Tails: "Just listen to me. Your excessive use of this weapon will make you overly dependent on it. What if one day this weapon is gone? Kneel on the ground crying and begging for mercy?"

Huo Huo looked at the flag that had been decorated with special effects by Pei Guang, his eyes filled with hope: "You're right, I can't rely too much on this, Uncle Tai, I promise you, I will only use this in times of danger."

Tails held back a smile that could make him laugh internally, and said seriously: "Ahem! That's right. Anyway, remember, don't use this in front of those judges and those other than the pioneers. The lethality is too strong, it’s too scary, pff~"

At this moment, Pei Guang and Xing came here. Seeing Huo Hao happily holding the flag, Xing spoke first: "Oh? Did you catch this year-old Yang Huo? It's really amazing. ”

Listening to Xing's praise, Uncle Tai asked curiously: "Huh? Don't you think something is wrong?"

Xing: "Huh? Something's wrong?"

Xing looked around carefully, and finally looked at Huo Huo: "No? Is there something wrong with Huo Huo catching Sui Yang? Anyway, I didn't see it, A Guang, what about you?"

Pei Guang also looked at Huo Hao and frowned: "Something's wrong? It's true. We've arrested Sui Yang now. Why hasn't this ghost beaten the wall disappeared yet?"

Pei Guang had no feeling at all about the Sui Yang on the toilet lever. Compared to the toilet lever, the mere purple light effect could not make Pei Guang make any waves. Besides, for my companions and friends, wouldn’t the weirder the weapon, the more powerful it would be? Pei Guang was happy with Huo Huo's weird weapons. After all, in various games, a truly strong player must have his own outfit.

Thinking of this, Pei Guang suddenly wanted to give Hao Hao a piece of the Platinum Son's headgear.

Chapter 276 Huo Huo: "Sit down and kill the master! Activate!"

Although Huo Huo is still a little scared now, looking at Sui Yang who was caught by him on his flag, Huo Huo felt a little confident in his heart.

"Thank you, Mr. Pei Guang..."

Huo Huo expressed her gratitude to Pei Guang, because she understood that without the so-called weapon special effects given by Pei Guang, she would have no chance of defeating this terrible guy.

Pei Guang: "You're welcome, there's more! You don't have to be so polite."

Xing nodded and said: "Just call A Guang by his name, or follow our example and just call him A Guang. Remember, never call me big brother!"

Huo Huo: "Hey? Why?"

Xing said seriously: "In A Guang's world, this big brother seems to have a little ambiguity~ Anyway, A Guang has emphasized this matter many times."

Pei Guang looked at Xing: "You can remember many things if I emphasize them, but why can't you help me remove the debuff~"

Xing put his hands on his hips and said proudly: "Because I did it on purpose!"

Pei Guang clapped his hands: "Okay, okay! As expected of you, it seems that today I have no choice but to kill my relatives out of justice!"

Xing: "What? You want to kiss me~ Hmm~ I'm a little embarrassed~"

Seeing the two people having fun, Huo Hao said nervously: "Isn't it the time to play here? We should find a way to get out, right?"

Pei Guang: "Ah? Can't we get out? You've arrested Suiyang, and you still can't get out?"

Huo Huo: "I don't know either... It's possible that this Suiyang didn't do it here, but another Suiyang did it. It was just caught accidentally?"

Hearing these words, Xing took a breath and turned to look at Pei Guang: "So, we beat the wrong person?"

Pei Guang said seriously: "It's not a big problem. Since we beat the wrong one, we'll beat the next Suiyang who appears. Besides, we have to help Huo Huo collect ten Suiyangs to make a transformer for him."

Xing looked at Pei Guang: "That's very good, so how do we get out?"

Pei Guang: "The worst case scenario is to use teleportation directly, but I personally suggest that we stay for a while. After all, it is definitely not easy for a guy who can create such a space."

While Pei Guang and Xing were communicating, Hao Hao, who was listening carefully, suddenly noticed something was wrong. Sui Yang on her flag seemed to be moving.

"Everyone, this Suiyang... seems to be waking up! Let me bake it. I have experience in baking Suiyang."

Huo Huo's voice interrupted the exchange between Pei Guang and Xing. Pei Guang turned his head and looked at Sui Yang on Huo Huo's flag. At this moment, Fu Yan suddenly opened his eyes as if he felt something and looked towards Pei Guang.

"Uncle! You are my uncle! I was wrong, I was really wrong! I did not create this space, and I did not play guessing games with you!!!"

The awakened Fu Yan immediately floated to Pei Guang's side to admit his mistake, and continued to say: "I don't have the ability to create this confusing environment. The one who created it is called Yan Yan, not me Fu Yan!"

Looking at Fu Yan with a mean tone in front of him, Pei Guang touched his chin and looked at Fu Yan and asked, "Oh? Then why does that person named Yan Yan have such a thing here? To create such an illusion in this place, Wouldn’t this thing be more effective in the city than here?”

Huo Huo looked at Pei Guang: "Are they doing team building?"

“Team building is so real.”

Hearing these words, Fu Yan fell silent. After a moment of silence, she proudly said: "This is not team building. We are gathered here because a thousand years ago, this piece of Suiyuan was once the site of the Great Sui Yang Liaoyuan and the The battlefield where a certain Luofu general fought fiercely. The oven was broken and Suiyang fled. The fragments of Suiyang that once formed the prairie fire all returned with the long-cherished wish to fight the general again. "

When Fu Yan said this, Pei Guang turned his attention to Xing and Huo Huo: "So that's it. He wanted to come back to find trouble after losing. Let me tell you, next he should brag about his battle with General Luofu. If we tell it the truth, it will think we are bragging."

Fu Yan originally wanted to refute, but when it heard Pei Guang's words, it looked like it had seen a ghost.

"How do you know what I'm going to say?"

Pei Guang spread his hands: "I don't have to guess what you want to say."

Huo Huo also nodded and said: "Many fantasy plays have this kind of plot..."

Tails also appeared and agreed: "Yes, when I watched it with her, there were too many plots like this...I feel embarrassed if you say it now."

Although Wei Wei was displeased by the people around him, compared to the people around him, the thing he disliked the most was Fu Yan, which gave him a bad feeling. As Huo Huo's uncle, he despises the most evil-minded people.

The tail even decided secretly that if one day he was truly free, he would swallow the floating smoke first. What? Huo Huo? This little guy who can't even fit between his teeth is not worthy of being eaten by him~ Huh~

Fuyan was embarrassed at this moment. Because of embarrassment, it quickly changed the topic.

"Hmph, not all Suiyang fragments were captured in the Creation Furnace in the original war. I thought you escaped, Uncle Tai, but I didn't expect you to be subdued by this little fox girl. It's really hilarious. "

After hearing these words, Tai Wei also became angry. He looked at Fu Yan unkindly: "Are you awesome? How could you be subdued by her if you are so awesome? Oh, I can see clearly that you are being subdued by her. The toilet pusher pokes you from beginning to end, and you are like a lump in the toilet, made submissive by the toilet pusher. "

Fu Yan: "You are looking for death!"

Tails: "Hmph! Huo Huo! Go ahead and stab it to death with your toilet spatula!"

As he spoke, his tail flew to Huo Huo and shook the flag in Huo Huo's hand. Looking at the flag in Huo Huo's hand, Fu Yan's entire Suiyang was frozen in place. Looking at such a terrifying thing, Fu Yan's body Shocked! But soon it started to mock.

"Are you embarrassed to accuse me? Aren't you also subdued by this little girl?"

Tails: "Me? Humph! Huo Huo, come and tell it how I was subdued."

The tail is so proud at this moment! I think at the beginning, he still felt that the way he was subdued was embarrassing, but now looking at Fu Yan, he is so awesome, okay?

Pei Guang and Xing looked at Huo Huo curiously, and Huo Huo recalled aggrievedly: "When I was young, I once saw a dying fire in a corner of Luofu. I was heartbroken at that time. So he put it on my tail. As a result, I didn’t expect that the tail man would eat me. Fortunately, the judges showed up in time, and I must have shed tears when I regretted it over the years. There was water in my head when I was making decisions.”

Tails muttered dissatisfied at this time: "Isn't it too hard to say that I ate it? Besides, if I hadn't been unconscious at the time, would I have eaten a little thing like yours that can't fit between my teeth?"

Listening to Huo Huo's self-narration, Pei Guang just praised: "Okay! It's a golden sentence when you say it. I remember this sentence. I didn't expect that you, Huo Huo, are so cute~"

Huo Huo: "!!!"

Pei Guang looked at Huo Huo with a smile: "Okay, okay~ I sincerely praise you for being so cute. I don't know what you were like before, but until now, when I see you, the Huo Huo in my eyes is a person who knows fear but is still afraid." The lovely girl who moves forward bravely and uses her own will and determination to defeat Suiyang.”

Huo Huo: "Huh? Really?"

Huo Huo was a little unhappy at first, but after hearing this compliment, her heart suddenly brightened.

Tails: "Okay, okay, please stop saying a few words. Besides, her tail is already raised to the sky."

Xing looked at Tai Tai: "Aren't you her Tai Tai?"

Tails: "Me! I said you two are talking like this? Aren't you afraid of being beaten to death?"

Pei Guang recalled seriously: "Don't be afraid, because everyone who wanted to kill us was killed by us."


Pei Guang: "But now is not the time. Let's think about how to get out now. This Suiyang looks useless, let's find a way ourselves."

Fu Yan: "Who is useless? I..."

Fu Yan wanted to say something else, but when it saw Huo Hao's toilet pusher, Xing's RPG and Pei Guang's flamethrower, it fell silent. None of these three people is easy to mess with. It doesn't want to be stabbed by the toilet twang again. This feeling is too painful.

Xing Ze looked at Pei Guang: "Then what should we do?"

Pei Guang thought deeply: "Let's look around! We entered here through a mirror, so there should be a mirror through which we can go out. If it's not a mirror, it means we can defeat someone. If not, we can Let’s just use our own methods to get out.”

Pei Guang is very calm now that he has a way to get out. However, considering that there is still a lot of time before the end of today, in order to avoid various accidents, Pei Guang decided to keep as many teleportations as he can.

The possibility of an accident on my side is small, but there are many people on the earth side saying that if something happens on the earth side and I run out of teleports, it won't be fun.

Listening to Pei Guang's explanation, Huo Huo listened carefully. She found that her luck seemed to have improved in the short time she had known Pei Guang. Because of this, she wanted to write down everything Pei Guang said so that she might face him in the future. It can be used by monsters and monsters.

Pei Guang took the lead and explored the maze. Not to mention, after walking around for a few times, a few people actually discovered the puzzle. The puzzle was very simple. It was nothing more than breaking the jar to open the door, and opening the treasure box to open the door. .

If there are no hints, Pei Guang can only rely on the exhaustive method to solve the mechanism. However, during the exploration process, Pei Guang discovered that each puzzle has hints. The hints are very simple and are almost level 7+. A puzzle of this level seems like They are worried that the people who are imprisoned will not be able to get out.

This made Pei Guang pay more attention to Fuyan, because he always had a feeling that this was a space carefully designed for outsiders, but the designer may not have expected that this time it would be him, a player.

While Pei Guang was thinking about whether Fu Yan might be the mastermind and whether he should kill him in advance, when they opened a new door, the group saw a mirror.

Huo Huo: "Look, there is a mirror here. Ah Guang, your guess is really accurate~"

Seeing this mirror, Pei Guang put what he was thinking deep in his heart, and looked at everyone with pride: "Look! There is a mirror here. Experience tells us that through this mirror, we can definitely find the departure." clues.”

While the people here were chatting, a voice came from the other side of the mirror: "Is this voice... Huo Huo and Pei Guang? Come here."

Pei Guang: "Huh? Xue Yi's voice? Did she find out that we were missing and found the mirror we came in from?"

Hearing Pei Guang's voice, Xue Yi on the other side of the mirror suddenly felt relaxed: "It's great that you're all right. Sui Yuan has been swallowed up by a force from an unknown source. Be careful."

Pei Guang: "Don't you know the origin? We caught a Suiyang here. It said that this confusing space was created by a Suiyang named Yan Yan. Could it be him?"

Xue Yi: "I don't know. The top priority is to rescue you from the maze. Come on! Go through the mirror and come here."

Huo Huo: "Master Xueyi, we are coming over right now."

While speaking, Huo Hao went in first, and Xing looked at Pei Guang and asked worriedly: "Is there going to be any problem?"

Pei Guang: "What's the problem? If we had the ability to kill us instantly, we wouldn't have created such a space to trap us. We would have done it long ago. Only those who have no ability rely on words to bluff people, hoping that we are afraid of exposing our flaws. Let's go." ! Let’s go over and see what it’s like.”

The group of people passed through the mirror. After passing through the mirror, the group of people came to an empty space.

Huo Huo looked at the environment here and said subconsciously: "Are we... coming to the sky above Suiyuan?"

Pei Guang shook his head: "It doesn't look like it, we should still be inside."

Huo Huo looked left and right and saw three bronze mirrors inside: "So many mirrors..."

Seeing this scene, Fu Yanjian swished closer and said, "With so many bronze mirrors, could it be said that..."

Pei Guang: "It must be this environment that prevents us from leaving!"

Tails: "You're right, this place is constantly changing, trying to prevent us from leaving."

Xing looked at Pei Guang: "What should we do? Let's just find a side and crash in?"

Huo Huo suggested: "How about we... take a look one by one?"

Pei Guang began to ponder: "Logically speaking, it is indeed a good idea to look at them one by one, but! This is too slow, and how can you judge whether it is true or false?"

Huo Huo became nervous: "Then, what should we do?"

Pei Guang: "Hmph! Of course it is! Leave everything to luck."

Hearing Pei Guang's words, Xing was shocked: "Ah Guang! No! You will lose every bet!"

At this moment, Pei Guang became excited: "That's right! I always lose when I bet, but I figured it out. I won't bet this time. I just leave everything to luck. It just so happens that I have a way to improve my luck. "

These last few words made Huo Hao a little excited: "Improve luck? Is this... okay?"

Pei Guang said proudly: "Of course you can! Besides, because I always lose when I bet, I have to rely on luck to try this time! Besides, there are only three bronze mirrors, and there is a one-third chance that I will fail." , you can still choose. Besides, we have a guaranteed escape method, this kind of behavior is not considered gambling."

Xing thought about it and found out that this is the truth: "Hey, I think what you said makes sense~ How about you? Give it a try?"

Pei Guang: "Try it! Come! Today I will teach you a way to improve your luck. Remember the spells and actions I will give you later. If you become Huo Huo, just jump and jump to ensure that your luck will be greatly improved."

Pei Guang took a few steps forward and stood in the open space. Pei Guang took out the stereo. The moment he took out the stereo, a serious expression appeared on Xing's face.

Huo Huo looked at Xing after seeing the stereo. When she saw Xing's serious expression, she asked nervously: "Is something going to happen?"

Xing nodded: "Yes! Huo Huo! You must remember what A Guang will do next, because every time A Guang takes out the stereo, it proves that he is serious. At the same time, the appearance of the stereo also proves that something earth-shattering is about to happen." matter."

Huo Huo nodded vigorously: "I will look carefully."

Taiyi also looked over curiously: "Good guy, I want to see what kind of trouble this guy is up to."

Although Fuyan didn't speak, its eyes were all on Pei Guang. It could feel that Pei Guang was definitely its biggest obstacle, and it needed to know in advance what it would do to hinder him.

At this time, Pei Guang was already ready. He stretched out his hand to turn on the stereo, and then the exciting prelude started.

As the prelude sounded, Pei Guang stood up straight and closed his eyes, making strange hand seals with his hands, and speaking confidently.

"How can a child cry every day, how can a gambler lose every day, sit and kill the gambler, start!"

At this moment, the music sounded completely, and Pei Guang's body also moved.

When the music started, the people around him didn't understand what it meant, and Pei Guang's movements were just simple warm-up movements.

But as the rhythm changed, the moment the lyrics "AII My people" appeared, Pei Guang started to move.

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