After all, there are so many caves in Luofu, so it is really exciting to visit them. At the same time, Pei Guang is also planning to wander around to see if he can encounter some triggering tasks.

Now that the current stage tasks of the main line, branch lines, and homeland have been completed, it takes time to start the next stage. He does not yet have the ability to jump in time from a few minutes to a few weeks or months in various games, so he can only rely on wandering. To pass the time.

On March 7, she returned to her room on the train, preparing to sort out the photos taken during this period. Some important photos were hung directly on her photo wall, but there were also some photos that were not the most important but were also very good. She was going to organize them for collection. In addition, she was also preparing outfits for the upcoming festivals and making some preparations for the Pinocchio party.

Of course, this preparation was not only for herself, she also prepared some for Pei Guang~

As for the stars? She originally wanted to play with Pei Guang, but before taking action, she suddenly received a message from Clara, so she went to play with Clara.

So Pei Guang was alone again this time, wandering around Luofu and wandering the streets.

Because there was no mission at all this time, and there was not much purpose, Pei Guang just peacefully enjoyed the beauty of the world that was completely different from his own.

"It is indeed the ninth art~ As a player, you have to experience this unique beauty~"

Pei Guang was lying on the railing watching the stars coming and going. But at this time, Pei Guang had a bold idea. Would he be killed if he jumped directly? The moment this thought appeared, Pei Guang had the idea of ​​committing suicide.

But after looking at the number of resurrections, Pei Guang decided to give up the idea of ​​seeking death. It stands to reason that with his current defense and health, he would not be killed, but judging from his many years of gaming experience, he could not die during the plot. It doesn’t mean that you won’t die if you wait for the plot. Some games don’t care what level you are, your defense, or your blood volume. You can die if you take two steps and break your feet. In this case, there is no need to try. It’s not worth it~

Just when Pei Guang was thinking about whether to commit suicide, someone suddenly found him.

"Hey, brother, are you a foreigner?"

The sound of "brother" made Pei Guang raise his head and look over. In front of him was a blond middle-aged man. From his clothes and appearance, he could tell that he was a foreigner.

"Yes! Brother, what's wrong? Do you need my help?"

Pei Guang became excited when he saw someone looking for him, and looking at Pei Guang's enthusiastic look, the middle-aged man Amos was frightened by the enthusiastic Pei Guang.

"Help...not really, but brother, you know what..."

The mysterious appearance of this man aroused Pei Guang's curiosity: "What do you know? Brother, do you know some inside information?"

Imos looked left and right, and after making sure no one was looking here, he whispered: "Brother, you call me Imos, what do you call me?"

Pei Guang: "Isn't this a coincidence? My name is Ultraman Ace."

Emmaus: "Brother Ace, do you want to know some inside information about Luofu?"

Pei Guang: "Of course! Brother, tell me in detail~"

Emmaus: "You know that Jianmu in Luofu has been revived this time, right? According to the official statement, it was the Lord of Extinction who brought trouble to Luofu, and Luofu's generals teamed up with the unknown guest of the star train to solve Jianmu. But in fact, the people here Things are not that simple. This incident in Luofu was caused by an organization called "The Secret of the King of Medicine", and the people in the Danding Division are all believers of the Secret of the King of Medicine. They themselves in Luofu still believe in the longevity plague and disaster ancestor. Leave this matter to the Lord of Extermination."

After listening to this person's words, Pei Guang thought about it for a while, feeling that it was correct but not entirely correct. He asked out of curiosity: "Oh? Brother? Is there anything you want to say or do? Can we skip this? Cumbersome background introduction, I know all this background, isn’t it because some people in the Alchemy Division are the secret followers of the King of Medicine, and these people are responsible for those demonic bodies.”

Aimos: "You know? That's easy to handle. Brother, you don't know how much suffering the turmoil in Luofu has caused our foreigners. After the incident, the personal safety and property security of our foreigners are basically Those who don’t have it are protected, you know? I also heard that Dan Dingsi is still using us as foreigners for experiments, and it doesn’t matter if we are bullied here.”

As he spoke, the middle-aged man started to cry, and Pei Guang looked at the various records in the system and nodded: "It's true. I also know about several cases where the King of Medicine secretly used foreigners for experiments. , they even turned these people into demonic bodies to destroy Luofu.”

Seeing that Pei Guang knew so many things, Imos became even more excited: "Because of this! We have contacted some foreigners and are going to go to the Danding Division to ask for an explanation. Since they, the Immortal Boat people, bully our foreigners like this, People, we need an explanation for whatever we say!”

The words "ask for an explanation" made Pei Guang even more excited: "I understand, this time the mission is to go to Danding Division with you to ask for an explanation for our foreigners, right? No problem, I will go with you, but this The reward for this action~"

Pei Guang made a universal gesture for asking for money, and looking at Pei Guang's gesture, Amos approached Pei Guang in a low voice: "No problem, brother, as long as it's done, you can get as much as you want, it depends on your ability. "

Pei Guang was stunned by this man's words. In so many years, was this the first time he encountered such a generous branch line? Just take it? What kind of difficulty does this mission have to be to get it casually?

But Pei Guang is not stupid. He feels that something is wrong with this mission: "No problem, but having said that, what is our specific mission? Is it just to seek justice? Is there any process?"

Aimos showed a mysterious smile: "Yes! When the time comes, we will go directly to the doctors of the Alchemy Division to ask for an explanation, so that more people can see the hypocrisy of the Xianzhou people. If they don't give us an explanation, we will let the immortals give us an explanation." Zhougesi knows how powerful we are.”

Pei Guang: "No problem! As long as the reward is ready, I guarantee that you will complete the task perfectly."

Pei Guang accepted the task. Seeing Pei Guang accept it, Amos took out a map of Dandingsi, pointed to the Xingcha Ferry in the north and said, "Let's just meet at Dandingsi this afternoon. , including you, there are hundreds of us. This time, we are not only fighting for justice for ourselves, but also for all foreigners to let them know that Di Gong Si Ming cannot eradicate the longevity plague, only Jin Mie can eradicate it. "Shouwen!"

Pei Guang turned very quickly. After hearing the last few words of the other party, he also shouted: "Only Jin is destroyed! Get rid of longevity plague!"

Seeing Pei Guang take the road like this, Amos nodded excitedly: "That's right! Only Jin Mie can eradicate the longevity plague. Brothers, it seems that we are of the same kind!"

Pei Guang: "Yes! For various reasons, I also want to see the Destruction Star God in person one day."

This is true. Ever since Xingzhan obtained the 'Waiting for You' light cone given by the Destruction Star God, Pei Guang has been thinking about issues related to the Destruction Star God, such as how to kill the Destruction Star God.

Looking for help from other star gods? Although there is cooperation with Memory, Pei Guangneng can confirm that Memory will never take action. Unless the Destruction Star God affects the Memory Star God's plan, the relationship between the Memory Star God and him is only cooperation.

Are you not familiar with the other star gods? Besides, Star Gods are mysterious. Pei Guang thinks that he may not encounter any Star Gods at this stage.

Seeing Pei Guang like this, Amos was surprised. He didn't expect that he would meet someone with the same belief on the street. Since they were people of the same belief, he thought he should give Pei Guang more authority.

"Good brother Ace! Since we believe in the same existence, let's do this! I will allocate some funds to you, and you can use this money to attract some people who want to seek justice from Xianzhou like you. Don't worry, no. I'll treat you badly. If you bring someone over, how about I give you 20,000 credits or 100 coins?"

Originally, Pei Guang thought that the other party just wanted to cause trouble while Luofu had just messed up, but after hearing these words, Pei Guang realized that the other party wanted to do more than just this.

But as a qualified player, there is no reason to refuse money when others give it to you: "No problem! I will bring more people over, but brother! Is there an upper limit on our funds?"

"No! Not at all. If you have the ability, you can pull a hundred or a thousand without any problem. We have enough funds."

"Hey! Brother! Let me ask, which path are you from?"

This sentence made Imos hesitate, but looking at Pei Guang's curious expression and recalling the pious look he had just given to the Star God of Destruction, he said seriously: "The Annihilation Gang! I'm just telling you, you Don’t tell anyone else!”

As he spoke, Amos became excited, and after listening to his last words, Pei Guang nodded: "Don't worry, I will never tell outsiders, I will try my best to bring people I know with me, Just prepare the funds, and I will listen to you when the time comes. Let’s find a place for the foreigners together!”

Imos: "Okay! I'm going to find someone else! Brother Ace! I'll bother you."

Pei Guang: "No problem!"

This time the plot didn't skip. Pei Guang, who was listening well, immediately understood the problem. The other party's tone didn't seem to mean that he was simply fighting for the rights of foreigners, but he also wanted to promote the destruction of the Star God? Or even cause trouble in Luofu? Or support from the Annihilation Gang? Did the Annihilation Gang come to Luofu to cause trouble?

But then I thought about it, good thing, this is a good thing! Why did I come to Luofu? Of course it was for tasks and more rewards. This looks like a mission that can be completed twice or a mission with important choices. If you don't do it in one wave, won't you lose blood?

Pei Guang was happy now, and he began to figure out how to beat the sap.

That's right, he was ready to sap everyone who invited him to do the task this time. Based on the results of previous tests, the task process and character strength will affect the results of finding corpses, so this task also needs to be done carefully and completed with the highest rating, so that better materials can be found for him.

Think about it again, the other party said there are hundreds of people, and at the same time, as long as you recruit people, you will get 20,000 credit points or 100 front dysprosium? Wouldn't this be a good time to gather some wool?

Thinking of this, Pei Guang decisively took out his mobile phone and contacted Dahao from the Diheng Division. He didn't know many people in the Diheng Division, but he only knew one Dahao.

The call was dialed, and as soon as Dahao on the other end got through, Pei Guang spoke first.

"Dahao? Is that you?"

"It's me! Is there anything you need me to do?"

Pei Guang: "I met someone here today. He said he was going to the Danding Division to help us find justice for the foreigners we transformed like this. But according to the information I obtained, these people are from the Annihilation Gang?"

What kind of person is Dahao, the deacon of the Earth Hengs Department? As soon as he heard Pei Guang's words, he knew that he had come to live. In fact, after Luofu was stabilized, he received reports that someone from the Annihilation Gang was going to cause trouble for Luofu, but there was no definite evidence and no definite clues.

He didn't expect Pei Guang to be able to find and capture these people. He was worthy of being the pioneer of the Star Train. The foreign aid General Jing Yuan invited was really too strong.

Dahao: "I understand! You want some manpower to arrest those guys, right? No problem!"

Dahao thought he had guessed what Pei Guang was thinking, but when Pei Guang said what he wanted to do, he was completely silent.

"No, I asked you to get me some 'Huawaimin' and follow me to Danding Division to seek justice. Just gather at Danding Division this afternoon. Remember, you must be like Huawaimin. Come and I will give you some How about ten thousand credits or fifty cents?”

Dahao: "?"

Dahao was silent for a moment and then asked in a low voice: "Pioneer, have you encountered a pyramid scheme?"

Pei Guang: "How is that possible? What I encountered was not a pyramid scheme, but the Annihilation Gang. Their people sent me a task, saying that if I recruit one person to help seek justice, give me some money. The more people there are, I will reward you. The better, please~ Help me get some foreigners to come to Danding Company to seek justice~"

Dahao didn't know what to say at this time. He is worthy of being a pioneer? How could he easily hang out with the members of the Annihilation Gang and even try to cause trouble in Luofu together?

But when he thought about it, he realized that the matter was not that simple. If he really wanted to get together with the Minie Gang and cause trouble in Luofu, why did he call himself? Yes! This is definitely part of the Pioneers' plan. The Pioneers are definitely not simply capturing the Oblivion Gang. He wants to come and seize the stolen goods, and even has a deeper intention against the Oblivion Gang?

When thinking of the other party's identity and what he did in Luofu, Dahao felt that he was not qualified to think about the plan in Pei Guang's head.

"I understand, we want to transform into foreigners, right? There will definitely be our transformed foreigners in Danding Division in the afternoon. Don't worry, no one will find out the flaw. A hundred people are not enough. Time is too urgent. I am here Only a hundred people can be mobilized."

If they were just spies, it would be okay. Pei Guang wanted to name Huawaimin. There were some Huawaimin spies in Luofu who were trained by the Diheng Division, and there were also some Xianzhou people who pretended to be very similar to Huawaimin. Xi Minato can only make up a hundred, but any more will not work.

Pei Guang: "A hundred? Less is still less, but less mosquitoes are still meat. Come in the afternoon! By the way, remember to ask them not to call me pioneer or my name. From now on, my name is Ace." "

Dahao: "Okay! I've remembered it. Don't worry, our people are professionally trained and we guarantee that we can complete your plan."

Pei Guang: "Okay! Thank you very much. When it's done, we'll split it 70-30."

Dahao: "Okay, okay! I wish your plan will be successful."

After Pei Guang hung up Dahao's call, he took out his cell phone and called Bronya: "Hey! Bronya, are you there?"

Bronya: "Yes, what's wrong with Aguang?"

Pei Guang: "Can you help me find some people? I want someone who looks like an ordinary person at first glance, but is very obedient to orders. I will need them in an hour. The more people, the better. How many can you gather?"

Bronya: "Huh? You want people? Don't obey orders? You can probably call more than a hundred people? Are you anxious? If you are not in a hurry, if I mobilize, there will be thousands of people gone in half a day." question…"

There are currently a group of new recruits in the Iron Guard camp. These recruits have not received much training. At present, they are just ordinary people with a little discipline and do not have many traces of training. Bronya thinks that these people are suitable.

Pei Guang: "The cucumbers and vegetables are already cold. Let's take it as a hundred! I'll let Xing tell you the details later. Anyway, as long as you can understand the orders~"

Bronya: "Don't worry, I guarantee it will meet your requirements."

Bronya didn't ask too much. If Pei Guang wanted someone, there must be something important. Although she couldn't think of what it was, she believed that Pei Guang would never make fun of these people's lives. He must have met someone. Urgent matters that require help.

After contacting everyone he could, Pei Guang nodded with satisfaction and prepared to go to the Diheng Division.

Being able to gather 200 people was already pretty good in Pei Guang's opinion. One person had 20,000 credit points, and following them around in the afternoon would be 4 million credit points. Pei Guang wants to complete the task left by Imos, but while completing the task, he also has to gather the wool. After finishing the sheep, he will also lick the corpses of Imos himself and the people he brought.

With such a complex and difficult task process, Pei Guang felt that this person could definitely give him a good deal.

Chapter 288: The Annihilation Gang that can be used to make money

Pei Guang plucked left and right, and when he emptied his backpack in the afternoon, he gathered around 300 people from Belloberg and Luofu. Of course, Pei Guang was not idle during this period. He organized his storage space, left some necessary items, and came with a lot of empty containers in the empty space.

If the three hundred or so people dispersed in Dandingsi, they might not even be able to find anyone, but it was still a bit scary to gather together. Under Pei Guang's command, everyone stood together in groups for the time being.

When these people from Luofu saw the people brought by Pei Guang, they came over curiously?

The Xianzhou man disguised as a foreigner said: "Old Tie, are you also the person brought by Ace?"

Oleg, who was temporarily captured as a young man and came to be the leader of the Belloberg Volunteer Group: "Ace? Oh oh oh!"

Oleg didn't get used to this name. After a moment of reaction, he smiled and said, "Yeah! He said he needs our help for something. Of course we old bones have to help. He also said we don't need to pretend? Just follow our instructions. Just live my normal life. But having said that, I never thought that I would be able to leave the planet we live in and come to another world one day."

Most people do not leak information about other planets, but Bronya explained to Oleg that it would be funny if the leader of the team did not know the specific information and had bad effects due to various accidents.

Immortal Boatman in disguise: "Oh? Then where are you from?"

Oleg: "Belloberg, Yalilo No. 6~ Hey, our place is about to hold a large-scale festival with the help of Wu Mingke, big brother, come here!"

The disguised Xianzhou man: "No problem, brother! Let's exchange contact information. I will definitely go over to support you during the festival."

Oleg: "Hahaha! Okay! But having said that, big brother, do you know what he called us here for? I don't know the specific content yet..."

The disguised fairy boatman: "Who knows~"

The mysterious masked blue hair: "Hey! You two, we are chatting~ You don't know the specific content, but I have heard about it."

"You... Sambo? Why are you here? Weren't you arrested?"

Oleg immediately recognized Sambo's voice. Sambo looked left and right and whispered: "Hey, after investigation, it was determined to be a misunderstanding, so I let me go. It's a pity, they are obviously forcing me to I was forced to admit it, but I didn’t dare to give me a sentence~ It’s so boring~ Shh! I heard that this time there was an opportunity to make a lot of money, so I came. As expected of Ace! These old friends."

This time, Sangbo didn't sneak in secretly, but came over openly and openly, going to Luofu to cause trouble and plunder the gang's wool. Only Pei Guang could do this kind of thing, and he, Sangbo, naturally wanted to help. As for being let go, Sambo wanted to scold him for being cheated. He admitted these things and still wanted to see the company's funny expressions, but someone reported him as the Masked Fool?

Well, once the term "Masked Fool" came out, it would be difficult to judge this matter. Then Plante said that I have a lot of people and I don't care about the pawns, so he was let go. No, as soon as the front legs were released, the back legs found out that they were having fun. Sambo was so cute that she secretly complained to the bad guy who didn't want him to experience the pleasure. But Sambo also swore that if he knew any bad guy who didn't let his cold-legged uncle experience pleasure, he would kick that person's ass hard.

Oleg frowned, but then he thought of Sambo's character and laughed and cursed: "You kid, be careful, you are really going to mess it up..."

Sangbo: "Screwed up? How is it possible? Don't you know it yet? Sangbo never breaks his promise to me. Since he promised to help, he must come to help! Besides, he is~ Hey, I can't say, I can't say ~Don’t worry, old Sangbo, I will never mess around until I have the ability to escape~ Hehe.”

While communicating with each other and getting to know each other, looking far away, I saw Pei Guang and a group of people chatting energetically. There were also a lot of people brought by Amos, and there were also navy soldiers invited by outsiders. There are more than 600 people who fish in troubled waters.

Some of these people have a kind of crazy aura, which most people would not dare to approach. At this time, Amos stood in front of Pei Guang and said something. ‘

"Brother Ace, it's okay! We actually got so many people here?"

Pei Guang: "That's right! I've long disliked Luofu, but then again, our funds~"

Emmaus: "It's easy to talk about! It's over, give it per head! But let me talk about our plan this time. This time we will go to the old site of Danding Division and shout slogans there. When the time is right, From now on, let’s follow the footsteps of Jin Mie~”

The so-called following refers to destruction. The Annihilation Gang plans to cause turmoil in Luofu. This is a very good opportunity for the Annihilation Gang to promote themselves. After all, the previous wave of attacks by the Star Core Hunters has reduced their prestige in the universe. If we don't improve our prestige, the Annihilation Gang will become a third-rate organization that anyone can step on.

Pei Guang shook his head and refused: "We'll talk about it later after following Jin Mie's words. You said you would get it later, but your words are unfounded. If it doesn't work, you have to make an IOU, right?"

"IOU? I don't need it, right?" Imos said with some hesitation.

Pei Guang interrupted directly: "It's just this little money, don't tell me, you're going to keep it for yourself!"

Listening to Pei Guang's words, Aimos shook his head hastily: "No, but brother, I like you and I can see that you are very capable, so I will give you a thorough explanation here."

Amos raised his head, looked left and right, and then whispered: "Seeing as you have brought more than 300 people, let's count it as 350 people. This time, the funds approved by the higher authorities are 20 million credits." Yeah, 20,000 yuan per person is more than enough, but who knows how many people will come in after this time? We can’t give it to those who come in, right? Then we can use the remaining money..."

Pei Guang is so smart. When he heard the other party's plan, his eyes lit up: "Brother! You are really a good brother. If that's the case, then let all these people go in. The money will only belong to me, so that's it. But. No way! These people are not willing to give in, and I don’t know how to get the money. How about you give me an IOU before taking action? How about the company publishes an annual interest rate of 5%? After settlement, there is an IOU, and these people have seen the guarantee, and they feel confident when they move. However, this contract will expire next month, and we will not cheat you on the interest rate. "

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