This time, Todd's crime was serious. In addition to being the first of the ten evils, it also involved colluding with the King of Medicine, destroying the Luofu Immortal Boat, and other serious crimes.

Thinking of this, Jackdaw looked at Todd, who was already unconscious, and said coldly: "Do you think it's over after being caught? What awaits you will be the lifelong imprisonment and punishment of the Ten Kings!"

If it were just the rich people of the hostile force, the Ten Kings might still give the opponent a little peaceful life for various reasons, but there would be no such good end for those who committed serious crimes in Luofu.

It just so happened that there were fewer inmates in the room next to Danshu, so it was just right to put Todd in there.

Todd was taken away by Xue Yi and other personnel. The Ten Kings Division had professionals to identify the crimes committed by Todd. The Ten Kings Division will handle Todd's punishment in a matter-of-fact manner. If it really involves the Bo Shi Society, then the Fairy Boat Alliance will also I'll let the Polytechnic Society or even the Interstellar Peace Company give an explanation.

But if it's not involved, then just deal with this person. Although after the chaos between Pei Guang and Bai Lu, his body has returned to the level of a normal adult. He dare not say that he will have no problem living for another forty or fifty years.

But in the next forty or fifty years, he will become a member of the Ten Kings and be taken into custody, and he will also be punished based on what he has done. The Ten Kings are the place where the Immortal Boat Alliance manages life and death. It may be difficult to understand if there are too many terms. To put it simply, this is the cyber underworld, and the Ten Kings are the cyber kings of Yama. Although it is cyber, the punishments here are Some of the underworld and hell settings in the human world are even more terrifying.

What awaits Todd will be a lifetime of punishment, until the moment his body dies naturally...

However, being taken away is just the beginning. For Todd, his social death has just begun.

After Wang Si took him away, Pei Guang helped Bai Lu edit a set of promotional videos for Linyuan Realm. What is certain is that even a hundred or a thousand years after his death, the "documentary" in which he personally starred will be For posterity to enjoy.

When Todd was escorted away, Jackdaw, who did not follow him, found Pei Guang: "You have completed your mission very well. This is a medal for bravery and righteousness given to you by the Ten Kings."

This is a round medal. On the front is written the four characters "Courage for Righteousness", and on the back is the logo of the Ten Kings. The font is a custom-made artwork by someone from the Ten Kings. Even if you can't understand it, you can still feel the difference through this medal. .

Pei Guang's eyes lit up when he saw this medal: "It's so beautiful! It's really worth collecting. I'm very satisfied with this reward~"

Jackdaw continued to speak at this time: "This medal is not only good-looking, with it you can also participate in events that only the Ten Kings can participate in in the name of the Judge of the Ten Kings within the Immortal Boat Alliance. Every time you complete the Ten Every event in the King Division will accumulate points according to the difficulty of the task. With the points, you can exchange them for any weapons, equipment, and props in the Ten Kings Division. If you lack credit points, these can also be exchanged for credit points. Do not consider the issue of identity identification. You are our friendly army. When you show your medal, even the most ordinary Cloud Cavalry Army will believe your identity. In addition, when you carry this, there are Ten Kings Judges around you who need assistance in tasks. When the time comes, you will also receive a notification, and you can accept and abandon tasks according to your own needs. All choices depend on you. "

Jackdaw explained to Pei Guang in one breath as if he was possessed by a chatterbox. As for how this medal can judge whether we are the enemy or not? It's very simple. This medal has technology added inside. It can connect with any official member of the Xianzhou Alliance and determine the identity of the person.

This was a move made by the Ten Kings. The Ten Kings formulated a plan against Pei Guang based on the game settings of each world and the characteristics of the players and Pei Guang.

It stands to reason that the Ten Kings do not need help from outsiders, but the special existence of the player is destined to have him and make him a friend. It will be more conducive to the longevity of the Immortal Boat Alliance. Therefore, after Jackdaw completely connected with Pei Guang, the Ten Kings A series of strategies were developed.

Of course, these ideas have been communicated to the marshal and other generals, and everyone agrees with this proposal. Because everyone agrees, when Pei Guang boards a fairy boat, the corresponding fairy boat will release the information for the local people based on the needs at hand. To handle very difficult tasks.

The assignment of tasks is not mandatory. If Pei Guang is free to do it, points and rewards will be given to him. If he is unwilling to do it, there will be no loss for the Xianzhou Alliance.

But for Pei Guang, the significance of this reward is very important. Pei Guang's eyes lit up: "What? With this, I can trigger special events? Not bad, but then again, this medal is not a one-time prop, right? ? Not due to damage or loss…”

Jackdaw: "No, if you really lose it, you can redeem a new one by paying a certain amount of points or credits, but this thing is bound to you and is invalid for others to use. Here I will explain to you the role of points. Points can be exchanged for anything that the Immortal Boat Alliance already has, which means that if you accumulate enough points, it is possible to become a general or even a marshal to command the Immortal Boat Alliance. The specific effects need to be explored freely. "

Pei Guang: "No problem, I'm used to free exploration. But since I gave you this medal, you won't issue any tasks? Will you give me a points increase?"

Jackdaw: "Yes, I originally wanted to entrust you to solve the matter related to Suiyang. You know the matter of Suiyang. Suiyang in Suiyuan is stable, but there are still some fleeing Suiyang on the Luofu Immortal Boat. I want to invite You find and suppress Wai Suiyang in the way you are good at. You can get one hundred points for each Wai Suiyang that is harmless. You can get an additional one thousand points for all Sui Yang that are harmless. You can redeem 100,000 credit points at Shiwangsi, and you can also temporarily rent various magic weapons for a day. I will give you a rough idea of ​​what the points can be redeemed for after a while. "

Listening to Jackdaw's explanation, Pei Guang showed an understanding expression, and then Pei Guang asked curiously: "Then there is a question. I will do your task, can I form a team?"

Jackdaw: "Yes, you are free to ask for help after you accept the task, but please also pay attention to the distribution of rewards after the task is completed."

Pei Guang: "I will definitely pay attention to this. I have been a team leader in various games, but then again, you are so familiar with this kind of professional terminology?"

Jackdaw looked at Pei Guang: "We are not workaholics who only know how to work. During our breaks, we will also try to keep up with the times and try new things. But looking for Suiyang who is outside, do you have any ideas?"

Hearing Jackdaw's inquiry, Pei Guang thought: "Don't tell me that I really have it. Suiyang's characteristics dictate that it will be useless for me to find a needle in a haystack in Luofu or wait for someone to report it. I can use some special means..."

Jackdaw: "Do you need any support from us?"

Pei Guang: "It's really needed. I plan to try it. My idea is very simple. I plan to set up a website similar to urban legends. On this website, I will ask some trolls to publish some urban legends that look real to attract others' attention. As for Suiyang, this thing is similar to the ghosts that many people know. It is definitely not enough for those who pay attention to the website to post urban legends here and send people to investigate based on its authenticity. I will need some manpower. We need more help from people to secretly investigate whether these urban legends are made up by people or whether Suiyang is really causing trouble."

Jackdaw: "This is a good idea. Although the pressure will be greater in the early stage, if you can catch all these Suiyangs one day earlier, the risks will be less. But please remind me, don't let the information about Suiyang know to unrelated people. This Too many people who know how to grow things will cause unnecessary trouble. As for manpower, I leave it to you. Huo Huo is already very good at dealing with Sui Yang under your guidance. Do you need anyone else? ?”

Pei Guang: "Don't worry, I promise to work quietly and not with guns."

Pei Guang spoke with the tone of a Japanese major, but he was also thinking about how to get more tasks: "Let me think about it? I also want to find a strong and good-looking anchor to attract popularity. After all, Boring web pages can only attract a small number of enthusiasts, but having fun can attract more people to pay attention to this website. Maybe they just watch the anchor or watch the fun, but when they really find anomalies in their lives, they may be able to think of them. This is a website where you can complain or ask for help. As for the anchor, I really have someone to choose..."

Pei Guang thought of Gui Naifen, a girl he met at the Star Finals Celebration. He still remembered that Gui Naifen had said that she was an anchor. Combined with her good-looking appearance and lively personality, Pei Guang thought that she would be a good fit. .

Pei Guang planned to use Suiyang to increase the reputation of the website. After the website became famous and gained Suiyang, he would then catch Suiyang. This was a positive cycle.

Pei Guang is eager to give this matter a try. Mei has already started researching Honkai energy on his side. If the research is successful, then his territory will also have the technology to provide efficient energy on a large scale. By then, he will be a yangshenghe at the age of 999. The existence of the God-King is similar to that of the God-King. So why not chase the King of Extinction in the solar system?

However, fighting and killing is not a player's dream. Pei Guang's real dream is to create a trash can of the same size after creating a divine king.

In the future, if I encounter any force that I don't like, I will control the god king to go there. I will not fight or kill him, but I will throw the garbage in the trash can onto the other planet. When the time comes, I will have an open foreign policy, hey! Isn't this enough?

At the same time, on the Star Dome Train, Walter was lying in bed sleeping and resting because he was too busy before. Today he had a terrifying dream.

In the dream, Honkai came to the earth again, and with the arrival of Honkai, a huge Herrscher like a god wreaked havoc on the earth. This is not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing is that the Herrscher in the dream took it. The weapon is neither a conventional weapon nor a toilet pusher, but a trash can.

The way it destroys is not to destroy buildings and kill lives, but to take out trash cans as big as itself to take out the trash, which come in all colors, both dry and wet.

In addition to the garbage, he actually saw the Great Sage Qitian rolling in the garbage in his dream and saying hello to him.

"What a terrible dream..."

When Walter woke up at this time, he was already breaking out in a cold sweat, because this dream was so real, so real that it seemed as if it had really happened.

Walter got up and put on his glasses that were completely useless. He was going to go out for a walk to calm down, but before going out, he found some new information on his phone.

After turning on the phone, Walter felt that his body was cold.

Pei Guang: "Now we can trigger missions in the Immortal Boat Alliance! If we accumulate enough points, we can become a general or even a marshal~"

Star: "Yeah!"

Pei Guang: "In addition, I also took on a new mission to capture Suiyang. After we capture Suiyang, I can build a thing like the Lord of Gods. It just so happens that someone in my territory has developed a device that uses imaginary energy. It is converted into Honkai energy, and according to the description, this Honkai energy is highly efficient in cleaning, so it can theoretically be used by the God I synthesized.”

Ji Zi: "Honkai, I remember Lao Yang mentioned once... that he seems to be his enemy?"

Pei Guang: "I don't know. Anyway, according to Kevin's wife Mei, this Honkai energy is a special energy converted from imaginary energy. Theoretically, there are many ways to use it, but according to the test results, it is indeed a little dangerous, but overall It’s not a big problem. I’ve sent the people who are researching this to the Black Tower Space Station. The equipment there is complete, and there will be no danger in such experiments with the Black Tower.”

March 7: "Hengkai... I remember Uncle Yang also said... How about you ask Uncle Yang? Maybe Uncle Yang can give you some suggestions or ideas.

Pei Guang: "Don't worry! It's still in the experimental stage, but I think it should be a name collision with Lao Yang about the Honkai Impact. After all, the universe is so big, it's normal for the name collision to happen. Maybe Mei will be named Honkai, In other worlds, it would be called a mechanical Tyrannosaurus."

March 7: "Forget it, it doesn't matter~ Remember to call me when the time comes, I like interesting things the most."

There was some chatter among everyone below, but everyone’s focus was not on Honkai Impact or whether they could become a general, but on what they were going to eat today. Walter noticed that everyone was chatting casually again and the group calmed down again. .


Walter wondered if he was dazzled. He took off his glasses and wiped them, which had no prescription at all, and put them back on. In order to prevent himself from not seeing clearly, he put his head very close.

After seeing the keywords Mei and Honkai, Walter had a feeling that the Honkai that Pei Guang was talking about was probably the Honkai that he knew.

Although the earth that Pei Guang owns has different experiences, it has some familiar people and a familiar history. The history of the earth where he lives is called pre-civilization. He originally thought that in this world, he would just see a world similar to the world he lived in that had collapsed and been replaced by destiny.

As a result, he is now told that although the world has not collapsed, he still needs to study the collapse? Can’t you avoid this thing? ?

Chapter 309 Su Shang and Yan Qing’s understanding of the sneak attack

When Walter was doubting his life, Pei Guang, who wanted to complete the mission of the Ten Kings Division in Luofu Xianzhou Suiyuan, had already gathered all the people he needed.

In the pavilion of Suiyuan, Pei Guang, Xing, Huo Huo, Gui Naifen and Su Shang gathered together.

Pei Guang originally asked March Qi to come over, but March Qi's eyes lit up when he saw Alicia. As a senior who had traveled here and was Alicia's 'sister', March Qi took the initiative to bring him. Alicia went shopping in Luofu and bought a lot of beautiful clothes for Alicia with her own money.

She was having so much fun here that she didn't come over, of course! March 7th would not say that he was afraid of these gods and ghosts.

Although she dared to go head-to-head with the Lord of Extermination on March 7th and dared to poke bugs in the butt, but being able to beat him didn’t mean that she wasn’t afraid of these gods. Damn it. It’s just like cockroaches. Many people can’t kill cockroaches, but when they encounter cockroaches, I still get shocked when I do it.

March 7 didn’t want to be scared, so she just didn’t come! March 7 feels very smart.

As for plain clothes? She came here entirely with Gui Naifen. As soon as she heard that Pei Guang was in need of help, she came directly. After all, it was thanks to Pei Guang that Jinren Alley was able to flourish. Regardless of whether it was emotional or rational, Su Chang felt that she wanted to come over to support him. To cheer up.

When everyone gathered, Pei Guang began to talk about what he wanted to do.

"To put it simply, Shiwangsi has established an urban legend-type suspense website. Our goal is to grow bigger and stronger at the same time to see if the content posted by some people is caused by Suiyang. Although Suiyang is not the traditional concept, Ghosts, but the effect they produced is similar to that of ghosts. Of course, after the mission is completed this time, your work will not be in vain. I will distribute the rewards I earn according to the specific situation. Please believe me, I am a person. Excellent team leader!”

Gui Naifen: "I'm so happy that I can participate in this operation. I don't need any reward at all!"

Pei Guang: "That's not possible, one code is one code!"

However, Gui Naifen became curious at this time: "But the question is, can our plan be successful? Will Suiyang be fooled?"

On the way here, Gui Naifen has already seen what Suiyang is, especially the tail, which makes Guinaifen feel that Suiyang is different.

Everyone was silent in response to Gui Naifen's question. She also felt that her words had cooled down, so she asked doubtfully: "Huh? Did I say the wrong thing? Sorry, sorry, I..."

Su Shang shook her head: "It's not that you said the wrong thing, it's just..."

Huo Huo whispered: "It's just that when you said this, we thought of the time when we first met A Guang. At that time, I also didn't trust A Guang very much."

As soon as Huo Huo finished speaking, his tail flew out: "Ah, yes! Gui Naifen...right? This king tells you, you can just follow this kid in peace, and as you go around, you will find out, It’s done.”

Recalling his experience with Pei Guang, Taiwei firmly believed that even without him, Huo Huo, Judge and Ming Cha from the Ten Kings Division, Pei Guang could probably defeat all Sui Yang alone. Although Pei Guang was not very powerful, Pei Guang's dynamic balance Even the tail feels a bit scary.

That's right, from Wei's perspective, Pei Guang's strength is not fixed, but dynamic. When he was weak, Huo Huo could successfully attack him. When he was strong, he felt that even he in his prime could not do anything to Pei Guang.

Xingye spread his hands and added: "Yes, but question it first and then confirm it. This is a necessary process to get to know A Guang. Just get used to it~"

Xing is very open-minded. After knowing Pei Guang for a long time, apart from being embarrassed to do things because of his face, even if he is doubtful, she and March 7 can follow him decisively.

As the saying goes, one person is a disgrace, but a group of people is fashionable. Besides, is the process interesting? interesting. Is it a good ending? good! Then why bother so much.

Gui Naifen: "Hey, this..."

Pei Guang waved his hand: "Don't worry, if you don't know what to do, just listen to my instructions. I guarantee that we can complete the task well and receive the reward. It just so happens that Gui Naifen, you are our powerful anchor, I will give you the first Please explain what we are going to do.”

Gui Naifen: "Okay~ But no need to call me Gui Naifen, just call me Xiao Guizi."

Hearing this name, Pei Guang couldn't help but complain: "Xiao Guizi? Okay, okay! Just call me Xiao Xuanzi."

Xing: "Xiao Xuanzi?"

Pei Guang: "You don't understand. This is the title of the couple Xiao Guizi. They are quite famous in my hometown."

The name Xiao Xuanzi used by Pei Guang comes from Jin Yong's The Deer and the Cauldron. For Pei Guang, this name can be said to be very impressive. If Xiao Guizi does not match Xiao Xuanzi, he always feels that something is missing.

However, Pei Guang also thought of something and looked at Gui Naifen: "Ahem! You can call me Xiao Xuanzi or A Guang, whatever suits you best!"

Gui Naifen: "Well~ I think the name Xiao Xuanzi sounds nice. Since this name also means a lot to you, then I'll just call you that, Xiao Xuanzi~"

Pei Guang: "Hey~~~"


At first, Xing felt a little unfair. Why did the new girl have a new name? But seeing Pei Guang's happy look, Xing thought about it for a moment and said nothing.

She still remembered Pei Guang saying that his hometown was a place he could only return to if he died. Since Gui Naifen, a little Guizi, reminded Pei Guang of his hometown, then let him be.

But Xing obviously thought too much, and Pei Guang didn't think so much at all.

Pei Guang: "Okay, let's get down to business. Come on! Xiao Guizi, come and take a look at this page. There are other things we need to do."

Pei Guang opened a webpage, and when he opened the webpage, some discussion posts appeared. These discussions included pictures taken by the parties involved, as well as discussions from people from all over Xianzhou.

At present, the website has a small number of people, just over 10,000 people, of which 10,000 are official personnel. They are responsible for setting up the rhythm and direction of the website. The few who come to the website accidentally are ready to start interacting.

Pei Guang introduced: "Look, we are going to become bloggers here to obtain supernatural phenomena from the outside world. The reason for this is that the manifestations and characteristics of Suiyang look like supernatural phenomena to the outside world. After a supernatural phenomenon occurs, we and Ming Cha will investigate it. After we confirm that it is Sui Yang, and then refute the rumors about the supernatural phenomenon, our task will be completed. But remember, don’t say it is Sui Yang when refuting the rumors. If Yang is causing trouble, just make up some random excuse, but you can’t say it’s Sui Yang.”

Gui Naifen: "Huh? Why is this happening?"

Huo Huo explained: "Because Suiyang will use human emotions to strengthen himself, announcing the truth will cause more people to panic. Panic will quickly increase Suiyang's strength and cause chaos. Because of this, we need to refute the rumors. If more Many people don't believe in Suiyang and don't believe in monsters, so these wandering Suiyang won't gain much power, and they won't cause harm even if they can't be found in time. "

Pei Guang complained: "Everything is the truth, but there is nothing we can do about it. After all, who knows what will happen if things like this are spread online? As for whether you believe it or not, it is not our business. Our mission is to catch Sui Yang. Don’t worry, the rewards for catching Suiyang are very exciting.”

Although catching Suiyang only gave points, the points could be exchanged for too many things. Pei Guang estimated that as long as he caught about twenty Suiyang, he could exchange them for rewards that would satisfy everyone.

Su Shang: "So that's it..."

Gui Naifen: "Do you understand?"

Su Shang: "I don't understand, but my previous experience of working with A Guang tells me that I just need to listen to him. Don't you understand?"

Gui Naifen: "Of course I understand. Our mission is to capture Suiyang through clues on the Internet. We will announce the results of the arrest here. At the same time, we can also render this video into an eye-catching one." Entertainment video. In this way, people will be doubtful about such incidents, and the panic will disappear~The harm of Suiyang will be greatly reduced. I have some ideas about this, but Aguang, you are the initiator, you have a better plan Bar?"

Pei Guang: "Don't tell me, it's true! I have some examples here."

Do you have any examples of Pei Guang? Of course! This example has been seen by people his age and even older people. The example is so classic that it has even experienced a lot of complaints on the Internet.

Thinking of these things, Pei Guang started to play tricks on himself: "The eight-year-old boy was suddenly possessed by a zombie. He jumped around and drank blood. His methods of exorcism had no effect..."

Pei Guang's tone became deeper. This tone, combined with the content and the dim surrounding environment, made the girls around him nervous. Even Huo Hao hugged his tail tightly in fear.

Tails: "Why are you hugging me? Is there anything more ghost-like than me?"

As Pei Guang's expression became more and more mysterious, everyone's heartbeats also accelerated. At this moment, Pei Guang suddenly said two simple words: "Pretending."


After a moment of silence, Su Chang breathed a sigh of relief: "Hey, I thought something was wrong, I was scared to death."

Gui Naifen: "That's right, it turns out you're just pretending~ Hey, it seems like you're quite talented, Xiao Xuanzi. With your talent, you can become famous even if you broadcast live by yourself, right?"

Pei Guang: "And I can't keep running this account. Naturally, I have to leave it to professionals. What do you think, Xiao Guizi, are you coming? If you come, just use your account. It just so happens that you still have a fan base, so you can attract people." You are very capable. If you really put it into practice, you can become a big anchor in no time.”

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