As he spoke, Pei Guang took out the brain of the breeding orderer. What should I say about this brain? This thing has attributes, but they are negative attributes.

[Star-Shattering Insect King Skrakabaz: The carrier will gain the highest level of vigilance from the insect swarm and will become the target of a limited attack by the insect swarm]

[Note: It can be roasted and eaten, but the effect of eating it may not be as good as pig brains, and it may not even be as good as the leg hair of its body]

Although it is a debuff, and is even rated as a thing that is not as good as leg hair, it still has special properties, and it is also a rare item. Black Tower just likes to collect rare items, so Pei Guang is going to take this to see if he can get it from Black Tower. Let’s change to something fun there.

Looking at the insect brain of the breeding order in Pei Guang's hand, Heita's eyes lit up: "Not bad! It's a fun thing, I want it. Except for some collections, you can play with the rest if you like them. But remember to put it back after you’re done playing.”

In fact, for Black Tower himself, the brain of the commander is indeed a good collection. This kind of unique

Black Tower accepted the breeding leader's brain, and then said to Pei Guang: "Let me introduce to you, they are both members of the genius club like me. He is Screw Gumu, and she is Ruan Mei."

Screw Gum looked at Pei Guang: "Nice to meet you, Pei Guang."

Before Ruan Mei could speak, Pei Guang looked at her with a smile: "I know her! You are Ruan Mei!"

Heita: "Huh? Have you ever had any unpleasantness between you?"

After Heita said this, he turned to look at Ruan Mei: "Be mentally prepared. Players are small-minded. If you offend him and want to ask him for help, you will be in trouble."

When Black Tower said this, Pei Guang also used practical actions to prove what a player is. Pei Guang took out the leg hair of a breeding order and introduced: "Mr. Screw Gum, nice to meet you." Nice to meet you! As soon as I saw you, I remembered my experience when I was mechanically ascending. This is my meeting gift. It is fate to meet you. Cheers to our friendship!

Looking at the breeding order handed over by Pei Guang, Screw Gumu reached out and accepted it: "Thank you for your gift. I will definitely keep it carefully. Cheers to friendship."

Everyone just smiled when they saw Pei Guang and Screw Gumla's affectionate behavior, but then they stopped laughing because everyone present noticed that Pei Guang gave everyone a piece of loot, but ignored them. a person.

Most of the people present know Pei Guang very well. Pei Guang may not be very high in terms of emotional intelligence, but he is definitely the kind of person who only needs to be surrounded by people who can count him when he has good things.

It turns out that this time the breeding order's leg hair can be said to be one for each person. Does anyone have any?

Chapter 316 Ruan Mei: "You are more extreme"

Everyone had a gift, but one person didn't. No one said anything, but everyone knew who it was.

At this moment, everyone had a question in their hearts, how did Ruan Mei offend Pei Guang?

At this moment, Ruan Mei broke through the embarrassment and looked at Pei Guang: "I need the body tissue of the breeding order for research. Can you give me a copy? I can give you the corresponding reward~"

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone gasped, while Heita and Screwgum looked at the scene as if they were watching a show.

Pei Guang: "Remuneration? Then you have to tell me what the reward is~, otherwise I won't agree. Also! I have a lot of tissue samples, but what kind of completion reward I can give you depends on how good I am to you. For now, I’m still wary of your favorability~”

Pei Guang was so happy at this moment. For the first time in so many years, he didn't have to look at the NPC's face to act, and he didn't have to brush up on the other party's favorability. Instead, the other party had to brush up on his favorability and give himself rewards in order to get things. It was so exciting.

When she heard Ruan Mei's dear words, March Qi was about to explode with anger, but when she heard Pei Guang's words, March Qi also straightened up her chest.

"That's right! This is something we worked hard to get. How can we just give it to someone we don't know?"

Ruan Mei showed a thoughtful expression: "Well~ Then I will do the same as last time. I will agree to any of your requests, except for things like peace in the universe that I can't do."

Pei Guang: "Okay! I'll take over your mission!"

Pei Guang accepted this task. Pei Guang once again took out a leg hair of the breeding order. However, compared with the other leg hairs, this leg hair was very small, only about the size of a palm.

"I have completed your mission! I will find you for the mission rewards when I need them~"

Ruan Mei: "Okay!"

Pei Guang: "Okay, now that your two tasks have been completed, do you have any other needs? If not, I will go back and rest first."

This is a lie. Pei Guang doesn't want to rest at all. He just wants to find a place where no one is around to sort out the things he made this time. It should be synthesized and sold. Now his backpack is only three spaces away from being full. Before You can also save space by using nesting dolls, but now there are no more nests and you have to organize them again.

After completing Ruan Mei's mission, Pei Guang looked at Ji Zi: "Ji Zi~ Is there anything else I need to do here?"

Ji Zi shook her head: "No, just have a good rest. We will solve the problem of the department staff~"

It is not difficult to bring the staff back. The teleportation through the aftereffect space can still bring these staff back safely. Even without Pei Guang's teleportation, there are company's spaceships where these staff are. Use the spaceship It didn't take too long to get it back, so overall there wasn't much of a problem.

Pei Guang returned to his room on the train and started packing his backpack. After Pei Guang left, everyone did what they were supposed to do. Most of the people present are not the type to gossip, and since the space station has been through such a journey, the staff have to be appeased.

Esta felt a headache when she thought of trying to appease the department staff: "After going through this for a while, everyone will feel more uneasy, right?"

Because of the Legion invasion before, everyone was holding back some special emotions deep in their hearts. Some of the staff even secretly established an anonymous group to complain about the management of the space station.

Because of Pei Guang, these complaints are not serious, but after today's incident, no matter what the outcome is, this internal problem will definitely arise again.

But fortunately, this is only a small number of people. Generally speaking, it is a small problem, but Esta attaches great importance to such small problems. But if a small problem is not dealt with, it will turn into a big problem. As a webmaster, you cannot not ignore the problem just because it is small.

March Qi and Xing also went back. Originally Xing was still thinking about whether to continue completing his mission, but when he thought that he had done a big job today, he had to go back and share the spoils with Pei Guang.

Back on the train, Pei Guang spent more than a day sorting out his backpack once again. He basically sold everything that could be sold and synthesized everything that could be synthesized.

The result of this synthesis was not ideal. The most synthesized items were not various special effects props, but various rare materials. However, Pei Guang has also stored these materials. He cannot use these materials, but the technology for climbing on the earth can.


Looking at the storage space that once again had a lot of empty space, Pei Guang nodded with satisfaction. Just as he was thinking about what to do next, his cell phone rang.

I turned on my phone and saw a message from Ruan Mei.

"I'm leaving the space station. Do you want to see me again?"

Looking at this message, Pei Guang thought carefully for a long time and then replied: "See you! Where?"

Nguyen Mui: “The old place.”

Pei Guang rolled his eyes when he saw the word "old place". Although decrypting tasks is part of the game experience, to do such a thing with a riddle is a very poor proposal! I have less favorable impressions of Ruan Mei...

With this thought in his mind, Pei Guang went directly to the platform where he met Ruan Mei for the first time.

Ruan Mei was eating pastries while looking at the blue stars outside the window. When Pei Guang arrived, she withdrew her gaze and turned to look at Pei Guang.

"You're here, do you want something to eat? Don't worry, I didn't add anything this time." Ruan Mei smiled.

Pei Guang: "Eat! But to be fair, as long as you drug me before the first time we meet, my impression of you will be much higher. If you can give me more trust, I think we will be more interested in each other." Can the good feelings between each other reach the level of good friends or even close friends? "Pei Guang once again took the cake from Ruan Mei.

While Pei Guang was eating, Ruan Mei also looked at Pei Guang: "Because of some past events that I don't want to mention, it's hard for me to trust people other than myself. I wanted to control you and make you forget things related to me, but Now… there is no need to hide.”

Ruan Mei had a sad expression on her face. Looking at the sad Ruan Mei, Pei Guang stuffed all the cakes into his mouth in one breath and asked while chewing: "Why are you still sad?"

Ruan Mei said calmly: "Because of my own behavior, I missed the possibility of real success. After you left, I have been thinking about whether I did something wrong. I clearly promised you that if you meet I will personally help you shoot down any danger that cannot be solved, and the result is..."

This was not played by Ruan Mei. Although she wanted to study Pei Guang and understand how Pei Guang held a trash can and shook it out to save the order, but she felt that she had not fulfilled her promise. Guilt is not a conflict.

According to all the data, the breeding order she created could only exist for fifty-six seconds. As a result, this thing became real, and even the Star God was involved in the process. In this case, she did not have that ability at all. Help Pei Guang.

She couldn't even enter a balanced trial space. The gap between mortals and star gods was so huge that no method could make up for it.

Pei Guang touched his chin and recalled, "Ah! I remembered, you did say that. And I also said at the time that there would definitely be an accident in your mission. Look! There is an accident."

"I'm sorry..." Ruan Mei apologized.

Pei Guang: "It's okay. It's normal for things like missions to have accidents. I won't hold a grudge because of this."

Just as Pei Guang was about to say something, he suddenly remembered something: "You just said it's hard for you to trust people other than yourself, right? Can I use one of my mission rewards now?"

Ruan Mei: "Okay, do you want me to trust other people?"

Pei Guang shook his head: "No, you have your own life, your own ideals, and your own concepts of life. Since you don't want to trust others, then just continue to distrust them. And my request is not to make you trust others. , but when you have something that needs others to do and establish a causal relationship with others, do not force them to do anything to their bodies. If you make a promise and the other party breaks the promise, you should do whatever you want, but not before that. You can No?"

"You don't need to be suspicious of others. I feel that with your ability, you can achieve the results you want even if the other party breaks your promise. Do you know? In various games, you rely on external forces to control players or others. NPC guys can’t die anymore.”

Ruan Mei looked at Pei Guang in confusion: "Why? This request... is not good for you, right?"

Pei Guang: "Who said that? It's super beneficial! At least you don't have to worry about being drugged while doing your mission."

Ruan Mei: "I understand, I will pay attention to it in the future...but..."

Pei Guang's request was full of loopholes, but Ruan Mei understood what Pei Guang meant. To put it simply, be sincere when you really entrust someone else with something. Don't use these methods directly, but make an agreement with the other party before the other party breaks the contract. Use your own means.

Ruan Mei looked at Pei Guang with a smile: "But doing this will expose me to danger. I also have a commission here. If I am in danger in the future, you have to help me. At the same time, I also want to study you. I want to I will use you to do research. After you complete my commission, I will increase my favor with you and give you some special rewards~"

Ruan Mei will make these changes because this incident also taught her that the more she wants to hide something, the harder it is to hide it. Because she was studying life, she had already had big emotional problems, but in the process of getting along with Pei Guang, the pure emotion from the player made her decide to make a change.

Pei Guang: "You should study and apply it! Okay, if I don't have other tasks to do, it's no problem to cooperate with you in the experiment. But having said that, apart from distrust, why did you drug me?"

Ruan Mei said directly: "Because the bonds that bind life to life will be erased, and friendships, secrets, entanglements, deceptions, etc. will all disappear. This will make it easier for us..."

Pei Guang complained: "Theoretically it is true, but the cause and effect has been established, so how can you just wipe it off? I'm sure a boomerang will hit you on the head one day. Sometimes it's quite interesting, monsters, machines Ah! Let me ask you, have you ever studied emotions when you have been studying life over the years? Let me tell you, it is very interesting to master this aspect."

Ruan Mei: "Huh?"

Ruan Mei pretended to listen, while Pei Guang started to brag enthusiastically: "The upper limit of life without emotions or thoughts is that level. Instead of studying the joy messenger, you should study how you can make it." Those cute little things that came out.”

"Life has no emotions. Isn't it just those elements or particles? The accumulation of molecules? Anyway, you know what is going on in this world and I don't. Apart from the accumulation of these simple materials, what is the most important thing left? Of course. It's consciousness and emotion. Look at it, it's the same as fighting. The mechanical combat power without emotion is like that. With emotion, it can even fight for 251 seconds against the invincible life. "

"The emotions + cause and effect of living things can become gods under certain conditions. They are not gods with powerful strength, but gods that can interfere with everything from ancient times to the future in the true sense. If nothing else, just watch Looking at the currently known Star Gods, do they look like all aspects of life? Is it possible to create an envoy by providing the environment and emotions in the corresponding direction?

For those who know the messenger in this world, only special beings like Ruan Mei dare to think about and experiment with cultivating the messenger, but for players, they not only dare to think, but also dare to do it. It is even common for players to play a game and develop a few ceiling-level companions.

"So! If you want to study the messenger or the Star God, don't just click on the insect that only has a living thing in its mind. Study the life with a heart in the true sense. Besides, there is a template for destroying the Star God. If you cultivate according to the template, you will definitely cultivate a king of annihilation."

In Ruan Mei's view, many of Pei Guang's words were unrealistic, but the strange thing was that she actually felt reasonable and feasible in these unrealistic things. It even seems to be much more feasible than her breeding order?

Ruan Mei: "What you said... you can try. I will give it a try when I go back this time... Do you have any specific suggestions?"

Ruan Mei thought of the barrels cultivated by Pei Guang. Although she could not understand Pei Guang's cultivation process, she felt that Pei Guang's specific suggestions would definitely work.

Pei Guang: "Suggestions? I have two plans here: the Enemy Development Plan and the Hero Development Plan."

"The first is the enemy cultivation plan. You have to give the life you cultivate the greatest love, let her understand the pain that ordinary people understand in the world, and then understand that ordinary people understand the beauty, the loveliness of the world, so that she has enough potential. Let her be bitter first and then sweet. , from distrust to trust, from no hope to full of hope, and then one day you were suddenly dismembered and killed, and the world she lived in was destroyed back and forth, making her feel the malice of the universe.”

At this moment, Ruan Mei suddenly fell silent. Although she was not sensitive to emotions due to her research on life, she could still do things like simply listen to the description and substitute it. When she heard about Pei Guang's plan to develop an enemy, she was silent.

She roughly deduced that the beings cultivated in this way are not only enemies, they are simply full of anti-universe people. Not to mention, if you do it this way, you won't be able to create a king of annihilation.

Pei Guang continued: "The other way is to do this method in reverse. You can even do two at the same time. One is full of hope for the world, the other is full of despair for the world, and then raise Gu to see who can win in the end. "

Ruan Mei became even more silent at this moment. She had an intuition that she should stop this topic. It is funny for a genius to believe in intuition, but what is even more funny is that her intuition told her that if Pei Guang did not stop this idea, the universe might really be in the future. It's finished. She suddenly felt that compared to herself, Pei Guang seemed to be more extreme.

Chapter 317: The fourth natural disaster coming in the simulated universe

Listening to what Pei Guang said, Ruan Mei felt a little confused, but it didn't matter, she had failed countless times, and she didn't mind cultivating life in a very laborious way according to the plan Pei Guang said.

"I will give it a try. By the way, the simulated universe over at the Black Tower is finished. She is planning to invite you to test the simulated universe."

Pei Guang: "Hey! I think it's okay. It just so happens that in addition to meeting you this time, I also have the idea of ​​​​finding the Black Tower to test the simulated universe. I have nothing to do recently. The memory world is still under maintenance, and the simulated universe happened to be opened. I can only Come and have some fun simulating the universe.”

In Pei Guang's opinion, the memory world and the simulated universe are two very good experiences in this world. What is the difference between these two? The rewards given by the simulated universe are much worse than those of the memory world. At the same time, the reality of the memory world is... a bit ridiculously high.

But what Pei Guang doesn't know is that in this simulated universe, he will also experience a world that is almost consistent with the real world.

As for the difference between the two? The answer is yes. What the Memory Star God wants is the player's unique memory, and he can accomplish his ultimate goal through the things obtained from the player's special memory.

The simulation of the simulated universe is for Bo Shizun to calculate the impact of the player Pei Guang on the universe. The appearance of the player has caused countless variables to appear in the world. But over time, these variables continue to decrease. If you want to speed up the reduction, simulating the universe is a very good choice for Bo Shi Zun.

Although they are all simulations of the past, in a certain respect, they can also be regarded as a contest between two star gods.

Pei Guang doesn't know that much. For him, it's all about having fun.

Since they wanted to start the test, Pei Guang and Ruan Mei went directly to the Black Tower office. The Black Tower doll was on standby in the office. When Pei Guang appeared, the Black Tower doll on standby was instantly controlled by the main body.

"Hey~ who is here? The famous Pei Guang? Are you coming to test my simulated universe? I have good news for you. You can test it at any time."

Pei Guang: "Can you do it at any time? Then I'll go..."

Black Tower: "No need, this time we decided to concentrate our resources and let you enter the simulated universe alone!"

It is said that resources are concentrated, but in fact it means insufficient funds. After all, this test did not take much time compared to the last test. The resources collected in such a short time are enough for Pei Guang to detect the machine explosion with all his strength, but add some more There are not enough people.

As for the stars? Just let her test the ordinary simulated universe. It will save money and help the current simulated universe gain some experience.

Pei Guang: "Is it just me? No problem, but having said that, there is an escape button this time, right? You won't deliberately mess with me like last time, right?"

Last time, because of someone's playfulness, Pei Guang was given a setting where there would be no exit key when exiting for the first time. Pei Guang hated this setting. If someone else wanted to do it this time, what would he say to let that person do it? People know what cruelty is.

Black Tower: "No, but this time the simulated universe is not simulating a universal insect plague but...forget it, you will know when you go in. I am looking forward to your performance in the simulated universe."

Pei Guang: "Stop talking so much, I want to test you! But having said that, is there any reward for this test?"

Black Tower: "I can give you a few more sets of simulated universe-limited relics. Don't worry, your rewards are indispensable. Come in!"

Under the arrangement of the Black Tower, the machine has been started, and Pei Guang once again entered the simulated universe.

When Pei Guang entered the simulated universe again, the 'eyes' at the center of the Intellectual Star God Bo Shizun emitted red light. He was linked to the simulated universe, providing computing support for the simulated universe, and would also be in the simulation through Pei Guang. The manifestations in the universe will continue to analyze Pei Guang.

The simulated universe started, and at the scene Black Tower, Ruan Mei and Screw Gumu began to watch the situation of the simulated universe this time.

Pei Guang opened his eyes. When he opened his eyes, he found himself standing on top of a dump of electronic waste, observing the surroundings as Pei Guang analyzed his situation.

"Let me see, what's fun this time?"

Pei Guang started his system. Looking at the system prompts, Pei Guang became dissatisfied: "I was given permission to use modifiers and mods last time, but why aren't they available this time? Bad review! Bad review!"

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