Hearing Ji Zi's words, Pei Guang looked at Ji Zi: "Oh? Ji Zi, you also know? This event?"

Ji Zi saw Pei Guang raising his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Since it's your invitation, A Guang, I definitely want to have some fun~ As for our train conductor, it depends on whether you have the ability to persuade him. "

In fact, Jizi was also looking forward to Pam participating in this event. Because she couldn't get out of the train, Pam couldn't participate in many things. Although Pam didn't feel anything, Jizi could notice that Pam sometimes showed an expectant expression.

Pei Guang: "That's natural! Although our conductor can't leave the train, we can't leave Pam behind! Don't worry, I'll help catch Pam's etheric spirit. I'm good at catching this thing. "

Pei Guang has already thought about it. He wants to capture the strongest ether spirit lineup for Pam, just one from each of the three bosses in Yuxiang Space. As a train conductor, it is natural to use a powerful ether spirit.

Chapter 264 I want to become a master of ether spirit!

Pei Guang will naturally not forget conductor Pam, but before catching the etheric spirit for Pam, Pei Guang plans to go there with Xing and March 7 to see what the etheric front will look like.

In order to facilitate the people of Beloberg and those who come to Beloberg to participate in the event, the company has sent employees to entertain in Beloberg. The company employees will entertain every player who comes to participate in this celebration.

In order to learn more about the Aether Front in more detail, Pei Guang and his trio went to the lower area of ​​Belloberg first. Because the lower area was the final venue for this event, all matters were moved to the lower area.

Not to mention, this Aether Front activity has really made Belloberg more popular. Considering that there are not enough Belloberg hotels, the company specially transferred a few eco-ships for people to live in.

Standing on the ground in the lower area, March Qi looked at the happy people around him and couldn't help but speak.

"Oh~ I didn't expect to come back here again. I don't know how many times I will come back here in the next period~"

When March 7 stepped on the land of Belloberg again, March 7th could not help but sigh. She even had a premonition that in the next few days, which would be like a moon, she might be on the space station, Belloberg , Luofu Immortal Boat, and the Earth are running back and forth.

But the only thing that makes March 7 feel pity is that the mini map and teleportation function can only be activated in areas that Pei Guang and Xing have explored. Otherwise, wouldn't it be beautiful to take them to places they have been to before?

Listening to March 7th's complaints, Pei Guang turned to look at her: "If our world is a long-term operation game, we may have to come back dozens or even hundreds of times in the future, right? If it is really a game In a long-running game, Belloberg will have an idiot NPC give us a task every day that even an idiot can do it.”

March 7 crossed his arms and trembled: "Hey~ stop talking, let's quickly register an account and get some equipment back. Huh? Do you think this person is an employee in charge of the Ether Front?"

Pei Guang looked in the direction pointed by March Qi: "Why don't you go and ask?"

A group of three people came to the employee's side, and Pei Guang asked directly: "Aether Front!"

As soon as he said these words, the employee named Wilder became excited: "You also know about the Aether Front?"

Pei Guang nodded and said, "I know! I'm here to join the Aether Front. Let me introduce myself. My name is Pei Guang."

As soon as this sentence came out, Wilder's eyes widened: "Are you the famous Pei Guang? I heard Director Topa talk about you. Are you also interested in the Aether Front? Really, I'm so touched!"

Wilder wiped the tears of true love from the corner of his eyes, and he couldn't help but said: "Come on! I am an eighteen-year-old player of the Aether Front. If you want to know anything, I will tell you everything!"

Upon hearing this, Pei Guang showed a happy smile: "Oh? It seems that you are also a veteran of the Qing Dynasty. As an old player, please tell me how to play this game."

Wilder: "As you can see from the name, this is a trading card game based on ether editing technology and using ether coins as the carrier. Players can store the ether aspects of the creatures they encounter, and also store their actual Transform into an ether spirit and fight against other players.”

Pei Guang took out a red hat from nowhere at this moment. He put the hat upside down on his head and said in a solemn tone: "I understand! As players on the Aether Front, we must collect and cultivate Aether." Spirit, and finally command the Ether Spirit to fight and eventually become the Ether Spirit Master.”

As soon as this sentence came out, Wilder said excitedly as if he had seen a close friend: "That's right! Have you ever played the Aether Front?"

Pei Guang shook his head: "I've never played it, but I can already tell what's going on in your game."

Seeing the excited Wilder, March 7th whispered in Xing's ear: "I don't know why, but I feel like A Guang and him have a lot to talk about..."

Pei Guang put away the hat he was wearing and asked: "Come on! Take us to get the ether spirit and let us become ether spirit masters!"

Wilder looked at Pei Guang excitedly: "Without further delay, I must take you to the celebration service hall to register an account immediately. Follow me, please come this way!"

Facing Wilder's scorching gaze, Pei Guang spoke mysteriously: "I can now see the unique etheric spirits belonging to the three of us. They look ordinary, but in fact have magical... etheric spirits with god-like talents! By the way, can I choose my own name for the ether spirit?"

Under the leadership of Wilder, the three of them headed to the hall. On the way, March Qi looked at the already popular people around and said excitedly: "Not bad~ This place is gradually getting lively."

Following Wilder's footsteps, the three of them came to the familiar but unfamiliar small square. As soon as they arrived at the small square, Wilder saw a familiar person.

"Huh? That's not it?"

Hearing Wilder's voice, Giovanni, who was wearing a mask, turned his head. When he saw Pei Guang, his eyes in the mask flashed with excitement.

"Huh? Wilder! I was wondering where you were."

After speaking, Giovanni looked at Pei Guang: "I actually brought a handsome gentleman and two beautiful ladies. Welcome to my arena! If I guess correctly, this gentleman is Pei Guang, and These two ladies are March 7th and Xing, right? Are the three of them also here to participate in the Star Finals celebration?"

Looking at the man wearing glasses in front of him, March 7 said in a low voice: "Huh? This man's mask is quite interesting."

Facing this man's inquiry, Pei Guang felt that he could not lose his momentum, so he put his hands on his hips and looked at Giovanni: "Mask weirdo! Why don't you tell me your name quickly?"

Pei Guang's performance really surprised Giovanni, and he smiled happily: "Haha! Look at me, I'm so rude! I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Giovanni di Giorgio da ·Epsilon, a small private businessman from Epsilon, is the sole sponsor of this interstellar victory celebration.”

Pei Guang sucked in a breath of cold air, which did not have any impact on the surrounding temperature.

"Toppa is so powerful that he can hire a big shot like you?"

Giovanni shook his head: "I'm not a big shot, I'm just a small private businessman."

"How is that possible? Your name is absolutely amazing, okay? Johnny, Joestar, Dio! Your name is so unique, please allow me to call you jojo!"

Giovanni said happily: "Jojo? What a good name! When I hear this name, I feel my whole body is boiling."

Pei Guang: "Yes! The moment I saw you, I felt my blood boiling. This event is really great. I have already felt a lot of jokes in the event before it even started. But having said that "Can you take off your mask and show me? I'm curious about how many faces you have under it."

Pei Guang was extremely satisfied with Topa's large-scale event this time. He saw a familiar scene right after the event. It was hard to imagine what he would see next.

Giovanni smiled and said: "Hahaha! Mr. Pei Guang, you are really interesting. But unfortunately, this mask is related to my life safety, so let us leave some private space for each other~"

March 7th asked curiously: "But it's interesting~ Why does a big shot like you appear here?"

Giovanni: "As you can see, the interstellar victory celebration is about to be held on this beautiful planet, and as a full sponsor of this competition, it is logical for me to come to the competition venue to inspect the operation. Furthermore, I also want to I know players, after all, there are never too many friends in this vast universe. It is already a great honor for me to be called jojo by Mr. Pei Guang.”

Giovanni didn't expect that Pei Guang would be willing to call himself such a pleasant and story-telling way of calling him, jojo... He decided that in the future, people with whom he has good relationships would just call him jojo.

Giovanni was very happy at this moment. He looked at Pei Guang and the others and said: "I think Wilder has already introduced it to you clearly about the game Aether Front, so let me answer your questions about the interstellar victory celebration. alright."

Wilder on the side was about to speak when he heard this, but Giovanni interrupted directly: "It doesn't matter Wilder, it's rare to make friends, why don't you let me introduce you? You can go and do other things first. Let me be the guide for these three people."

Wilder: "This..."

After hesitating for a while, Wilder chose to leave. He was very happy to get to know Pei Guang, but as the saying goes, the first level of officialdom can kill people. Giovanni is his leader. As an employee, he must listen to his leader's words.

Looking at this scene, Pei Guang touched his chin and asked, "How do you feel? There seems to be some conspiracy?"

Hearing this, Giovanni smiled: "Don't worry, I'm just keen on enjoying the game, and I also want to see how players compete with each other and work together for this. Apart from that, I I have no idea, I can promise you this, on my honor and on this mask.”

Faced with Giovanni's oath, Pei Guang complained: "With Aha-level credibility? That's really trustworthy."

In the world of memory, Pei Guang personally experienced the fun of having Aha. Although Aha is just for fun, his reputation is still quite good. I didn’t say I won’t fuck you, so I will definitely fuck you hard.

March 7 asked excitedly at this time: "Huh? When can we actually experience this game? Just listening to everyone's introduction, I am still a little confused."

Xing Ze looked at Pei Guang: "A Guang! I have a hunch that something will happen soon."

March 7 looked at Xing: "Hey! What's wrong with you?"

Pei Guang: "I think Xing's guess is right. According to the routine, it's impossible not to encounter something now. I even guessed that next we will encounter bad guys who steal other people's ether souls! And this bad guys must be a trio !”

At this moment, Pei Guang smelled the smell of stalks. He already had the etheric spirit, and there was no one trying to grab the etheric spirit. Pei Guang thought that the stitching was not good enough.

As if to confirm Pei Guang's words, when Pei Guang said these words, several people heard the commotion not far away.

"Hey, brat, hand over the coins in your hand!"

"You little brat, your hands and feet have been unclean since you were a child, and you still have it when you grow up?"

When he heard the commotion, Giovanni looked at Pei Guang: "As expected of Mr. Pei Guang, no matter what kind of adult he is, he would not predict these insignificant things at will, but Mr. Pei Guang can accurately predict what will happen in the future. What."

Faced with Giovanni's complaints, Pei Guang complained instead: "You blame me? I'm summarizing my experience. Let's go! Go over and see what's going on."

Pei Guang led a group of four people to the commotion and saw three employees of the company surrounding two children. Seeing this scene, March Qi, who had a strong sense of justice, couldn't help but said: "Hey! You guys are bullying What’s the point of a few kids?”

Pei Guang also took out a red hat and put it on his head at this time: "You three are sneaky and want to snatch the ether spirit from the hands of the children. I am going to challenge you to an ether spirit duel!"

Hearing these words, March 7th reminded in a low voice: "Aguang! We don't have an ether spirit yet!"

Xingze put his hands on his hips: "According to experience, someone will give us the ether spirit next."

March 7 looked at Xing: "Good guy, have you learned this trick from A Guang?"

Xing: "Isn't this difficult?"

Looking at this scene, Giovanni smiled: "Interesting! Interesting! I happen to have a few elementary ether spirits in my hands. I leave these to you. You can use them to familiarize yourself with the rhythm and rules of the game. I believe you two, they This level of etheric spirit can definitely solve it."

Giovanni gave the ether coin to Pei Guang, and the moment Pei Guang got the ether coin, he quickly checked the attributes of several basic ether spirits.

Looking at this attribute, Pei Guang showed a smile on his face: "Very good! Then let's have an ether spirit duel!"

Pei Guang didn't know what happened, but he knew that when he encountered the first battle after having Pokémon, he didn't care about the three-seven-twenty-one duel. Protrude a tower to open!

Pei Guang's words made the three employees become fierce. The vicious employee came forward and said, "What? You actually look down on us?"

Fierce Baba employee: "I want you to know how powerful our Topa support team is!"

Pei Guang picked up the ether coin: "In this case, I can only let you see the bond between me and the Flame of the Outer Universe, and I will decide that it is you who will take over the Flame of the Outer Universe!"

At this moment, Pei Guang's loud voice and momentum shocked everyone. Even Giovanni couldn't help but applaud: "As expected of a player, he integrated so quickly."

Following Pei Guang's call, an etheric spirit of flame from the outer universe appeared in front of Pei Guang. Looking at the etheric spirit summoned by Pei Guang, the three employees summoned their own etheric spirits at the same time, but their etheric spirits were all The most basic etheric spirit.

After both sides released their ether spirits, a small battle arena was formed. People on both sides stood behind their own ether spirits, preparing to command their own ether spirits.

The company employees wanted to attack first, but it was obvious that their speed was slower. Pei Guang: "Haha! Want to be the first? Sorry, my flames from the outer universe have a base speed of up to 110, and I summoned my etheric spirit first." , I am the one who attacks first. Use the Flame of the Outer Universe to attack the enemy, the Flame of the Outer Universe! Let the enemy feel the friendship and bond between us!"

At this moment, everyone present widened their eyes and looked at Pei Guang in shock. Pei Guang was so powerful and his voice was so loud that even passers-by would be shocked.

Pei Guang's eyes were full of fighting spirit, as if he was facing a powerful enemy seriously, and when he looked at the flames of the outer universe, he was full of hope and friendship.

However, this is not the point. The point is that everyone felt that when Pei Guang shouted words such as friendship and bond, this etheric spirit seemed to have really become stronger?

While everyone was watching, the Flame of the Outer Universe launched an attack first, and the fireballs from its combat skills hit these etheric spirits.

Pei Guang: "Very good! This attack will add burning status to all enemies!"

When the attack hits the enemy's etheric spirit, everyone can clearly see that the opponent's etheric spirit is in an attack state.

Looking at this scene, the company employee gritted his teeth angrily: "Damn it! I can make you look shriveled. The fire-burning disaster shadow launches a scorching blow to the enemy."

The opponent's ether spirit launched an attack, and when he saw the enemy's attack, Pei Guang raised the corners of his mouth slightly: "Too slow! The flames of the outer universe, dodge and use Roaring Fire!"

Witnessed by everyone, the Flame of the Outer Universe dodged this attack. However, seeing the behavior of the Flame of the Outer Universe, everyone who played the Aether Front was dumbfounded.

Aether Front has always been a turn-based game, where you hit me and I hit you. Why is this Aether Spirit able to dodge today?

Forget about dodge. Although Pei Guang uses an overlord-level ether spirit, the ether spirit is not of a high level and is not uncommon. How can he follow Pei Guang's orders to make various movements and attacks?

However, they had no time to wonder, because when they were wondering, they saw the flames of the outer universe holding up the fireball, and Pei Guang also pronounced his sentence on them with a smile.

"Use your finishing move to attack!"

As the words fell, a huge fireball hit the enemy's etheric spirit, and the company employee's etheric spirit was withdrawn into the etheric coin.

Seeing this scene, the company employees couldn't help but said: "How... did you do that?"

Pei Guang: "Because this is my friendship and bond with the flames of the outer universe!"

March Qi on the side looked at Pei Guang and complained: "Not even five minutes have passed since you got these etheric spirits, right? Where is the bond?"

Pei Guang: "Don't worry about the details, you just need to remember that during this kind of competition, shout about friendship~bond~future~, our etheric spirit will definitely become stronger."

At this moment, Giovanni was recalling the match just now with great interest. It was obvious that the ether spirit did not become stronger when Pei Guang shouted during the match. The reason why people feel stronger is because Pei Guang is so powerful. Coupled with Pei Guang's superb control and the cooperation of the ether spirit, it gives people a feeling of becoming stronger.

But in fact, Pei Guang's Ether Spirit did not use any external means to enhance the data, and what Pei Guang did, other players can also do. To be different, Giovanni could feel that the etheric spirit in Pei Guang's hand seemed to have a magical existence called 'emotion'. And this influence seems to affect all the etheric spirits in this competition.

Giovanni: "Sure enough, I came to the right place, hahahaha!"

Giovanni was happy at this moment. He believed that he would definitely enjoy unprecedented joy in this competition. At the same time, he also decided to learn Pei Guang's fighting style and give him a surprise if Pei Guang hits him in the future.

Chapter 265: Ether Spirit Illusion ~ Pink Cute Rabbit Dan Heng ~

The trio, who looked like company employees, were defeated. Facing the failure, the leader yelled fiercely: "Wait for me, we will definitely come back!!!"

Facing failure, they could only say these words and run away in despair. Pei Guang did not continue the pursuit. After all, in the Pokémon plot, it was also tradition to wait for Team Rocket to challenge again.

When these people escaped, March Qi on the side looked at the little boy in front of him: "Okay, we have driven away those bad guys. Are you okay?"

Eric: "I, I'm fine, thank you Blazers big brother and big sister!"

Pei Guang looked at the little boy and asked curiously: "Speaking of which, why are you being targeted by them? Did you pick up something very rare and are they interested in it?"

Eric shook his head and took out an Ether coin: "I don't know, I just picked up this coin by chance."

Looking at the coin, Giovanni said: "Just looking at the appearance of the coin, we can't tell anything about it, and we don't know who lost it. What else did they say, for example, something related to Topa?"

March 7: "Hey? Miss Topa? Does this matter still have something to do with Miss Topa?"

Star: "Can't?"

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