And if this thing is really established, then there will be more fun in the future. Not only can He cut a hole in Clipper's wall and blow up the Star Dome Train, he can even go to court when this thing is really established. of loopholes, dancing and taunting on the loopholes.

Aha's level of fun is very high. Although he really hopes that the entire universe will be on fire, he also hopes that he can be more peaceful when having fun.

Just like over there in Taiz Yuros, they have a lot of fun planets, and they are about to reap the joy, but they are eaten by the swarm of insects? He dared to say that with Pei Guang here, he would definitely be able to enjoy the fun happily, and even enjoy the upgrade, instead of being bitten while waiting.

Especially Pei Guang's motivation for establishing the Life Tribunal. Aha said that if he didn't participate, it would be a shame for his happy title. Don't you want to set up a court where no one can judge you? OK! I am happy that Aha will bind you and promise to establish a court that even the Star God can judge. He was looking forward to what crime he and Pei Guang would be convicted of when this court was established.

As for whether it’s a big deal? It’s just a false world anyway. If you don’t go big, won’t the outside world look down on you?

So when Pei Guang didn't say anything, but just planned and implemented it in the galaxy he ruled, Aha also took action.

[Pei Guang formulated the basic rules for the Life Court. It seems that the Life Court safeguards the common interests of all living planets. In fact, Pei Guang just wants the court in the entire universe to judge his crimes to be his own. 】

[Aha thought Pei Guang’s actions were too small, so the Joy Star God found the Order Star God and asked the Order Star God to be the presiding judge. 】

[The Star God of Order believes that this is not a symbol of order. The Star God of Order rejected Aha’s proposal. The power of the Star God of Order was weakened. The Star God of Joy believed that the Star God of Order hindered his pursuit of the path. The Star God of Joy I don’t know where I brought out a cosmic star god]

[The Order Star God was annexed by the Tonghe Star God. Faced with Aha’s proposal, the Tonghe Star God believed that the Life Tribunal could fight against the cold and cold laws of the universe and allow more lives to become a whole. He chose to join the Life Tribunal. She sent Obtain his own order and become the judge of the Court of Life to maintain the harmony of the universe]

[The Balance Star God appears in front of the Joy Star God, and the Balance Star God joins the Life Tribunal, which contributes to the balance of the universe. He sent an arbiter to maintain balance]

[The Happy Star God invited the Void Star God to join. The Void Star God didn’t know anything and didn’t want to do anything. His calm expression seemed to be waiting for the destruction of this world. 】

Originally, Pei Guang was just thinking of a prototype and wanted to try it in this memory world. However, when he saw the information about Operation Aha in the system log, his eyebrows twisted together.

"Good guy? What is Aha doing? I just had an idea? Then he took action? And he wants to win over the Star God?"

When Pei Guang was confused, he saw a scene that made people squirt even more.

[The Happy Star God found the Preservation Star God. The Preservation Star God believed that joining the Life Tribunal would make the world of memory special and preserve the world for a longer period of time. The Preservation Star God joined the Life Tribunal and became an honorary member. 】

[Aha became the acting president of the Life Tribunal. Aha believed that he was guilty. The Tonghe Order and the Balance Order believed that Aha did not belong to life, and the Life Court could not judge Aha]

[Aha provided evidence of Pei Guang’s crime and hoped that Pei Guang, the president of the Court of Life, would be tried. The arbitrator said that Aha was crazy. The family ignored Aha’s words. Creeper came over and gave Aha a hammer in the hope that he could calm down. 】

[Aha provided evidence of the crime of breeding the star god Taizyuros. The arbitrator judged Taizyuros for destroying the balance of the universe. The family judged that Taizyuros had destroyed the laws of the universe]

[Aha announced in court! Taiz Yuros is guilty, and Pei Guang, the president of the Life Tribunal, will destroy the Breeding Star God and bring joy to the universe~]

The more Pei Guang watched, the more he felt something was wrong. How did Aha trick the Star God into joining the Life Tribunal? And this Aha is really interesting! You judge yourself, but you also want to judge him, Pei Guang?

Pei Guang rubbed his chin and looked at the information in the log. It was quite interesting, but when he saw Aha announcing Taizyuros and asking him, the man who had done nothing to become the president of the court, to eliminate Taizyuros. At that time, Pei Guang couldn't laugh or cry.

He didn't know how Aha did it, but he just dragged all the Star Gods through the process. However, whether it was a life court trial or his own purpose, Pei Guang wanted to kill this breeding Star God.

After all, the Breeding Star God has already taken away a lot of his power. Wouldn't it be a waste if he didn't kill the other party?

The bugs on Pei Guang's side are still evolving while fighting, but the verdict from the Life Tribunal shocked countless lives in the universe.

"What is the Life Tribunal?"

"Aha did it?"

"Can you still judge the Star God for his guilt? Who is this Pei Guang?"

Although Pei Guang has been at war with the Breeding Star God, so far Pei Guang's reputation has not reached the level of being known to everyone in the universe. But now that the Life Tribunal has been established and Aha the whole universe has pronounced the Breeding Star God guilty, good guy All life in the universe is in an uproar.

However, Pei Guang did not waste the prestige brought by this incident. He once again released information to the entire universe, and this time a special person joined Pei Guang's front.

[After Louis Fleming saw Amber King joining the Life Tribunal, he followed Amber King's footsteps and prepared to join Pei Guang's forces. 】

[With the help of Pei Guang, the Interstellar Peace Company expanded rapidly. The Interstellar Peace Company wanted to dedicate everything to the Amber King. Pei Guang supported Louis Fleming's idea and used his own force to help Louis Fleming expand. company. 】

[Interstellar Peace Company is developing rapidly. While collecting various resources for Amber King, he also helps Pei Guang open the trading network on various planets. 】

[The technological level of the Zerg race has been qualitatively improved, and the Earth Explosion Star has been completed]

[The technological level of the Zerg has been qualitatively improved, and Angel of Peace has been completed]

Countless various technologies were completed in Pei Guang's log prompts. These technologies are a perfect combination of Zerg and technology. All weapons and equipment are biological weapons made of frames composed of different Zerg and finally spliced ​​together.

With the addition of immortal power, these biological weapons are in some respects stronger than ordinary technological weapons. As more weapons are completed, there are more and more insect swarms on his side, and Pei Guang also decides to attack the breeding star. God initiates a strategy.

[More worlds joined Aiur, and after hundreds of years of siege and interception, with the help of pioneering forces, Pei Guang's Zerg surrounded the Breeding Star God. 】

[The mighty power of the Star God cannot be resisted by mortals, and Pei Guang’s troops dissipated like snowflakes]

The Star God is very powerful. The Zerg race raised by Pei Guang is so strong that it can sweep across the entire universe without the Star God taking action. However, Pei Guang's Zerg race is still too weak in the face of the Star God's power.

Although the troops are dispersing, Pei Guang has his own plan. As the Zerg continue to die and be born, Pei Guang can be sure that his power to breed destiny is getting stronger and stronger, while his power to breed Star Gods is getting weaker and weaker.

Because the Breeding Star God only knows about birth and birth, Pei Guang’s analysis only knows that birth and birth should be the breeding in breeding, not breeding. At the same time, the destiny of breeding should be a part of immortality, but Pei Guang still uses all Zerg with immortal power.

When the war started between the two sides, Breeding Destiny believed that the Zerg with immortal power were more suitable for this fate. At the same time, Pei Guang's breeding philosophy was more in line with Destiny's philosophy.

The Star God of Simultaneous Breeding is strong in body, but the life forms he splits are not strong. He can indeed kill countless swarms of insects, but Pei Guang's swarm of light-holding insects can easily kill his offspring.

Breeding Star God will cause it to give birth to more units by killing its own units, but you can also convert all enemy corpses into your own units through resource conversion.

Breeding Star God memetic pollution is terrifying, but for Pei Guang, that's it? The larvae born in the player base are absolutely loyal to the player. Affected by the power of the Star God, many Zerg species are indeed born with the same Star God model, but these Star God models are all loyal to Pei Guang. After they were born, they all joined in the crusade and breeding. In the war of the Star Gods.

After all, breeding is just breeding. Although its destiny covers some other destiny paths when breeding ascends, this power is not enough to affect the player's characteristics. The Breeding Star God can only give birth to children, and the Breeding Star God cannot interfere with whoever the boys he gives birth to follow.

[Pei Guang's troops dissipated like snowflakes, and Pei Guang's Zerg gave birth to a large number of new insects. The new Zerg were determined to eliminate the breeding star gods, and the offspring of the breeding star gods disappeared like snowflakes. 】

[The power of breeding Star God is weakening, and Pei Guang’s power of breeding destiny is increasing. 】

According to Pei Guang's plan, if this situation continues, he will probably be consumed by himself in another hundred years of breeding Star Gods. However, the plan could not keep up with the change. On Akivili's train, Aha brought the latest news from the front to Vidyadhara.

The Vidyadhara Zerg, the first Vidyadhara Zerg, possesses all the blessings of Aha and was raised by the pioneering star god Akivili.

Following Akiwili, she witnessed the magnificence of the universe, and even saw how her own race maintained the universe.

As Pei Guang's loyal subordinate, the Vidyadhara, who witnessed the beauty of the universe, had some insights. With Aha's fanning, she felt that she should do something.

[The Vidyadhara Insect Master wants to hunt down those who killed her own kind. The Vidyadhara Insect Master has witnessed the beauty of the universe and wants to maintain the justice of the universe. Breeding star gods wreaked havoc on the world, affecting the development of routes, destroying the order of the universe, and killing countless of their own kind. The Vidyadhara Insect Lord ignited the destiny of hunting, Pei Guang possessed all the power of the Destiny of Hunting, and the Vidyadhara Insects received all the blessings of hunting]

At this moment, Pei Guang, who was happily directing the Zerg and Breeding Star Gods to fight, was stunned for a moment: "Wait a minute? Where does the hunting power come from? I don't need the power of hunting, I can kill it with my men. . Damn it? Didn’t this guy play well with the Pioneer Star God? Who made her become the Star God?

Pei Guang is very unhappy now. Although his side's fueling tactics have caused great losses, the gains are also visible to the naked eye. It was only a matter of time before we exhausted the breeding Star God and obtained His full power.

As a result, he has an extra hunting star god under his command? This hunting star god is not his plan, why did someone suddenly become it?

This is equivalent to playing a competitive game. When you are fighting back and forth with your opponent, and you have a complete winning advantage, suddenly a teammate bursts with enthusiasm and full firepower.

Although they won, and won more easily, this feeling of not being in control and not in the plan was a surprise to the players, but the feeling of neither being better nor worse was also uncomfortable.

"Good guy, is this the second time? Is it Aha's fault?"

[Pei Guang understood that all this was caused by Happy Aha. Pei Guang decided that the next time he saw Aha, he would definitely slap his butt with a wicker and send the scene to the whole universe. 】

[Pei Guang's favorable opinion of Aha dropped a lot. Aha said that he was just a memory in the memory world. It didn't matter that Pei Guang's favorable impression dropped. He just wanted to see Pei Guang's helpless expression even though he wanted to deal with it. Anyway, he had the real one behind him. Pot~]

Chapter 262 The end of the memory world, happy Aha~

Pei Guang didn't do anything anymore. Someone under him ignited the hunting destiny and became the hunting star god. He just accepted it. There happened to be a star god there, and he had a greater advantage in the war with the breeding star god.

[Pei Guang’s Zerg received the blessing of the Hunting Star God, and the support from the Hunting Star God crossed the star track and came to Taiz Yuros]

[Countless Zerg engaged in the war, and under countless Zerg suicide attacks, the blood bar of the Breeding Star God Taizyuros began to decrease]

Under the crazy attacks of several Amber Era, Taizyuros's power was taken away more by Pei Guang, and as the imaginary power he could use decreased, Taizyuros's recovery power also weakened.

Under the attack of countless insect swarms that forced blood deductions, Taizyuros's health bar finally began to drop, and when Taizyuros realized that his life was disappearing, he felt scared.

[The Breeding Star God is afraid of Pei Guang's Zerg. He wants to escape. Facing the Zerg that can reproduce as well as himself but with a much higher quality, Taizyuros is afraid.]

[The Breeding Destiny believes that Taiz Yuros is useless and completely abandoned Taiz Yuros, and Pei Guang became the Breeding Star God]

At the moment when the Breeding Star God was abandoned by Fate, Pei Guang had all the authority over Breeding. And when Pei Guang had all the authority over Breeding, he was sure that the ability to breed was even more terrifying than he imagined.

Breeding and reproduction, whether reproduction or nurturing, are an essential part of this destiny. In addition to basic reproduction and nurturing, this destiny also incorporates some of the power of other destiny paths.

As a player, you will not be restricted by your destiny, because for the player, everything in the game world must give way to the player's gameplay.

Therefore, Pei Guang can think very seriously about how to use his destiny power and use his power to the limit.

[Pei Guang believes that reproduction is not mindless birth. He defines what reproduction is. All life in the universe has the ability to reproduce offspring. Inorganic life is also life, and inorganic life will also receive blessings from the breeding star god and can create its own offspring]

[In order to avoid chaos in the universe, Pei Guang wrote new rules into the life cycle of reproduction. The reproduction efficiency of life is inversely proportional to the life span of the life. The longer the life span, the lower the probability of reproducing offspring. The life of this universe will only suffer from individual loss of reproduction. Ability, all races will receive blessings from the Breeding Star God, this probability cannot be changed by any means. 】

[All Dragonborn have gained the ability to reproduce. However, because of their lifespan and the mechanism of reincarnation, the probability of reproducing offspring is very low. However, Dragonborn are still cheering for joy, and Pei Guang has gained a certain degree of favor from all Dragonborn. 】

[Pei Guang strengthens the concept of reproduction. In the process of raising offspring, all life forms will gain greater power when protecting their offspring]

[Pei Guang strengthened the concept of breeding. After any non-intelligent life breeds an intelligent life, the entire group will awaken to spiritual wisdom]

[Pei Guang added his own

[The reincarnated Vidyadhara Dragon Lord expressed that Pei Guang has me in his heart]

As the saying goes, if you are not in your position, you will not be in charge. Pei Guang became the Breeding Star God and began to adjust the power of the Breeding Star God. In Pei Guang's view, the trait of breeding star gods is also ridiculously strong. From conception to birth, from early childhood to old age, everything is part of the life cycle of breeding.

As a result, although the insect Taizyuros started this life path, because he only had life and life in his mind, he did not show the horror of this life path to the extreme.

Now that his destiny is in his own hands, Pei Guang is naturally thinking about how to maximize the power of his destiny. However, while maximizing his power, Pei Guang has not given up on how to use the power of his destiny to satisfy his desires.

After fighting for so many years, you still can’t feel refreshed?

As a result, Pei Guang began to crazily stuff his own life with private goods, and even used his breeding authority to continuously optimize the appearance of human forms of various races. Various humans with animal characteristics were active throughout the galaxy.

[Aha believed that Pei Guang used the Star God’s authority indiscriminately and violated the rules of the Life Court, so Aha initiated a trial against Pei Guang]

[Pei Guang said that I am the president of the court. Are you going to judge me? 】

[Aha made a big fuss, and the whole universe was laughing at Aha like a clown. Aha said he was really shameless]

[Aha raised his non-existent buttocks and wanted Pei Guang to spank him. Pei Guang was not interested in Aha's butt. Aha expressed that he was angry at being looked down upon. Aha secretly kicked Pei Guang's butt]

[Aha: "It's so exciting to kick and run~\

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