Cheating? Although I really want to be unethical, we really didn't cheat this time."

The tail also flew out at this time: "Ahem, for this point, I prove it. Rong Ju, you are too green."

Rong Ju: "Impossible! Absolutely impossible, I have mastered all his moves, and his sword moves do not have these fighting methods, let alone..."

Rong Ju recalled the feeling of being slapped in the face every time he was attacked. Do you know how much damage these dozens of slaps were to him?

Before Yan Qing could speak, Pei Guang interrupted: "That was in the past! You Sui Yang, practice more if you are green, don't play if you can't afford to lose, the past is the past, and now is now. If you always treat the past as the present, Sui Yang, why don't you compare it with when you were just born?"

Listening to Pei Guang's ridicule, everyone couldn't help but applaud.

Gui Naifen: "It's cruel! Too cruel."

Su Chang: "There's not a single dirty word, but I feel a strong mockery towards Sui Yang."

Wei Ba: "Rong Ju, if I were you, I would commit suicide."

Huo Huo: "Don't say that. It's going to commit suicide. How can we catch Sui Yang back?"

Yan Qing's eyes were shining at this time, and he looked at Pei Guang excitedly: "Mr. is right. If you are a rookie, you should practice more. It was the past, and it's now. Now Yan Qing feels that he has never been in such a good state!"

Along with Yan Qing's mockery, Rong Ju seemed to see the guys who slapped him in the mouth just now mocking him in front of him: "If you are a rookie, you should practice more!"

"Don't play if you can't afford it!"

Under the double mockery of reality and consciousness, Rong Ju's mentality collapsed.

Chapter 332: Trash Can Version of Water Birds Dancing, Screaming Chickens Slapping Yan Qing

Rong Ju's mentality collapsed, but before Huo Huo was about to catch it away, Pei Guang came to Rong Ju first.

"Sui Yang! You are good at swordplay, right?"

Faced with Pei Guang's inquiry, Rong Ju did not answer. It was now full of thoughts that if it was a noob, it should practice more. If it could not afford it, it should not play. Looking at the silent Sui Yang, Pei Guang silently used the Three Flavors of True Fire.

The moment the Three Flavors of True Fire appeared, Rong Ju, who felt the threat to his life, suddenly panicked: "Wait? What is this flame of yours?"

Pei Guang: "It's going to kill you. It's normal to see you like this. In this case, can you give me some gold coins?"

Rong Ju: "What are you going to do?"

Pei Guang: "I want..."

What Pei Guang wanted was very simple, that is, to get some sword moves from Rong Ju!

During this journey, Pei Guang did acquire a lot of skills, but these skills were all functional skills, or they were randomly researched by himself. For example, there was no skill for a swordsman, and since Sui Yang was known to have many sword moves, Pei Guang wanted to try to get some skills from Sui Yang.

In this world of complete freedom of exploration, it is logical to find someone who knows swordsmanship to learn some skills, right?

Pei Guang: "I want to acquire some skills, and now you can give me some skills! If you can give me skills, I promise that you will definitely be the best treated in Suiyang!" Huo Huo on the side whispered: "What if you can't?"

Pei Guang: "Then it's useless. It just so happens that one of my employees is short of work!"

Huo Huo trembled when Pei Guang said this. Did she know who the employee Pei Guang was talking about was the Sui Yang who only had dreams when the capitalist squeezed other Sui Yang in Pei Guang's creation copy.

Rongju sighed: "Am I qualified to refuse? Let me get on your body. As long as I get on your body, I can provide you with appropriate moves based on your situation!"

As soon as these words came out, Su Chang became anxious: "Don't believe it, this Suiyang must have other plans!"

Pei Guang: "It's okay, I'll give it a try. After all, this is an opportunity to gain skills. If you don't give it a try, I'd feel a bit at a loss. Besides, I'm not stupid. I have a backup plan."

He was telling the truth. Rong Ju's suggestion that his body was within the range of his expectations, but at the same time, he also made some preparations for himself. Based on his understanding of Suiyang's characteristics, Suiyang cannot control his body.

Rongju tried to get on Pei Guang's body. Originally, Rongju's plan was to get on Pei Guang's body and talk some trash to control Pei Guang? It doesn't have the guts, because it can feel that the scented flames released by Pei Guang can really kill it.

In addition, there is Suiyang here and there is a genius in swordsmanship. Pei Guang has no obsession with getting stronger in his heart, and he can't control Pei Guang even if he wants to.

It can control people like Yan Qing who are obsessed with getting stronger and winning, but Pei Guang doesn't have it at all! In its perception, Pei Guang is very magical, and in his eyes, the concept of failure is negligible.

Unlike ordinary people who are arrogant, Pei Guang's understanding of victory and defeat is a matter of course. For Pei Guang, the so-called victory and defeat are as common sense as eating and drinking. Rongju can't do anything for people with abnormal common sense.

It was only threatened by Pei Guang. Suiyang was under the eaves and had to bow its head. Besides, it also had some expectations of the treatment Pei Guang said. Because when it entered Yanqing's body, it knew the special nature of Pei Guang.

Now that it's settled, how about getting along with such a magical thing and making some money?

However, the moment it got on Pei Guang's body, the torch was dumbfounded because it discovered that Pei Guang's talent was ridiculously good. Pei Guang could actually use all the tricks he had!

At the same time, Pei Guang also had a very strange feeling. When the molten torch was applied to his body, Pei Guang couldn't help but think of the most memorable battle in his life.

There are only a handful of bosses that have made Pei Guang suffer in countless games, Ashina Isshin is one, and Valkyrie is one. Among them, the Valkyrie Marilena impressed Pei Guang the most, and the deepest reason was also very simple, because this was the last boss he remembered who disgusted him to death with just one move.

There are bosses in other games that are more disgusting than Valkyrie, but these bosses are all combined with various mechanisms to form a disgusting boss. Only Valkyrie Marilena disgusted Pei Guang with just one skill.

Just like Ashina Isshin, Pei Guang thinks it is more difficult than Valkyrie. To deal with him, you need to integrate the skills you have mastered along the way and adapt to the situation.

But Mizutori Ranbu is mechanically powerful, because when he was playing Valkyrie, Pei Guang didn't read any strategies, he just fought hard. As a result, the skill Mizutori Ranbu was taught for a whole day!

"Ah! This is a painful and happy memory!"

Recalling the scene of his final victory over the Valkyrie, Pei Guang couldn't help but feel happy.

And when he thought about this battle, the melting torch that came into contact with Pei Guang's body saw something that did not belong to this world at this moment.

It saw a woman wearing armor and a helmet with a prosthetic arm holding a long knife or sword. It saw the woman jump up, and at the moment she jumped up, the molten torch screamed in fear.

The stormy attack covered the molten torch in an instant. At this moment, it felt as if it was dead, and when it said "dead", it saw a big word "vegetable".

While Rong Ju screamed, Pei Guang also had a new reaction.

[Congratulations to the player for obtaining the skill: Waterbird Flurry]

[Note: A move that once abused a player and brought him back to life. With the help of the Suiyang Torch, this move appears in this world. Players are invited to explore on their own. 】

It was just an introduction and remarks, but even so, Pei Guang was happy to see the skill he had acquired. Is this skill strong? Pei Guang's evaluation is that he is not strong. When he used this skill to become famous for killing people, he only bullied Meng Xin. Anyone with a little skill can kill him with this skill.

Even in this world of science fiction, fantasy, and fantasy, there are many ways to break such a pure slashing skill, not to mention that when you rush past with this move, the opponent can use a wide range of skills to interrupt it.

However, the strength of a skill has nothing to do with the skill itself but the person who uses the skill. Pei Guang, who has played countless games, knows that different skills can produce unexpected effects when combined.

"Sure enough, Suiyang, who knows a lot of skills at a glance, can get skills? Melting Torch! Quick, give me a few more skills!" Pei Guang was excited. Since Suiyang can get skills, he decided to use this Squeeze dry the Suiyang.

But just when he was about to continue being a human being, Huo Huo came to Pei Guang's side and took off the molten torch hanging on Pei Guang's body: "A Guang... it seems... weak?"

Only then did Pei Guang notice that the melting torch, which was originally a ball, had suffocated and hung on his body. At this moment, Pei Guang began to feel painful: "Rongtor! My dear, beloved melting torch, this is only one! Why are you doing this? Is it empty?"

Pei Guang originally wanted to use the melting torch to gain a few more skills, but who would have thought that the skill he just obtained would be useless?

Huo Huo: "Let me take it back. It won't be able to do evil for a short time now..."

Pei Guang: "Quick! Take this Suiyang back and give it the best treatment so that it can recover as quickly as possible!!!"

Can you give Suiyang skills? This made Pei Guang jump with joy. Now it was just a skill, so when Sui Yang recovers two or three and even gets all the skills related to swords that he has played... it will not be impossible. It's possible!

This was the first time Huo Huo saw Sui Yang being sucked into a layer of skin. But when he thought about it, he already knew Pei Guang. Isn't it normal to encounter some unreasonable things?

When Huo Huo took out the magic weapon prepared by Shi Wangsi, Rong Ju was stuffed into the magic weapon without even resisting. When Huo Huo was successfully caught, Huo Huo breathed a sigh of relief: "This Suiyang has also been successfully captured, let's go back!"

Huo Huo was very happy. Although she didn't contribute much this time, she also liked the happy result that everyone was fine.

When she asked to leave, Pei Guang shook his head: "You guys go! I can't leave yet because I have to have a PK with Yan Qing."

Now that he has agreed to the NPC's challenge invitation, how could Pei Guang refuse? Besides, it’s just a PVE. If he is at a low level and has few skills and items, Pei Guang will naturally not agree.

What's more, I have acquired a new skill, so I can try Yanqing's sword! However, when preparing to fight, Pei Guang suddenly fell into deep thought while looking at the skill, because this skill said that it was a water bird flurry, but it did not say that it must use a sword.

Hearing Pei Guang's words, Yanqing looked at Pei Guang excitedly: "Please enlighten me!"

Pei Guang: "It's not about giving me advice! But you have to be careful. I will do whatever it takes to win..."

Pei Guang became serious. His equipment was neatly worn and all consumables were ready. Pei Guang was ready for battle.

Looking at Pei Guang, who seemed to have turned into an evil creature in front of him, Yan Qing couldn't help but complain: "Sir, every time I look at your outfit... it always makes people misunderstand... However, the blunt weapon you use, sir, is quite special."

Ever since he met Pei Guang, as long as Pei Guang was in a fighting state, he was wearing something that looked like a living creature, right? The Fenghuo monsters are not as scary as Pei Guang, because the Fenghuo monsters don't use trash cans as weapons!

That's right, what Pei Guang is holding is not his wooden sword, but a trash can.

Although it was humiliating to lose to Dan Heng at the beginning, Yan Qing, who has now seen through his heart, is not afraid of humiliation at all. He just wants to compete with a strong person like Pei Guang to make up for his own shortcomings and push himself further.

Pei Guang: "It doesn't matter whether there is a misunderstanding or not. You know who I am and that we are a team. Okay, since we are discussing, let's start from now on!"

Yanqing: "Okay!"

The sparring began, but when he was about to take action, Yanqing paused because he noticed that Pei Guang seemed to have weaknesses all over his body.

The head, chest, abdomen, legs, feet, everything that can be seen are his weak points that can kill him with one strike. If it were someone else, he would definitely think that the enemy is too weak, but who is in front of him? The famous Pei Guang, these are definitely not weaknesses but methods to lure enemies.

Yanqing started to think about it, but unlike other people, he was thinking about it in his head, but he was waving his sword in his hand.

The flying swords flew towards Pei Guang at the same time. At the same time, Yanqing himself held the sword and released his sword energy to test Pei Guang.

Since they are all weaknesses, let’s attack the weaknesses first and see how Pei Guang reacts! Most people would feel their scalp numb after seeing such a dense attack frequency, but for Pei Guang, this kind of attack can still be avoided.

But then Pei Guang's actions made Yan Qing become serious, because he saw Pei Guang jump into the air and stop in mid-air. Pei Guang, who was still in mid-air, raised the trash can in his hand and aimed at Yan Qing.

At this moment, Yanqing seemed to feel a feeling of suffocation. Although he was far away now, he felt like he might die at such a distance.

When Yanqing's flying sword was about to hit Pei Guang, Pei Guang moved.

Pei Guang waved the weapon in his hand and rushed towards Yan Qing. Seeing Pei Guang in action, Yan Qing swallowed because he saw Pei Guang swinging out the trash can and knocking away all his flying swords. At the same time, Pei Guang The whole group swung the trash can quickly and rushed towards him.

"So domineering!"

Yanqing could see the terror of the waterfowl dancing at a glance. If he was hit by this move, he would definitely die. But at the same time, Yanqing also saw the shortcomings of this move. As long as Pei Guang is not allowed to get close, then this move is not threatening!

Without any hesitation, Yanqing directly used the unique technique he had learned through the mirror flow. A huge sword formed by sword energy fell from the sky and stabbed Pei Guang, who was rushing towards him.

"Sir, I need to admit that your move looks strong, but it only looks strong because you can't get close at all..."

Pei Guang is very fast, but he is even faster. If Pei Guang does not dodge and chooses to resist the giant sword falling from the sky, he will definitely be injured. When using this move, Yanqing was curious about how Pei Guang would respond.

Pei Guang's response was very simple. Pei Guang judged that Yan Qing's attack was not a magic attack but a force attack. Since it was a physical attack, the Water Bird Dance continued! However, the trash can in Pei Guang's hand changed at this time and turned into a large shield! Pei Guang continued to use the large shield to use the Water Bird Dance, and when he touched Yan Qing's move, the big tooth in Pei Guang's hand instantly swung more than 30 times. These more than 30 times were not attacks, but the Water Bird Dance version of the bounce! As the saying goes, as long as the mind does not slip, there are always more solutions than difficulties. When Pei Guang saw the Water Bird Dance for the first time, he thought it was a sword skill, but after freely exploring this world for so long, his mind has let himself go. The skill did not say that it was a sword move, and there was no limited weapon, so rounding it off would not mean that anything can be used? If I use the trash can, it is a super-large-scale blunt weapon swing, and if I use the shield, it is a super-large-scale rapid bounce? If there is a magic wand, wouldn't it be more than 30 magics thrown out instantly? Besides, this skill did not say that weapons cannot be changed when releasing skills. Pei Guang tried it and found that what he thought was right. If you simply use a sword to cut people, this Water Bird Dance is just an ordinary skill, but when combined with other weapons and skills, this skill instantly becomes much higher in Pei Guang's eyes.

However, this is just a sparring with Yan Qing. In order to avoid reducing Yan Qing's favorability, Pei Guang did not use the wet garbage in his hand. Pei Guang did not dare to imagine that if he used wet garbage + Sanwei True Fire to release the Water Bird Dance, it would be swill and the sky, garbage and flames flying together. Pei Guang is not bragging. He feels that with this skill attack speed, he can throw out hundreds of bags of garbage in an instant. Just thinking about it is a beautiful scene.

Pei Guang even thought about it. When he meets the Underworld Fire Duke who wants to attack Ester next time, he will do this to him.

This beautiful scene should be appreciated by real enemies. It is better not to watch friendly forces like Yan Qing.

Considering that the other party is a friendly force, sparring with a friendly NPC, you can't disgust him or hurt him at the same time. But even if you hit Yan Qing with a trash can, it will definitely be bruised, right?

Thinking of this, Pei Guang's eyes suddenly lit up, and the weapon in Pei Guang's hand changed again as he rushed towards Yan Qing. This time, he was holding a spicy chicken that he had picked up from somewhere.

Originally, when seeing Pei Guang rushing over, Yan Qing thought that he would definitely be injured this time, but when Pei Guang came to him and waved his weapon, Yan Qing's expression became solemn.


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