If Xing's health could be digitized, she would have up to 1291 basic health points. Although her health only increased by one thousandth after this mouthful, Xing could still feel herself getting stronger.

Seeing Xing trembling at first and then smiling with disdain, March Qi asked carefully: "Is it really okay?"

Xing: "Of course it's no problem. Besides, a lot of the meat you eat doesn't look good when you're alive. Why don't you just eat it? Don't care about the appearance. It's edible, delicious, harmless to the body, and good for you. Why do you dislike it?" Well."

March 7 muttered: "It's not the same thing, it's just...forget it, A Guang! Give me one!"

Pei Guang gave one to March Qi, and March Qi took a bite after getting it. After the bite entered his mouth, March Qi's eyes widened.

Seeing Xing and March Qi's satisfied expressions, Pei Guang was lost in thought. Just now, this true stingworm had exploded seven eggs. One egg would be enough for everyone, but eating more after today would not be enough.

"It seems we need to catch more~"

While Pei Guang was thinking, Yin Zhi, who had already experienced the beauty of intensity, looked over: "Mr. Pei Guang! I have personally experienced the beauty of intensity you mentioned. This kind of beauty is really intoxicating, but it is precisely because of this that I need Strengthen my faith! And in order to repay you for letting me feel this special beauty, please do whatever you want."

"Hahaha! We don't need it yet, but we will need your strength when we attack this big insect."

Yin Zhi: "I'm happy to help. By the way, I have one more thing to ask. I don't know the song you sang before..."

Pei Guang: "Chicken, ahem! Just because you are so beautiful, right? As long as you like to sing, there is no copyright risk."

No matter how hard he thought about it, Pei Guang couldn't figure out how his hometown came to this world to find copyrights. If he could really get copyrights across the world, he would use Di** to attract the strongest legal department and see if he could get a special home. Way.

After a brief thought, Pei Guang took action. Unfortunately, Dan Heng and Walter had already checked the train. Although some were missed, Pei Guang could only find three that could really increase attributes.

It may be that Pei Guang's behavior was too cruel, which alerted the real insects. No matter how Pei Guang searched, no insects were willing to enter the train to lay eggs and treat them as prey.

After all, Pei Guang's previous behavior of killing insects and collecting eggs was a bit too violent in the eyes of the real insects. At the same time, the overall strength of the train crew members was too strong. Even though the real insects had no brains, they did not dare to come in at will.

They can wait and wait for this giant true stinging insect to slowly digest the train and the people in the train. In their opinion, their flesh and bodies will sooner or later become their nourishment.

But when they looked at Pei Guang in the train from the window, the real stingworms discovered a terrifying thing. Pei Guang was actually looking at them.

They originally thought that Pei Guang and the others were just special food, but when they looked at each other, all the true stingworms that had no brains had a strange feeling. They felt as if they were in a swarm of insects.

As long as they can think about it, they will laugh themselves to death. If they think that others are a swarm of insects, what are they? Nourishment? Or canned?

In the train hall, Walter noticed Pei Guang's expression and looked at him: "Did you find anything?"

Pei Guang: "Some bugs are staring at us outside the train, but it's not a big problem..."

Ji Zi looked at Pei Guang: "Do you have any good ideas? The current way we can think of is to overload the train engine and hit it quickly to make it vomit us out. But having said that, A Guang, do you have any good ideas? ?”

Himeko considered using her own satellite cannon, but the power of the satellite cannon was far different from the power of a train collision. At the same time, if the train was overloaded and hit with the power of the train, even if the train could not be spit out, it would be likely to be directly knocked out. , which is considered a very good choice.

The effect of letting Dan Heng go out and take a shot is still very good, but no one can guarantee whether there will be any accidents when Dan Heng comes. Dan Heng can wait until the engine overload plan fails and let him come.

But this was just the plan she came up with. Ji Zi could tell that Pei Guang had other ideas. After all, Pei Guang's purpose was to kill the insect completely.

Pei Guang: "It really does! According to the information I obtained before, there are two ways to kill this kind of planetary or even star-level bugs with the lowest risk. Fight them with two battleships or bugs of the same level, or start fighting with them. Kill it internally.”

Himeko: "Inside? Oh? What should I do?"

Pei Guang used his own system to create a schematic diagram of a giant true stingworm. After projecting the diagram, Pei Guang introduced it: "This type of giant true stinging insect is not just big, it is also the carrier of the true stinging insects." Tou, it stands to reason that it shouldn’t be the real leader, there should be other leaders within the bug’s body commanding it.”

"What we have to do is very simple. First break its wings so that it cannot fly in the universe. If it can fly, they can reproduce and repair through continuous devouring. In the endless recovery, unless we have a blow The ability to kill them instantly, otherwise a boss of this level would be impossible to defeat.”

After speaking, Pei Guang pointed his finger at the joint of the insect's wings: "That's right here. If a powerful enough attack hits this place, their body structure will be temporarily damaged and they will be unable to move normally."

After speaking, Pei Guang pointed to the abdomen of the True Insect: "When it comes to a complete halt, we work together to smash the energy source here, causing it to lose its body's protection and disguise. Then we come here to find its brain and destroy it." If its brain and nerves are damaged, then this true stingworm will completely lose all resistance in a short period of time. At this time, we only need to go to its heart, smash its heart completely, and then its brain and heart will be completely destroyed. Without the blessing of abundance, it is doomed.”

After speaking, Pei Guang took a deep breath: "According to my understanding, this giant true stingworm can be killed in this way. In fact, the way to completely kill a small true stinging insect is to destroy its heart and brain. As long as these two Once it is destroyed as an individual, it dies, but we need to be careful about its eggs after it dies. These bugs whose reproduction fate is affected will not die even if they die. They are just like cockroaches, they can be killed whenever they want. To kill them thoroughly."

After hearing Pei Guang's plan, March 7 blinked: "Is it that simple?"

Walter said seriously: "Simple? It just sounds simple, but it is very difficult to actually execute. Whether we can break its joints is one thing. Regardless of whether the first phase of the mission is successful or not, we will attract the attention of the endless insect swarm here. And after finding the energy source in its abdomen, we don’t know how to break it. Even if it can be broken, it is still unknown whether other reactions will occur. "

"It will be even more difficult to destroy its brain, nerves and heart in the end. Feeling the threat of death, these bugs will go completely crazy...but..."

Dan Heng on the side said: "But this plan is feasible, and this enemy is also an enemy we must face... isn't it?"

Ji Zi: "That's right. Not only does this bug block the shipping route, it also threatens Belloberg and even other surrounding planets. It is also what we pioneers should do to deal with this big guy within our ability..."

Xing: "That's right! And the way A Guang described it has the feeling of opening a boss in a dungeon. There are so many of us, wouldn't it be easy to open a large-scale crusade group?"

Walter: "Yes, although the risk of dividing the troops is very high, with Aguang's ability and pioneering power, this risk can still be tried. If it fails, we will still have a way to escape."

Pei Guang nodded: "That's what I think, and if we really can't solve it, I can move the Star Destroyer over and crash it to death!"

March 7: "No need to hit it, right? Our Star Destroyer can kill it with one shot, right?"

Pei Guang nodded: "Yes! But here's the problem. Now that the Star Destroyer is in orbit in the solar system, it will have no combat capabilities at all after it jumps over. It can only ram..."

It's not that Pei Guang doesn't want to fire, but it's okay to make a jump in the Star Destroyer's energy or bully people on the surface. To destroy such a big bug, all the energy is needed.

But here comes the problem. Jumping requires all the energy, and firing the cannon also requires all the energy. I can only capture one Huanhu, and there is not so much energy to use. If you really jump over, it will be a large dump truck, and you can only hit it with it.

Earth's technology has indeed made a qualitative leap now, but here's the problem. Earth has the ability to challenge the Legion and even interstellar navigation, but the largest warship built now is Gray Wind, which itself does not have the ability to directly explode planets.

Pei Guang complained about this: "Look! I have said before that my Star Destroyer is strong, but it will always be unable to be fully activated or unable to be used due to various accidents. I am used to it. After all, this is a plot kill. But if we don’t want to fight hard and want to kill this thing, ramming it with a Star Destroyer is definitely the best way to skip class.”

Pei Guang was very thoughtful. This bug was dangerous to Beloberg, and his Star Destroyer was obtained from Beloberg. In theory, using this to protect Beloberg would live up to Beloberg's delivery. Trash can, but if possible, Pei Guang still doesn't want to use this method directly, after all, the Star Destroyer! So big! Who knows how long it will take before I can open another one?

Listening to Pei Guang's thoughts, Walter shook his head: "No, keep your Star Destroyer. It may have a greater role in the future. Since you already have a plan, we can't ignore it just because it is risky." To carry it out, not to mention..."

At this moment, Walter thought of his experiences in his youth. Although he was old now, he still became enthusiastic when he thought of his experiences at that time.

Even without Pei Guang's teleportation, the power of his Herrscher, Dan Heng's dragon power, and Ji Zi's technology, he was sure to escape, especially Walter, who was sure to take everyone away under his orders.

This bug is very big, but if you feel it carefully, this bug does not react with imaginary energy at the envoy level. It is just that it is very big. Without absolute suppression, it is really dangerous even if Pei Guang's teleportation ability fails and the power of fate is restrained. , he is still sure.

When Walter agreed, Ji Zi also nodded with a smile: "I don't have a problem, although it is very dangerous, but in opening up this road, we can't not take action just because of the danger, can we? What's more, we are not unprepared. A reckless act~"

Dan Heng also nodded. Following Pei Guang along the way allowed him to see Pei Guang's magic. Even Pei Guang, the Great Lord of Jueji, was able to deal with him. Dan Heng thought it would be no problem to deal with such a big bug.

March 7: "That's right~ A Guang's plan has always seemed to be unreasonable, but unexpectedly it works! Besides, with such a big guy who can eat everything here, how many people will die in his mouth, then How many beautiful things have been mercilessly devoured, it makes people feel uncomfortable just thinking about it. For no other reason than for these beautiful things, we have to give it a try.”

Pei Guang: "Then let's prepare and then take action. It's just that the breeding bugs are not fertile bugs, so the difficulty is not high!"

When we faced the insect swarm in the memory world, the insect swarm that bred the Star Gods was strong and large in number, but they did not reach the level of immortality like the Medicine Master's blessing. Those things could only reproduce, and in order to do so, their vitality was a bit strong, but overall It’s still in the biological realm.

At this time, Pei Guang suddenly remembered Silver Branch. Silver Branch was not a pioneer, so he could not use the power of pioneering, let alone the player's abilities.

Feeling Pei Guang's gaze, Yinzhi smiled: "If it can help more people survive, the risk is worth it, for the sake of pure beauty and for Idrila."

In order to pursue the beauty of the galaxy, Pure Beauty Knight Yin Zhi is willing to lend a helping hand to all people in the galaxy who are in danger, so that more people can experience pure beauty.

Because he believed that when he saw Idrila in the future, Idrila would appear in front of him and praise him: "You have done a good job, and your life has been pure and beautiful."

Seeing that everyone agreed, Pei Guang smiled. His idea was also very simple. But in addition to solving this big bug and clearing the route, Pei Guang also had a temporary bold idea. He was curious about what he could do after defeating such a big boss. What kind of reward will increase the favorability of people on the surrounding planets? Various materials? What else could there be?

Chapter 300: Giant True Insects to open up wasteland, players who are good at defending ship guns

There is very little information about giant true stinging insects. In Dan Heng's knowledge, this kind of insect is so big that it can even swallow a Star Destroyer. That is why everyone's first reaction after knowing the truth is how to run away.

In fact, running is the best option for more people, because except for Pei Guang and some boring star gods in the memory world, maybe no one in this universe will dissect this thing.

There is no fun and no actual benefits. For the messenger, this thing can be bypassed. It will be tiring to fight. Besides, not all messengers are good at fighting.

For ordinary people, either they are not strong enough, or those who are strong enough don't know what is going on when they come in. They just run away as soon as they think about a bug as big as a planet.

Even if you really want to fight, you still don't know how to fight like a headless fly. After all, there is no mature strategy for this kind of giant true stinging insect.

And what about Pei Guang? According to the memory world, I want to try a wave of strategies. If the strategy is successful, then as a player, I will naturally be the first to publish the strategy.

Pei Guang thought about it. After all, defeating the boss can not only bring benefits to players in terms of equipment, props, and levels, but also can bring a little fame by defeating them outside.

But since it was a strategy launch, Pei Guang decided to bring everyone in! After all, this time we were going to Car Wash Star to wash the car, and those who had families stayed at home for the time being, waiting to be gathered, so there were still two members who were outside.

The method of collection is also very simple. In the public storage space, Pei Guang arranged and combined the items. After the combination, the first character of the names of the items was: "Train! Danger! Assemble!!!"

Xi'er couldn't detect the change so quickly, but Silver Wolf discovered the problem in an instant. She happened to be playing games and had nothing to do, so she went to Xi'er's place and came here with Xi'er. .

Silver Wolf: "Hey! Just after I became the Champion Chief, there was a new incident. Sure enough, you are the real player! Tell me what the specific enemy is."

Xi'er: "Just tell me what I should do."

Pei Guang: "The thing is..."

Pei Guang told the story again. After listening to Pei Guang's words, Silver Wolf became excited: "Giant true stingworm? I have heard of this guy. No one has ever encountered it alive in these years. I didn't expect you to meet it. But your plan is crazy enough...have you read the copy of the information in advance?”

Pei Guang: "I've seen it before. I've fought against this bug through the Garden of Memory, but with this information, it shouldn't be a problem to make a dozen dungeons and start a new business!"

Xi'er: "No need to say so much, just tell me who to kill and how to kill."

Pei Guang: "Come! Let me allocate personnel..."

Pei Guang clearly remembered what each person in the team was good at. Based on everyone's characteristics, Pei Guang began to assign teams.

"In order to attack the giant true stinging insect wings, I divided into two teams. One team is Lao Yang, Qi'er and Xi'er. Lao Yang has large-scale destructive skills and can summon mechas to fight. Qi'er has large-scale control skills. Xi'er You protect these two people from sneak attacks, and at the same time, you listen to Lao Yang’s instructions and trust him during the operation. "

After arranging the two people, Pei Guang looked at Dan Heng: "Dan Heng, you lead the second team. You, Xing and Yin Lang. As for you... I don't have anything to explain, but Yin Lang you..."

Silver Wolf said excitedly: "Don't worry, I will follow the captain's arrangements."

Pei Guang: "That's fine. What are you good at, Willett? Of course, if you don't want to participate in the crusade, you can wait for the crusade to end in the train."

Hearing Pei Guang's words, Willit was in a trance. He thought of what Pei Guang had just said to him. What everyone thought about when they were young was not firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea, nor was they thinking about spending their whole lives buying a hut just for sleeping every day.

Willit also had a dream when he was a child, and in Pei Guang's words, his dream appeared in front of him again. He took a deep breath: "I can pilot any spaceship that is not particularly complicated. I can drive the spaceship to pick you up."

Pei Guang: "Very good! A very useful ability. I won't need you to remove the wings..."

This sentence made Vitelli feel depressed. He finally found the courage but said he couldn't use it. He was indeed a little uncomfortable, but then Pei Guang's words cheered him up.

"As a support, you will act with Yin Zhi. Wherever the situation is not good, you will take Yin Zhi to that side to support you. If you encounter a strong enemy there, you will be needed to provide support. If you feel bad, withdraw the train. Or look for the nearest pioneer, don’t act recklessly, we have special life-saving means, and as long as we are alive, we will have a way to take all of you out of here.”

Silver Branch: "Understood!"

Listening to Pei Guang's arrangements, March Qi asked curiously: "Huh? We have made arrangements. What are you and Sister Ji Zi going to do?"

Pei Guang took a deep breath and spoke slowly: "We... have to do something big or small. Ji Zi and I are responsible for guarding the train."

If ordinary people heard about this task, they would definitely sneer at it, but March 7 understands Pei Guang. Pei Guang is not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death. On the contrary, he is a player who prefers to challenge difficult tasks. If Pei Guang talks about guarding the train, then Does this prove that there may be more terrifying battles on the train?

Ji Zi listened to Pei Guang's arrangement and thought for a while before nodding: "So, my things can be used to their fullest power on the train. At the same time, the train is like a beacon in the dark, which makes it easier to attract the attention of those bugs. ,not to mention…"

Ji Zi looked at Pei Guang. She remembered that Pei Guang had obtained a light cone with taunting ability from Liuguang Yiting a few days ago. At the same time, he also had a powerful taunting skill that could even taunt the Doomsday Beast. In this case, Pei Guang was indeed It is not suitable to take the initiative, holding the train is the most important job.

To put it simply, Walter and Dan Heng are wing-killing cs, Xing, March Seven, Xi'er and Silver Wolf are assistant or deputy cs. Vitelli and Silver Branch are substitutes. If any team explodes, the substitutes will take over.

Pei Guang and Ji Zi are proper naval guns. No, it's Train C. If everyone is very strong, naturally there is no need for someone to guard the train. But unfortunately, everyone is not strong enough to kill all the way. In this case, someone is needed. Hold the train while drawing pressure on those fighting on the front lines.

How to move forward? This is simple. Walter can use his own abilities to lead three people to a designated location, while Silver Wolf can lead people there through the ether editor.

As for the map issue, it's simple. Pei Guang imported the memory into the system and formed three-dimensional coordinates based on the information about the giant stingworms in the memory and the structural diagram as well as their position when they entered, and roughly determined their location.

Anyway, except for the mouth, there is no other place to get out. At worst, after hitting the wall, just keep moving in one direction. This is also why Pei Guang asked Yin Zhi and the others to support him, because this way of searching will inevitably make one side fast and the other slow. The fast side will attract the hateful return train and let him output train C, while the slow side will be faster with the help of Yin Zhi and the others. Destroy the enemy so that you can solve the internal energy together.

After planning the mission, everyone was ready to take action. Before taking action, Pei Guang lit a fire for everyone.

"For outsiders, I will introduce this fire separately. This is the three-flavored true fire. This fire has no friendly harm. I will maintain it in your body so that you can avoid hallucinations caused by the powder shaken out by the true stingworm, and even come from The stomach acid secreted by the bug can also block it. "

This is not Pei Guang's bragging. According to his tests, his Sanwei Zhenhuo can really burn whatever he wants. The only pity is that he is too poor now and cannot maximize the effect of this skill. At the same time, he wants to There are also a lot of blue bars needed to maintain the flames of his teammates. According to Pei Guang's own experience, his non-existent blue bars can last for half an hour. However, considering that the farther the distance, the more it consumes, it is estimated that by the end It only takes a minute or even dozens of seconds to make your blue bar disappear.

But for this kind of consumption, you have to thank Huanhu, who provided Pei Guang with a large number of recovery props, and the full attribute recovery props are awesome.

Xing: "Your ability is really useful."

Silver Wolf: "Skills like this that can help teammates become immune or remove debuffs are top-notch auxiliary skills in any game!"

Walter: "I have a deep understanding of this..."

Pei Guang: "I'll tell you what level of support my skills are when I get back. Now the [Giant True Insect Crusade] begins now!"

At this moment, everyone on the train took action. Walter and Dan Heng set off with a team respectively. When they just left the train, they felt a feeling of suffocation. At the same time, as they walked out of the train, countless people The insects buzzed.

However, just when they were about to be attacked by the insects, Pei Guang had already climbed to the roof of the train. He put on the light cone and raised his middle finger with both hands at the same time: "Garbage!!!"

Two simple words silenced the scene. This moment of silence made March Qi couldn't help but complain: "Looks like the ridicule was successful!"

As March 7th's complaints ended, countless bugs ignored the group of people who were leaving and rushed to the train. At this moment, these bugs had only one idea, and that was to kill this taunting human being.

Not only were these little bugs ridiculed, but the big bug that swallowed the train also became the target of ridicule. It roared angrily, but its roar also invalidated its disguise.

At the moment when the camouflage failed, with the giant true stingworm as the center, countless surrounding civilizations discovered this huge bug. After all, an interstellar-level event was being held here led by the company. The natural attraction of a human-eating bug appeared nearby. People pay attention.

Wave after wave of bugs rushed towards the train. Looking at the endless bugs, Ji Zi also showed Pei Guang his trump card as a train navigator.

I saw several drones surrounding the train. This drone is what Jizi usually holds in her hand. Although it is small, it is very powerful. It can instantly kill the Void Pawn and the Trampler with just one encounter. , if the Doomsday Beast is taken as the unit, Jizi is confident that she can drag the Doomsday Beast through this drone.

Countless bugs were instantly killed by the rotating drones. Pei Guang, who was expecting a big battle on the roof, saw these drones and shouted to Ji Zi who was calmly drinking coffee in the train.

"Himeko~ You have a strong trump card, don't you?"

Listening to Pei Guang's voice outside the car, Ji Zi smiled: "As a train navigator, naturally you have to have some ability to protect the sky train, and your ability is not bad~"

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