"Chief?" Pei Guang looked at Topa and asked, "You're not really the chief now, are you? I remember correctly that we have to challenge a hidden master. That master defeated you before us, right?"

Topa nodded: "That's right! Only by defeating it can you be considered a real champion, but you have to be careful! That master is very strong."

Recalling the scene of the ether spirit duel with Pam, Topa felt his head buzzing. God knows where Pam got such a wonderful ether spirit.

Even if it’s a mecha, it still has dolls and drinks? The most desperate thing is that he still lost?

But because of this, Topa somewhat expected Pei Guang to know the identity of the last enemy and what his expression would be like when facing the opponent's etheric spirit.

She Topa admitted that Pei Guang had a high level of understanding of the game, but how would Pei Guang respond when faced with Pam's mecha group holding a cute rabbit and drinking coffee.

Pei Guang said confidently: "Isn't he the fifth of the four heavenly kings! I have been prepared for a long time, come on! Let me see if my enemy is the one who uses the Yusan family to the extreme!"

March 7: "Yu Sanjia? What is that?"

Pei Guang said: "This meme comes from my hometown. The meaning of putting it in the game is the three partners who accompany the player in the first place. As far as my gaming experience is concerned, you! Xing and Dan Heng are my royal guards." Three families! No, why did I forget about me? I am also a self-made character..."

Xing said proudly at this time: "I understand! The initial partners all have this and that past. We work together, grow together, and finally face the end together, right?"

Pei Guang nodded: "That's right! It's just that I can't think of what characters that mysterious master can use. According to the traditions of various games, the characters used should be ones I know or are familiar with!"

Topa on the side listened to Bald Pei's sane analysis and didn't know how to complain for a while. She asked carefully: "You really don't know who the final master is?"

Pei Guang complained in turn: "Why should I know who he is? But from what you and Ji Zi said, the final opponent should be an acquaintance of ours? Esta? General Jingyuan? Who else?"

Pei Guang carefully recalled the people he knew. As for the game, the final boss could be anyone. From acquaintances with special identities and backgrounds such as Esta and Jing Yuan, to children like Hook and Wanderer. Anyone can communicate with someone.

Seeing Pei Guang thinking seriously, Topa smiled: "It seems you really don't know. It's okay. If nothing else happens, Giovanni will contact you later to tell you the follow-up arrangements. I think eventually The experts will definitely arouse your interest and bring you unexpected surprises.”

Topa watched Pei Guang's game all the way, what should he say? Although they were very happy, they seemed to be playing with their companions. Only Xing and March 7 were completely immersed in it.

However, Topa also understood that after all, the routine that Pei Guang came up with was too powerful. It used a lineup that theoretically all players could form, fully utilized the mechanisms and characteristics of all characters, and completed the battle against everyone, including her. A crushing style of play. Let alone Pei Guang, even if she encounters an unchallenging game, she will lose interest.

Pei Guang: "Huh? Surprise? What you said makes me more interested!"

Topa: "You have to be careful! This ultimate master is very powerful. If you don't take it seriously, the only final result will be failure."

Pei Guang: "Me? I will never lose!"

Listening to Pei Guang talking about his poisonous milk, Xing suddenly asked curiously: "What about losing?"

Pei Guang: "If I lose, I will eat...wait? What's going on? Do you really want me to lose?"

Pei Guang realized later that just now he almost said that if he lost, he would eat and drink!

Seeing Pei Guang reacting so quickly, Xing shook his head regretfully: "It's a pity, no trick was successful."

Pei Guang: "You ask for a beating!"

March 7: "Why do you want to imitate me?"

With the cheers of the audience in the audience, Pei Guang, Xing and March 7 started playing around, and Topa also smiled at this time.

After playing around for a while, they returned to the waiting area. As soon as they returned here, Pei Guang, Xing and March 7 were pulled into the crowd by Giovanni.

"Everyone's performance is amazing. Congratulations on becoming the champion chief. If it's convenient, please come to the snowfield on the outskirts of the city!"

Pei Guang: "Okay~"

After a brief reply, the three of them rushed to the snowy field on the outskirts of the city. In the snowy field on the outskirts of the city, the three of them saw Giovanni standing in a familiar place and greeting them.

March 7: "This place... is the place where we first came to Belloberg? How did he know this place?"

When they were complaining on March 7, Giovanni, who saw Pei Guang and his team arriving, also greeted Pei Guang and the others: "You are here. After you win the championship, it is time for you to face a real challenge. . To be honest, that master is particularly looking forward to the duel with you, so he took a slight detour to come to this planet for this day."

Pei Guang: "Oh? Who is this person?"

Giovanni: "I am only responsible for guiding you. You will be able to meet the mysterious player later, allowing you to experience unprecedented surprise and joy."

Xing: "Stop talking, we are going to challenge the last master."

Pei Guang: "That's right! Haha, in the end, I can defeat him by playing two characters at most!"

Xing looked at Pei Guang: "Ah Guang, you have been setting the flag since the finals. Nothing will happen, right?"

March 7th looked at Xing: "Can't you just hope for something better? Who did you learn this way of speaking from?"

Xing pointed at Pei Guang: "Ah Guang! No way! Even if you are facing A Guang, you can't be like this! It's obvious that A Guang is very clever every time he speaks bad words, why don't you tell him!"

March 7: "That! This...cough cough cough!!!"

March Qi didn't know how to change the subject, so she coughed forcefully a few times. Looking at March Qi's appearance, Pumpman Man sighed helplessly.

Pei Guang: "It's okay! In the face of absolute strength, any flag can be broken!"

Seeing such an imposing Pei Guang, Giovanni applauded: "Very good! Very good! What a joyful state! Players throughout the galaxy will witness your duel through the broadcast! This is not a human being All are treated well.”

But it's not bad. Only the pioneers can have an etheric duel on the star train and have it broadcast throughout the universe.

Pei Guang is very confident. In his opinion, the opponents on the etheric front this time, including Topa, are not all-in-one enemies, because except for the duel with the Silver Wolf and the earliest casual play, the enemy's etheric spirit has not been completely exhausted. one round.

It's all about Pei Guang's Aether Spirit ultimate move, pulling strings to jump in, and pursuit to jump in. None of them can really finish a round.

The last champion was like this. Pei Guang thought that the mysterious master who appeared first this time would not be any better, so he just used the eternal movement style to give the last enemy a fatal blow.

However, when Pei Guang flew out of the planet through the aircraft prepared by the company and saw the star train outside, the heads of the three of them were a little paralyzed.

March 7: "Huh? I remember our train is moving on the star track, isn't it? Why are we here?"

Pei Guang had a bad premonition, but before the premonition came true, he decided to struggle: "Is there a possibility that this is not our train?"

March 7: "Impossible! Absolutely impossible. Our train is the only one moving in the entire universe."

Xing: "Aguang, I have a bad feeling! What did you say before? Yu Sanjia? Our enemies won't be Ji Zi, Dan Heng, and Uncle Yang, right?"

March 7 also thought of something at this time: "If we follow A Guang's explanation, then the Yusan family may really be them, but do they regard them as our enemies? Impossible, right?"

Pei Guang: "It's not a big problem! Let's take care of it as it comes. No matter who becomes our enemy, we will make it difficult for them to take advantage of it. Our eternal flow is invincible!"

Although Pei Guang says that invincibility is a debuff all day long, when players become swollen, they will subconsciously talk about invincibility. What's more, the ether spirit duel is not a life-and-death battle, it's just an activity. Pei Guang doesn't really care if he loses.

Since it won't affect your life, wouldn't it be a waste if you don't expand it?

Pei Guang was quickly slapped in the face, because when he saw Pam with his back to them and the ether coin in Pam's hand, he wished he had a save function that would have given him a few minutes ago. Big Mouth tells himself not to raise flags randomly.

Looking at Pam in front of them, ellipses popped up on the heads of Pei Guang, Xing and March 7. After a long silence, Pei Guang spoke first: "Pam...?"

Hearing Pei Guang's call, Pam turned around with the ether coin, and its body exuded an invincible aura.


March 7: "Pam...don't do this, I'm afraid..."

As if in response to March 7, Pam raised the ether coin, looked at Pam's action star and looked at Pei Guang: "Aguang! Go up! Use your invincible perpetual motion flow!"

Pei Guang: "Invincible! Invincible is nothing! I'm telling you with vivid examples, don't always say invincible when you have nothing to do!"

Xing: "As expected of A Guang! This can be explained! What should we do next? Our enemy is Pam..."

At this time, March 7th also looked at the ether spirits that can be used by ether coins: "Oh no! Our overlord-level ether spirits can actually choose one among the phantom, the doomsday beast, and the mother of illusion."

After saying these words, Pei Guang suddenly felt like he was sweating. However, before he could speak, Xing, who was brought up by Pei Guang, spoke.

"It's not good! Pam is definitely the fifth among the four kings, and it is the most difficult ex level after the event level! Invincible A Guang, think of a way!"

Pei Guang: "Hmph! It doesn't matter. Since we can use our strongest ether spirit, let Pam have a taste of our power. Just Pam! He will definitely be defeated! Since it is a duel between ether spirits, let us Let’s use our strongest ether spirit combination! It’s you, Pigman Man!”

Hearing Pei Guang's call, Poman Xia rushed forward.


The humming sound of Pig Man Xia represents its determination and motivation, and at the same time, the phantom ether spirit that appears in an instant shows the terror and coercion of the Lord of Extermination.

Just the appearance of the etheric state allows people to experience the illusive aesthetics of destruction.

In addition to Man Man Xia and Huan Hao, Pei Guang also summoned the hardcore support of Silver Mane Shooter. As for the final position, Pei Guang took the Void Pawn Gunner out of safety. Pei Guang was glad that he did not use the Perpetual Movement flow in the live finals before. This school has only bullied Fu Xuan so far.

However, just when Pei Guang summoned their etheric spirit, Pei Guang suddenly had a bad feeling.

And Pam then turned Pei Guang's bad feeling into reality.

"Come out! Pa!!!"

Pam didn't say much, but these simple lines combined with his serious expression made Pei Guang feel endless pressure!

"This feeling of invincibility! Could it be! Could it be!!!"

When Pei Guang saw Pam's etheric spirit, he felt his breathing stagnant, and Xing and March Qi were no better. When they saw the cute pink rabbit, Alahato and a cup of coffee.

At this moment, Pei Guang didn't know how to complain.

Pei Guang: "Why can coffee become an ether spirit?"

Because he usually used coffee to deal with enemies too much, Pei Guang suddenly felt a bad feeling the moment he saw coffee become his enemy.

Xing: "It's okay, Aguang. We have already developed antibodies to our coffee. I think our etheric spirit can also resist the erosion of coffee!"

March 7th whispered: "Everyone, is there a possibility that this is not our coffee, but Sister Jizi's coffee?"

When these words came out, the scene fell silent, and Jizi, who was watching the broadcast, had already made a decision when she heard March 7th's words.

"Since Xiao Sanyue can immediately recognize that this is my coffee, it proves that she likes it very much. Let's treat her to some when we get back~"

Chapter 294 The final competition! The winning pioneer

On the train, Pei Guang looked at the three ether spirits prepared by Pam and shouted bad!

Good news, everything he guessed before was correct.

Bad news, bad news is all guessing.

At this moment, not only Pei Guang, but March Qi and Xing also felt unprecedented pressure.

March 7: "Aguang! Think of a solution quickly!"

Star: "The etheric spirit Pam uses looks invincible!"

Pei Guang: "Don't be afraid! Just wait for me for half a minute."

Pei Guang took out his mobile phone and opened the live broadcast of the Aether Front Interstellar Victory Celebration. There were several cameras on the train to broadcast the game. Looking at the broadcast positions of these machines, Pei Guang once again smiled on his face.

"Very good! The rules of victory are here! Pam! Take the move!" Pei Guang changed his position while speaking. After changing to this position, Pam would be on the left and they would be on the right from the broadcast perspective.

Since ancient times, you have lost to the left side of the wave. Although there will be no opposite waves in the Ether Spirit duel, it is always right to let the enemy be on the left!

March Qi and Xing didn't know what happened, but they followed Pei Guang and started moving.

As preparations were completed, the ether spirits selected by Pei Guang were also released.

However, during the operation, Pei Guang discovered a terrifying thing. The fastest ether spirit on his side was not as fast as the cute pink rabbit? What kind of etheric spirit is this cute pink rabbit?

Regarding this topic, Dan Heng, who was watching the live broadcast in the room, couldn't help but complain: "Ah Guang! I didn't expect it! I uploaded the data through the speed entry, and the speed is 135!"

Dan Heng didn't notice how he had been transformed by Pei Guang these days after spending time with Pei Guang. Although he was still a serious person at ordinary times, he learned to complain when he encountered things related to Pei Guang.

Pam looked at the cute pink rabbit on her side who acted first, and confidently stretched out her hand with no visible fingers: "Pink cute rabbit! Use enhanced normal on the pioneers!"

Pink cute rabbit: "Meow meow meow~meow~"

I saw this cute pink rabbit stretching out its non-existent right hand like Pam, and on its right hand was a smaller cute rabbit. This smaller cute rabbit flew towards Pei Guang's ethereal spirit.

At this moment, the phantom ether spirit was beaten by the cute pink rabbit until it was all pink and screamed "meow meow".

Looking at this scene, March Qi hugged her body tightly: "Good! How scary! Is this the most real feeling of an enemy who has been attacked by Dan Heng? Good! Such high damage."

The enhanced normal attack of Pink Cute Rabbit directly wipes out one-third of the HP of Huan Hui, and the enhanced normal attack also has splash damage. The splash damage also destroys more than one-third of the HP of the ordinary Ether Spirit next to it. quantity.

Pei Guang: "It's okay! It's just one blow, so what if Pam fights first? When we take action, Pam will fail!"

Pam put her hands on her hips and looked at Pei Guang: "Pei Guang Wumingke, you don't know anything about the power of the pink cute rabbit. Pink cute rabbit, release the finishing move!"

Cute pink rabbit: "The pink rabbit~has appeared~the moon is hidden in the cave sky, and the pink rabbit meows~"

The pink cute rabbit released the finishing move. At the moment when the finishing move was released, a slender cute rabbit rushed towards Huanlong. Its body was in close contact with Huanlong. Huanlong was once again enveloped in pink and meowing.

After releasing the finishing move, the pink cute rabbit's action bar was 100% advanced. At this time, Pam said confidently: "Pink cute rabbit! Use the enhanced basic attack again!"

Pink cute rabbit: "Meow meow meow~meow~"

The voice of the cute pink rabbit was voiced by Dan Heng himself. From Dan Heng's point of view, who would know that it was his voice if he didn't show up? People who know me probably won’t watch the live broadcast.

But the fact is that for various reasons, even Jingliu who is imprisoned and waiting to be sent to other immortal ships can watch the live broadcast of the Aether Front.

When everyone heard this, both Jing Yuan from the Shence Mansion and the imprisoned Jing Liu felt their heads buzzing when they heard the pink cute rabbit speaking human words.

Although everyone had already recognized that Dan Heng was Dan Heng, when he thought of Dan Heng's face and said such words in a serious tone, Jing Yuan only felt as if he was getting closer to the demon body.

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