Seeing that Pei Guang only took out two of the lowest ether spirits, Fu Xuan was a little angry. He had powerful ether spirits on his side. Judging from pure numerical values, the Ape God could defeat Pei Guang and these two in one slap. An etheric spirit.

What are these two? A human gunner, a legionary soldier! It's really not Fu Xuanchui. The ape god himself can't defeat the Yunqi Army in a one-on-two situation, let alone these two ordinary guys.

Even if there is a certain balance in the data after being scanned into Ether Spirits, but two vs. four, or two normal vs. four overlords? Why should he win?

What? Bad news? Even if you can predict the future to a certain extent, the future may not happen. As the saying goes, everything depends on human effort. Pei Guang's appearance has made the future full of uncertainty. At this time, Pei Guang is making waves, so why is it impossible for him to win?

But soon, Fu Xuan discovered something was wrong, because he saw March Qi smiling, Xing smiling, and even Pei Guang smiling. This smile was so disdainful that it made people scared.

Fu Xuan: "Wait? Did you cheat?"

Pei Guang spread his hands: "No, I never cheat when I play competitive games."

Fu Xuan: "Damn it, I always feel like you are looking down on me. I'll let you see how powerful I am!"

The ether spirit duel between Pei Guang and Fu Xuan began. Fu Xuan was very cautious. Even though Pei Guang only sent out two ether spirits, she was still planning how to fight.

Although the speed of the ape gods on his side was slower than that of Pei Guang's two ether spirits, Pei Guang's ether spirits did not have an absolute advantage. Fu Xuan waited for Pei Guang's first wave of attacks, and then directly used the ape god set. The fire instantly destroyed Pei Guang's etheric spirit.

Fu Xuan showed a proud smile. She knew that Pei Guang kept his word and would never cheat if he said he wouldn't cheat. If he didn't cheat, then why should he win two against four? When he thought that he might beat Pei Guang and this famous player, Fu Xuan's lips showed a smile.

But soon, Fu Xuan stopped laughing because she saw that something was wrong with Pei Guang's two etheric spirits.

The Iron Guard gunner provided support to the Void Gunner, and the Void Gunner immediately used the ultimate move after launching the first attack. After using the ultimate move, the Void Gunner attacked again.

When the Void Gunner attacked, the Iron Guard Gunner attacked simultaneously. After the Iron Guard Gunner attacked in succession, the Void Gunner launched another attack.

The two gunners seemed to have triggered some strange characteristics, and they kept attacking with no intention of stopping.

"Wait? What's going on?"

Fu Xuan noticed the two gunners with unlimited movement. It stands to reason that after these two gunners have moved, it is time for the ape god on his side to take action. Why are the two cannon gunners like being idle, with unlimited movement? Especially the empty pawn gunner. You have lost only a little blood, but you are still attacking?

Fu Xuan thought of the possibility that Pei Guang was cheating, but then she gave up this idea.

What Pei Guang is best at is exploiting loopholes, but at the same time, he really won't do the things he says he hasn't done or won't do. Since he said he didn't cheat, this was definitely not caused by cheating.

But how is this done? She wanted to ask Pei Guang, but Pei Guang just looked at her with a mean smile on his face. Seeing this smile, Fu Xuan was so angry! But there was nothing she could do.

"Damn it!"

Fu Xuan was so angry that she wanted to stamp her feet, but due to her identity, she could only hold back.

"Just a moment! Just let me move!!!"

Looking at the empty pawn gunner who was passively deducted by himself, Fu Xuan clenched his fists. The attack of the double gunner was not high, and he could knock out even a trace of blood in one round.

But the problem is that the attack of the virtual soldier gunner never stops. The two of them are like good brothers. You fight me after I fight, and you fight after I fight.

Seeing the blood volume of his ether spirit slowly decreasing, Fu Xuan screamed in panic.

When Fu Xuan's Ape God dropped to less than one-tenth of its health, Fu Xuan subconsciously spoke: "Stop fighting! Let my etheric movement move just once! I can overthrow you with just one movement!"

Seeing Fu Xuan's anxious look and listening to her words, Pei Guang showed the same disdainful smile as Xing: "Move? Impossible! See my eternal movement flow! There is only one reason for your defeat. , then let me take the initiative! Next, wait for failure in my endless attacks."

"No..." Fu Xuan witnessed with her own eyes that her ether spirit blood volume was getting less and less. As the ape god's blood volume became less and less, the expression on her face disappeared.

One, two, three, when the last trace of blood of the ape god was harvested by the iron guard gunner with a "hehe" smile, the expression on Fu Xuan's face completely disappeared.

She had no expression on her face and looked at Pei Guang calmly: "Congratulations, congratulations on your victory. This is your ether spirit..."

Fu Xuan took out the ether spirit given to the winner. Seeing Fu Xuan's appearance, March 7 asked worriedly: "Fu Xuan? You..."

Fu Xuan: "It's okay, it's just a failure in the game. I don't care at all. It's such a pity. You only need to move it once, so let me move it. Just move it once..."

Fu Xuan said it was okay, but he was still very unwilling in his heart. He did not dare to say that his lineup was invincible, but he could kill at least a few of these challengers. The results of it? Facing Pei Guang's two etheric spirits, they never moved once.

Especially the silver-maned gunner's laughter when he attacked made Fu Xuan feel like his head was buzzing.

Chapter 271 Fu Xuan was possessed by Sui Yang

Seeing the three of them happily filling up the shop, Fu Xuan sighed: "I really lost to you..."

Looking at Fu Xuan who had given up completely and had no intention of making any excuses, March 7 came over and said, "Hey, don't be sad. Let me tell you, A Guang has thought of a lot of bad ideas along the way. Although you are the first A victim, but definitely not the last.”

Faced with March 7th's words, Fu Xuanqing couldn't help but complain: "The victim is okay, but the duel with you is a bit fun."

Although he lost completely, Fu Xuan liked the process very much.

She is Taibu Si Taibu. She has met Luofu's future. In countless futures, she has been working hard every day to let Luofu exist as long as possible for even a second.

Because of this, even if the ending is doomed to fail and she has regrets in the end, she...

While Fu Xuan was thinking, Pei Guang waved to Fu Xuan: "Okay~ We won the battle this time, Fu Xuan~ Let's go somewhere else to play first. By the way, we're going to watch the finals in a few days. Let’s compete~”

Fu Xuan also had a smile on his face. Although there were some accidents when he first met Pei Guang, after getting along for a long time, Fu Xuan found that Pei Guang was quite interesting.

I couldn't predict what he was going to do, but I knew what he wanted to do when I saw him. Although he was a player who could turn the whole world upside down, he was surprisingly well-informed and easy to get along with.

Although there are many official duties every day, Fu Xuan still has time to wait for the final day to watch the game. Thinking of this, Fu Xuan nodded.

"No problem, I'll give you a prediction here. The final day will definitely be the most atmospheric and interesting day. I will take a day off to watch your game."

Although as a fortune-teller, she has a lot of work to do, but occasionally catching a fish or something does not have much impact. Besides, isn’t this Pei Guang? If Luofu is really invaded by the Lord of Extinction because of watching the game, then please ask the invincible Pei Guang to continue to deal with the Lord of Extinction~laugh~

Pei Guang gave a thumbs up: "Okay~ I will remember your agreement. If you don't come that day, I will be angry."

Fu Xuan put his hands on his hips: "Say? Do I look like the kind of person who doesn't keep his word? Humph!"

Pei Guang complained: "You don't look like it, but the flag you set always makes you feel like you will break the appointment. No, I have to go see you these days when I have nothing to do. Otherwise, if you have an accident and can't come because of an accident, then It’s not fun anymore.”

Originally, Fu Xuan wanted to say something, but when she was about to say something, she made another divination for herself. This divination was still very bad? Fu Xuan was stunned when he saw this.

"What's going on? Why is it still a big disaster? Isn't this big disaster because of my failure?"

Fu Xuan muttered to himself, but then she realized something, and she looked at Pei Guang: "No problem! Then in the next few days, please keep an eye on me, A Guang~ your mouth is like a light. , I'm really afraid that something will happen to me these days. I'm fine myself. If the Qionguan Array is damaged due to these accidents and cannot work in the future, then I will really be a sinner..."

Pei Guang: "No problem~ By the way~ Can Qingque come with you then? The Imperial Garden Qiongyu Card Competition she invested in Beloberg will also be the finals. Although this competition is not as eye-catching as the Aether Front, it is after all…"

Fu Xuan nodded: "Hmph! That guy, I'll give her a break that day, the Imperial Palace Qiongyu Card...she still cares about these things."

Seeing Fu Xuan being so talkative, March 7 couldn't help but sigh: "Huh? You seem to be talkative too~"

Fu Xuan: "That's right! When did it become difficult for me to speak?"

Pei Guang: "Hahaha~ Of course, you have been very easy to talk to since I met you~ Let's not chat anymore. It's getting late today. Let's go back and rest first. Tomorrow we will try to fight together Finish the remaining championship candidates and wait for the finals! ”

March 7th looked at Pei Guang and leaned closer to Pei Guang: "Speaking of which, Belloberg's festival is coming soon. After this competition is over, how about the four of us strolling around in Belloberg?"

Pei Guang: "I think it's okay, Xing~how about you~"

Xingze said eagerly: "What a great idea. After we're done, let's go test the simulated universe of the Black Tower."

Pei Guang said mysteriously: "What a great idea. It would be even better if Fuli's memory world is maintained by then. Let me tell you, the memory world is super fun."

Xing added: "There is really nothing to do. We can still go to Earth to find Alicia and the others~ Several months have passed on Earth now, right? The changes there have definitely changed a lot."

March 7th said excitedly: "That's great, hehe~ Ah Guang, you are really our lucky star, you know? In the past, there were so many things to play with when the train was sailing or stopping. After getting to know you, , I feel like there are so many things to play.”

Pig Man Xia: "Hmph~hem!"

March 7 lowered his head and patted the pigman on the head: "Okay, okay~ I will never forget you."

The three people left chatting and laughing. Looking at the three people leaving, Fu Xuan also smiled.

"Hmm~ There are still some days before the end of today, and I don't know if I will meet anyone who can challenge me. Forget it, let's continue working."

For Fu Xuan, it is not difficult to accept challenges while working remotely, not to mention that except for Pei Guang and his team, there are few people who can beat Master Gongshu, and those who can beat Master Gongshu can beat her group of monkeys. There are even fewer.

Apart from Pei Guang these days, the only ones she has ever won against are a little girl and Silver Wolf. As for the rest, the Ape God easily sent them home with a slap in the face.

Of course, because Taibusi has too much work, Fu Xuan, as the hidden boss, does not appear here every day. Anyway, during the event, he will appear randomly to add a little more goals and pressure to the players.

But what Fu Xuan didn't know was that while she was thinking, she had been targeted by a strange guy. Her bad omen didn't come from Pei Guang, but from this guy.

At the same time, on the other side, Pei Guang and his party returned to the Goethe Hotel in Belloberg when they realized that it was getting late. Before returning to the room, March 7th stretched a lot, and then looked at Pei Guang curiously.

"Ah Guang~ There seems to be something in the exchange between you and Fu Xuan just now~ What? Is there something wrong with her?"

March 7 knew Pei Guang very well. Pei Guang emphasized certain things, which proved that he had definitely discovered some abnormalities.

Xing: "That's right, it feels like Fu Xuan was setting a flag when he spoke just now? You said before that when the NPCs you meet promise something, they will always be unable to fulfill their promises due to various accidents. In the end, let us solve it... "

March 7 looked at Xing: "Okay! You have learned everything A Guang taught you, but we have also learned a lot."

Pei Guang nodded: "Yes! She just said that it would be okay to go back, but she also insisted on emphasizing how important that day was and how worth going, and then made a promise. Isn't this just setting a flag for herself? To be on the safe side, these days Let's stop by and take a look. After all, there is a boss to teleport. But... there won't be any surprises, right? After all, Fu Xuan is Taibu Sitabu. What kind of accident could happen to such an awesome person? It would be like meeting a ghost. "

Xingze thought deeply: "Maybe we really encountered a ghost? Think about it, we encountered a ghost here before!"

This sentence made March Qi tremble: "It seems like it! Ah Guang, think of a solution quickly!"

Pei Guang: "Don't panic! Since that day, I have a countermeasure."

It was obvious that these three people had completely forgotten what Dan Heng had said. They only recorded the key information in their minds. But not to mention, Pei Guang had really prepared countermeasures.

Pei Guang took out a large box from his storage space, took out a small box from the big box, and took out a lot of weapons from the small box.

Assault rifle, sniper rifle, shotgun, pistol, flamethrower, grenade, flashbang, flamethrower, rpg.

Looking at the weapons that Pei Guang took out, the two girls fell into silence. Xingju picked up the assault rifle and asked seriously: "Aguang... this kind of hot weapon... is effective against ghosts?"

Pei Guang also said seriously: "It must be effective! The game is not a movie or TV show. The top of the gun in the game can be used to shoot aliens, and the bottom can be used to shoot ghosts and gods. Since they are all sewn up, I think these things must be able to deal with some ghosts~ God Ah~ I can't deal with these guys with ordinary strength. Now, we have this one! But I recommend this one, it's a powerful weapon."

Pei Guang first took out the flamethrower, then gestured with the shotgun, and finally raised the RPG triumphantly. These weapons would be outdated in the ordinary world, but Pei Guang was indeed very serious when picking them up.

However, the models that Pei Guang took were not from this world, but weapons from various games that Pei Guang made based on his own memory. If nothing else, just this RPG. But Pei Guang believes that King Ada's love rocket launcher will be effective against ordinary boss-level ghosts. And this little pistol, it’s the same model as Ethan’s, and Ethan’s daughter agreed to use it.

Of course, in addition to these thermal weapons, wooden swords are also the most effective, but according to Pei Guang's theory, thermal weapons are more effective in fighting monsters and monsters.

Listening to Pei Guang's words, March Qi turned to look at Xing: "It's done! Ah Guang has been thinking about it. When we encounter those monsters and monsters, we will do this. It's right."

Xing: "That's right! When the time comes, bring more of these powerful ones!"

Pei Guang: "No problem!"

The three of them chatted for a while and then went back to their respective anchor houses to sleep.

On the other side of Luofu Xianzhou, Fu Xuan, who had been busy for a day, also went home to rest. Fu Xuan was influenced by his teacher and originally believed in fate, but after meeting Pei Guang, all the divination about fate became biased, and even the future There are a lot of variables. Because of this, Fu Xuan's eyes that were originally closed have been slightly opened. After opening her eyes slightly, Fu Xuan naturally had doubts about the so-called good or bad luck. Because of this, before going to bed, she made another divination for herself and prepared to guess what would happen. Because of Pei Guang's influence, although she could predict good and bad luck, she could not deduce the future at all.

"That's weird? Why is it still so dangerous? Nothing is really going to happen to me, right?"

Fu Xuan muttered, but just as she was divining for herself and muttering, a special guy came to Fu Xuan's side. Attracted by Fu Xuan's emotions, a special guy entered Fu Xuan's body.

But at this moment, Fu Xuan didn't notice it at all. Before going to bed, she only thought of one thing: "Qingque will definitely be late tomorrow!"

There was no talk all night, and at dawn the next day, Pei Guang and his team happily challenged the Black Tower, the candidate for the championship, at the Black Tower Space Station. She herself didn't really care much about this competition. She just made it a formality and let Pei Guang and the others do their own thing after they won.

The data that Pei Guang brought last time has not been analyzed yet. If it were not for the lack of money and supplies, he would not follow Topa's arrangement and become a championship candidate.

There is no other way. What the geniuses of the Genius Club want to do also requires external support. It is quite appropriate to waste a little time and get full support from the company.

But because of this, when Pei Guang and the others received the badges from the Black Tower Lady, the three of them had no real sense of reality.

March 7: "I feel like I won today, but I don't feel anything at all."

Pei Guang: "That's natural. The opponent has no fighting spirit. Facing someone who has no fighting spirit, victory will naturally not bring any feeling."

Xing: "Then let's go to the last one! Once the last challenge is over, we can wait until the end of the day for the finals!"

Xingxing was eager to give it a try. Although Heita didn't have much interest, the others were very interested.

Pei Guang: "Let's go!"

Pei Guang was preparing to take his people to the Belloberg Mining Area for the final challenge. However, before the three of them had time to set off, Pei Guang's cell phone rang suddenly.

I glanced at my phone and saw that it was Qingque who sent the message.

Qingque: "Aguang! No more! Help!!!!"

Qingque also posted a photo, and Pei Guang showed a solemn expression when looking at the content of the photo. In the photo, Fu Xuan is standing in front of the Qionguan Formation, with several diviners surrounding her.

Pei Guang: "Wait for me at the gate of Taibusi. I'll be there soon~"

Qingque: "Good guy, I've really become the leader~Okay~"

After Pei Guang replied to the message, he put the phone away.

March 7 noticed the change in Pei Guang's expression. She came over curiously and asked, "What's wrong?"

Pei Guang: "Hmm... It seems something happened to Taibu Si? Let's do it! You go to the next paradise, and I'll go to Taibu Si to see what's going on. It's probably not a big deal. Don't worry, I will call you if there is something interesting."

March 7: "Okay~ Xing and I will go and clear the next park first. If you encounter trouble over there, call us, and Xing and I will go directly~"

Xingye nodded, neither of them thought much. After all, the biggest crisis of Luofu Immortal Boat was solved, and Fu Xuan was still Taibu Si Taibu. Isn’t it easy to calculate the future? What big problem could arise if something goes wrong in this situation?

March 7 estimated that there must have been some thorny little problems. This small problem should be solved by the famous Pei Guang~ It happened that March 7 and the Star Ether Front were having a bit of fun, and the two of them planned to take advantage of this. With such momentum, he defeated the remaining enemies in one breath!

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