She felt her breathing becoming labored. She wanted to say something, but she couldn't. She wanted to look up at Pei Guang, but a strange force prevented her from looking.

Pei Guang's side was similar. When he launched the attack, he discovered that the real and virtual games were completely two different feelings. Although he had a lot of experience in the game, Pei Guang's real experience was 0!

Just when the relationship between the two people was heating up in the room, there was a knock on the door: "March~Aguang~I'm here!"

This call directly saved two people.

March 7: "Ahem! Xing is here, let Xing also see the treasure we got~"

March 7 opened the door with a blushing face, and Xing outside the door felt that the temperature inside the room was obviously several degrees higher than the outside and other rooms the moment the door opened.

Feeling the abnormality in the room, Xing's eyes flashed with wisdom. As a child raised by Pei Guang, Xing was quick to wit: "That's it! I remember saying in March that I got two babies! You two , You want to hide the treasure secretly behind my back! Well, luckily I’m better at it, come on, show me what the golden treasure you got in March is?”

March 7 looked at Pei Guang: "Show it to her, otherwise~ she will definitely make a fuss and be so envious~"

Xing: "Would I be envious? Look at this, golden light cone! Look at this, orange flame gun, would I be envious?"

Not to be outdone, March 7th straightened up her chest and took two light cones from Pei Guang's hand: "Look! They are also golden light cones. Look at this again, golden skills!"

Xing: "Give me a look~"

March 7: "Here!"

Taking the light cone from March Qi, Xing directly ignored the serious-looking light cone and focused on the light cone named [The Starting Point of March Qi's Memory].

Basically everyone knows the function of the light cone. Even the extremely rare light cone is only different in its own bonus. What really catches the star's attention is March 7 in this light cone.

Like Pei Guang, Xing raised his light cone and tilted his head, as if he wanted to see something disharmonious on this flat surface: "Well! I can't see anything!"

March 7: "!"

March Qi's eyes widened: "Wait! Why do you think so?"

Xing: "Because it's very attractive to see it like this! This feeling of seeming to be able to see it, but actually not being able to see it, aroused my curiosity!"

Xing Zhengzheng said something similar to what Pei Guang said. After hearing this, March Qi looked at Xing and then at Pei Guang: "Look! You brought it out!"

Pei Guang: "This is the instinct of living things to pursue beauty. How can you blame me for bringing it out? If you want to blame it, blame Qi'er, you are too charming."

Xing crossed his arms and nodded in agreement: "Yes! March, you are so charming."

March 7: "You! Ask for a beating!"

It was originally a small event for March 7 to show off that he had obtained the golden light cone, but due to the confusion of Pei Guang and Xing, it turned into a pillow fight between the three of them.

In a small room, for the three playful people, this small room is the warmest place in the universe and the happiest place for them.

After playing for a long time, the three tired people lay on the small bed on March 7. Because the bed was too small, the three people could only lie sideways on the bed. Although the lower half of the body was not supported by the bed, the three people lay on it. Looking at the ceiling here feels inexplicably comfortable.

Looking at the ceiling, March Qi stretched out her hand to hold the light that she couldn't hold at all. Although the light from the lamp couldn't be held, the light filled the entire room, wrapping her up and keeping her away from the darkness.

Maybe it was because she was too tired, or because the light made March Qi feel warm, she slowly closed her eyes.

When Pei Guang and Xing heard March Qi's steady breathing, they both sat up carefully. After looking at each other, they carefully walked out of the room.

But when Pei Guang stood up, March 7 stretched out his hand and grabbed the corner of Pei Guang's clothes: "Caught... Guang..."

March Qi's subconscious movements made Pei Guang stop. He looked at Xing and roughly communicated with Xing with his eyes.

Pei Guang: "You go out first, I will stay with her for a while."

Star: "Okay~"

The two looked at each other and nodded, so Xing got up and left first, while Pei Guang lay back on the bed, letting March Qi grab his clothes and not let go.

In order to make March Qi sleep comfortably, Xing turned off the lights in the room before leaving the room. When the room darkened, Pei Guang could feel March Qi's hand tightening.

I don’t know how long it’s been, an hour? a couple of hours? Pei Guang felt March Qi let go of his hand. After looking at March Qi's sleeping face in the dark and saying good night softly, Pei Guang got up and left.

But what Pei Guang didn't know was that when he left, March Qi opened his eyes. From the beginning to the end, she was not pretending to be asleep but really sleeping, but when she let go, she was awake instead of asleep.

She didn't know how she went from sharing a light cone to a pillow fight, and finally to sleeping together, but March Qi knew that she had caught what she wanted to catch this time.

Thinking of this, March Qi, who was lying on the bed, smiled, and his heart, which had become increasingly hollow, began to shine with some light.

On the other side, when Pei Guang walked out of the door, he saw Xing who was watching the scenery outside the door. Outside the train window was the huge ship Luofu Xianzhou. Xing looked at the ship calmly, waiting for Pei Guang to come out.

When Pei Guang came out and saw Xing, he said, "Are you going to stay here all the time?"

Xing: "Aren't you lying in there too~ But Ah Guang~ Coming back this time will prove that we have nothing to do in Luofu, right?"

Pei Guang looked at Luofu Xianzhou's ship: "It should be gone. The main plot is completed, and a lot of side tasks, large and small, have also been completed. We have gained enough reputation. It feels like there is really nothing left to do."

Xing: "Where is your territory?"

Pei Guang: "There's not much to do. The Black Tower Dolls and Alicia are managing everything in an orderly manner. Before the first starship goes to heaven, if the Legion doesn't take the initiative to launch an attack, there will be nothing for us to do. Now I It’s no problem for the soldiers on the territory to be evenly matched with the legion.”

Xing: "Looking at it this way, we are really fine for the time being. It feels so boring to be free all of a sudden~ And if I feel really free~ March will be such an advantage. Invincible A Guang~ Please help me find something to do~ I don’t want to be idle~”

Ever since he woke up and saw Pei Guang, Xing felt that he had hardly rested along the way, especially when he arrived at a new map. It was incredible to Xing that he could accomplish so many things in one day.

In these places, it was only a day to solve these big things, but now when Xing thinks about it, he feels as if he has spent a whole half a year.

She was happy and happy these days, but when it came time to have some free time, Xing felt a sense of crisis. It might take a day or a few days before they could continue their adventure, but Xing felt that if they didn't find something to do, these days might turn into months, years or even forever.

She didn't want to be like this, so she pinned her hopes on the invincible Pei Guang and asked him to take her to find some interesting things to do. Of course, playing is not the most important thing, what is really important is that Xing has a feeling.

If time stops at this moment, the final winner will be March 7, and she, the Galaxy Bat Man, will only lose or lose! She can't accept losing, she has to win no matter what

Chapter 234: Survival game in Belloberg Snowfield, Ling Kede is confused

Hearing Xing's idea of ​​not wanting to be idle, Pei Guang started to think: "Since we don't want to be idle, let's start playing. As for the Earth, we can't go there for the time being. Our teleportation is based on the time here, so there's no guarantee that it will be accurate." What will happen to the earth in this day? As for Xianzhou, we have just visited the space station, so there is only one place left!"


Xing showed excited eyes. The space station had already returned, but Beloberg had not returned yet. Although the Black Tower Space Station was invited by the Black Tower, this did not prevent them from having fun there.

Xingze began to think: "Although we have walked through all the places we should go in Belloberg City, we haven't carefully explored the snowfield outside Belloberg City, right? How about we explore outside the snowfield?"

Looking back on my experience in Belloberg at that time, there were still many ridiculous things that happened in Belloberg. For example, Pei Guang admitted his identity and was misunderstood by the Silver-maned Iron Guard, and there was also a special wanted person from Belloberg. make.

She still has a copy of this Wanted star, and she has to admit that Jeppard's painting skills are indeed a bit interesting. Although he doesn't look like him on the outside, what he paints on the inside is the same image.

Hearing Xing's suggestion, Pei Guang began to think: "It's true! At that time, we walked around the inside and outside of the city on three floors. There really was nothing to do. Let's go shopping outside to see if we could dig it out. Some things are indeed a good choice, and exploring and surviving in the snow sounds very good!”

Xing became excited all of a sudden: "Let's go!"

Before Pei Guang could speak, the door of March Qi opened slowly. March Qi walked out of the room and threw herself on Xing: "Okay! You actually kidnapped A Guang to play while I was sleeping. ~Bad guy~”

Xingze said righteously: "I'm not secretly. I asked Aguang openly if he wanted to play. Besides, you're awake, and you heard that you wanted to follow."

Pei Guang: "That's right! Even if you don't wake up, we will wait for you to wake up, and the three of us will act as a gang!"

March 7: "Then what are you waiting for? This girl is already awake~ let's take action!"

Pei Guang: "Let's go!"

Pei Guang was about to take the two of them back to Belloberg for adventure, but what Pei Guang didn't notice was that behind him, March Qi and Xing looked at each other.

But unlike the combination of Pei Guang and Xing, who had a close connection, Xing and March Qi looked at each other, and the two of them didn't see what the other was thinking at all. Xing's eyes were full of great wisdom, giving March 7 the feeling that he didn't know what to say.

There was even a feeling on March 7th that without Pei Guang around, Xing might have turned into a trailblazer who didn't speak a word along the way but spoke with amazing words.

The three of them continued to go out to play, but on the train, Pam, who was cleaning, stopped and complained: "It's really bad. Not long after I came back, I went out to play again."

Ji Zi heard Pam's complaints and laughed softly: "Young people should have the vigor of young people, and under their influence, Xiao Sanyue's heart is becoming more and more sunny, but A Guang... um~ As long as Xiao Sanyue and Xing are here, there will be no problem.”

Although Jizi didn't follow everyone else, she paid attention to everyone's movements on the train. She could see that everyone on the train was a good child, and for children, not only should they pay attention to their physical health, but also their health. Mental health.

Belloberg Snowfield, when Pei Guang, Xing and March 7 came here again

Returning to the snowfield again, March 7 crossed her arms and looked around: "It's really a world of ice and snow~"

Pei Guang: "It's really a world of ice and snow~"

Xing: “It’s really a world of ice and snow~”

Looking at the two people who were once again transformed into repeaters, March 7th joked: "Let me think about it, my complaint at that time was ~ repeaters, you guys~"

Pei Guang gave a thumbs up: "The memory is really good~"

March 7 put her hands on her hips and said proudly: "That's right! Our memory is the best in the world, but when I come back here again, I always feel that my mood is different~"

Pei Guang: "That's right, we were here to solve problems at that time, but this time we are here to have fun. It happens to be a snowfield, and it feels like a waste not to survive in the snowfield once."

Hearing the word "survival", March 7 trembled: "Survive? Do you want to eat that kind of terrible thing?"

Pei Guang: "How is that possible? What we are playing is naturally the game mode of survival~ Look~ in this frozen and snowy place, as survivors who are trapped here, we need to keep warm, seek food, and build our own homes. At the same time, in this There are powerful monsters in the world, and we have to protect our homeland from the monsters. How exciting~"

Listening to Pei Guang's description, March Qi's eyes lit up: "Huh? After hearing what you said, A Guang, I suddenly became interested."

Xing Ze crossed his arms and said angrily: "Of course! Our A Guang is invincible!"

Pei Guang looked at Xing: "From the time I met you until now, even though it's only been less than a month, you've milked me so many times. You really want to milk me to death one day!"

Xing said proudly: "I am seeking truth from facts, and if someone really wants to hurt you, they have to get through me first."

Pei Guang: "Forget it, let's pass me first. With your little experience, I'm afraid something will happen to you. But now, we are not talking about this time, come on! Let's survive in the snow. By the way, there is storage space. We don’t need the supplies if we can, but things like the synthesis pot should be used casually. After all, we are here to have fun, not to suffer.”

March 7: "Aguang is right, we are just here to play. If we suffer for playing, it will be more than worth the gain. Come on Aguang, what should we do now?"

Pei Guang: "Let me think about it. At the beginning of a wilderness survival game, it is natural to build a home that can shelter from wind and rain. Let's collect resources and build a house."

Xing: "We also have our own house on this planet~"

Pei Guang: "To start it, the materials required are very simple, wood and stone. I think it will be no problem to build a suitable cabin with these."

March 7 looked around: "To be honest, it used to be very painful to live in this kind of environment, but I don't know why when it comes out of your mouth, Aguang, it feels very interesting."

Pei Guang: "That's right! Survival games are very happy and satisfying whether played alone or in a team, and this satisfaction is the process of change from scratch, from poverty to wealth. I just don't know What kind of food can be found in this frozen world?”

March 7 complained: "I'm sure it's food that has been frozen for who knows how many years, but is that food edible?"

Pei Guang nodded: "Of course, there are two chefs by your side!"

Xing: "That's right, you don't have to believe me, but you have to believe in A Guang's cooking skills."

March 7: "When you talk about cooking skills, you mean putting in two chicken drumsticks and making a whole chicken come out?"

March Qi no longer knows how to complain about Pei Guang's cooking skills.

With Pei Guang taking the lead, the three people happily began to collect resources and prepare to build a house.

For ordinary people, it is difficult to build a house in such a snow-covered place, but for players, building in such a place is simply too simple.

During the construction process, Pei Guang also confirmed that the stitching of his system was truly comprehensive.

Because it was more about exploration in the past, although there are passive skills for synthesizing pots and guiding direct construction with drawings, these functions are mainly for exploration. But this time when Pei Guang started to survive, some survival skills began to be unlocked.

And this time, Pei Guang also fully demonstrated what it means to be a survival player.

I saw Pei Guang getting wood and stones from nowhere. He combined these illegal wood and stones into cubes of one cubic meter and stacked them. Normally, this construction method is not stable at all, but when Pei Guang started to build, March 7 found that the building built by Pei Guang was very stable, even very difficult to destroy.

It's obviously just stacked like building blocks, but it's as solid as a rock.

Looking at the wall that had been built, March 7, who had collected a lot of wood and beautiful stones, knocked on the wall built by Pei Guang: "It's amazing, it's just a simple stack, just like a real wall. Then, Aguang...forget it Oh, you did it, I have no intention of complaining anymore.”

March 7 felt that she would have been shocked when she saw this scene when she first met Pei Guang, but now that she has seen too many different things about Pei Guang, she feels that she has become accustomed to it.

If you encounter difficulties, you should go to Pei Guang~ You are right.

Hearing March 7's complaints, Xing Ze looked at Pei Guang who was searching for materials in the snow in the distance and said proudly: "That's right! He is A Guang! He can destroy solid walls in an instant, so how can he casually build an impossible one?" Isn’t it common sense to destroy a wall? With A Guang’s skills, he can be considered a guardian.”

March 7 looked at Xing: "Hiss, why do you feel that in your mouth, orders are everywhere in the street as if they are not rare at all?"

Xing Ye was shocked: "Isn't it true? According to A Guang, we just left Novice Village and we met the envoys. Aren't they all over the streets?"

Pei Guang also heard the two people talking at this time, and came over curiously: "What are you talking about?"

Xing looked at Pei Guang: "We are talking about the messenger~ Ah Guang, do you think we will meet the messenger in the next world?"

March 7th first shook his head: "I guess! Even if we meet him, it will be like General Jingyuan at most. It is absolutely impossible to meet the Great Lord of Extinction again. Go to a place and meet the Great Lord of Extinction once. This way I'm afraid I won't be able to face the Star God of Destruction directly for the seventh time, it's too scary..."

Pei Guang thought: "That makes sense! If we can really gather seven Lords of Destruction, we might be able to summon a Star God of Destruction, because there is a story in my hometown that just gathering seven Dragon Balls can Summon the dragon that will grant any wish."

Xingze looked at Pei Guang curiously: "Aguang, do you think we can meet more envoys in the next world?"

Pei Guang: "Are you just asking me to guess? I guess I can meet him, but I don't know how many he can meet. No matter how many he can meet, as long as he is an enemy, he will definitely be killed in the end~"

Listening to Pei Guang's guess, March 7 complained: "Damn it~ A Guang has already guessed this. I will definitely meet some powerful beings in the next world. But having said that, since I met you two on the space station, , I feel that adventure has become more interesting. For example, in many worlds, you might not have been able to encounter such a powerful being as the Envoy. As a result, since you came, you have seen a lot~ You can even see the Star God with your own eyes. This It can be regarded as fulfilling my dream~”

In the past, March 7th, I had thought about when I would be able to meet the Star God, but today my dream came true, and it was the Star God who personally explained his memory problem. No one else could receive this kind of treatment.

Pei Guang: "Hey~ I'm not sure Qi'er, you are the reincarnation of the Star God or an envoy of a certain Star God? That's it~ Just keep a normal mind. Kill the enemy when you encounter it, and stop it with a knife. Who let us be? Where are the players~"

Xing: "That's right! Kill them all~"

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