What is player aesthetics? You can dress up beautifully for appearance and give up numbers, and you can also give up appearance for numbers and get as high as you can. You can do uniform and handsome actions together, or you can start to go crazy and dance around a bunch of strange things on the street to attract a group of people.

As long as the players feel interesting and want to do it, they will do it. Some players will kill NPCs when they meet them, while others want to complete the level perfectly without any injuries or deaths. There is no right or wrong in the players' actions. Some are just the purest emotions from life. The dazzling emotion makes Yinzhi see this extraordinary beauty.

Xing and Sanyueqi can't see these things. The two of them watched Pei Guang's actions seriously. When it came to the second round, the two of them followed.

So a scene that shocked Ji Zi happened here, and even Pam and Walter, who came back from the inspection, looked here in shock.

Yinzhi looked at the three people dancing the ghost dance in the middle with a pious face. After watching for a long time, Yinzhi actually joined the team and danced with them?

At this moment, Pam slapped herself in the face. This was the first time Pam saw Pei Guang's action directly. Pam didn't know why Kaituo Mingtu chose such a thing.

Walter watched it carefully. How should I put it? Although it was a bit urgent now, it didn't matter if it brought everyone a few minutes of joy. At the same time, Walter took out the video equipment carefully to record this scene. When he returned to his hometown one day, he would show it to his family.

What about March 7? When she first followed Pei Guang, she was still a little shy, but when she immersed herself in it, she found it very interesting. On the contrary, the company employees brought by Yinzhi were dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

What's going on? What happened? Why did he jump up suddenly?

As time went by, the music ended. When the music ended, Pei Guang looked at Yinzhi who had merged in.

Feeling Pei Guang's gaze, Yinzhi was about to introduce himself, but Pei Guang stopped him directly: "Come on, introduce yourself, I am Pei Guang, the Galaxy Swordsman!"

Xing: "I am the Galaxy Batman!"

March Seven: "I am the Galaxy Archer!"

"We are the unknown guests traveling through the galaxy! Explore! The unknown future is waiting for us."

Pam: "That's it! Pam!"

Pam's appearance made Pei Guang, Xing and March Seven look over.

Pei Guang: "Pam, why are you here?"

Pam: "Ahem! I can't help it, you guys continue, and we continue to check the train."

Pam left, and after Pam left, Yinzhi wanted to continue introducing himself, but Pei Guang's words interrupted him again.

"Pure and beautiful knight, right? Come to our Starry Sky Train to let you know how powerful we are! Xing! Go up and let him know our pioneering aesthetics."

Xing came out with a baseball bat: "Aren't you coming to the Starry Sky Train? Let me show you how powerful we are. Go! Ignore!"

?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Xing completed a set of smooth movements in an instant. After completing a set, she felt unsatisfied and did another set in reverse. As for March 7? She is silent now.

She also wants to give Pei Guang a small combo, but the problem is that she was not raised by Pei Guang. She was raised by Ji Zi, Walter and Dan Heng, and her foundation is more or less normal. Although under the influence of Pei Guang, she is going further and further on a strange road, but if she wants to do something, she still needs Pei Guang to cover it up.

Yinzhi looked at Xing's unique skills and felt his head buzzing. He felt his scalp itchy and couldn't say some words.

Weird, this is Yinzhi's feeling. He saw several people in front of him with beauty that was different from the entire galaxy, but this beauty was a little too avant-garde, even he, who was well-informed, couldn't adapt to it for a while.

Looking at Yinzhi who was stunned at the beginning, Pei Guang spoke directly: "Little brother! Come on! The Lord of Extinction has a unique aesthetic of destruction, the Masked Fool has a wonderful aesthetic of joy, do you, the Pure Beauty Knight, have anything? I also have my own beauty of strength, and in terms of ideas, we are fighting for the best things in this world. What do you have to show? Let alone appearance, everyone is the most beautiful when standing in front of the mirror. In addition to appearance, what can you, a Pure Beauty Knight, show?"

Yinzhi wanted to say something, but when the words came to his mouth, he didn't know how to start. He would let the other party witness his beauty through his actions, and then let the other party believe in the Pure Beauty Star God.

But now it seems that the other party has gone further than him on the path of pure beauty? This profoundness did not come from the dance, movements, and Pei Guang's words just now.

Yinzhi has not yet realized that he has fallen into Pei Guang's trap. As a pure and beautiful knight, he will use the weapons in his hands to eliminate the ugliness in the world when he encounters a cunning villain, but this is the first time he has met someone like Pei Guang.

Chapter 297 March 7 and the real stinging insect~

Yinzhi stood there, not knowing what to say, because Pei Guang had said everything he could say, leaving no way out for himself.

Looking at Yinzhi who was thinking, Pei Guang stretched out his hand to him: "This pure and beautiful knight, I don't know how to call you yet."


"Yinzhi, you came at the right time. Although you forced us to rear-end us and caused us to enter the body of the big insect, I don't blame you."

After saying this, Yinzhi suddenly felt that the man in front of him was so dazzling, but he soon realized that something was wrong. Insect? What insect?

"Bugs? I didn't see any bugs..."

Pei Guang pointed to the red universe outside: "Nuo, before we slowed down and turned around, we wanted to avoid a bug. This bug was as big as a planet. Who would have thought that when we were about to run away, we were knocked into it by you? "

"But it doesn't matter, even if you don't come in, we have to come in, because we are going to get rid of this big bug. Even if we can't get rid of it, we have to keep it away from here, but we are short of manpower now. I wonder if you can help Yin Zhi. Help us?"

Silver Branch: "I'm very sorry, we didn't find any danger, because our rude behavior put you in danger. As a pure knight, I naturally want to help you out of danger, please don't worry, even if it means sacrificing my life. , I will also let everyone leave safely.”

Pei Guang shook his head: "No, no, no! How can I sacrifice your life? I have a plan to leave, but the more people who can implement this plan, the better. For example, right now, we need someone to help check whether there are bugs in the train. Of course you aircraft must also be inspected.”

Silver Branch: "I understand. As long as you need it, I! The Pure Beauty Knight will definitely lend a helping hand to you."

Seeing Yinzhi agreeing, March Qi patted Pei Guang on the shoulder and said excitedly: "Okay, I actually tricked him into it."

Yin Zhi: "Fooling?"

Pei Guang: "Don't worry about it. I praise you for my hometown dialect. Since you already know the situation, why don't you take your companions to check the vehicle you are riding in to see if there are any bugs? If there are any, kill them. , If you can’t beat us, gather here and we’ll study the next step.”

Listening to Pei Guang's words, Yinzhi pondered for a moment and then nodded: "No problem. If it is as you said, we really need to check the condition of the spacecraft."

While Yin Zhi was thinking, Walter came over: "Dan Heng and I have completed the inspection of the public areas and found some insect eggs and cleaned them up. You will have to check your own rooms."

"Okay~" He promised Walter and then looked at Silver Branch: "We've also taken action, see you here later."

Silver Branch: "No problem."

Yin Zhi agreed with a serious expression. He could feel that the person in front of him believed in Idrila. At the same time, the light on his body was the most dazzling existence among all the people he had ever seen. His pursuit of the ultimate beauty, he I feel ashamed when I see it.

Yinzhi thinks that Pei Guang is definitely a very good communication partner. He has a lot to communicate with Pei Guang and what is pure beauty, but he understands that now is not the time to communicate about these things. Facing the immediate crisis is the most important thing.

The group of people separated temporarily, and when March 7 followed Pei Guang back to the room, she gently poked Pei Guang with her elbow: "As expected of you, you pulled a stranger onto the pirate ship in just a few words."

After hearing this, Xing complained: "That's right! He is the famous A Guang. You have to watch A Guang closely in March, otherwise he may suddenly disappear for a while and bring back a new girl~"

Pei Guang: "Hey, hey, that's enough! Am I that kind of person? I've been following the path of pure love for so long, and I can't bear to change my path. Besides, except for robots, no one can confuse me anymore. It’s mine.”

March 7: "Hey! What if you meet a cute girl driving a robot and date you?"

Pei Guang: "How is that possible?"

March 7: "Hmm~ Who knows, hey~ My room is here, we will see you later~"

Although she and the train were swallowed into the belly of the big bug this time, Pei Guang felt very stable on March 7th. In her opinion, she only had to follow Pei Guang's pace, fighting and killing all the way, and finally This crisis will definitely be resolved happily.

It was like this on the space station, it was like this at Beloberg, it was still like this at Luofu Xianzhou, so it will be like this this time too.

March 7 returned to her room and closed the door. She decided to check it carefully. Because of this, she wanted to hide some of her things temporarily and show them to Pei Guang and Xing when the time was right.

March Qi, who entered the room, hummed a tune and prepared to check the room. However, just as she was about to check, her expression became serious because she saw herself.

Yes, March 7th saw another self standing in the house. Hearing her footsteps, the other self turned her head and looked at herself.

"This is…"

March Qi stared at herself in front of her with wide eyes. She looked at her calmly with a smile on her face. She crossed her arms as if she were watching something interesting.

Looking at herself in front of her, March Qi closed her eyes and shook her head. When she opened her eyes again, she panicked and found that the person in front of her had not disappeared.

"Why is there another me here?"

At this moment, the fake March Qi in front of her reached out to her: "I understand your past. You want to see, touch and know your hometown, relatives, friends, love and hate."

March 7: "Wow~"

Fake March 7th: "I am the complete March 7th, with all your memories."

If it were March 7th in the past, he would definitely be so scared that he would cover his mouth, but after hanging out with Pei Guang for a long time, March 7th’s thinking has become more like a player, plus what he experienced in Beloberg and his interactions with the streamer Recalling the exchanges between members of the court, March 7 will no longer be intimidated by such a simple thing.

March Qi looked at her other self in front of her. Although she would not be fooled, she would never allow anyone to pretend to be her or approach Pei Guang.

【Godly soldiers descend from heaven】

At this moment, March Qi directly used the golden skill equipped on the weapon. Within five seconds, she relieved herself of all abnormal conditions and became immune to all abnormal conditions and magic attacks.

The moment she used this skill, March Qi found that she had turned into a true stingworm in front of her. The true stinging insect looked at her as if it was tempting her.

Seeing such a calm insect, March Qi calmed down. Five seconds was short, but at this moment she felt as if time had stopped and her consciousness was running crazily around her.

"Damn bug, I want you to know how powerful I am."

"No, if you kill such a big bug here, its body fluids will be all over the house. Eh! It's so disgusting."

"Then what should we do? Let me think about it? Hey! Yes!"

The first second after using bkb, March Qi crouched down. The true stingworm was not sure of taking down the person in front of him. Because of this, it was also using its own racial talent to use special methods to cause hallucinations in intelligent life. She killed him without any resistance.

Because of this, it didn't understand what March Qi was doing when she squatted down. It looked curiously at March Qi when she squatted down. When March Qi squatted down, it found that March Qi seemed to be missing.

Just when it was wondering where the food in front of it went, it felt a cold feeling coming from its butt.

What March 7 did here was very simple. She learned from Pei Guang and used what she learned from Pei Guang. She first sneaked around behind the real stingworm's butt, then aimed at the real stinging insect's butt and shot an arrow.

After the arrow was shot, March 7 couldn't help but think of the experience along the way. The legion's empty soldiers, abundant evil objects and even the extermination king were all dealt with by sneak attack from behind and execution of a dragon, while the bug in front of him experienced A treatment only available to the King of Extermination.

Thinking about it this way, this bug should be proud!

In order to prevent the insect from exploding and contaminating his room, March Qi perfectly wrapped the insect with six-phase ice while the arrow critically hit the opponent.

In just a moment, the bug felt the cold feeling from the inside out, and it became an ice sculpture.

Looking at this ice sculpture, March 7 put it into the storage space. Being able to put it into the storage space proved that it was already dead. March 7 thought that this kind of dead ice sculpture could be sold at a good price.

"Hey~ I am also a good girl who knows how to run a house~"

March 7 looked at the Ice Sculpture of the True Insect in his storage space and nodded with satisfaction. If the ice sculpture could not be sold, March 7 decided to treat it as his trophy.

This is one of the few enemies that he has dealt with personally. Or is he someone pretending to be himself? He has a little collection value, but his appearance is... a bit ugly?

Just when March 7 was thinking wildly, there was a knock on the door of her room, and Pei Guang's voice came from outside the door.

"Qi'er~ Have you packed up? I found bugs in my room, not Xing's. The bugs in my room have been dealt with. How are you doing here?"

March 7: "It's done~I'll check again~"

Pei Guang: "Okay~"

March 7 checked the room again and left the room after checking to make sure there was no second bug or more eggs.

Pei Guang: "Is it done?"

March 7: "Hmm~ Let me tell you, when I entered the house, I found a big bug pretending to be me. Then I froze the bad guy into an ice sculpture and stuffed it into the storage space. Do you think this will sell well? What’s the price?”

Pei Guang: "I don't know, but things are rare and valuable. If it can be stored in a storage space, it means it is dead. If it is dead, we can find a world without real stingworm ice sculptures, package it and sell it at a good price. "

The two walked back to the hall as they talked, but as soon as they returned to the hall, Pei Guang saw Xing sticking his butt out and looking at the universal synthesis machine intently.

Pei Guang came over curiously and followed Xing's gaze. He saw an insect egg appearing in the universal synthesis machine at some point, and the egg was vaguely about to hatch.

Looking at this insect egg, Pei Guang's thoughts flew away. There were many materials in this machine that he could not use at all, but for the player, he could use this material or even give it away or throw it away, no matter how he dealt with it. It’s all players’ thoughts, but players absolutely cannot accept bugs eating these things.

Xing had the same idea as him, and because of this, Pei Guang knew what Xing was going to do. She wanted to let this bug know the cruelty of this world the second it witnessed the beautiful world.

At first, there were two people observing, but soon it became three people. Pei Guang, Xing and March 7 were looking forward to the birth of new life. And this insect egg seems to sense people's emotions, and it is working hard to break through the film of the insect egg.

it! It did it, and it came to this world. It was born in the universal synthesis machine that was full of food. At this moment, Xing gently took it out of the universal synthesis machine.

It sensed the gentle aura from Xing's body, and it clung to Xing's hand, as if it regarded Xing as its mother, but it was a pity that the true stingworm did not have the concept of parents.

Xing gently took out the bug and threw it to the ground before the bug could react. The next thing that greeted it was the bottom of Xing's feet.

The insect was stepped on and exploded. At the moment of the explosion, Pei Guang raised the three flavors of true fire to fuse its soul with the juice. March 7th took out his camera and recorded this scene, but unfortunately, even other bugs would not feel anything when they saw this photo.

When the bugs were completely eliminated, the three people invariably felt a magical sense of accomplishment, especially Xing. She puffed up her chest and smiled. She felt that she had done something earth-shattering.

Compared to the proud trio here, Walter, who saw the three of them on the other side, sighed. He sighed not because Pei Guang and the others did too much, but because he had to pay attention to his identity and couldn't play with them.

However, just when the three of them finished dealing with the insect, Pei Guang was provoked. He felt something was provoking him, and subconsciously turned his head and saw the announcer on the other side.

A humming sound came from the machine. The humming sound sounded very pleasant, but to Pei Guang's ears it was a sign of challenge.

Pei Guang walked over and saw a small real stingworm hidden in the radio. It hummed. Pei Guang did not expect that the songs the bug sang were better than his own. Pei Guang felt that this bug could not be kept. Today If you surpass yourself in singing, what terrible things will you do tomorrow?

As the flames ignited, the smell of roasted insects came from the radio. The gentle music in the radio combined with the crispy fragrance of the insects made Pei Guang smile with satisfaction. Although the insects were small, they were full of protein. It's enough, and after three flavors of real fire cooking, it's definitely a delicious time in desperate times.

Delicious roasted stingworm +1

But Pei Guang also felt a little strange guilt in his heart. He had killed an insect with musical talent. He was really bad. Just looking at the aroma of the roasted real sting insect, Pei Guang felt... Guang felt tears of disappointment flow from the corner of his mouth.

Although the true stingworms have a strange shape, for a qualified player, they dare to eat them as long as they can eat them.

While Pei Guang was sighing, Dan Heng came over and asked, "Did you find these bugs again?"

Pei Guang: "Yes, but this bug has been roasted by me. How about it? Do you want to try it?"

Dan Heng: "You can eat it!"

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