Pella coughed and said: "Ahem, you should know this player, Siluwa and I should have heard of it, but Giovanni only asked us to reveal this information."

March 7: "Giovanni? What is he doing?"

Pei Guang: "It must be that the Masked Fool wants to play? It's not a big problem."

Pera nodded: "Yes, if your goal is to become the chief champion, I'm afraid you will inevitably have to fight that player!"

Siluwa: "I wish you enjoy the game and win that title~ We will also become the target of other players, so I won't continue chatting with you~"

Xiluwa and Pella left. After the two left, March Qi, who was originally nervous, calmed down. She looked at Pei Guang and changed the topic: "Hey, this game is quite interesting, and the puzzles are also very interesting. Interesting, Aguang, what do you think?"

Pei Guang analyzed it seriously: "In terms of game content, puzzles and game rewards, my evaluation is quite satisfactory, but! This game is indeed one of the top games I have played for so many years, because I have the highest configuration. companion!"

The best thing about a game is never the top equipment in the game or the top equipment that can play the game, but the companions who can play together and go crazy together.

Although March Qi and Xing's tickling behavior affected the competition, for Pei Guang, this experience made the game more interesting.

Xingye nodded and said: "That's right! With you here, I also find this trip very interesting."

March 7 nodded vigorously: "Yes, that's right~ With you here, the already interesting celebration becomes even more interesting to us. But A Guang is still awesome. A Guang can create such an interesting celebration with just one move~"

Pei Guang waved his hand: "Don't worry, we will have more fun and interesting celebrations in the future. But having said that, should we go to the next paradise now, or should we rest and recharge first before going? It's up to you."

March 7th scratched his head: "The next stop is Liuyundu's decisive victory paradise. I feel like I'm too late today. Why don't we rest at the Goethe Hotel for one night and go there with enough energy?"

Pei Guang: "No problem~ I'll listen to you."

Xing pointed at himself and muttered dissatisfiedly: "Where's me! Where's my opinion? Aguang, don't you want to hear it?"

Pei Guang: "Oh? My lovely Xing, what do you think?"

Xing put his hands on his hips and said proudly: "My opinion is that we should rest for one night before going."

March 7: "Good guy, why are you reading again?"

Star: "This is my idea, I didn't read it again."

Xing spoke confidently, but then Xing thought of something and asked Pei Guang: "But Aguang, what do you think of that mysterious master? We can't beat that master, right?"

Pei Guang: "I don't know? But that's not what I'm worried about now. The mysterious master is at best the hidden sixth person after the fifth person. What I'm thinking about now is whether there is a hidden boss on this etheric front, which is like a sweeping monk. , not in the game content, but a super powerful special existence that players can challenge.”

March 7: "Who knows~ Let's go, let's go back and rest first. I'm still tired after playing around today~"

Pei Guang and his party returned to the Goethe Hotel to rest. After all, the battles with other players along the way gave March Qi a thrilling experience. Although it was win-win-win all the way, there were several times when I made mistakes due to the use of skill points and almost overturned.

At that time, March Qi was so nervous that her heart almost jumped out of her chest. Now that it was over, she naturally had to take a good rest.

What? How close is the difference? That is to say, the health of all members is about half. After all, on March 7, Pei Guang's health is above half when playing, and he plays below half. Isn't this the standard of almost losing?

At the same time, on the Star Dome Train, Pam was still cleaning the train happily today. For Pam, cleaning the train every day makes her very happy.

But these days, besides cleaning, Pam has one more happy thing, and that is the Aether Front.

Although it cannot leave the train, let alone participate in the competition remotely, with Dan Heng and Walter getting two ether spirits for it, although it cannot personally participate in the pioneering activities, it can experience some of what the pioneers are experiencing. Stuff, for Pam, has been great.

However, while it was happily waiting for Pei Guang and the others to come back and have an ether spirit competition with them, Ji Zi found Pam.


"Huh? What's wrong? Is there anything I can do for you, conductor?"

The happy Pam held the broom in her hands, raised her chest, and looked at Ji Zi seriously.

Ji Zi smiled and took out the ether coin: "I heard that Dan Heng and Walter both gave you an ether spirit. After thinking about it, I also got an ether spirit for you~"

Jizi naturally paid attention to some things on the train. As a navigator, how could she forget Pam? However, the etheric spirit she gave Pam was special, which delayed it for some days.

But fortunately today, with the help of my friends, I finally made this etheric spirit.

So Pam received the Ether Spirit's "Himeko's Coffee". Pam looked at the Ether Spirit Coffee and asked in surprise: "Huh? Coffee can also be used as an Ether Spirit?"

Ji Zi shook her head seriously: "Of course, the ether coins can scan anything and use them as ether spirits. Use them! According to my understanding, this ether spirit can strengthen the strength of other ether spirits. Of course, you can also You can give coffee to others like A Guang. "

Pam: “Thank you!!!”

Pam happily accepted this ether spirit. For Pam, it didn't care about its strength at all. As long as it was a gift from the pioneers, it liked it very much.

Jizi's coffee became Pam's etheric spirit~Pam's etheric spirit team is getting stronger and stronger.

Chapter 269 Hiding the monster Fu Xuan? Jin Ren Si Que is in hand!

At the entrance of the Goethe Hotel, March 7 hummed excitedly when he returned here again.

"Goethe Hotel~Goethe Hotel~We are back again~"

March 7th's tone was very excited. She had left many precious memories in this Goethe Hotel. Now that she was going to have even better memories, she felt happy.

Pei Guang: "You're back~ Huh? Money Man? What's wrong with you?"

Pei Guang noticed that Poman Xia's body was shaking, as if he had discovered something terrible. He subconsciously turned around and saw a few familiar people.

"You're here again?"

Hearing Pei Guang's words, March Qi and Xing turned their heads at the same time, while Poman Xia hugged Pei Guang's thigh in fear at this moment.

For Poman Xia, Pei Guang's thighs were thick and strong. From now on, Pei Guang's thighs would make him feel at ease.

March Qi noticed the three employees who came over. Looking at these three, March Qi put her hands on her hips and said in a bad tone: "Huh? It's you again?"

Vicious employee: "Hurry up..."

Pei Guang: "Your next sentence is to quickly hand over that piggy bank to us."

Vicious employee: "Hurry up and give us that piggy bank. What? You can actually read minds?"

Facing the employee's vicious look, Pei Guang showed a confident smile on his face, and at the same time he took out an ether coin in his hand: "It is impossible for Pigman Man to hand it over to you casually. It is now our partner. It’s time for you to initiate a duel!”

Looking at the three people in front of him, Pei Guang felt a sense of instant recognition. Two of the three employees were talking, and one of them said nothing and just stood in the middle. The voices of the two people speaking also made Pei Guang feel familiar.

If nothing else, just because of this familiar feeling, Pei Guang was happy to play with them.

Listening to Pei Guang's words, March 7 nodded vigorously: "A Guang is right!"

The words of the two made the three employees angry. The fierce employee said directly: "Three brats, how dare you laugh at us, let you have a taste of our power."

Xing spread his hands: "I didn't say anything."

The vicious employee: "Stop talking nonsense, you are in the same group! Come out! Our etheric spirit!"

The company employees also took out ether coins. Pei Guang noticed that the ether spirits of these employees had become stronger this time, but unfortunately, the ether spirits of their group were stronger.

The three people in the company didn't know that Pei Guang had already created the Iron Guard Counterattack. When they saw the Iron Guard's etheric spirit, they had a mocking expression on their faces.

"That's it, how can such a weak ether spirit fight against our ether spirit."

"Wait? What's going on!"

"stop fighting!"


Pei Guang didn't even say a word during this battle. The only person facing them was the iron guard lieutenant's sturdy yet somewhat delicate words.

Looking at this scene, March 7 covered her head: "Hey! Really, after knowing these words came from my mouth, I feel so subtle..."

Xing patted March Qi on the shoulder: "Just get used to it. Besides, it's not you who is embarrassed, but Lieutenant Silver Mane."

March 71 pondered and nodded: "You're right, let's just watch the excitement."

The company employees were defeated, and the defeated company employees covered their heads and said in pain: "Damn! I lost again."

“We will definitely come back!”

The three people turned around and ran away. Looking at these three people, March Qi clenched his fists and said triumphantly: "Humph! Do you know how powerful this girl is this time?"

Xing continued to break up the trouble and said: "But this routine was done by A Guang..."

Pei Guang shook his head: "What's yours and mine is ours. I couldn't have thought of this trick without you."

March 7th looked at Pei Guang with his hands on his hips: "I like to hear this, let's go~ Ah Guang, Xing, let's have a rest. We are very tired after playing for a day. When we have rested, let's rest again. Let’s go to Liuyundu Celebration Park~”

They were really tired from playing all day today, and there were still things to play with tomorrow, so the three of them returned to the room and took a deep sleep.

Until dawn the next day, when Pei Guang walked out of the room and came to the hall, he saw Yue Yueqi and Xing standing in the hall greeting him.

March 7th was the first to ask: "Hey~ how was your rest?"

Pei Guang stretched out and looked at the two of them with great satisfaction: "The cultivation is very good. Let's go! Let's start our game trip today?"

March 7 nodded vigorously: "Start, start~"

Star: "Let's go~"

March 7th looked at Pei Guang: "Liuyundu Victory Paradise, here we come~ But Aguang, what interesting things do you think we will encounter this time?"

Pei Guang: "Who knows? Maybe we can meet some familiar people?"

While Pei Guang was complaining, the three of them also set off for Xingcha Sea. All three of them checked the guide and found out that Liuyundu Victory Paradise requires taking the Xingcha from Xingcha Sea. Although it is possible to teleport directly there, since it is Play, naturally follow the process.

The three people arrived at Xingcha Sea, but as soon as they arrived at Xingcha Sea, they saw a familiar person, Fu Xuan.

Fu Xuan, who was resting with his eyes closed, sensed that the person he was waiting for had appeared, so he opened his eyes: "Oh? You are here. I made a divination today, and the divination showed that you will come here today to participate in Liuyundu's decisive paradise, so I waited for you here specially." Seeing Fu Xuan appear, Sanyueqi widened his eyes: "Fu Xuan? Why are you here? Hey? By the way, you are so generous to use Liuyundu as a venue?" Hearing Sanyueqi's question, Fu Xuan sighed: "I didn't want to do it at first, but the general said that although Luofu survived this time, it still needs to be rebuilt as a whole. Anyway, there is no demand for goods in and out during this period of time, so Liuyundu was lent out, and it was also a favor for A Guang." After Jingyuan knew that this ether battle line was set up for Pei Guang, he directly agreed to the venue rental application. Anyway, due to the influence of the star core and the secret teachings of the King of Medicine, Liuyundu cannot operate normally now, so it is better to borrow flowers to offer to Buddha and increase the favorability of each other. Pei Guang: "I see, but why are you here? Are you going to participate too?" Hearing Pei Guang's question, Fu Xuan smiled: "Of course, for such a large-scale event, Luofu will naturally send people to participate. It happens that I am on vacation these days, so I will participate in this etheric front on behalf of Luofu. Not to mention, this etheric front is quite interesting, and it is suitable for relaxation." Although the etheric front has been popular for more than ten years, for the people of Xianzhou, more than ten years is not a long time. Pei Guang: "Wait a minute? You are not the champion candidate here this time, right?" Hearing the question, Fu Xuan shook his head: "I am not, and I am not asking for trouble by confronting you? I am just participating as a guest, but if you want to challenge me, you must beat the champion candidate." Pei Guang: "In other words, you are the hidden boss of this copy?" Fu Xuan nodded: "Yes, anyone who beats me can get a hidden etheric spirit unique to Luofu." Pei Guang: "Oh? Then I am interested, Fu Xuan! Wait, today I will kill the champion candidate, and you just wait for our arrival~"

At this moment, Fu Xuan straightened his chest, with some pride and pride on his face: "Hmph, don't underestimate me, I have figured out the game mode of the Ether Front these days, and I will let you see the power of the powerful Ether Spirit from Luofu Xianzhou. "

Pei Guang: "No problem!"

After the two sides made an appointment, under the leadership of Fu Xuan, a group of people came to Liuyundu Celebration Park. Now there are many players here to capture Ether Spirits or fight online or offline.

As far as the four parks are concerned, Luofu Xianzhou is also the most crowded. On the one hand, the strength of the Ether Spirit here is really high. On the other hand, if you are a candidate for the war champion here, you can also get a limited Ether Spirit from Luofu Xianzhou.

Although this limited Ether Spirit cannot participate in the event, it is also a shop that will be missed if you miss it. That is why many people are collecting Ether Spirits in Liuyundu.

Arriving at Liuyundu, looking at the familiar scene around him, Sanyueqi couldn't help but complain: "I'm back here again~ I hope the company can design a good route this time. If it weren't for A Guang leading me here, I would have gotten lost in the previous few times I came here." Fu Xuan explained: "The incident happened suddenly at that time. In order to resist the guys from the Demon Yin Body and the Medicine King Secret, many roads were closed. This time it has returned to normal and you won't feel confused." Hearing Fu Xuan's explanation, Sanyueqi's eyes lit up: "Really? Then I'm super looking forward to it now." Xing: "It's not a big problem. With A Guang here, you will never get lost." Sanyueqi turned his head and looked at Xing: "I say, are you overly dependent on A Guang..."

Xing proudly puffed out his chest: "What's wrong with that?"

Looking at the laughing trio, Fu Xuan also smiled: "Okay~ You three go in and experience it, I'll go to the designated location and wait for you to challenge, I hope the first challenger I meet is you."

Pei Guang patted his chest: "Don't worry, your first challenger must be us, I'll see if the ether spirit here can let me come up with some new routines."

Pei Guang was very much looking forward to the duel with Fu Xuan, and Fu Xuan was also looking forward to a serious contest with Pei Guang. Fu Xuan couldn't stand a real fight.

Fu Xuan left first, and after Fu Xuan left, the three of them walked into the park, but not long after they left, Pei Guang found an acquaintance.

"Jojo? I didn't expect you to be here?" Pei Guang greeted Giovanni who had his back to them. Hearing Pei Guang's call, Giovanni turned around and said, "Hey? Is it you? I didn't expect to see you three here? Have you three had fun so far?" Sanyueqi nodded vigorously: "Very happy~" Pei Guang thought, "It's very interesting, but the combination of Ether Spirits is a bit monotonous. My personal suggestion is to add more Ether Spirits in the next game." Giovanni: "Hahaha! If I am still a sponsor next time, I will definitely add more Ether Spirits, but in order for more people to experience the game better, I will naturally not design too complicated mechanisms. In short, I feel relieved to see you all having fun. Unfortunately, I have to leave for a while. As an event sponsor, I have a lot of things to do. I wish you all a good time. I'm leaving first."

As for Giovanni, who was walking forward, Pei Guang, Xing and March 7 were walking behind, and a loud and lively voice sounded from behind: "There are so many people here? I should have known that I would have brought Yu Zhao here for the live broadcast."

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