But in fact, the most awkward one among them all was Ruan Mei. She could see that Pei Guang was using these creations to accept the commission, but this was the most damning thing.

What's even worse is that she tried to issue a commission, and a cat cake actually accepted it. This cat cake... was a style she had synthesized. The cat cake I created is just an unqualified experimental life that can bring a little unexpected joy. How can it be so short-lived... and even become my assistant to help me do some things?

Chapter 325: Cat Cake: "I'll send you to see Fengsao Medicine Master"

One, two, three. Under Pei Guang's arrangement, the cats all accepted the commissions that suited them and started the expedition. For safety reasons, except for a few individual commissions, Pei Guang always arranged two people... No, it was two. A set of cat cakes.

When the last cat cake was sent away, Pei Guang said with emotion: "Little guy, please be safe. Although I really want all kinds of ingredients, the most important thing is that you can come back happily."

Every player will have great trust in the life created by their own hands, but while they believe in it, when players see that some commissions are risky, except for most normal players, they will become worried.

Obviously, Pei Guang didn't notice any difference between the cat cakes created by himself and Xing when he sent the cat cakes away. As cat cakes created by players using player materials, they have acquired some characteristics that belong to the players.

On the Xingcha heading to the battlefield, Yaoshi Gao looked at the universe with his little hands. As a cat cake that glowed golden when it was born, Pei Guang paid a heavy price for its birth. But at the same time, it was also influenced by the top-quality materials used by Pei Guang and Doctor Cake's understanding of the universe. As a cat cake, it believed that its birth had a certain meaning.

After receiving the commission from Xianzhou, it saw its own meaning.

As the Yakushi Cat Cake that caught the attention of Fenghao Yakushi from the moment it was born, it showed all the characteristics of Fenghao's destiny, selflessness, altruism, and healing. These are things engraved in the DNA of Yakushi Cake.

Regarding these things, Ruan Mei said that she did not do it herself. She did not engrave any messy things into Mao Gao's DNA. She must have inherited them from Pei Guang.

But it is also true that, as a creation made by the player using his materials, it acquires attributes that come from part of the player.

And do players have a fertile side? have! Too much.

Not to mention that Pei Guang has practiced nanny, nanny, nanny, nanny sword, nanny fist, and the number of completely selfless nanny in various MOBA games in various games. The total number of times Pei Guang has practiced it makes the pharmacist ready to move.

As a cat cake that inherits part of the player's characteristics, it is natural that it also inherits this part of the player. Because of this, Yakashi Kuai, who was born for a short time, understood a truth in his short life.

"Killing is to protect life, killing karma is not killing people!" As a qualified nurse, if you kill all enemies, don't you protect the universe?

Well, this is standard player thinking. For players, there are several realms of playing as a nurse or as an assistant.

The first level: Play as a support player to fight for kills and equipment, without protecting anyone. Whether you can win or not depends on whether your teammates’ thighs are thick enough.

The second level: the father of all teammates, asking teammates to do the highest output to protect everyone's survival.

The third level: What do milk and assistants do? Let your teammates survive better and win! Then as long as I kill everyone, won't everyone survive?

This cat cake is not a star god, it is just a cute kitten cake created by the player. Under the influence of the player, it has to practice its own understanding of a unique and prosperous destiny.

Aha gave a thumbs up to Mao Gao's understanding of a rich destiny. He didn't care how Mao Gao understood it, he just looked at it interestingly.

Even Pei Guang himself doesn't know what the Golden Cat Cake means. Take the Medicine Cake as an example. It holds things related to healing, altruism, and selflessness in some of the games Pei Guang has played.

It's just that normally, a powerless cat cake cannot use these gadgets. In its own perception, it does not have particularly strong power, but due to the player's magical characteristics, it feels that it can use it, although doing so is very harmful to the body. But as a traveler on a prosperous destiny, Yaoshigao believed that he had to do something since he was born in this world.

In the process of thinking, this special starship arrived at the battlefield with the abundant evil creature after several jumps.

On the battlefield fighting against the abundant evil creatures, the cloud riders led by Yao Qing Xianzhou fought fiercely with the abundant evil creatures on the battlefield.

The Luofu Xingcha in the sky was fighting with the Fertile Evil Creatures who were good at aerial combat, and the Yunqi who were attacking the Fertile Evil Creatures on the ground launched attacks again and again.

However, compared with the previous attacks, the current fighting method of Yunqi on the battlefield against the abundant monsters is...a bit humiliating.

Because it has formed an alliance with players, the Cloud Cavalry Army can use the dancing and buff auras brought by players. What is the concept of this 100% full attribute bonus?

After the personal experience of the cloud riders on the battlefield, this ten percent does not mean that nine people are equal to ten people, but that three or even two people can be equal to the previous ten people.

This is reality, not a game. The attribute bonuses in the game only allow players to produce big data, but in reality, a 10% reaction speed and a 10% IQ bonus are already incredible.

Not to mention that it is not just a single attribute bonus, but all attributes. Even weapons and armor are a whole character for the player, so this part is also considered a bonus.

Therefore, dancing on the battlefield has become a must for every cloud cavalry. Fortunately, Pei Guang's aura is very easy to trigger. Basically, as long as you dance, the attribute can be added.

The cloud cavalry has a 10% buff bonus, which is really a killing pleasure, but this buff is not for nothing.

A problem has arisen. In the battle with the enemy, countless combatants on our side do not fight but dance on the spot. The rich evil creatures don't know why the immortal boat people are so fierce, but seeing someone dancing on the battlefield is simply killing them.

What's more unethical is that I don't know which fun person on the battlefield feels that dancing is not enough, and even plays music directly with him, highlighting the taunt value.

So now the immortal boat people on the battlefield of the rich evil creatures say that fighting is not as good as dancing. This one dances after the other, and this one falls down and the other one comes.

The rich evil creatures said that you don't respect me too much. When they see the dancing, they will kill the unit with taunting first. In this way, the situation on the battlefield looks a bit funny.

But it is only relative. For the Xianzhou people, it doesn't matter if it's funny or not, as long as it's useful. Anyway, with this halo, it is indeed easier to fight against the rich evil creatures.

However, today, when the Xianzhou people or Yaoqing Xianzhou Yunqi were chopping the rich evil creatures, a star raft on the battlefield rushed into the group of rich evil creatures at a terrifying speed.

The one driving the star raft is an experienced fox man, but this fox man received a very outrageous order today, escorting a cute little cat cake to the front of the battlefield at all costs?

The fox man's love for cute creatures made her heartbroken. She didn't understand why such a cute little guy was sent to the battlefield. Did she rely on this cute little guy to cute the other party to death?

But on the battlefield, as a soldier, although she didn't understand the commander's order, she would also execute it seriously. Because in countless battles, it has been proved that the commander's order seems incomprehensible but it affects the outcome of the battlefield. If she makes a mistake on her side, it may even cause the entire Xianzhou Alliance to suffer heavy losses.

That's why she drove the Star Raft with a skill that ordinary people couldn't do to send Mao Gao to the battlefield. When they arrived at the designated location, Mao Gao called out to the fox man.


"Woo woo woo! So cute!"

The fox man's voice was a little choked. She had already imagined what would happen if such a cute little guy was discovered by the rich evil creatures.

The cute Yaoshi Gao jumped out of the Star Raft. At the moment he jumped out of the Star Raft, the rich evil creatures on the ground discovered Yaoshi Gao. Some of the rich evil creatures discovered the cat cake that fell from the sky, and they were excited to see such a cute creature.

The rich power on Yaoshi Gao made them excited. They didn't understand why this little guy had such pure rich power, but no matter what, they knew they had dessert on the battlefield.

Feeling the rich evil creatures spying on him, Yaoshi Gao meowed and sighed.

At this moment, Yaoshi Gao released his power.

It is not a command, nor does it have powerful imaginary energy, but as a player's creation, its skills have more or less obtained some of the player's wonderful characteristics. For example, the whole map is effective...

"Meow meow meow~"

At this moment, the descending Yaoshi Cake suddenly stopped descending, and some people on the battlefield also stopped fighting and looked here, because they saw... the sun.

A dazzling golden light burst out from Yaoshi Cake's body. Under the light, the damage suffered by the Cloud Cavalry and the Abundant Evil Creatures was instantly restored, and even some dying people recovered from their injuries at this moment.

Under the cover of this light, no one on the battlefield can kill the other, and the damage caused will be instantly restored. At the same time, everyone feels that their strength has been further improved.

However, unlike Pei Guang's 10% increase in all attributes, this increase is a pure power increase, which can make people fight harder.

But Yaoshi Cake feels that this is not enough. Its power can only cover half of the battlefield and the existing power cannot even release half of the skills it wants to release.


Yaoshi Cake wants more power! At this moment, the pharmacist saw the pharmacist of abundance again. The pharmacist of abundance looked at the cute little cat in front of him with a smile. Since the cat wanted more power, he would naturally give more power after hearing the request. The fate of abundance would open up more power usage rights for the cat who was somewhat similar to him.

At this moment, everyone seemed to see the figure of the pharmacist of abundance, and at the same time, the power from the cat instantly covered the entire planet after only covering half of the battlefield.

But! Although the cat used extremely powerful power, the source of the power it used was not abundance but joy. That's right, when the pharmacist gave the cat more power, the power mobilized by the cat was joyful.

Happiness, it was really too happy, not to mention Aha, the masked fool was happy when he saw it, isn't this a kind of ntr?

The mourners felt pain for the pharmacist when they saw this scene. He had obviously received the blessing of other star gods but was played in the palm of Aha's hand. They felt the same pain just by hearing it.

General Yao Qing, who had not taken action on the battlefield, frowned when he saw this scene: "Why do you want to heal the other party? And... the Envoy of Abundance? No? The Envoy of Pleasure?" Although everyone felt the power of abundance, as a hunting envoy, she naturally felt that this power seemed like abundance wearing a mask.

This light lasted for a full minute. Under the light, all life on the planet felt extremely warm. This was an equal blessing to all life from the abundant destiny.

Not only the Cloud Cavalry and Fertile Evil Creatures present, but also the ordinary life on this planet that barely survives also felt this pure healing.

Under this blessing, some of the beings who were forced to become abundant creatures knelt down, and at the same time, everyone on the scene heard the meowing sound from the Medicine Master.


It's obviously just an ordinary cat meow, but most people understand the meaning of this sentence through the synesthesia beacon.

"People who want to get more blessings of abundance, I feel your heart and your desire for blessings of abundance. I, Medicine Master Cake, will selflessly send you to see the Star God of Abundance."

The Yunqi Army who understood this sentence were dumbfounded at this moment, while the Fengrao people became ecstatic, but just as they were ecstatic, the golden light in the sky changed instantly.

The light began to burn, piercing through the clouds and turning into the light of death. Bathed in the light, burning, killing, looting and hopelessly fertile people, their bodies began to burn at this moment. The originally warm light passed through the bodies of all living beings present. For ordinary living beings, This scorching light has no feeling, but for the stubborn and unforgivable Feng Fu people, some Feng Fu people's bodies were torn apart and turned into smoke under the light.

What happened here not only attracted the attention of Fengsheng Medicine Master, but also the eyes of other star gods. However, when they saw this place, they were all silent.

Nanook: "6"

Lan: "6"

Pharmacist: "6"

Fuli: "6"

The way that Medicine Cake destroyed Cat Cake attracted Nanook's attention, and its decisive approach to the abundant evil caught Lan's attention. The Medicine Master couldn't look away after feeling Cat Cake's selfless heart.

Fuli? I'm just watching the excitement. After all, this is something made by the players. While I am doing what I should do, I will naturally cast a certain eye on the things made by the players.

Not only did the Star Gods hit 666, Hua, who was paying attention to the situation on the battlefield, also silently hit 6 in his heart. She can be sure that their Fairy Boat Alliance has received heavyweight support.

Apart from anything else, if you invite Mao Gao to give you a shot before this battle, your victory rate will be greatly improved. However, Hua also paid attention to the strength of Mao Gao. The overall strength of the Fengrao people he faced this time was not high. Mao Gao was able to instantly kill all the weak Fengrao people and suffer varying degrees of damage from the more powerful ones. This level was already very strong. .

At this moment, Hua also looked at the mobile phone group. At this time, Pei Guang was caringly asking everyone for information about the cat cakes.

Pei Guang: "They are all here, right? How about it? Can they be entrusted with the job?"

Pei Guang was like an old father who was concerned about the status of these cat cakes. Looking at Pei Guang's inquiry, Hua thought about it and left a message in the group.

"You can complete the commission perfectly! How did you create such a magical little guy?" Hua is really interested in cat cakes, can you believe it? Such a little guy was actually created by man. She couldn't even imagine how many scary little guys Pei Guang could create if he let go.

She really thought too much about this idea. Pei Guang wanted to create these powerful little guys, but the problem was that the rare materials in his hands were completely insufficient. To create these four, all the top-quality materials and equipment that Pei Guang had collected were exhausted. Throw it in.

If he wants to get the same level next, he can only wait for new maps or new tasks or activities to appear before he has the capital to do it.

On the other side of the space station, Pei Guang breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the message in the group: "That's okay~ Remember the rewards for the little ones~ Remember to take them to play~ By the way, Medicine Cake will have no problem facing abundant creatures, right? ? I remember it told me before it left that it was good at assisting. "

Looking at the information in the group, Hua fell into deep thought. Good at assisting? This time, he almost killed all the enemy's fertile creatures. Is this called being good at assisting? Apart from that, she didn't know how to talk about other things. She couldn't say that the Medicine Master cake she invited received more blessings from the Fertile Medicine Master and then destroyed all the evil creatures of Fertile Harvest, right?

Pei Guang didn't know what happened to Mao Gao, but since the client had agreed, he himself breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at Xing who was also relieved in the group, Pei Guang puffed up his chest proudly: "Look! What did I say? This is just the beginning of a normal expedition mode, there is no problem at all."

Xing: "No problem? I don't know who has been worried since they left."

Pei Guang: "Hmm?"

Xing smiled and said: "Forget it, it won't be good if you hit someone~ But then again, shall we just wait here for them to come back?"

Pei Guang spread his hands: "What else? We have no plot and no missions now. Wouldn't it be interesting to wait for the results of the expedition?"

In addition to the Yakushi Cake who had a great time, the other Cat Cake also did big or small things after arriving at their respective destinations, and good comments appeared in the group one after another.

Except for a few Star God cakes, other ordinary cat cakes can also complete the request very well. Their cute appearance and reliable ability make the client fall in love with this cute creature in an instant.

As the Expedition Cat Cake people are doing more and more things, in addition to the Alicia Church, a new church is also rising in the universe, and that is the Cat Cake Sect.

I don't know which cat cake learned a few words from Pei Guang and said them casually and others heard them. Anyway, after the cat cake started teaching, a special doctrine became widely spread among the cat cakes.

"Holy fire shines~Holy fire shines, all cat cakes, meow meow meow~"

Pei Guang, who created these cat cakes, was regarded as the father by these people, and Ruan Mei, who created this race, was regarded as the saint.

Chapter 326 Cat cakes that bring garbage home

Not all cat cakes have powerful powers like Xingshen Cake, just like Binggao, garbage cake and glutinous rice cake, as individuals similar to Xing, Danheng and March 7, the three of them coincidentally teamed up and accepted Bronya's mission to come to Beloberg.

In Klipperburg, Bronya looked at the three little guys on the table and her heart melted.

"So cute~ Seele, look, they look like the pioneers!"

When Bronya praised them, Seele looked at the three cat cakes carefully: "Hey? You know what, they do look like them, especially the look in their eyes, it feels like seeing the real person."

The ice cake, which is similar to March Seven, looks around curiously with stars in its eyes, while the glutinous rice cake, which is somewhat similar to Dan Heng, is like a head of a family guarding the garbage cake and ice cake.

As for the garbage cake? Its eyes have been locked on the trash can since entering Klipperburg. It is worthy of being a little guy created by Pei Guang and Xing, and its hobbies are exactly the same as theirs.

Bronya: "Yes! But issuing commissions to them... is it really okay?"

Just like the fox people who sent the pharmacist cake to the battlefield before, Bronya is also wondering, if such a cute little guy is allowed to do something, will he be taken away by someone and even not resist?

Xier: "Why worry so much? If A Guang says it's OK, it must be OK!"

After hanging out with Pei Guang for a long time, Xier completely gave up thinking about Pei Guang's affairs. Not to mention that she trusted him so much, her life and even the life of the entire Beloberg were saved by Pei Guang. She absolutely didn't believe that Pei Guang would harm her or Beloberg.

Bronya thought seriously and said, "Then what should I let them do..."

If it were ordinary people, Bronya would definitely arrange them to suitable positions, but she was really worried about these three cat cakes.

Xier: "Or let them patrol. There are many outsiders in Beloberg now, and there are many people with bad intentions."

These people with bad intentions are not only outsiders, but also more locals.

Although the Star Victory Celebration is over, there are still many outsiders who come to Beloberg to experience the unique snowball scenery, and in this process some wanderers have crooked intentions.

There are no pioneering missions and no battles at present, so Xier is also strengthening patrols to deal with these crooked people.

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