The tail is the one who feels it most obviously. Yesterday she was just a crying little girl, but today she was led around by Pei Guang, and she has changed so much.

You want to say change? No, it's just that Huo Hao simply believes in Pei Guang, and what Pei Guang teaches is really useful. Plus with Pei Guang present, Hao Hao feels like he has a backbone.

The tail always controlled her body, and she didn't know what happened after every mission. Although the people from the Ten Kings Division taught her many skills, Pei Guang would never be able to help her out every time she used them. Help from someone who won't interfere with her will.

It's not that the people of the Ten Kings Division don't want to help, it's that the enemies they face have no chance to do so. Every action taken by the Ten Kings Division requires everyone's full concentration, and it can't be done just for fun like Pei Guang.

Xue Yi noticed the changes in Huo Huo. It was different from before. Now the toilet pusher in his right hand and the coffee bottle in his left hand gave Huo Huo a very confident feeling, and even the fear in his eyes was much less.

Looking at this scene, Xue Yi showed a smile: "Huo Huo, you have grown up."

Tails: "Hey~ If this continues, I will be unemployed and I will be useless~"

Huo Huo: "Uncle Tai will not be useless. With Uncle Tai here, I can feel at ease~"

Tails: "Thank you!"

However, just when Huo Huo was feeling proud, the sound of floating smoke came from the air.

"Not bad! Not bad! It's really much easier to move around with you!"

At this moment in the air, Fu Yan looked at everyone and shouted: "Hahaha! Unknown guest Pei Guang? Thank you for defeating the puppet controlled by Yan Yan, which greatly weakened Yan Yan's strength! Now, I should let you see it , my true strength.”

When he said this, all the Suiyang in Suiyuan was being absorbed by the floating smoke that suddenly appeared. While it was being absorbed, Pei Guang looked at the floating smoke and asked doubtfully: "I have a question. "Where have you been hiding along the way?"

Hearing Pei Guang's inquiry, Fu Yan said proudly: "Me? Of course I'm hiding above your heads. You humans! You never take the initiative to look at the sky."

Fuyan was proud and mocked at the same time. After leaving the illusion, Fuyan ran away while a few people were distracted. Instead of running around, it flew directly upwards.

Originally, it wanted to fly high and then hide, but it found that after it ran away, Pei Guang and his group were not in a hurry, and no one looked at the sky, so it followed him in the sky all the way.

While observing the fighting style of Pei Guang and his party, he waited for them to weaken Xie Yan. Now that Xie Yan has been weakened, it has become the strongest of all Suiyang.

And it also absorbed the power of Yan Yan at this moment. Its own strength plus the power of Yan Yan made it stronger. At this moment, the powerful floating smoke began to absorb the power of all Suiyang in the entire Suiyuan.

Its body is expanding and its strength is getting stronger. When all the Sui Yang that can be gathered are gathered together, it will absorb all the life in Suiyuan until it finally fights Luofu's general again.

Along the way, it has memorized all of Pei Guang's fighting methods, weird coffee, and special lurks. These were fine for the first time, but from Fu Yan's point of view, how could he be effective against them since he was wary?

As for those hot weapons? When it was weak, it could be bullied, but now it feels invincible.

Thinking of this, Fu Yan couldn't help but said: "Hahaha! Unknown guest? Judge of the Ten Kings Division? Today I will let you see my invincible figure!"

Fu Yan felt so proud at the thought of being able to deal with Pei Guang and the others.

Originally, Xing was a little nervous watching this scene, but when Fu Yan said the word invincible, Xing suddenly laughed.

"Aguang! Listen! It says it is invincible."

Pei Guang: "Calm down! It has already debuffed itself. It is finished. But Huo Huo, are you okay?"

At this moment, the floating smoke was still absorbing the surrounding Suiyang, and watching this scene, Huo Huo's little confidence that she had accumulated was gone, and she became afraid again.

"I, I'm okay..."

Tails: "She's not good at all. Look at her being like a bear and being frightened. It's so funny~"

Tai Wei always remembered to hurt Huo Huo, but when Pei Guang saw Huo Huo like this, he asked: "Huo Huo, are you afraid?"

Hearing Pei Guang's question, Hao Hao nodded, but she still gritted her teeth and persisted.

Pei Guang first looked at Fu Yan. Now Fu Yan was in the transformation stage. Although he was not invincible, Pei Guang was too lazy to interrupt. This is not because Pei Guang wants to find a good opponent for himself, but because Pei Guang keeps it useful.

Looking at Huo Huo's performance, Pei Guang patted her shoulder: "It's okay, I understand. Huo Huo, do you believe me?"

Listening to Pei Guang's inquiry, Hao Hao nodded. Although they had known each other for a short time, her trust in Pei Guang was very high. Among them is the influence of the Xianzhou Alliance's favorable impression of Pei Guang, and the influence of what Pei Guang did with Huo Huo after they met.

Seeing that Pei Guang had finished sucking Suiyang and was about to retaliate, Pei Guang squatted down, stretched his left arm behind Huo Hao's butt, and hugged Hao Hao.

"Hey hey hey!!!"

Huo Huo's face turned red instantly, and Tai Tai said in a bad tone: "You kid! What are you going to do to Huo Huo?"

Pei Guang: "Don't be nervous, I won't do anything to you. Believe me, but also believe in yourself."

Huo Huo: "I...believe you, but I..."

Pei Guang: "Don't say anything. Just do whatever I ask you to do later. Remember, you are countless times more powerful than you think."

At this time, Fuyan's big eyeball had absorbed all the Suiyang it could absorb. It was proud, it shouted, and it looked at Pei Guang, who was walking over with Huo Huo in his arms, and mocked him.

"Oh? Are you approaching me? Do you want to use this little girl and your tail to please me? Well~ I have a lot of them. If you give these two to me, and then kneel down and kowtow to me a few times, I can Let you leave Suiyuan.”

Pei Guang did not reply to it, but summoned the Creation Engine. Looking at the Creation Engine that came out, Sui Yang mocked again: "No way, right? The famous Wu Ming Ke doesn't think that a mere golden man can do it. Hurt me?"

Pei Guang: "I didn't intend to hurt you with this, I just..."

Creation Engine stretched out his hand to lift up Pei Guang, who was holding Huo Huo. Seeing Pei Guang and Huo Huo being lifted in front of him, Fu Yan was not afraid at all, because at this moment it felt that its power had reached its peak.

It can clearly sense that the power in Pei Guang's body can be shattered with a pinch. Although the star core in the star is difficult to deal with, it can also deal with it. Now it has a sure chance of victory. It believes that except for the general of Luofu, no one is its opponent. Under the general, it is invincible.

It was curious, what was Pei Guang doing when he brought this little girl to him? Toilet scraper? It doesn't matter! Could it be that Pei Guang came to it and asked Huo Hao to stab it with a toilet spoon? It's not that he's bragging. This method was enough to deal with him when he was weak, but now he's not afraid of the toilet pusher at all.

At this time, Huo Huo had completely buried his head in Pei Guang's arms. When Pei Guang saw that he was only a few dozen centimeters away from the floating smoke, Pei Guang spoke: "Huo Huo, look up!"

Huo Huo raised her head obediently, but when she opened her eyes and saw the big eyeballs close at hand, she almost fainted from fright if Pei Guang hadn't been holding them.

Fuyan was still watching with interest what Pei Guang was going to do. Although Fuyan wanted to eat all the people here, it also wanted to see what flowers Pei Guang was going to make.

Feeling that Fu Yan did not make a move, Pei Guang hugged Huo Huo calmly: "Come! Huo Huo! Give it two slaps."

Huo Huo: "Huh?"

Huo Huo was frightened by this order, but she remembered what Pei Guang had said before, and Pei Guang had built up confidence for her along the way. It was this confidence and trust that made her physically fit when she was extremely frightened. Move subconsciously.

"Pah, pah!"

Chapter 279 The shattered floating smoke

Huo Huo's two slaps silenced everyone, and at the same time as Huo Huo took action, Pei Guang put on the light cone of "I'll Kick It Up", and at the same time stretched out his palm and slapped Fu Yan's mouth.


Accompanying the slap was Pei Guang's cheerful voice. After Hao Hao slapped him down, he put away the Creation Engine and ran away.

Huo Huo had already used up all her courage to slap her twice. After these two slaps, she felt that her body was going weak. But when she heard Pei Guang say "hey" and saw Pei Guang hugging her and running away, She suddenly felt... very happy inside.

As Pei Guang ran, his tail also popped out: "Okay, you are good at messing with people's mentality, let alone smoke and mirrors. When I think about it, I feel annoyed."

Pei Guang: "That's right! I've always been good at messing with people's mentality, Huo Hao, I'm going to let you go next, don't worry, this guy has been ridiculed by me."

Pei Guang's light cone can greatly increase the taunt value, but unfortunately Fuyan does not have a physical butt, and Pei Guang's specific weakness is not known, so he cannot activate uninterrupted taunts.

But this wave of double taunts with Huo Huo basically put Fu Yan's hatred firmly on himself. As for what happens next, it depends on what Huo Huo will do.

At this time, everyone felt the terrifying momentum from the floating smoke. At the same time, with the floating smoke as the center, a powerful suction force covered the entire Suiyuan.

"I am going to kill you!!!"

Fuyan's angry voice spread throughout Suiyuan, and his anger made people living in the nearby caves feel his emotions.

However, Pei Guang seemed unaffected. He put Huo Hao on the ground and twisted it up: "Hahahaha? Why are you so serious? Wuhu~ Hahahaha~ The prank has begun~ The target of the prank this time~ is you. ~Hahahaha~"

Pei Guang's twist was the same as the one he had just done with Huo Huo. This dance could not only improve his luck, but also be used to ridicule him. It was perfect.

Pei Guang was seen twisting and taunting, and after taunting, he raised his middle finger with both hands at the same time. The demonic laughter, the sarcasm of the dance, the sarcasm of the movements, and the sarcasm of the tone made the string of reason in Fuyan's consciousness collapse.

At this moment, it felt like it not only heard Pei Guang's ridicule, but also seemed to see a lot of masks laughing happily at it.

"Kill you!"

Fuyan also found that his attraction could not affect Pei Guang. In this case, it chose to rush directly and kill Pei Guang with absolute power.

Looking at the floating smoke rushing towards him, Pei Guang was very calm. He first took out a bag of thin garbage from his backpack, threw it in the direction of the floating smoke, then turned around and ran away.

This bag of garbage accurately hit Fu Yan's big eyeball. When the garbage was released, the expressions of Xue Yi and Huo Huo froze. Even the expressions of those watching were frozen, and one can imagine the mood of the person involved.

"Ah!!! Ah!!!"

Fu Yan made a sound like a groundhog. It had had enough and wanted to tear Pei Guang into pieces. Looking at Pei Guang running away, there was nothing in his mind at this moment, and he rushed out directly after Pei Guang.

Pei Guang continued to taunt as he ran: "Aha~ Why are you so serious? Hahahaha~ Let's go, let's go~"

Fuyan: "Don't run away if you can~"

Pei Guang: "Go, go, go~ You can't catch up with me, you can't catch up with me~"

Within a few seconds, Pei Guang and Fu Yan disappeared.

When the scene completely calmed down, Hao Hao realized what he was doing and whispered: "Mr. Aguang seems to be in danger..."

It's strange. It must have been so scary that my legs were shaking at this time before, but after being taken around by Pei Guang to play around today, Huo Hao found that he wasn't so scared now. Especially after seeing the rubbish thrown out by Fu Yan and mocking her, she even had a strange emotion that she didn't realize she had.

While Huo Huo was speaking, Xing came over with a baseball bat: "It's not a big problem! A Guang said that he has rich experience in hiding ghosts. It's impossible for Suiyang to find it. But we can't do it either. Looking at it, I feel like Aguang can’t handle this guy alone, so we might have to find a way to help him.”

Xue Yi: "I...I don't have a good way to deal with it..."

The Ten Kings did have the means to suppress Suiyang, but Fuyan's Suiyang was too strong, and there was simply not enough time to acquire weapons and equipment against Suiyang in a short period of time. After a long time, Pei Guang's body may have turned into ashes?

Xing's eyes flashed with wisdom: "Of course you can't do it by yourself, but there are four of us here."

Huo Huo: "Four? Me, you, Master Xueyi? Who else?"

Tails: "Does that need to be said? Of course it's me! Right?"

Xing nodded: "That's right! We are four people. Since we are four people, it is a standard team!"

Huo Huo interjected: "What about Mr. A Guang?"

Xing: "He is the fifth in the four-person team, ahem! Don't worry, Aguang is also a member of our gang,"

Xue Yi: "Then how do we deal with it?"

Xing took out the thermal weapon made by Pei Guang to attack monsters and monsters. Since Pei Guang said it was useful, she believed that it was useful.

From the moment Pei Guang took action, Xing noticed an extra row of thermal weapons in the public storage space. These were the special attack weapons against ghosts that Pei Guang showed off to her and March Qi during the day.

In the previous environment, this thing did cause considerable damage to Suiyang, but the size of the floating smoke at that time was too small, and many attacks could not hit it. But things are different now. With such big eyeballs, Xing feels like he can hit them with the RPG provided by Pei Guang with his eyes closed.

At this time, Xing took out one after another the thermal weapons specially prepared by Pei Guang to deal with ghosts or Suiyang. Looking at these weapons, Huo Hao swallowed: "Are these things really useful?"

Xing nodded: "Of course it works. This is an efficient item specially ordered by Aguang. It has been tried before and it can cause damage. If it can cause damage, it proves that the opponent has a health bar. Even a god can kill and play with it if he has a health bar!" Okay, don’t be confused. Don’t let A Guang wait too long for quick equipment, otherwise A Guang may really be eaten. But this alone is not enough. The one who can deal with Sui Yang professionally is you, Huo Hao, me. He and Aguang will help you hold Suiyang down. As for how much damage it can cause, it’s up to you..."

Huo Huo: "I...can I?"

Xing nodded: "Of course! According to what A Guang often said, this is your unique growth mission. Since it is your mission, you must be the one who can play the greatest role!"

After waking up, Xing had played a lot of games. In addition, Pei Guang was also able to talk about some things. Xing was already able to arrange some things according to Pei Guang's ideas.

At this moment, Xing was very proud. Although they didn't get along for a long time, she learned a lot from Pei Guang.

Huo Huo: "I...I understand. I will use everything Mr. Aguang taught me."

Xing: "That's okay, let's go! Let's take action~!"

While Xing was distributing equipment on the spot and preparing to attack Fu Yan, Fu Yan on the other side chased Pei Guang left and right, and suddenly found that Pei Guang had disappeared.

"Damn it! Don't think I can't find you if you hide!"

Fuyan is so angry right now, it wants to break Pei Guang's body into thousands of pieces, but the prerequisite for breaking the body into pieces is to find Pei Guang and kill him. But who knows where Pei Guang went, he just turned around and disappeared.

It flew high in the sky and carefully searched for Pei Guang's figure, but just like Pei Guang and the others did not raise their heads before, the floating smoke did not notice the garbage bin in the middle of the road.

That's right, the moment Pei Guang entered the garden, he took out a trash can and got in. Where are the trash cans? Of course it's in the middle of the road.

In the entire small courtyard, the garbage bin was large and unsightly, but Xiang Fuyan didn't suspect it at all after seeing it. The truth is that the bigger it is, the more reasonable it is, the more outrageous it is, the safer it is, and the more dangerous it is, the safer it is.

Fu Yan stared at the garden for a long time, but she didn't notice what was wrong with this trash can that was completely inconsistent with Luofu Xianzhou's painting style. She even thought that Pei Guang was hiding in some secret place, so he went close to look for it in the woods.

Pei Guang saw Floating Smoke looking through the gap in the trash can and watched the show calmly. However, as he watched, he found that Xing's actions on the mini-map had stopped. At the same time, he also saw a cannonball in the storage space. Entering and exiting for a while, Pei Guang knew at this moment that Xing had made preparations and today's special boss battle could begin.

"Hey~ look behind you~ the prank begins~" The moment Pei Guang was sure that he could start attacking, he got out of the trash can and started taunting.

"Haha, you finally came out, you are dead today."

The floating smoke flew towards Pei Guang, and it made Pei Guang understand the terror of Suiyang.

Facing the flying smoke, Pei Guang did not rush to attack because he knew that Xing had already taken action. Besides Xing, he also saw Hao Huo not far away sneaking towards here with his own flag. .

Seeing the trembling appearance of Huo Huo not far away, Pei Guang knew that she was scared, but while she was scared, Huo Huo used what Pei Guang taught her to sneak around, and she wanted to give Fu Yan a big one.

Fuyan launched an attack, and while Huohuo was sneaking away, Xing, who was further away, found that the time had come and started to attack.


Along with the sound of gas in the stars, the sound of roaring cannonballs passing through the air came from Suiyuan. At this moment, Sui Yang, who was looking for Pei Guang, realized something was wrong.

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