This action also further verified the correctness of March 7th's words, because when they returned to the approximate location of the train, what happened on the scene completely silenced everyone.

I saw in the space not far away, the train was rotating at 360 degrees at high speed. The flames and light outside the train proved how terrifying this rotating train was.

If it were really in the game, everyone would definitely be able to see the properties of the Star Dome Train at this time.

[High-speed rotating star train: Special weapons and irregular weapons and equipment formed by making the star train rotate at high speed. When riding the star train, you can carry out a certain degree of attack on the train. Rotate at high speed, causing a sure-hit attack on enemies on the track, causing an attack with a certain coefficient of the weight of the train, and causing a certain proportion of damage to the skills of the train members. 】

[Remarks: As a train carrying passengers, it also has a certain degree of combat effectiveness when necessary. It will cause 1~∞ damage depending on the strength of the passengers. 】

This is what the star gods in the universe say about this train.

"Just a slight rotation brought unparalleled shock to the Milky Way. That year it rotated among the swarms of insects, and countless insect swarms died under the wheels. Yes, it was the star train that was rotating."

Regarding this use of trains, if Akivelli still existed in this world, he would comment like this: "When I saw the train turning, I knew that I had to give up the position of the Star God. If I had faced If the breeding star train can rotate like this, then the breeding insect swarm will not be able to block my star trajectory."

Nanook, the God of Destruction, commented on the rotating train: "If I had faced the rotating train, I would not have had a chance to leave any wounds on my body, and I would have been greeted only by death."

Preservation Star God Creeper said: "The wall I built cannot even stop the spinning train for one second. The spinning train will smash the wall I knocked down!"

Even the God of Joy, Aha, cried loudly: "Back then, I only blew up a section of the train, but Akivili chased me in more than 300 galaxies in the train!"

A large-scale documentary spins the legend of the star train, and the comments about the Star God will be conveyed by the most helpful Star God in the universe.

No one cared at all about the non-existent large-scale documentary. They just watched the rotating train and everyone was silent.

After being silent for an unknown amount of time, everyone finally decided unanimously that it would be unrealistic to teleport into the train and stop the rotating and shining train. We just happened to have everyone gathered, so let's teleport in together.

Through the teleportation, the group of people returned to the inside of the train. They entered the train and looked at Ji Zi who was calmly drinking coffee. Then they saw Pei Guang bouncing at the front of the train through the camera in the train. At this moment, everyone became even more silent.

The rotating train is not surprising to everyone. What is really surprising is that Pei Guang can stand on the train and dance at such a high speed, and still dance so well?

Seeing Pei Guang dancing in front of the train and waving weapons, everyone fell into deep thought. Xing was the first to ask: "Does it mean that we can attack outwards while spinning?"

Dan Heng: "Let me try."

While talking, Dan Heng used the water control technique, and a water dragon appeared outside the train. Of course, this water dragon was from his perspective. From an outsider's perspective, a slender pink cute rabbit was sprayed out, and as the train rotated, the cat The cry spread throughout the giant true insect's body in an instant, and countless insects chose to remain silent when they heard the cat's meow.

At this moment, Dan Heng felt an intensity of beauty that transcended the world at this moment. Although he did not know Villette, at this moment Dan Heng, who rotated at high speed with the train skill, let the world experience what it means to be a Dragon King. One spray of strength.

Looking at this scene, everyone was silent. Except for Dan Heng, no one had the ability to directly get out their abilities, but they couldn't get out because there was Pei Guang outside.

At this moment, a bold idea appeared in everyone's mind, and Pei Guang will realize everyone's bold idea next.

So a few minutes later, the rotating train not only had a water dragon controlled by Dan Heng, not a pink rabbit, but also a sickle, an ice blade, a ball stick, and a simulated black hole that rotated with the train.

Regarding the scene at the scene, those who could see it were silent, and those who wanted to join in were hammered in pain. Unfortunately, only a very small number of people could watch this scene, and more people had no idea what was happening inside the giant true stingworm.

Chapter 302: Take away the giant insect, the pure knight and Alicia~

In the universe, a giant true insect that could swallow a Star Destroyer roared in pain. Its roar sounded like the clarion call of doom to the life in the surrounding world.

And with the last painful roar of the behemoth, a star train emitting colorful lights and constantly rotating rushed out of its mind along with the magical music.

On the Star Dome Train, when the train flew out of the body of the giant worm, brilliant fireworks rang out in the universe. These fireworks seemed to be celebrating the pioneers, or were they a collective hallucination brought by the worm?

Looking at the charming fireworks, March Qi said excitedly: "Success! We succeeded, we left the big guy's body!"

Along with the excited voice of March 7, the train stopped rotating and began to slow down continuously.

As the train stopped, Pei Guang also returned to the train. When Pei Guang came back, March 7 ran over directly: "That's great, A Guang, we really killed this big guy!"

Because of the rotating train, the ensuing battle was much easier. The energy source in the abdomen of the giant stingworm and its internal organs were directly smashed by the train. Pei Guang originally thought that a boss like Horseshoe Card would appear in his head to let him It was so refreshing, but when I looked up at my brain, I saw that the good guy was empty, with nothing but his brain.

So the train directly smashed the brain of this giant real stingworm and flew out of its body. Normally, the train couldn't hit this big guy.

But the problem is that the train is spinning forward, and while it is spinning, Pei Guang is throwing skills outside. After everyone throws all kinds of weapons and equipment and wonderful skills at it, this giant true stinging insect cannot be stopped.

It is not a breeding messenger, nor has it received the blessing of abundance. It is just a bug that grows bigger, is more edible, and has a harder body. What's more, it is ranked last in the ranking of true stinging bugs. , just relying on its size to bully others.

Because of this, the rotating train smashed the giant stingworm with its head and at the same time allowed the train to take everyone out successfully.

Although it was hit all the way in the end, everyone present analyzed it and found that according to the previous momentum, even if the spinning train did not completely kill the real stingworm, it would only be a matter of time, and this time would not be much longer.

Walter: "It's really an unforgettable battle..."

Dan Heng: "Yes! This time the difficulty of the battle will increase exponentially no matter who is missing..."

This is a fact. If Pei Guang is not here, there is only one plan that everyone can think of, escape.

If neither Walter nor Dan Heng were around, who knows what would happen to the plan to cut off the wings.

On March 7, they didn't seem to be of much help, and they didn't kill too many true stingworms, but in fact, Dan Heng and Walter only had the preparations they needed to feel at ease. Silver Branch and Vitelli's blocking in the middle greatly reduced the pressure on both teams.

It can be said that according to this rhythm, even if the train does not start turning, everyone can steadily capture this giant insect.

Pam: "Congratulations to all passengers for successfully defeating the powerful enemy. Now that the big guys that affected the route have been eliminated, let us continue to the Car Wash Star! Our train..."

As the incident ended, Pam felt extremely distressed when she looked at the current state of the train. The entire outside of the train was covered with insect juice, which made the train look dirty.

Pei Guang: "What a good thing! This proves that our train has a new skin. What is the name of this skin? Has it been tested in insect fields?"

March 7: "What the hell is the long-term insect farm?"

Pei Guang: "It's because we are fighting out of the bugs. Pam, please help me with something. If this bug dies, please do one thing. Get closer to this bug."

Pam: "Huh? Passenger Pei Guang? What are you going to do?"

Pei Guang: "A big thing~"

Pam: "I understand~"

Pam returned to the cab and drove the train close to the giant stingworm, while Pei Guang climbed out of the train again. When approaching the giant stinging insect, Pei Guang tried to put the thing into the storage space.

When Pei Guang approached this thing, the giant true stingworm disappeared in an instant. With the disappearance of the giant true stinging insect, there were still many living ordinary true stinging insects exposed to the universe.

In the cosmic environment, a large number of true stingworms die instantly. They have no shelter for reproduction, and they are not messengers of destiny. Therefore, most of the true stinging insects die instantly when exposed to a vacuum environment.

There were also some more powerful ones that did not die immediately, but it was obvious that their bodies did not support them in traversing the atmospheres of various planets. What's more, the previous battles had exposed the giant true insects, and the people on the surrounding planets were already prepared to deal with them. Preparation for powerful enemies in the sky.

Even the company and Luofu Xianzhou sent out wide-area broadcasts to the surrounding galaxies to let everyone prepare for the situation in advance. The company even dispatched a professional pest control team. They can't deal with giant stingworms, but they have no problem cleaning up these small bugs.

This giant true insect is the ship of these ordinary true insects. The ship was destroyed, and the crew inside had no hope of survival.

Pei Guang put away the trophy with satisfaction. Living animals cannot be collected in the storage space. Since this huge insect can be collected, it proves that it is the player's trophy and that it is completely dead.

Looking at the big guy in the storage space, Pei Guang felt that this battle was not in vain.

But when he came back, he felt everyone's silent gazes. Everyone also knew that it was not good to be silent, so March 7th asked first: "Aguang...can it be stuffed in even if it's so big?"

Pei Guang: "When you play games, is there a limit on the size of items in your backpack?"

Silver Wolf complained: "Look! There is really no limit on size, or even weight. In the most outrageous game I have ever played, players can pick up props made by an entire galaxy, and they can get 99 of them in one pick."

Pei Guang: "Right, right! I only know that there is a limit on the number of players' backpacks, but there is no size limit on the items packed in the backpack. It doesn't matter how big the items are, as long as they can be picked up, they can be stuffed in."

Walter: "But... forget it... after all, this is your game, I can't substitute my experience."

Walter has given up on treatment. After all, what Pei Guang said is true. Even when he helped make the game, the game backpack did not limit the size of the items picked up. Although some games have weight settings, many games do not seem to have them. This thing, maybe Pei Guang's backpack just doesn't have this setting?

For players, how much stuff can be packed into a backpack depends on whether the game planning allows you to pick it up. But it is obvious that as a player, Pei Guang is in a completely free world. Whether he can pick it up does not depend on the planning, but on whether he can pick it up. Do players think about it? After all, any game will make some concessions for the sake of player gameplay.

Pei Guang looked at the trophies in his backpack and nodded with satisfaction: "As the saying goes, the boss is full of treasures. When our plot is completely over, I will find a way to use this trophy to buy us a set of equipment to prepare for our next match. Nocony prepares.”

Xing said excitedly: "Such a big bug made into equipment? Aren't we invincible?"

Pei Guang nodded: "That's for sure! Even if we are not invincible, with this equipment, the monsters in the early stage will probably not be able to bully us."

March 7th said thoughtfully: "But there is a question, how long does it take to make such a big thing into equipment? Even if it is dismantled into usable materials, it will take a very long time, right?"

This sentence silenced Pei Guangqian. He looked at the big things in his storage space. Pei Guang suddenly felt as if snowflakes were falling on his head: "No!!!"

Only then did Pei Guang remember that although he was a player and had stitched together various games, at the same time this was a real experience and a completely real world. When these were stitched together, Pei Guang thought of something that was so painful that it couldn't hurt anymore.

Obtaining a whole giant true insect seems very good, and even in the future, making and upgrading equipment, various special materials, and props may require things from this giant true insect to be synthesized.

But just like what March 7 said, such a big thing needs to be dismantled.

Pei Guang: "Damn it! I didn't expect that compared to ordinary games, although this world does not require reading, it uses another more realistic and common-sense way to force players to read and delay time."

Looking at Pei Guang in pain, Yin Lang came over and patted him on the shoulder: "Just get used to it, don't I need a lot of time to travel? Why don't you just skip it! Just skip this boring place." good…"

Pei Guang complained: "If you skip this real world, do you want to risk your life?"

Silver Wolf also complained: "I don't want to! But this function can be useless, but it can't be used without it! It feels very awkward without it."

Pei Guang: "You have to ask the game producer about this!"

Ji Zi, Walter and Dan Heng looked at the people chatting noisily, with smiles on their faces.

Ji Zi: "I didn't expect that this big guy could really be solved amidst our laughter~"

Walter: "It's all thanks to him. His wild imagination and strong execution allow us to experience this tension and happiness."

Dan Heng: "Yes...!"

Dan Heng, holding the cute pink rabbit in his hand, proudly puffed up his chest at this moment. For Dan Heng, this cute pink rabbit gave him great courage and expectations for the future.

While everyone was chatting, Yin Zhi also came to everyone and explained to everyone what he was going to do next: "Now that the powerful enemy has been eliminated, it's time for me to continue my journey."

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone looked at Yin Zhi. Pei Guang spoke first: "Are you planning to leave now? Don't you consider becoming a pioneer and running the main line with us?"

Pei Guang also saw how powerful Yin Zhi was. He originally thought that Yin Zhi would join in after this joint battle, but it seemed like he had no intention of staying.

Yinzhi shook his head: "It makes me very happy to meet everyone and see such pure beauty, but I can't stop following beauty. I still want to see more beauty in the galaxy and find Idlila. grown ups."

Listening to Yin Zhi's words, Pei Guang touched his chin and thought: "See more beauty, don't tell me, I know a person who is walking on the path of pure beauty and has a robe of pure beauty. Are you interested in meeting him?" Oh! By the way, that pure beauty robe was worn by the pure star god~"

At this moment, Pei Guang began to think about his upcoming role tasks, favorability tasks and other messy tasks. In addition, he was also thinking about Alicia's future.

Alicia assists the development of the Black Tower Dolls on Earth. She has done a good job. She and the Black Tower Dolls have advanced Earth's technology to an incredible level. At the same time, the resistance formed by humans on the entire Earth is also progressing. Counterattack against the Legion.

And based on their interactions at that time, Pei Guang fell in love with Alicia. In addition to the player's pure love for good-looking people, this love also fell in love with her pure and flawless heart. In ordinary games, this flawlessness and purity will be shown through the plot, but even if you can feel this beauty from another dimension, there will still be a sense of emptiness, which is a emptiness that spans dimensions.

But Pei Guang doesn't, because he is a player who has come to this world. He can enjoy various settings and features that cannot be enjoyed in another dimension, and experience the beauty of the world he lives in that can only exist in the settings. .

This flawless look shocked even him, let alone this pure knight who pursues beauty. Pei Guang felt that Alicia wearing a robe of pure beauty would definitely give Yin Zhi a special shock.

Silver Branch: "This!"

The four words "robe of pure beauty" shocked Yin Zhi's heart. As a knight of pure beauty, he naturally knows the value of the robe of pure beauty. How beautiful a person can be recognized by the robe of pure beauty...

Thinking of this, Yin Zhi's expression became serious: "Really? Can I really witness such a pure and beautiful existence?"

Pei Guang nodded: "Of course, the question is, I will take you to see her, what task reward will you give me?"

Silver Branch: "Reward? I don't have anything valuable to give you, but I can promise you that if you can show me this pure beauty, I will swear in the name of the pure beauty knight that no matter what you encounter in the future, No matter what kind of powerful enemy you encounter, no matter what kind of dangerous situation you face, I will appear by your side and die without regrets."

All pure beauty knights spend their entire lives looking for Idrila to find the pure beauty in this world. They are people with pure hearts, but at the same time, they can do anything for pure beauty.

As for what kind of existence the Pure Beauty Star God is? Anyway, judging from the various clues that Pei Guang has found now, Pei Guang feels that the Pure Beauty Star God sounds like a star god that is better than breeding and destruction. But in fact, Pei Guang feels that if the Pure Beauty Star God really still exists, it will be really bad. This is not a good thing, because in Luofu Xianzhou, the pure and beautiful star god is defined as the king of heaven.

The Heavenly Lord is a being who is difficult to distinguish between good and evil, and whose intentions are difficult to figure out. Beauty is too subjective. The simplest example is that the Lord of Extermination has his own unique aesthetics of destruction. So will the Pure Beauty Star God be because of the Extinction? The destruction of the Great Lord of Destruction made him his envoy? This is a question worthy of examination.

But Pei Guang couldn't do any research if he wanted to, because Idrila disappeared and she couldn't find her now anyway.

Compared to something as abstract and difficult to deal with as the Star God, Pei Guang felt that Alicia was more in line with human cognition or the concept of pure beauty in his cognition. Although Yin Zhi was a pure beauty knight, Pei Guang could confirm it after contacting her. , Silver Branch possesses a very simple human cognition.

At the same time, Yin Zhi was also pursuing the beauty of the universe. Such a pious person would not let him see Alicia, and Pei Guang always felt that something was missing.

It is true that Alicia is not strong in terms of strength, and she is even less capable of granting power regardless of good or evil like the Pure Beauty Star God. But in terms of human expectations, Alicia is absolutely pure and flawless.

This is also the reason why players like games. Games can release players' anger, destroy and release desires to their heart's content, but at the same time, games can also allow players to experience things that they cannot experience in reality.

In Pei Guang's opinion, Alicia can never reach the concept of a pure and beautiful Star God, but in this universe, she has pure beauty that belongs to humans.

According to Pei Guang's irresponsible and random analysis, if the Pure Beauty Star God is still alive, or if there really is a so-called Star God in Pure Beauty Destiny, Alicia's existence can be guaranteed to tear off a piece of Pure Beauty Destiny. That piece belongs to the beauty of humanity. Even if that star god doesn't agree, Pei Guang will make him agree.

According to his current understanding, it is possible to carve out a new destiny on a powerful destiny. Since the settings have been mentioned, players can do it.

When the train stabilized and arrived at Car Wash Star, Pei Guang took Yin Zhi to the earth and met Alicia.

Just as Pei Guang expected, when Yin Zhi saw Alicia, his eyes widened in disbelief.

Chapter 303 Silver Branch: “Friend, have you ever heard of Aimen?”

Light! Yin Zhi had never seen such a beautiful light. It seemed that the person standing in front of him was not a person, but the pure beauty he yearned for.

But Yinzhi soon denied this idea. The girl in front of him had the beauty of humanity that he had never seen before. She had the beauty that meets all human desires, a beautiful heart, a beautiful appearance and a beautiful soul. Yin Zhi could no longer describe the girl in front of him in words. He even felt that the girl in front of him was the pure and beautiful Idrila.

But Yinzhi knew that she was not Idlila. Pure beauty existed in everything in the world. Compared with Idlila, the girl in front of her could only be regarded as a part of pure beauty, but she was definitely a part of human nature in pure beauty. Apart from that, Could she also be part Idrila?

Pure beauty is everywhere in the entire universe. It is not impossible for Idrila to return to this world with a human side. The Milky Way has countless possibilities. This possibility is not impossible.

No matter what it was, he treated Alicia with the highest courtesy when faced with pure beauty that should not exist in this world.

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