Pei Guang was stunned when he looked at the introduction of the system, because the product was so good, it was actually made of golden material?

[Chemistry 】

[Note: The created life will inherit some characteristics of the material provider. Players are asked to explore more content on their own. 】

At this moment, Pei Guang no longer knew how to complain. He casually knocked down someone who drugged him, and then he was shipped out? Or a golden item? Can it still create life? Good guy, Pei Guang is just a good guy.

At this moment, Pei Guang's eyes when he looked at Ruan Mei became much gentler. This was the second Sambo! He has traveled so many maps and defeated so many enemies. Apart from Sang Bo, Ruan Mei is the second person who can explode golden items for himself.

Although he still doesn't know the girl's name so far, Pei Guang decided to forgive her for what she had done to him before, but as a price, he decided to gain more wool from Ruan Mei.

Thinking of this, Pei Guang took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Esta: "Are you there? Do you have a spare room in your space station that I can use?"

Esta replied almost instantly: "Yes, just come to this room~"

Esta sent Pei Guang the location of a room, and based on this location, Pei Guang carried a trash can and jumped around in the corridor of the space station like a child.

And when he thought that he had withdrawn gold again, Pei Guang even started spinning the bucket.

At the same time, the Heita puppet waiting in the corner noticed Pei Guang coming to the space. Seeing Pei Guang happily spinning the trash can, Heita who controlled the Heita puppet was stunned.

Is there anything in your own space station that can make players happy like this? Obviously the simulated universe didn't let him behave like this before, right? Out of curiosity, Heita checked the surveillance video in the space station.

Fortunately, the places where Pei Guang was were were monitored, so Heita could easily see what happened during this period.

Seeing what happened, Heita was silent for a long time. Finally, her body and the puppet simultaneously said one word: "6!"

Heita didn't know what to say anymore. Anyway, the two of them were chatting well for a few minutes before watching the surveillance. Then Pei Guang suddenly attacked Ruan Mei? Forget it, why did you take out such a big bucket of stuff from Ruan Mei?

Heita was too lazy to struggle with these principles. Since Pei Guang appeared, she found that she had more and more problems. She was too entangled in why Heita felt that she would die suddenly.

As for Ruan Mei being brought down? If this were to be written into an article, Heita would have already thought of the title.

"Meet for five minutes and defeat the genius Ruan Mei"

And because Ruan Mei was arrested, Black Tower's original plan to start another simulated universe communication with Ruan Mei and Screw Gumu was also suspended. After all, there is more fun to watch now. As for Ruan Mei’s identity? No one told Pei Guang, so how could Pei Guang know.

She was curious about what kind of sparks Pei Guang and Ruan Mei could create.

At the same time, in a room on the space station, Ruan Mei woke up from her sleep. When she woke up, she found something very interesting.

She was tied up and stuffed into a bucket by Pei Guang. It stands to reason that she would have her own way to break through this level of imprisonment, but it was strange that when she was tied up in this bucket, she felt that she couldn't use all her strength, and even Some of the things I researched are completely unusable.

Everything was completely sealed by a mysterious power, and she had seen Pei Guang demonstrate this power in the simulated universe.

Fear? Ruan Mei is really not afraid. She originally wanted to conduct some small experiments with Pei Guang...

Feeling that Ruan Mei was awake, Pei Guang walked to her side and looked at her: "Beautiful lady, I don't know why you drugged me?"

Ruan Mei: "I'm sorry, I used anti-veritaserum on you. This thing will not do any harm to your body, but it will not let you tell the information about me. Because I have a task to entrust you, but I don't want to You leaked information about me, so you used a little trick, but don’t worry, what I used didn’t do any harm to your body, but looking at it now, you have cleared it up, right?”

Pei Guang nodded understandingly and said: "It's just a debuff. Just eat the abnormal buff to remove the item." After grabbing Ruan Mei and coming to this room, Pei Guang studied the debuff in himself. He really looked like Ruan Mei. It's completely harmless to say that.

Considering that the other party seems to be powerless and seems to be engaged in research on key projects, it is normal for Pei Guang to be so wary. The other party drugged him, and he knocked the other party down and took him away, so it was even. But even if it's even, Pei Guang also wants to take advantage of this opportunity to gain more wool.

After hearing Pei Guang's explanation, Ruan Mei looked at him: "Now that you know my purpose, can you let me go?"

Pei Guang: "Of course... no."

Pei Guang smiled and said, "I can take on your mission, but I have a request. Before completing your mission, do you want to accompany me to do some experiments?"

Ruan Mei was silent. She could feel Pei Guang's extremely pure emotion, which seemed to want to gain something from her. This feeling is not greed brought about by desire, but a natural feeling.

It felt like there was something in her that belonged to him, and he wanted to take it back.

"Okay~ What experiments do you need me to cooperate with you on?"

Pei Guang untied the rope from Ruan Mei, and then took out ten bottles of coffee. Looking at so much coffee, Ruan Mei had a bad feeling.

Chapter 311 Ruan Mei: "I asked you to create life and you created a trash can?"

Pei Guang said gently: "That's it, I want to treat you to some coffee. It helps you sleep. I've been told to drink the therapeutic coffee. I just want you to test the effect. Don't worry, I won’t touch your body while you sleep.”

Ruan Mei believed what Pei Guang said, because his eyes were indeed looking at her body at first, but now he wanted to gain something. At the same time, she was also a little curious about what experiments Pei Guang would do, and the experiments he did What results can it bring.

What Pei Guang didn't know was that when Ruan Mei agreed to accompany him in the experiment, he also fell into Ruan Mei's trap.

Ruan Mei is very cooperative with Pei Guang's experiment, but what about Pei Guang? Something did appear. The second time he touched the corpse, Pei Guang found a purple destiny material. The third time, a blue destiny material appeared. The fourth time, he found a green ordinary material. The fifth time, he found a white ordinary material.

Nothing came out from the sixth to tenth times, and when the eleventh time came, Pei Guang stopped the experiment. When Ruan Mei woke up again, Pei Guang said to her: "Okay, the experiment has been completed. It seems that the wool can be collected up to five times in a short period of time."

Pei Guang carefully recalled the time when he was collecting Sambo wool. It seemed that continuous harvesting of wool would indeed lead to a decrease in output, but overall, Sambo's shipments were still very good.

There should be a setting like the cooling time that prevents him from purchasing goods alone, but it doesn't matter. Pei Guang is already very satisfied with meeting a second person with similar characteristics to Sambo in this universe.

What's more, this is a golden material that can create life. According to the settings in various games, wouldn't this be able to create a powerful pet, daughter, wife, etc.?

Thinking of this, Pei Guang became more motivated. When he heard Pei Guang say that the experiment was over, Ruan Mei said, "Including this time, there are ten times in total. Are the ten experimental samples enough for you?"

Pei Guang: "That's enough! For me, shipping means shipping, and if you don't sell it, you won't sell it. Judging from the current situation, if you continue to do it, you won't be able to produce the best products. It's better to wait for a few days, and then I will collect it from you. Wool. By the way, you said you had a mission. Come on, tell me about your mission.”

Hearing Pei Guang's inquiry, Ruan Mei explained unhurriedly: "There are some experimental subjects that I have stored in a certain closed cabin. The Black Tower uses it to receive visitors from the galaxy or members of the Genius Club. , but due to the invasion of the Legion, it is no longer open to the public. Now, my big trouble is stored there.”

Pei Guang: "Good guy, are there other sections of the space station?"

Nguyen Mui: "Well, the space station has more secrets than you think."

Pei Guang: "That's not necessarily true, because I know that this novice guide map definitely has a lot of secrets, but it's not a big problem. This time, some more settings and secrets have been released."

Whether it's the Space Station, Beloberg or the Luofu Immortal Ship, Pei Guang has always regarded these maps as maps with various game map settings sewn together.

According to various game settings, from the novice guide to the final boss, it is normal for each map to have some secrets.

Ruan Mei: "It's good if you understand. I will give you my own command card. Give me your hand and I will enter your fingerprints into it. My dear, pay attention to safety. If you encounter a danger that cannot be solved, just give a signal. , I will come forward in person regardless of the impact. Remember, there is a huge petri dish in the center of the cabin."

Hearing Ruan Mei's mission, Pei Guang didn't react at all. Instead, Ruan Mei's dear voice made Pei Guang feel like his whole body was going numb. It's been so long since I've been in this world that someone really calls me in such a friendly tone.

Although it felt good, Pei Guang didn't sink in at all. Even if it was butter, a strange female character would not shout such kind words as "honey" to the protagonist without using any coercive means or gaining favor. .

Now, a person who was being used as an experiment by me, and who had only been together for less than an hour since the first meeting, and who didn't even have a good impression, called him "honey" and said he didn't cheat Pei Guang, so he didn't believe it.

Combined with her mission description, the large petri dish in the center, Pei Guang recalled some bad memories.

One of the worst memories is Resident Evil 6's Chris line, which was also a giant petri dish in the center, which was also a big trouble. Thinking of these, Pei Guang suddenly asked: "May I ask if the experimental body in your petri dish is successfully hatched and can destroy the entire planet?"

Listening to Pei Guang's inquiry, Ruan Mei nodded: "Yes, if what is cultivated is a truly complete body, not to mention a planet, or even a galaxy or several galaxies, will become a paradise for its breeding."

When Ruan Mei was explaining, she noticed the expression of Pei Guang rolling his eyes. Looking at the helpless and slightly painful expression, Ruan Mei asked curiously: "What's wrong? Are you worried about danger? Please Don’t worry, if you really can’t do it, you can refuse this task. It will only cause a lot of trouble for me to handle it myself.”

Pei Guang: "No, I just thought of some bad things, and at the same time I finally understood why you could drop such good things, so you were waiting for me here."

In order to torture players, game planners often set up some numerical monsters or mechanism monsters. Mechanism monsters can be killed by walking the mechanism, but there is really no sense of achievement when fighting numerical monsters. But considering that players may not be able to beat numerical monsters, there are definitely powerful props to deal with numerical monsters near numerical monsters.

Only storms can knock down big trees! ! !

But some planners feel that the props they give for numerical monsters are too strong, so numerical monsters become numerical mechanism monsters.

And if this kind of mechanism numerical monster appears in the task, then some props that are effective against these numerical mechanism monsters will definitely be given before the task starts.

Pei Guang figured out that the material he had obtained was for this task, but this was the real world after all, and there was no clue in the task form, so Pei Guang asked Ruan Mei directly: "Don't worry, I won't give up the task, just think about the task reward. But before doing the task, I have a question for you, do you have the materials to create life? It would be best if it is very high-quality materials."

Ruan Mei: "Hmm? Create life? What are you going to do?"

Pei Guang complained: "What can I do? Of course, I will create a life first to help me push the map! Otherwise, how can I beat the boss?"

Ruan Mei: "You can create life?"

Pei Guang: "Why not? Creating life is something that any player can do if they have the materials! Okay, don't worry about it, just tell me if you have the materials."

Ruan Mei was silent for a moment and looked at Pei Guang: "What type do you want?"

Looking at Ruan Mei's reaction, Pei Guang knew that he guessed right. The NPC who sent this task actually gave such an important prop and sent a task that sounded dangerous, so she must have materials that he could use.

Pei Guang: "Type?"

When Pei Guang was thinking, he suddenly thought of something and said, "It's very simple. Sugar, spices, and all kinds of beautiful things can create a perfect life that can cope with this mission."

Ruan Mei: "Okay, wait for me here."

Ruan Mei was very curious about what Pei Guang could make, so she took the materials according to what Pei Guang needed. She would use these materials when making life. At the same time, there were a lot of stocks in the space station, and she basically took them all.

When Ruan Mei brought the materials, Pei Guang began to synthesize them. Because there was no container, Pei Guang took out his second perfect bucket as a container. After pouring sugar, spices and all kinds of beautiful things into the trash can, Pei Guang poured the X substance he obtained into the bucket.

When all the materials were collected, Pei Guang held the bucket and shook it hard. In Pei Guang's memory, these things were perfect materials for creating a perfect girl!

And the system allows you to explore, so it is absolutely no problem to make it according to the recipe in your memory! Even if it is not a perfect girl, it will definitely be a very perfect existence if you put so many beautiful things into it.

But Pei Guang obviously forgot one thing, that is, his trash can is no longer a simple container in some ways, but a special equipment. When this equipment is loaded with these perfect materials and X substances, not only these materials react, but also the trash can.

At this moment, a dazzling light came out in the room, and Ruan Mei was also stunned when she saw this scene. Because she saw that Pei Guang did not use any special means, but simply poured several things together, and then these things reacted? And then a life really came out?

That's fine, why is there such a pure destiny power at the moment of the birth of this life, and this destiny is, preservation? This is... the power of the order level. Pei Guang used his own materials, a trash can and an unknown material in front of him, just poured them together and shook them, and then created a preservation order or created a thing of the same level as the preservation order?

At this moment, not only Ruan Mei was confused, but also the black tower watching the excitement in the space station. Not only the two geniuses were confused, but also the preservation star god Klipper was a little confused.

Because on the fate of preservation, a special life suddenly appeared. This life had strong limbs. Its pink and white gradient body with strong arms actually gave people a lovely feeling.

And its body was nothing else, it was Beloberg's trash can. This newly born life had a firm will to preserve, even the Amber King had to praise it.

Unlike the trash can at the beginning, this time the bucket with limbs and painted with pink and white gradient used its pure consciousness to show Klipper what the will of preservation was.

There were no distractions, only the purest will. In a brief eye contact, the bucket used its own consciousness to get the recognition of the Amber King. At the same time, because of the special concept of the barrel family brought by the player, the wall built by Klipper was more solid. Therefore, at the moment when this barrel with life embarked on its fate, Klipper gave this barrel with life more power.

At the moment it was born, Klipper swung a giant hammer for it, and everyone in the universe felt that the wall made by Klipper became stronger, and even a voice in the dark told them that the entire universe became stronger.

Gorgeous fireworks are launched in countless worlds. Everyone is celebrating this new born life, it is! King of Trash Cans!

At the same time, the moment it was born, it also knew one thing. It was not the most powerful being in the barrel clan. Among the barrel clan, their boss was firmly at the forefront of all the barrels.

Therefore, it gave itself a famous name, called ‘Under a Bucket! ’ He will carry the pride and dignity of the barrel clan. In fact, he didn't care about the name, but in order to distinguish himself, he still gave himself a name that was easy to remember.

Of course he wouldn't mind if the person who created him named him.

At the same time, Ruan Mei was confused when she saw the birth of a new life. A perfect just like this? It doesn’t matter that it’s just a trash can. Why does the trash can get the attention of the Guardian Star God and become the guardian’s envoy? Why is the birth of life and new life becoming an envoy as simple as a joke!

Chapter 312: Ruan Mei’s curiosity was aroused by the order to protect the trash can

When the bucket of life stood in front of Pei Guang, Pei Guang's expression became solemn.

"This is really..."

Pei Guang's tone was a little low, and then his whole tone became excited: "That's great! I didn't expect that the trash can can become a living thing? Look at these strong muscles, these powerful limbs, and the reassuring... Body, bucket! Can I get inside you?"

Hearing Pei Guang's inquiry, Yi Tongqi opened the lid of the trash can and sat on the ground. Pei Guang grabbed his body and rolled in. There was currently nothing inside the trash can, but after Pei Guang entered it, he felt that the space inside was extremely large, as if it was a new world that could easily accommodate people.

After going in and testing it out, Pei Guang left the barrel. Looking at the barrel standing up again in front of him, Pei Guang gave a thumbs up.

Feeling Pei Guang's praise, Tong put his arms around his cylindrical waist and stood up with dignity.

Ruan Mei looked at the bucket with excitement shining in her eyes. She couldn't understand how Pei Guang could hold a trash can and swing it back and forth in less than a minute before a guardian angel came out, but she wanted to understand this life. , her intuition told her that if she could analyze the barrel in front of her, she could create a real emissary.

However, Yi Ke felt Ruan Mei's thoughts. He crossed his arms and looked at Ruan Mei with his firm eyes.

Ruan Mei felt like she had seen a ghost. A creature without eyes actually felt the other person's gaze? But no matter how the other person looks at her, it can't stop her purpose.

Her hand touched the bucket, and at this moment the life information about the bucket appeared in her mind.

Facing Ruan Mei's prying eyes, Tongzi said it didn't matter. As a trash can, it never cared about other people's eyes. It had its own pride and dignity, and had a heartbeat that would last its entire life.

This belief and thought did not waver even when he faced the Amber King. Even when he saw the Amber King when he was born, his thought was not how great the Star God was, but how he was thinking about how to survive the Star God. With his strength, he protected the garbage in his bucket. Although there was no garbage in his bucket, it did not hinder his thinking.

Ruan Mei smiled the moment she touched the bucket, but then her smile froze because the information she obtained told her that this bucket was a unique life.

This time Ruan Mei really felt that she had seen a ghost. She had seen a lot of strange and weird things in the biological field, and she had even made a lot of weird and weird things herself. But there was nothing unusual about the completely acquired information like the one in front of her. Even all the information told her that it was just an ordinary creature and this was the first time she encountered it.

Ruan Mei's expression became more and more solemn, because no matter how she obtained the biological information of the bucket in front of her, what she got was very normal, so normal that she seemed to be an ordinary person with a good daily routine and good health.

But the question is, are these ordinary people?

Looking at Tongzi with his arms folded, pink and white yet full of majesty, Ruan Mei always felt that this guy had nothing to do with ordinary people.

But compared to Ruan Mei, Pei Guang didn't care about these. Pei Guang looked at the bucket and asked: "Bucket! Next I have to do a task. This person created a large piece of garbage that we need to deal with. That This guy is very powerful, are you sure?"

Upon hearing Pei Guang's inquiry, Tongzi's aura erupted as if condensed into gas. His aura told Pei Guang that there was no problem. He is just a bucket and doesn't know much about the world, but when it comes to picking up garbage, he dares to say that he is definitely a professional.

In order to show his professionalism, Tongzi walked to the wall, made a fist as big as a sandbag in his right hand, and punched the wall.

After this punch, nothing happened on the physical level, but the entire space station changed.

At this moment, Esta, Heita, Screwgum, and the muscular man wearing a stone head all felt a pure and stable protective force wrap around the entire space station.

Black Tower: "What the hell? Why does the wall that Kripper knocked out appear in the space station?"

Under the surveillance of the Black Tower, the entire space station is wrapped in pure protective power. This power is exactly the same as the wall that Clipper knocked on, but unlike Clipper's wall, the wall outside the space station can be entered and exited at will, but this There is a very strange restriction on entry, that is, it can only be entered and exited through formal entrances and exits.

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