Xiluwa looked at Pei Guang in surprise: "Huh? How do you know? Well... yes, if it were you, you would definitely be able to guess such a simple thing."

Pei Guang's prophecy-like guess that Xiluwa had also seen it before, Pei Guang complained: "But according to tradition, do we have to play some decryption games first, challenge other contestants, and challenge the champion candidates to gain experience points And skill chips, and finally challenge the hidden boss? I’m very familiar with this process.”

Pella looked at Siluva: "I think if it's against Aguang, we need to increase the difficulty~"

Xiluwa nodded in agreement: "That's right! For A Guang, the decryption we designed is too simple if we tell the rules. How about A Guang? Do you want to rush in and try to decrypt it? Of course, if you don't prompt If you can’t figure it out, we will give you tips just like we do to ordinary players. However, we will not give you the championship qualification badges at will, so you must be fully prepared before challenging us.”

At this moment, Pei Guang's expression became solemn: "Of course not, it would be too simple if the specific rules of the decryption game were told. It doesn't matter, we can just go in like this."

At this time, Xing also took out his bat and said with great momentum: "That's right! It's just a game rule, ten minutes is enough. We don't need to know where we are, we just need to go on a killing spree."

March 7 asked in confusion: "Does every paradise have such a design?"

Pei Guang nodded: "There must be! Generally speaking, this kind of decryption is not difficult and interesting, but this time I want to try to skip class seriously."

Looking at the scene, Giovanni said: "Hahaha! Although skipping class is fun, I would like to remind you that if you fail to decrypt it, you will not be qualified to challenge the championship candidate~"

Pei Guang: "It's not a big problem! In this case, the mystery must be solved and the class must be skipped, but I think we are already deeply involved in the mystery now, right?"

March 7 looked at Pei Guang in confusion: "Huh? We are already stuck in a mystery? Ah Guang! Use your invincible brain to think about how we can decipher it!"

Pei Guang looked around and said, "Look, is our path closed now? As long as we find a way to open the passage and continue moving forward, the decryption will be completed. Hmm~ It's a very simple and common puzzle."

Xing: "Are you asking us to find the key?"

Pei Guang shook his head: "Looking for a key is too low-level. Look around. These lamps and stoves are fixed, but this one is placed on a pushable box. I guess we need to push the box and push the box to Specify the location and activate the lamp furnace, causing the lamp furnace to form a chain reaction and open the door here. "

As soon as these words came out, Xiluwa's eyes widened: "Huh? I didn't expect that you could guess the puzzles we set just by looking at them? Aguang, tell me, did you read the guide in advance? "

Pei Guang shook his head: "I haven't read it. I usually don't like to read the guide when I play it for the first time, unless I can't solve it completely. It's just that I have played this type of decryption too much, and I know how to solve it at a glance."

Hearing Pei Guang's confident speech, Xing Ze asked curiously: "What will you do about A Guang who can't figure it out at a glance?"

Pei Guang: "Then I will read the guide. There is no shame in reading the guide. But generally speaking, it is not too difficult to decrypt games with main lines. It is difficult to figure it out after playing it a few times. After all, decrypting this thing is too difficult. It’s difficult, who still plays this game?”

Pei Guang took action as he spoke. He pushed the box with the lamp to the nearest lamp that could not be moved according to his own ideas. When he could no longer get closer, he lit the lamp. The moment the lamp was lit, Xiluwa modified the heat transfer function. It works, and the transferred heat energy hits the nearest lamp and the nearest lamp is also lit.

With the continuous transfer of heat energy, when the last lamp is lit, the originally closed door opens.

When the farthest lamp was also lit, the door that did not lead to the depths of the paradise had been opened. Looking at the opened door, March Qi said excitedly: "As expected of you, it's great. "

Seeing Pei Guang's successful decryption, Perla said: "As expected of A Guang, you are so awesome. There are several similar mechanisms like this in the Victory Paradise. As long as you light them all, you can successfully come to me and Xi." In front of Luwa, he challenged us, but having said that, Xiluwa and I have studied very powerful tricks, so you can just take a look at it when the time comes!"

Pella's tone was excited. As a Belloberg, the ether spirits she used were all from Belloberg. As an intelligence officer, she had flexible thinking and rich tactical combinations. In addition, she She knew the Silver Mane Iron Guards well, so she and Siluwa had already formed a pairing that looked weak but was actually very discouraging.

Currently, only a few players who challenge them have not been killed by Chu Jian, and the rest of the players have been killed by Chu Jian. Now they are curious whether Pei Guang will fall at their hands. They didn't believe they could win when it came to fighting with swords and swords, but fighting with the etheric spirit, Pella felt that she could.

Feeling Pei Guang's momentum, March 7 also became excited: "No problem! We will defeat you fiercely and get the qualification badge."

Xing Ze looked at Pei Guang: "March is already boiling with blood. A Guang, don't you say something?"

Pei Guang: "Huh? Say something? Let me think about it..."

Pei Guang thought for a while and then suddenly said in a deep tone: "Let us burn the decisive victory paradise to ashes!"

After these words came out, March 7 hurriedly stopped Pei Guang: "Wait! Wait, are you possessed by the anti-matter army?"

Even the pig man who had been following him started to groan nervously at this moment.

Xiluwa looked at Pei Guang: "Hahaha! The momentum is good. Although we have not figured out this game, Pella and I will not lose to you. Prove to us your strength!"

Pei Guang: "That's natural!"

Xing: "Let's go! Let's go!"

March 7: "Let's go!"

However, when Xing and March 7 were about to set off, Pei Guang stopped them: "Wait a minute."

March 7: "Hey? Do you have any more questions?"

Pei Guang turned to look at Giovanni: "Our first puzzle has been solved, right? Then if we go there, it will comply with the rules of the game, right?"

Giovanni: "This is natural. You solved the puzzle through your own wisdom, which is completely in line with the rules of the game."

Giovanni didn't understand what Pei Guang was going to do for a while, but then he, Pella, and Siluva all saw a scene that silenced him.

Pei Guang calmly pushed the lamp stove away from the transmission range and closed the door. After closing the door, Pei Guang took out the ladder and climbed over happily.

This ladder was the one used to chase Cocolia and Bronya in the Iron Guard restricted area. This ladder never dreamed that one day it would be remembered.

The moment Pei Guang stepped on it, the ladder felt that its ladder life was complete. How many other ladders can play the role that a ladder should have like this one?

Pei Guang crawled over, and after crawling over, Pei Guang looked at the people around him through the door: "Sure enough! If you don't skip a class severely in a real state, you will feel that something is missing. Decryption is necessary, and skipping classes is also necessary. have."

Looking at this scene, Xing's eyes shone with wisdom, and March Qi smiled happily: "Humph! Do you think I am still the same person as before? It's just a door of this height. Look at this girl. ~”

A staircase made of six-phase ice appeared in front of March Qi, and March Qi gracefully stepped on the stairs and walked through the door, and then walked down gracefully. After landing, March Qi even gestured proudly.

At this moment, Xing was silent. She suddenly realized that she couldn't be as elegant as March 7? But it doesn't matter, Xing also has great wisdom of her own.

Xing took a few steps back and then took out the Flame Spear. Xing, who was holding the Flame Spear, took a deep breath: "Flame Spear! Charge!"

Xing charged quickly. When he was approaching the gate, Xing was like a pole vaulting zombie. He used the flame spear as a pole and pushed the person forward with force, leaving the flame spear behind.

Watching the performance of these three people, the three people present were silent. After a long silence, Giovanni couldn't help but applaud: "As expected of the famous player Pei Guang, he can easily do things that ordinary people can't do. I Now I’m looking forward to your next performance.”

As the Masked Fool, Giovanni has been around for a long time. He must abide by the rules and show himself at the same time. This kind of gameplay is something that most Masked Fools would never think of.

The Masked Fool either doesn't follow the rules and follows his own ideas, or he follows the rules and enjoys the pleasure within the rules, but this is the first time he has seen Pei Guang who followed the rules but didn't follow them completely.

But it was great to see this scene. The weird March Seven and the protagonist Xing in the original script were led to such a distorted state by the player Pei Guang. It was really interesting.

While it was interesting here, Walter also found Pam on the Star Dome Train.

Walter: "Pam, I heard Aguang say that you also want to participate in the etheric front. Danheng has helped you collect an etheric spirit. I thought that one etheric spirit might not be enough, so I used my ideas to help you make one. , you can play with it.”

While talking, Walter also handed an ether coin to Pam. To be honest, Walter didn't expect Pam to participate at first, but when he saw Pam's excited expression when Dan Heng and Pam communicated yesterday, Val After thinking about it for a long time, Te decided to make a seemingly unorthodox decision, which was to also get Pam an ether spirit.

Since it is the train conductor’s etheric spirit, it naturally has some wonderful characteristics of the pioneers, so Walter thoughtfully provided Pam with the etheric spirit [Arahato]. Although this Alahato did not have detailed data, it had Val’s All the fighting methods that Te had imagined but could not realize due to reality.

Seeing Walter's eyes twinkling and excited, Pam accepted the second ether spirit. Pam, who had never stepped out of the train, already had two ethereal spirits: Drinking Moon, Pink Cute Rabbit and Alahato Yang. Etheric spirit.

Chapter 267 The Desperate Silver Mane Lieutenant

In the Reverberation Corridor Paradise, Pei Guang, Xing, and March 7 were exploring the interior. The three of them didn't go far when they encountered several wandering etheric spirits.

Arriving near these etheric spirits, March Qi looked at Pei Guang excitedly: "Aguang, can we defeat them now and turn them into etheric spirits?"

Pei Guang: "According to the rules, yes! Which of you will be collecting etheric spirits for the first time?"

Xing looked at Pei Guang: "Aren't you coming? You should come for this precious first time, right?"

Pei Guang spread his hands towards Xing: "I've played similar games too much, and I no longer have this sense of surprise. It's up to you to do it. By the way, do you like the feeling of winning and conquering the etheric spirit after a hard battle, or do you like to crush it? To suppress the situation?”

Sanyueqi thought for a while and blinked: "Well, can I have them all?" Pei Guang took out the ether coin, picked out Huanlong who had been conquered, and handed the ether coin to Sanyueqi: "Of course! Then let's have a crushing game first!" When Sanyueqi got the ether coin, Pei Guang continued to say to Sanyueqi: "You should have read the specific challenge method when you read the guide yesterday, so I won't say much, but I have a small suggestion here~ Qi'er, Xing, before you start the battle, do you want to try to shout out the line "It's decided to be you!" "I understand, this makes our words more powerful, right? Okay! Let me prepare." Sanyueqi took a deep breath, and then aimed the ether coin in his hand at the silver mane gunner ether spirit: "It's decided to be you, Piggy Bank Man!" Looking at the ether spirit used by Sanyueqi, Pei Guang asked in surprise: "Oh? Don't you just use those invincible ether spirits to fight? But it kills instantly ~”

March Seven put his hands on his waist and hummed: "With Piggy Man here, I feel I am not afraid of any enemy, right, Piggy Man?"

Hearing March Seven's words, Piggy Man hummed a few times with pride, and then March Seven continued: "Besides, we still have an outer universe flame given by Mr. Giovanni. With Piggy Man and the outer universe flame, I can't think of how to lose."

This flag-like words made Xing Qing couldn't help but say: "Be careful, this is a traditional flag. If you lose, it will be embarrassing."

Pei Guang looked at the enemy that March Seven was going to challenge and thought: "I don't think Qi'er will lose. After all, it is a novice map. If you lose right away, you really can't play."

March Seven looked at Piggy Man confidently: "That's right, just watch me win."

The battle began. March Seven's opponent was the Silver Mane Iron Guard Ether Spirit. This Ether Spirit is a very weak Ether Spirit in the eyes of current players. The basic value is insufficient, and the skills are just simple coordinated attacks.

Looking at the coordinated attack damage, the good guy is not as good as many Ether Spirits hitting each other, so this Ether Spirit is not very strong in the eyes of players, and it can even be said to be the last in the recommendation list.

At the same time, the difficulty of obtaining this Ether Spirit is also very low. Any ordinary Ether Spirit, or even an ordinary person who casually scans the high-tech machinery in his own world, can easily defeat it.

Because of this, most people did not keep this Ether Spirit except for the collectors. Of course, there are a small number of people who find that this Ether Spirit seems to be useful, but they just feel useful. Compared with using this Ether Spirit that can only attack in conjunction, other Ether Spirits are more powerful.

What's more, with the Luofu Fairy Boat and the Black Tower Space Station, everyone focuses on the Ether Spirit here, and no one uses the Silver Mane Iron Guard series.

When March Seven fought against the Silver Mane Gunner Ether Spirit, he won very easily. Looking at the new Ether Spirit in the coin, March Seven looked at Pei Guang proudly: "A Guang! I won, but when I was reading the strategy last night, it seemed to say that the Ether Spirit here is very weak, but you have experience, you can see how this Ether Spirit is~" Pei Guang took the Ether coin and checked the Ether Spirit information: "Hmm? The action bar is advanced..., coordinated attack, a very good mechanism! It can increase the attack power of teammates and can coordinate attacks, what else do you want?" Pei Guang found it hard to imagine that someone would think that this kind of Ether Spirit with this mechanism is weak? Are other Ether Spirits very strong? Xing: "Since A Guang said it's good, then it must be good! Take it with you next time you fight?"

Pei Guang: "Take it with you, but I feel that this Ether Spirit must have other ways to use it, but don't worry, let's collect all the Ether Spirits we can first, and then fight with other players in this paradise to get enough upgrade data and chips, then we can challenge Xiluwa and the others."

March 7: "Let's go~"

The three of them took action. They spent several hours, solved a few puzzles and captured a few more Ether Spirits. Pei Guang didn't have much emotional fluctuation when he captured the Imaginary Leaf Weaver and the Silver Mane Shooter.

When capturing Ether Spirits, Pei Guang was also studying Ether Coins. He found that Ether Spirits could write some lines for them to shout out during battles, so Pei Guang changed the lines while capturing them, trying to make his Ether Spirit more domineering during battles.

Until he successfully captured the Silver Mane Lieutenant of the Overlord level while wandering around, Pei Guang's expression became solemn. The Silver Mane Lieutenant had a very weak evaluation online.

Normally, the Overlord Ether Spirit needs to be defeated to obtain it, but because this is an event for Beloberg, Beloberg's first paradise gives a little special privilege, that is, you can get the Overlord Ether Spirit without clearing the level, but it is obvious that most people feel dissatisfied after seeing this Overlord Ether Spirit.

Silver Mane Lieutenant can provide a shield, and when there is a shield, it can also defend against counterattacks, but the shield provided is pitifully low. There have been similar Ether Spirits over the years, but these Ether Spirits have been given very strong values, and one person can easily protect the whole team.

But this Ether Spirit, what's the point of protecting the whole team? If you use it to protect the whole team, the whole team will die, so no one carries it. Compared with Silver Mane Lieutenant, everyone prefers the healing Ether Spirit from Xianzhou, which can revive teammates and restore health. Isn't this more practical than the meager shield of Silver Mane Lieutenant?

But when Pei Guang got this Ether Spirit, his expression became serious. He first looked at the Silver Mane Lieutenant, then at the Silver Mane Gunner, and finally at his Piggy Bank Man. At this moment, an available pairing appeared in Pei Guang's mind.

March Seven: "Hey? Ah Guang? What's wrong with you? Did you find something?"

Pei Guang nodded: "Yes, let's go! Now we have collected all the Ether Spirits, let's play with the people here. I have a routine I want to try. I'm sure it will work."

Pei Guang looked at his chip and Ether Spirit, and after some research, he gave the Silver Mane Lieutenant the chips that reduce the amount of finishing skills required, increase the shield obtained by taunting, and increase the attack power of non-self-attack rounds.

And the Silver Mane Gunner gave two chips: increase energy in the first round, and increase all attributes of all members by 0.4% up to 60 times after our target attacks.

Looking at Pei Guang's behavior, March Seven was a little confused. She remembered very clearly that the Silver Mane Iron Guard series Ether Spirits were very weak in the strategy, according to the online god's evaluation.

"These ether spirits are so weak. I personally recommend using the ether spirits of Luofu Xianzhou. Both the gold man and the resurrection milk are much stronger than investing resources in these. But the chips here are recommended to be obtained. All attributes are improved once the action is taken. For the gold man, it is invincible!!!"

Ether spirits need resources to upgrade. The only way to obtain resources is to fight. If you win, you can get resources, but if you lose, you get nothing.

There are too many players in the ether front. If you choose a weak ether spirit in the constant battle, you will naturally not be able to upgrade. If you can't upgrade, you will fall behind step by step.

But March Seven felt that since Pei Guang thought it was okay, it must be okay. If the big guy Huanlong can be killed, isn't it easy to play the ether front?

In fact, March Seven was right. Pei Guang had already found a player at this time and was ready to challenge him.

This is a miner from Beloberg. After a few days, he has collected an invincible lineup. He prepared four imaginary leaf weavers. This ether spirit will increase 99% of the action once per round when attacking.

With the help of four imaginary leaf weavers, the miner has won many victories. When he saw Pei Guang, he directly invited Pei Guang: "Pioneer? Are you also an Ether Front player? Come with me to have an Ether Spirit battle?" Pei Guang smiled and said, "Of course, I am here to challenge you this time. Come out! Silver Mane Lieutenant!" Pei Guang used the Ether Coin to summon his Ether Spirit. Pei Guang's team was a four-person team with Pioneer as the captain, Silver Mane Lieutenant and Silver Mane Gunner as the core, and Imaginary Leaf Weaver as the backup. Seeing Pei Guang using Silver Mane Lieutenant, the miner smiled: "Pioneer, don't you know? The Silver Mane Iron Guard series is already recognized as the weakest Ether Spirit. It's still early now, so why not change a combination." Pei Guang: "No, just use this combination. Believe me, this combination is invincible." The miner didn't know why Pei Guang thought this combination was strong, but in his opinion, since Pei Guang used such a weak combination, he could only accept the defeat of Pioneer with tears. Looking at the opponent's four imaginary leaf weavers, Sanyueqi covered his mouth: "A Guang! Not good, the opponent has used a very strong lineup. These four want to deal with either attribute restraint or a team with the same level and chips as him. Now this team can be said to be the top 5 lineup of the ceremony." Xing looked at this scene and confidently put his hands on his waist: "It's okay, with A Guang here, the invincible lineup has been broken by him." Pei Guang: "That's right, let me show you next." The duel began. The imaginary leaf weaver has an ultra-fast speed of 133. With this speed, it can attack one step ahead of everyone. But unfortunately, its speed is very fast, but the silver mane gunner is faster. Although the silver mane gunner has only 95 speed, he can pull 60% at the beginning of the battle. Seeing the silver-maned gunner that Pei Guang was attracted to first, the miner couldn't help but tease: "Pioneer, only one gunner can move, but he can't defeat my four ether spirits. When your gunner is done, your ether spirit will face a storm of attacks."

March 7 was also nervously watching the scene. The silver-maned lieutenant was too slow. In the battle of ether spirits, slow speed proved to be a latecomer, unless those ether spirits with extremely explosive attributes and mechanisms, otherwise it would be difficult for the latecomer to win.

However, facing this scene, Pei Guang smiled and opened the game with three energy points, allowing the silver-maned gunner to use the finishing move directly. His finishing move can restore two energy points to his own units, while the silver-maned lieutenant whose energy was reduced by the big move only needs two energy points.

"It doesn't matter! Silver-maned gunner, use the finishing move on the silver-maned lieutenant."

At this moment, the silver-maned gunner used the finishing skill. When using the skill, Pei Guang shouted out the lines written by him for the silver-maned gunner: "I will encourage you with thousands of rare treasures~One heart and one mind~"

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