At the same time, at this moment, the space where Pei Guang and the others were located was covered by the force of equilibrium. Under the influence of the force of equilibrium, they could fight here freely.

If it were an ordinary person, his claws would be numb by now, but none of the people present were ordinary people.

For the bucket, the large garbage in front of him is very strong, but the bucket will not flinch. Compared with the bugs who have no brains and only have instincts, the trash can has his dignity and glory, and his belief and will are far beyond It is limited by pure strength, not to mention that he has a player, a star core spirit, and the support of a cute little life inside him!

The same goes for Pei Guang. When he saw this guy, Pei Guang knew that he and Xing would definitely not be able to beat him, but as a player, Pei Guang didn't think he would lose.

Pei Guang: "It looks like we are really on a survival mission! Star! Next, we will work hard to clean up the trash fish and survive, and let our bucket kill him. Bucket! Come on! I have a lot of consumables here, let's Just spend it with him!”

Upon hearing Pei Guang's encouragement, Tongzi made an OK gesture.

Compared to Pei Guang and his party who were preparing to start the war, Heita, Ruan Mei, and Screw Gumu were confused at this moment.

To say that there is a guardian envoy here, that is more or less within the range of understanding, but after the guardian, a balance pops up? After the balance, a breeding pops up. Is this space station some kind of Feng Shui treasure? Two envoys and one star god appeared in one day?

But compared to Heita, who looked confused and ecstatic, Ruan Mei was really confused. She remembered very clearly that the thing she cultivated could only live for fifty-six seconds, even though it was a copy of the breeding order user , but far less than the real envoy.

But why did he become an envoy now?

Chapter 314: Trash Can vs. Star-Breaking King Insect

Full title: Trash Can vs. Star-Breaking King Insect, that day I also became a Trash Can!

Black Tower: "What's going on? A Protector just popped up? What's popping up now? This power...balanced arbitrator? No, no! Damn it!"

Heita said hell, but she became excited. Her real body even wanted to come here directly to witness a scene that was impossible to witness under normal circumstances. She never expected that a balanced trial would occur on her space station. , and this trial level seems to be very high.

Black Tower quickly investigated the situation inside the space station, but before she could take action, the extremely tyrannical power of Breeding Destiny burst out from the bottom compartment of the space station. At this moment, the Black Tower became serious. The emergence of balanced power is something that can only be encountered in the entire universe.

Very few people can experience the balanced trial and witness the balanced trial. The Black Tower feels like they are lucky. However, if this trial fails, it may lead to the destruction of the space station?

The people of the space station can take all the people arranged by Pei Guang in advance, but Black Tower has no intention of following them. Let alone Black Tower, even Screw Gumu and Ruan Mei have no intention of running away.

The breeding order is very troublesome, but it is just a trouble for Black Tower, not to mention that there are also Screw Gumu and Ruan Mei. Although their relationship is not that good, whether it is her, Ruan Mei or Screw Gum, I am very happy to study this breeding order that appears out of nowhere.

At the same time, Heita also recalled Pei Guang's special characteristics. According to Pei Guang's special characteristics, although his personal strength is not strong, his weird ability to become strong when encountering strong and weak when encountering weak plus the sudden appearance of existence before. With the power of protection, there is no guarantee that we can really take down this big insect.

At this time, Screw Gum was in a normal state. He was preparing carefully while cherishing this rare scene in the entire universe. But compared to these two people, Ruan Mei seemed to be shocked at this moment, with a rare expression on his face. Aggrieved expression.

She was the one who cultivated the breeding order, and she naturally knew the state of it. Although it was bred according to the order, according to experiments and calculations, its strength was only at the moment of birth and was far from the level of the order. At the same time, it From birth to withering, there are only fifty-six seconds. If no one delays, the space station may be blown up, but if someone delays, the space station will definitely be fine.

But now the reaction below was that of the Zhenger Ba Jing Breeding Order. Recalling what Pei Guang said to her before leaving, she was sure that the order was definitely influenced by Pei Guang.

Now she is wondering, does she study biology or does the other person study biology? Why was it that while the other party was making emissaries one by one, he had to put in a lot of effort to come up with something that was far inferior in strength and only had a survival time of fifty-six seconds?

If the difference between a genius and an ordinary person is the difference between a human and a dog, then what Pei Guang showed made Ruan Mei feel like a human and a paramecium. If possible, she doesn't want to study Lingshi now, she wants to study Pei Guang.

Black Tower: "It's interesting! Let me find a way to get the scene inside, and let's see what the test of equilibrium is like. It's really interesting. I didn't expect Pei Guang to be able to attract such a large-scale test."

Because of this, she now particularly hopes that Pei Guang will survive. It would be better if she could get some samples of this breeding order...

Compared to the geniuses here who have ideas for the breeding order below, the people on the space station are much more chaotic.

On the bridge of the space station's main control module, Esta, who had received Jizi's reminder before, immediately sounded the space station alarm. Although the staff did not know what was going on, due to the previous invasion of the Legion, everyone still followed Esta's instructions. The broadcast prompts to retreat to the bridge.

However, during the retreat, many section members began to complain.

"What's going on? The space station has been invaded again? What do these managers do for a living!"

"That's right! Don't be a manager if you don't have the skills!"

"Let me see! The space station has not been invaded at all. There are three members of the Genius Club here. Who has the guts to cause trouble at this time?"

Some staff of the space station complained about the so-called danger, because they did not see the enemy, and they had no special feelings. In addition, the previous invasion of the Legion had made everyone feel dissatisfied with the management of the space station. At this moment, When the radio sounded, he became even more dissatisfied.

Until the moment when the lower level of the space station became the training ground for equilibrium, the terrifying power from the breeding order made the legs of all those who didn't take it seriously weak.

"Help, help!!"

The breeding order can control its own strength like other snacks. For insects, if it has strength, it will directly display its strength. The powerful power of the order turns dissatisfied people from dissatisfied to fearful and even calls for help.

The originally orderly gathering turned into chaos the moment power covered the space station.

On the bridge of the main control cabin, Ji Zi also felt this terrifying power: "Aguang and the others...what kind of enemy are they facing?"

If Pei Guang hadn't said in advance that they could complete this task without having to help, she would have even planned to take people directly to help Pei Guang.

However, Jizi also realized that the matter was more serious than she thought: "Esta! How are the space station staff gathering together?"

At this time, countless machines sounded alarms in the main control cabin, and the assembled staff were so frightened by the terrifying power of breeding that they either cried or trembled. The people in the security department are okay. After all, they have received professional training. At the same time, they are not the target of this force. They can withstand it.

But because some staff didn't take it seriously after the broadcast, some staff were still on the road.

Esta: "There are still some department staff on the way, and the situation is dangerous. Jizi, you take some people and leave first, I will stay..."

At this moment Esta made a decision, just like facing the Doomsday Beast. She herself was not very strong, and the equipment she owned could only bully trample-level gadgets, but facing the real Doomsday Beast Esta had the courage to face danger.

Ji Zi: "I understand. I will let Walter, Dan Heng, and Yue Yue lead a group of people to evacuate first. I will also stay here and wait for you to evacuate before unbearable consequences occur."

Esta: "Thank you..."

Ji Zi: "You're welcome, let alone this time..."

According to the information Ji Zi obtained, Pei Guang may not be responsible for the following things, but it has something to do with Pei Guang for such a big thing.

Although some of the staff are usually dissatisfied with Esta, thinking that she is someone who only relies on connections, but now in this dangerous time, the first person they think of for help is Esta, because she is the director of the space station. .

Compared to the confused staff, Veritas, who had already woken up, did not figure out how the messenger who was clearly just a poor imitation of the commander became the real commander, but after hearing the exchange between Himeko and Esta, he also Do what you can do silently.

Just looking at this space station, Viritas sneered: "It seems that it will be destroyed if you don't use this place..."

There are two major hidden dangers discovered by the truth doctor in the entire space station. The first is the false messenger cultivated by Ruan Mei. If it is just a false messenger or a fake thing that can only live for fifty-six seconds, he can easily drag it away until it dissipates. .

But now it’s true? He knew that he might not be able to delay even a second. Since the pioneers of the Star Dome Train were willing to help take everyone away, he naturally wanted to bring the panicked people here.

"In times of crisis, there are always people who give up thinking and run away because of panic. It's really laughable." He sneered, but he himself acted as quickly as possible.

While everyone in the space station was moving, in the training ground formed by equilibrium, the Star Breaker King Insect was staring at Pei Guang and his party with vigilance.

As a bug, if there is no natural enemy to stop it, it will unscrupulously release its power to destroy, devour and reproduce, but now it feels threatened by the few people in front of it.

This threat makes it dare not act rashly for the time being, but immobility is an advantage for it, because it can continue to divide more bugs while waiting.

In just one minute, the place will be filled with bugs.

In terms of personal strength and player level, Pei Guang is very sure that he can't defeat any messenger, let alone the messenger, even some high-level monsters in the later maps. Pei Guang is not confident.

Therefore, when facing this powerful enemy, Pei Guang took out the small bench and sat up to watch the CG. What will happen if the player encounters an enemy that cannot be defeated? Of course it's a plot kill. It doesn't matter whether he kills himself or the opponent. Let's calmly watch the plot first.

Just as Pei Guang expected, he was not qualified to fight the commander, but Tongzi was. But Tongzi himself has no ability to defeat this bug, because this bug is too strong. Although he has received a lot of blessings from the Amber King, this bug is not only a breeding envoy, but also a dynamic balance of combat power. You can't beat it.

But the bucket is different from the worm. Although the worm has heirs, his trash can also has like-minded accomplices! You can breed and have children, and I can protect and call you!

Tong pointed his right hand toward the sky, and all the trash cans in the universe seemed to sense something.

In Pei Guang and Xingyan's eyes, they will see a spectacular cutscene next.

At this moment, countless rays of light appeared in this space. The light dissipated, and the phantoms of various large and small trash cans with limbs appeared behind Pei Guang and the others.

There was more and more light, and more and more barrels.

Some buckets are bright and shiny. They have just been born into the world and they want to protect the world in the name of trash cans.

Some barrels are in dilapidated condition, and their end is approaching, but they still stick to their posts before disappearing.

They have gone through countless vicissitudes, they have protected countless lives, and they have provided a habitat for countless people who feel that their lives are rubbish.

Now they sensed the call of their King, and all the barrels in the universe responded to his call.

They have no weapons, because their bodies are weapons, and they are willing to provide living space for bugs, because bugs are also life in this world. The purpose of filling their trash cans is to protect the world and life in the world!

But in the eyes of the trash cans, the breeding agents are not bugs, they are garbage that destroys the world they protect, and they do not allow any garbage to destroy the world they protect.

The buckets summoned by induction took action, kings against kings, generals, and generals. Countless trash cans summoned by induction rushed towards the growing swarm of insects.

Among these buckets, I saw a familiar figure under one. This bucket stood there quietly, waiting for others to throw away garbage. But after one bucket, I realized that this bucket was no ordinary bucket, but the king of their trash cans! He is the true king who provided Pei Guang with the first golden light and went further and further on his way to protect his life.

It was a bucket that was also protecting his life but was left on the earth. He held his non-existent arms and looked at the bucket and nodded with satisfaction. He was deeply pleased with the realization under the bucket. Their trash cans are followed by buckets.

It's a pity that this first barrel is also the strongest barrel, because in the face of countless legions and legion extermination kings guarding the earth, it is impossible to separate more power, but his appearance is already the greatest support for Under One Barrel.

Although the first generation Tong did not speak, the second generation Tong felt the meaning of his words.

"Go! Practice our beliefs and let those damn garbage understand! The dignity of our trash cans cannot be shaken, let them see our glory!"

The figure of the first-generation barrel disappeared, and with the disappearance of the first generation, a barrel turned its attention to the star-shattering king insect - Skala Kabaz. Although not as strong as the opponent, Trash Can is never afraid of powerful Trash.

Looking at the scene of barrels and countless small barrels rushing up, Pei Guang and Xing on the other side took out small benches and watched this epic battle with Ruan Mei's creations.

Pei Guang: "It's so cool! It's so cool. Even though I didn't say a word, I felt the momentum of the barrels! This is the military momentum of the barrels, right?"

Although all kinds of trash cans are summoned, what should I say? Pei Guang felt the belief and momentum, especially when he saw these weak trash cans rushing towards the insect swarm, he even felt a little touching.

Xing held the popcorn and nodded seriously: "Yes, that's right! Especially the scene where the first generation handed over their faith to the second generation is simply the most exciting scene I have ever seen! But Aguang, when will it be our turn to take action?"

Pei Guang: "Why are you anxious? We don't have any plot to skip. When we start, we will be prompted."

Xing: "Then let's just wait like this? Why don't you help clean up the bugs?"

Pei Guang looked at the countless trash cans around him that were rushing towards the swarm of insects and sighed: "I guess we won't be needed. Look at those buckets, they are not weak at all!"

Xing: "That's right! But having said that, Aguang, do you know why there are so many trash cans to support you?"

Pei Guang recalled: "Maybe... because these trash cans can also turn into light! The trash cans also have their own will. When they face powerful enemies with the same will, they will transcend time and space and fight for their partners. Fight for their common beliefs!”

Xing thought of something: "Oh! I remembered it. You said before that everyone can turn into light! I didn't expect to see it today, hiss! It looks so exciting!"

Although they are all trash cans, Xing feels that these buckets are much more exciting than looking at people. After all, people are everywhere on the streets, but trash cans with legs and the ability to charge can only be seen here.

Pei Guang: "That's right! Movies, TV and games are not separated. The settings in movies, TV and animation are normal in the game. Hey! Look at his big feet on the barrel, he kicks them really hard."

Xing: "I think those small buckets are quite interesting. Look at those seven buckets, they seem to be setting up barriers? It's so funny, trash cans are all set up with barriers."

When these summoned trash can phantoms encountered those little bugs, they directly opened the top garbage lid, and countless little bugs were sucked in. At the same time, there are also some buckets with the function of crushing garbage to crush the bugs into powder.

During the battle, countless phantoms were shattered by the swarm of insects, but as the phantoms were shattered, more and more determined barrels appeared here.

However, as the battle continued, Pei Guang discovered that there were some more people in the barrel...

For Pei Guang, it doesn't matter what extra is there. Anyway, it's CG now. He and Xing can just watch CG honestly.

But for people outside, the scene that happened inside severely impacted their three views. However, the black tower outside obtained the inside scene through its own special means.

But when she saw the scene inside, she also felt that her brain was running out of energy. What did she see? See a bunch of garbage cans with arms charging at the swarm of insects? See the largest trash can with limbs riding on the breeding order and beating it?

It's not Pei Guang using his interesting powers to bully the breeding order, but a garbage can with limbs bullying the breeding order? It’s been a long time since I’ve seen him, Black Tower has seen some special ones, but this is really her first time using the trash can, and then the trash can can beat the breeder. This is a re-enactment of the conservation war and breeding. ?

But as he watched, Heita's expression became even more excited. Not only Heita, but Screwgum was also trying hard to record all this scene.

Because in the infinite phantom of the trash can, figures appear, one, two, three, in a few breaths, more and more people appear here. These people appear with the power of will as their core destiny as the carrier. here.

These are all Destiny Walkers, and this way of displaying the power of Destiny is something they have never seen or heard of before. They have never heard of an emissary who can summon other Destiny Walkers.

Black Tower: "How is that possible? I have never heard that the power of protecting one's destiny can be used in this way..."

While the Black Tower was recording and thinking, Creeper, who was dusting the dust, also discovered a little change in the life of Cunhu. Creeper did not stop this change because this change was conducive to his dusting.

The Star God does not need the support of these destiny walkers, but this change is beneficial to Cripper, because the concept of preservation is larger, and it is also beneficial for him to continue to fight ashes, and there is no reason to stop it.

It is even said that when Tongzi used this special power, Kripper also gave some support, otherwise Tongzi would not have the strength to summon the walkers who protect his fate.

The battle at the scene has entered a white-hot stage. As the battle progresses, without the interference of small insects, the battle between Lingshi and Lingshi becomes much simpler. In the constant physical battle, Tongzi seizes an opportunity. He inhaled the Star Crusher Bug Skala Kabaz into his own body.

The moment Skala Kabaz was sucked into the body of the barrel, the barrel took away its concept of defense and made it unable to use the power of destiny to carry out large-scale attacks, but only if it was in the body of the barrel, the barrel could do this. Because of this, Tongzi needs someone to help dispose of the garbage. Although this guy's defense is limited, his powerful body can still break through Tongzi's seal. Tongzi needs someone to kill the Breeding Order user Broken Star in his body. The King Insect? Skalakabaz.

When the barrel made this need, Pei Guang took out his weapon and stood up and looked at Xing aside: "The plot animation is over, and our battle is next."

Star: "The cutscene is over? Can we fight?"

Pei Guang nodded: "Yes, the cutscene is over, and we can deal with the next enemy, but we must be careful. After all, the opponent is the Breeding Order. Even if it is weakened to our level, the damage will be very high. "

Star: "Understood!"

Pei Guang: "Let's go!"

Pei Guang and Xing went up. Ruan Mei's creatures saw Pei Guang and the others going up, and they were shouting for Pei Guang and Xing.

The two people entered the trash can space. In this space, Skala Kabaz was trying to break through the limitations of the barrel. Because the defense had been isolated from the power of its life path, it could only rely on its physical body to try to escape from here.

It keeps hitting, and every physical hit will knock down countless small bugs, and the small bugs will die and explode themselves in the constant hits. Under such constant attacks, it was only a matter of time before the seal of the barrel was broken.

But then, they have no chance to try to escape, because the players are coming.

Pei Guang and Xing came here. If they were to face the real body, Pei Guang and Xing Lai would not be old enough. But facing the Breeding Order who could only run rampant and had zero armor, Pei Guang let him experience what it means to be a player. of cruelty.

The moment he entered, Pei Guang launched a taunt on all enemies.

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