Whatever he was unhappy about, whatever he wanted to play was not achieved, and all kinds of worries disappeared. In Pei Guang's eyes, he had enough good feelings and wanted to release a new CG.

So how do you get enough goodwill on March 7th? Yes! When a girl with such a strong sense of justice sees that Beloberg has a future again with her help, she will indeed gain a lot of favor and exceed the threshold.

At this time, Pei Guang was thinking narcissistically, but narcissism was narcissism, and at this time, Pei Guang was nervous.

If you take into account the number of wives and experience in the game, the player's experience can be said to be rich, but these are only theoretical experiences, and Pei Guang's real-life experience is a pure zero.

But that didn't stop him from looking forward to it~ But what Pei Guang didn't notice was that while March Qi was speaking in a low voice, Xingke was listening closely behind them.

Have a good night? How could this be without her, the famous Galaxy Bat Man?

"Damn March, don't let A Guang see it! I want to see it too!"

A scornful smile appeared on Xing's face. There are always people who think she is scornful and think that her brain is not good, but Xing knows that she is a smart person. Although she was brought up by star core hunters, her past memories are gone, leaving only some muscle memory.

But after she woke up, she was brought up by Pei Guang. Under the influence of her ears and eyes, she naturally knew a lot of things.

While they were communicating in a low voice, Dena Tang and Topa on the other side were also communicating.

Topa: "Who did you say beat you? Sambo? It was a man with short blue hair, right?"

Dana Tang: "That's right! Have you seen him?"

Topa pondered: "Don't you think you have remembered the wrong person? That man named Sambo and his companions cooperated with me and have never left me. How could they have time to beat you up?" ? Wait, judging from his status, he can do anything as the Masked Fool. Forget it, let me help you contact the person named Sambo and see what he says? "

While talking, Topa called Giovanni and asked Giovanni to transfer the call to Sambo.

At this time, in the former arsenal in the lower area, Sambo looked at Giovanni proudly: "Brother, how are you? I was right~"

Giovanni: "It's really fun, but you can't share the fun with me this time~"

Sangbo smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, I am more interesting. I am very curious about what they will do with me, and even more curious about what they will do after they know the truth. The famous Pei Guang, hey! Let me tell you, when he becomes famous in the future , then my old Sambo can also be famous in the galaxy. When you mention him in the future, you have to think of what contributions I, old Sambo, have made to this universe."

Giovanni: "Indeed, I am extremely envious of your luck. What a pity, what a pity~"

Sambo hooked Giovanni's neck: "What a pity, can't you have a good time with him and the pioneers this time? As for after that, let's see you in Pinoconi~"

After saying that, Sambo took the call from Giovanni: "Hey? Sister Topa? What's wrong? What? Beating someone? Sister Topa, you know me. I, Sambo, just want to make a lot of money. Sister Topa's colleague It's too late for me to flatter him, so how can I beat him? That's good! I'll give you face, Sister Topa, and I'll accept the company's investigation, but if the investigation ends, it has nothing to do with my old Sambo, hehe~"

While Sambo answered the phone, he gestured to Giovanni. The two of them smiled knowingly and started their preparations.

For the Masked Fool, being able to participate in the players' affairs is simply the happiest thing in the entire galaxy. There is no guarantee that there will be someone in front of the screen watching their performance and the impact they bring with a knowing smile.

Sambo was gone. As a qualified Masked Fool, he would definitely run when it was time to run, but it was obvious that not running this time would be the most fun.

At the same time, in Clipper Castle, Topa looked at Denatan with disbelief after receiving Sambo's message: "That guy said... he was willing to submit to the law..."

Denatan: "That's okay. Apart from this condition, I have no other conditions!"

Topa opened her mouth to say something, but after thinking for a moment, she chose silence. She could tell that this Masked Fool wanted to play, and the person being played was the person in front of him.

Block? Stop this shit! At first glance, it was Pei Guang who did this. As he said, since he chose the stool, he would not get up unless there were special circumstances.

Besides, all the Masked Fools who can come out have a bottom line. They can only be played around once without being demoted or losing anything precious. The Masked Fools can play whatever they want.

People like the Masked Fool have been around for a long time. They have been present in every major event in history. Generally speaking, these people hanging around outside do not do much harm, and they often even turn events in the opposite direction. Advance in an overall favorable direction.

Because of this, when these people are fulfilling their destiny...the people in the company won't hold them too accountable.

After thinking about this, Topa nodded and said: "No problem, the person you want has been found. I will leave the rest to you and the great guardian here to handle!"

Dana Tang: "Okay! I have no other comments. I also wish the great guardian lady to pay off the company's debts as soon as possible and have a happy cooperation with the company! Since there are historical problems, I will go back to deal with these historical problems now, and wait until everything is checked. Later, I will cooperate and communicate with you.”

Bronya: "Happy cooperation!"

At this moment, Dena Tang had completely looked away. As a company employee, no one was a fool. It's just that he was a little over the top before, but now that he calmed down, he realized that he was close to falling into the abyss.

In fact, this was the case. When he returned to his ship and prepared to return to the company headquarters to re-adjudicate the history of Beloberg, the feedback on the ship silenced him.

Looking at the Star Destroyer information fed back from the ship, he was sure of one thing. If he really brought an attack ship to intimidate, then what was waiting for him might not be intimidation, but a real attack.

Facing a giant ship of this level, if he really offends him, the company will definitely cut him off immediately. Because its value is not as good as the force threat of this ship. If nothing else, just saying that this thing directly hits the company headquarters will be a huge loss to the headquarters.

"Huh! Fortunately, she came in time. It seems that I owe her a favor."

Now Denatan has completely calmed down. He is no longer the confident and proud person he was when he first landed on this planet. He only feels panic now.

While hurriedly running away, Bronya also came to Pei Guang on the other side in Clipper Castle.

"Aguang, this time, I really want to thank you. If it weren't for you..."

Pei Guang smiled and said: "If you really want to thank me, I must have a great time at this event! After all, I took the lead in organizing the event! It's a big event."

Although he can't happily turn my residual body into fire, if nothing happens during the activity and he can happily perform the activity, he will feel very happy.

Topa on the other side also came over: "I have prepared the specific event items. Mr. Giovanni fully sponsors this event and is preparing to hold the annual ceremony in this city. The location has also been inspected. It is here What do you think about the weapons testing site in the lower district?"

Although he already had a plan, this time he was helping Pei Guang to carry out activities. After finishing his own planning, he naturally had to wait for Pei Guang's decision.

Pei Guang: "I believe you. As the saying goes, professional things should be done professionally. We are a team, so you can just do it without worry."

Topa smiled and said: "That's what I've been waiting for. Don't worry, this time it will be a grand interstellar ceremony, guaranteed to satisfy all participants. I'll go and get busy first, so I won't disturb your chat here~ Goodbye~"

Topa left, and this time she only came up to stop her colleagues from committing suicide. Her colleagues woke up in time, and she should be busy with what she had to do.

There are still more than two weeks left before the Summer Day Festival. Two weeks is enough time to heat up this event and get everyone involved.

In this era of the universe where time is money, except for those immortal species in Xianzhou who do not have a strong concept of dates, the rest of the planets connected by the company are all racing against time.

One week to promote, one week to compete, and the finals on the festival day, it was perfect.

The only regret is that the galaxy of Yaliluo is relatively remote. If many people want to participate in the competition, they may need to participate remotely through the Internet. In this way, participating in the competition will give players a certain amount of room for cheating.

But it's not a big problem. Topa is going to bring in the company's top engineers to maintain the event. Of course, Topa's idea is obviously redundant, because there is also a legendary hacker and player Yin Lang on Pei Guang's side. Although Yin Lang is not good at playing many games, she only knows how to cheat in competitive games.

As a player, you also have the dignity of a player. How to turn on modifiers in stand-alone games is the player's freedom. However, in competitive games or multiplayer games, you rely on turning on modifiers or plug-ins to win. Anyone who sees it will have to take a sip, which makes Silver Wolf If she finds someone cheating in a competitive game, she can delete that person's account.

Because Bronya still had work to do, and Himeko had something to say, the group returned to the train.

Seeing everyone back on the train, Walter, who was waiting on the train, smiled at Pei Guang and his group: "How was it?"

Ji Zi: "The matter was solved perfectly~ But~ I won't take action this time. I think Aguang can solve it easily, right?"

Ji Zi finally figured out that she was just going through the motions to provide a backer for Belloberg. Even if she didn't go, Pei Guang would definitely be able to solve the problem easily.

March 7 smiled and said: "How is that possible? Ji Zi is the most important part of A Guang's plan."

Pei Guang nodded: "That's right! If Ji Zi hadn't come forward, it would never have been so easy. I even thought that this employee wouldn't give Ji Zi your face, but I didn't expect that Ji Zi's face would be so easy to use~"

Himeko: "Thank you. In the final analysis, you were well prepared. In addition, Miss Topa must have discovered something, otherwise the employee would not have retreated decisively. As for your actions this time, I want to Praise you, you have done a good job. I need to admit that even I cannot do it to your level. Through your own methods and efforts, you can truly survive on this reborn planet. Practice the path of pioneering.”

Hearing this compliment, Pei Guang showed an embarrassed expression. He always felt that the way of development Ji Zi mentioned was not relevant to what he wanted to do, but it was not a big problem! They are all pioneering.

Pei Guang: "I'm a little embarrassed to be praised~ But having said that, there will be an event in Beloberg that I will take the lead in organizing. Jizi, are you interested in coming?"

Jizi: "Oh? Have you fully integrated into the local life? If it is you, then you must come~ then let Walter be on duty."

Walter didn't speak, but his expression told Pei Guang that he wanted to go.

March 7th looked at Walter at this time: "Hey~ Uncle Yang also wants to go with this expression? Don't worry, Uncle Yang, at worst I will be on duty then! You and Sister Jizi go to play first~"

Pam on the side put her hands on her hips and said, "Did you forget about me? With me here, you can all go out and play with peace of mind!"

March 7: "Hey? Really? Pam is the best! Ah Guang! Let's tell Dan Heng about this, and then all the train crew will go to the festival together."

Hearing that Dan Heng was being looked for, I, Walter, who was on the side, said, "Dan Heng returned to Xianzhou for something after you took Ji Zi away. I'll tell him about it when he comes back." "

Pei Guang: "Huh? Back to the fairy boat?"

Pei Guang vaguely smelled the incident. For safety reasons, Pei Guang took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Dan Heng.

Pei Guang: "Are you there? What are you doing? Is it dangerous?"

Dan Heng: "It's very safe. I just want to meet my friends from my previous life and settle the grievances from my previous life."

Pei Guang: "Oh~ So~ do you want us to help cheer you up?"

Dan Heng felt warm inside when he saw the message from Pei Guang. The feeling that Pei Guang gave him after getting on the train was very strange. When they first met, he just felt that he was a strange and good person with abnormal behavior.

But after getting along with him, he discovered that Pei Guang had many ideas in his head and had special abilities. The most important thing was that he regarded everyone on the train as his friends and companions. Even after knowing his past, help him overcome and face the past.

Thinking of this, Dan Heng replied: "No need, this matter is my private matter, I can solve it, and I have a gift from you, no problem."

At this moment, Dan Heng looked at the spear that had once again transformed into a pink and cute rabbit. He originally planned to give this spear to Bai Lu as a gift, but unfortunately, after Bai Lu used it to reshape the seal, Bai Lu's immortal power directly It has turned into the shape of a cute rabbit. Even without weapon special effects, it is still in this form.

After some back and forth, the special effect came back to Dan Heng. Logically speaking, Dan Heng liked this special effect very much. At least when he called him with this blade, he called Dan Heng instead of Dan Feng.

Again, in the past, he committed a heinous sin, and he bears the sin, but he has to bear the sin left over from his previous life as Dan Heng, but his personal will can only be Dan Heng and not Dan Feng.

What gave him the courage? It's not the power, nor the identity of the unknown guest, nor the characteristics of the reincarnation of the Awakening clan, but the weapon in his arms with special effects of a pink cute rabbit.

Isn’t this? At this time, Dan Heng entered the Shence Mansion with weapons in his arms. The person he wanted to see was a friend in his past life. Logically speaking, the past life had nothing to do with this life, but in order to completely put this past to rest, Dan Heng decided to go alone. Take a trip.

This is his own past, and he wants to end it alone.

While Dan Heng stood here holding a pink cute rabbit-looking spear, Yun Qijun from Shence Mansion took a curious peek.

Yun Qijun: "It's so weird! Take a look. It's so weird! Take another look. Take another look!"

For some reason, seeing Dan Heng hugging the cute pink rabbit, the Yunqi soldiers wanted to laugh, but they didn't dare to laugh out loud.

Yan Qing, who was on duty, noticed something unusual about Yun Qijun. When he looked over curiously, his expression froze. He thought of the competition with Dan Heng and the puppet, which made Yan Qing tremble.

"There are so many guests today..."

Seeing Dan Heng hugging the cute pink rabbit, Yanqing felt bad. In his opinion, Dan Heng was very strong, and he was also shameless. In all his years of fighting, he had never seen a weapon that looked so weird and was so humiliating when used.

Yanqing wanted to say something else, but looking at the cute rabbit's eyes shining with strange light at the tip of Dan Heng's gun, Yanqing immediately closed his mouth.

If you don't speak, you won't be humiliated by this thing. If you speak, who knows what this thing will do to you. If I get stabbed by this thing again, my life will be ruined! destroyed!

While Yanqing was silent, Jingyuan's secretary was also silent when she saw Dan Heng coming. Qingdao opened her mouth to say something, but when she saw the cute pink rabbit in Dan Heng's arms, she fell silent.

As Jing Yuan's secretary, she knows many, many things, such as Dan Heng's cute pink rabbit. Today's Vidyadhara clan has been driven crazy by the cute rabbit that divides the sea and the seal that turns into a cute rabbit.

Let’s talk about Bailu, right? I don't dare, Bailu can force scales to fade and regenerate, which is useless for other races, but it is a big killer for the Awakening Race. Then we can only talk about Dan Heng. Countless letters of complaint about Dan Heng appeared in various organizations in Xianzhou. Qing Bao, who had also seen the power of the pink cute rabbit, only felt fear after seeing this thing in person.

The cute appearance is made into a weapon, which is supposed to give people a sense of security, but looking at Dan Heng holding it and looking at the adorable head of the cute rabbit, no one wants to be poked by this thing.

Because of this, Qingdao didn't know whether to stop Dan Heng or not.

When Dan Heng saw that no one was stopping him, he also walked towards the interior of Shence Mansion. He saw Jingliu with the figure of a girl standing in the center of Shence Mansion.

The sound of his walking was heard by Jingliu. Jingliu turned and looked at Dan Heng. However, before she could speak, Dan Heng spoke first: "Let me guess, what you want to say to me is 'Yin Yue, You came.'"

Jingliu was shocked by Yinyue's words. She originally wanted to say something, but Dan Heng said what she wanted to say first, leaving her stunned for a moment.

However, the moment she turned around and was stunned, the moment she saw Dan Heng, everything she wanted to say was suppressed. Because she saw that in the eyes of the cute pink rabbit in Dan Heng's hand, there was a strange light. This light was three parts sarcastic, four parts mocking and one hundred parts contemptuous.

Looking at Dan Heng who was confidently holding this cute pink rabbit, Jingliu recalled the stunning scene she saw of the cute pink rabbit parting the sea. This was the first time she experienced the demonic body shouting in her mind, ' Don't watch the scene.

Chapter 252 Jingliu: "Is this the Luofu Immortal Boat? The Yunqi Army is useless."

Jingliu calmed down and looked at her former best friend who had almost changed beyond recognition. Just as Jingliu was about to speak, Dan Heng spoke calmly before her.

"Your next sentence is "Should I call you Danheng or Danfeng?" "

Originally, what Jingliu wanted to say was that I should call you your name in this life, but because Dan Heng spoke half a beat faster, and what Dan Heng said was similar to what she wanted to say, she was directly led astray.

Jing Liu: "Should I call you Dan Heng or Dan Feng?"

Jingliu was silent. She could feel that this person had changed a lot compared to the previous Dan Feng.

At the same time, Dan Heng also felt a little emotional in his heart. When Pei Guang faced an enemy or someone on the opposite side, he would always anticipate the enemy's opportunity and speak out his thoughts first. This level of pre-reading can be done by experienced warriors, but few will do it.

Because for a warrior, being able to speak the other person's words first has nothing to do with whether you win or lose.

But Pei Guang once complained: "Don't worry about the outcome. When the war starts, you should disgust the enemy first."

Jingliu was silent for a long time before she spoke slowly, but when she was about to say something, she suddenly stopped. Seeing that Dan Heng was not about to steal her words, Jingliu really spoke.

However, before she could finish her words, Dan Heng continued to speak in a voice that was calm but made Jing Liu's demonic body scream after hearing it: "You want to say that the Vidyadhara will be reincarnated and all the sins he has committed should be written off? I'm sorry. , I never said that my past sins should be wiped out. I have never said goodbye to the past, but in this life, I am living as Dan Heng and with Dan Heng’s thoughts.”

Grandma’s! No matter how well-trained Jingliu is now, listening to Dan Heng's words and looking at the cute rabbit in Dan Heng's hand, she wants to give Dan Heng a break.

I owe it so much. Dan Feng didn’t owe it that much before. Why does Dan Heng look the same as Dan Feng back then, and his voice is just as steady. Why is his mouth so owed.

Before he could say anything, he let him speak first.

However, when Jingliu was angry, a hand suddenly appeared next to her: "Sister, you are so angry that it hurts your body. Let's have a drink to moisten your throat."

Seeing this hand and a full cup of warm-looking coffee in it, Jingliu took it and put it to his mouth before subconsciously saying: "Thank you."

However, when she poured the coffee into her mouth and put the empty coffee cup back into the hand that suddenly appeared, Jing showed a solemn expression.


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