March 7 also said excitedly: "It would be easy if these people could search for supplies with us! But having said that, with so many supplies, don't we have enough space?"

Pei Guang pointed to the soldiers in the distance who had completed their work and were waiting for new orders: "Isn't it enough to let them use hyperspace weapons to send our resources to the rear, and let the people in the rear help us sort them? With so many things, even if they sell me the land You can sell it for a lot of money on NPCs!”

Obviously the entire earth belongs to Pei Guang, but when Pei Guang wants to buy something, the first thing he thinks of is spending money. There is no way, there are too many similar games played. Within the player's territory, no matter how high the player's prestige is, he still has to spend money. Pei Guang, who is used to playing this way, the first thing he thinks of is selling things to exchange for money.

Of course, you can still make a living by robbing, but Pei Guang thinks very far. After all, this is a real world. If you rob someone, it may make the whole family or even more people lower his favor, which is not worth the loss.

Besides, looting and selling is part of the game.

Seeing Pei Guang and the others chatting happily, Alicia came over and said, "Hey? What are you talking about? You seem very happy? Can I listen?"

Alicia looked eager to give it a try. She could tell that what the three of them had just talked about was not a secret topic, but a really happy topic.

Pei Guang took a few steps forward and held Alicia's wrist. Alicia, whose wrist was suddenly held, looked at Pei Guang with some doubts: "Eh? What's wrong? Ahem! Could it be that Aguang was Is my lovely girl smitten? But..."

However, before she finished speaking, she felt her other wrist being grabbed. She looked over subconsciously and saw a bright smile on Xing's face.

Underneath the bright smile, it was obviously a bright smile, but it gave people the impression that this child was not very good at talking.

If she was caught by Pei Guang alone, she could still joke with Pei Guang, but Ke Xing also caught her, which gave her a bad feeling.

Pei Guang took Alicia's hand and walked a few steps forward. Alicia who was being pulled asked nervously: "Aguang, what's wrong? Ahem, I'm your adjutant, I won't run away. Oh! And don’t do this, I’m afraid…”

Xing: "You can't run away even if you're afraid!"

March 7 looked at Xing: "What you said is even more scary. Sister Alicia, don't be afraid, we are going to take you to play something fun, something that can only be played between us!"

Alicia was even more afraid at this moment. She was not afraid that Pei Guang would have inappropriate thoughts about her. After all, although she had no experience in matters between men and women, she thought that if she closed her eyes and raised her heart, she might be able to get through it. .

Besides, she didn't see any special emotions in Pei Guang's eyes, and Pei Guang never concealed his thoughts about her.

She likes to see her clothes, her boots, and her appearance. She also likes this pure love from the players.

But it is precisely because the player is pure that she is afraid. Yes, when a person has desires and can guess what he is going to do next, then he has some confidence in his heart. Whether he resists or accepts it is another matter later.

The really scary thing is that Pei Guang and the others said nothing, with expressions on their faces as if they had obtained a rare treasure, and then asked her to do something.

But then, Alicia saw a scene that really scared her. Pei Guang and Xing pulled her to a closed trash can.

I don’t know why the Legion didn’t knock over the trash can after the invasion, and I don’t know what was in the trash can. But looking at the dark gaps in the trash can, Alicia felt the call from the abyss.

She swallowed subconsciously, and Pei Guang was beside him, speaking in a gentle and expectant tone: "My dear adjutant, lovely and innocent Ai Li, would you like to try opening a treasure box?"

At this moment, Alicia's pupils tightened. She didn't understand what the relationship between this trash can and the treasure box was.

And Xing said piously from the side: "Alicia, you are Aguang's adjutant and our good partner! I believe you can definitely deliver the goods the first time you open it, and don't be fooled by the appearance of the trash can. "The trash can is the greatest thing in the world."

March 7: "Yes! Did you know? There is a Star Destroyer in the trash can!"

Pei Guang: "Come on, let's try it!"

Xing: "That's right! That's you, if it were an ordinary person, there would be no chance to try."

Regarding this sentence, a certain great guardian of Belloberg had something to say. She thought that she witnessed the pioneers opening various treasures in the trash can, but later, due to various reasons, she did not have the opportunity until much later. Open a trash can of her own.

But now, Alicia has directly obtained the opportunity that Bronya couldn't get even if she wanted to. If Bronya saw it, she would definitely shed tears of envy.

Pei Guang and Xing controlled Alicia's hand and prepared to open the box. Alicia saw this scene and refused with all her strength. She even leaned back involuntarily, unwilling to accept this terrible thing.

Alicia: "Aguang! Star! March! That's a trash can! A trash can! I don't know how long the garbage in it has been there, it's even possible!"

Pei Guang: "Isn't that great? Take away the treasures inside, take away the garbage as well, and make up for all the ammunition lost this time."

Xing: "That's right, well, I understand you. It feels a little disgusting for the first time, but don't be afraid. Once you get used to it, you will have A Guang's storage space, and you won't have any residue on your body after you put away the garbage. "

Alicia: "!!!"

Just when Alicia was struggling, Kevin noticed the situation and came over: "What are you doing?"

Alicia: "Kevin! Help! They want to control me from opening the trash can."

Kevin: "Open the trash can? Is there anything in the trash can?"

Kevin didn't think too much, he just walked to the trash can in front of him and opened the full trash can.

At this moment, this trash can, which has experienced changes in human society and invasion by legions, and is still guarding garbage, feels that its mission is about to be completed.

At this moment, it has completed its mission as a trash can, and it is time for the people in front of it to witness its efforts as a trash can.

Kevin doesn't have many ideas. As a soldier, he will only pick up weapons loyally and destroy the enemy. Alicia wanted to open the trash can, and Pei Guang and Xing also wanted to open the trash can, but everyone thought the trash can was dirty. It didn't matter, so he asked Kevin to open the trash can and see what was hidden in it. What are you wearing?

Pei Guang doesn't care about what Kevin wants to open, because only his own people can open things. If others open it and don't ship it, it won't affect their future opening.

But what happened next made Pei Guang, Xing and March Qi's expressions freeze. Kevin opened the trash can. The moment the trash can was opened, golden light shot straight into the blue sky.

Pei Guang: "Huh?"

Star: "Huh?"

March 7: "Huh?"

Pei Guang and Xing let go of Alicia, while March Qi rubbed his eyes and looked ahead in disbelief.

Not only were these three dumbfounded, Alicia was also dumbfounded. What did she see? Golden light emerging from the trash can? What else did you see? See two guns lying in the trash can with a golden light?

And under the golden light, is a pair of twin guns full of technology?

Damn it! Weapons found in the trash can? Alicia felt like she hadn't woken up.

At this moment, the scene was silent. Pei Guang looked at Kevin and then at the weapons in the trash can.

And Kevin didn't think much. He picked up the two guns in the trash can. The moment he picked up the two guns, he suddenly had a strange feeling. But he didn't think too much and handed the weapon directly to Pei Guang.

"Is this what you are looking for?"

Pei Guang subconsciously took the weapon and took a look at its properties.

Weapon: Skyfire Holy Judgment

The God's Key made from the Herrscher core of the Seventh Herrscher, the Herrscher of Flame, and the Skyfire Holy Judgment in the form of two spears, dominate the power of "fire" and possess the most powerful destructive power.

Note: This weapon can change form. When using the weapon's ultimate skill, 50% of the maximum health will be consumed. It cannot be used when the maximum health is less than 60%. The user will not die due to the deduction of health. Skill cooldown time 24 hours

In addition, there are some introductions to this weapon, but these introductions are not important to Pei Guang.

Xing looked at Pei Guang excitedly at this time: "Ah Guang! Golden weapon! What attributes!!!"

March 7th also said excitedly: "That's right, golden weapons! It's the first time I've seen golden weapons fired. What a handsome pair of guns!"

Pei Guang: "This weapon is called Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment. What kind of Herrscher core is it made of? It seems to be related to Uncle Yang's hometown. This weapon is very powerful."

Xing: "How did you know?"

Pei Guang: "Because using this weapon will deduct 50% of the maximum health, and the weapon skill also has a 24-hour cooling time. I guess because it was opened by Kevin, the strength of the weapon is not that high for us. , but it’s absolutely okay to bully the Xu pawn.”

At this moment, Xing was silent. She took a look at the handsome shape of this weapon, and then took out her flame gun to compare it. When her flame spear is used, it can stimulate the power of the protector and give blessings to the protector. Look at this weapon again, and the blood will be deducted.

March 7: "Deduction of blood? Wouldn't that result in extremely explosive output?"

Pei Guang: "Good guy, you have learned these words, but according to my experience, weapons that deduct blood can indeed produce explosive output, but I can't use it."

Xing: "I don't need it either. I feel like my flame spear is pretty good."

March 7 also shook his head: "If it's a bow, that's okay, but if it's a gun, it's going to deduct blood, forget it."

Pei Guang also thought deeply: "Yes, this kind of weapon is a standard self-destruction weapon. Although we have recovery potions, it is not suitable for us to use. I think it is quite suitable for you to use!"

Pei Guang looked at Kevin and continued: "You fired this weapon. This weapon is just right for you to use. As for the blood deduction, you don't have to worry. Fifty percent of the maximum health value recovery item, I have as much as I want here, tell me quickly, thank you Huanlong!”

Xing: "Thank you Huanlong!"

March 7: "Tsk, what are you thanking for?"

Xing: "Aguang asked me to say it!"

Pei Guang chose to ignore Xing's treasure hunt. He handed the Heavenly Fire Holy Inquisitor to Kevin: "Although it is a gold equipment, it is relatively restrictive for us. Since you can use it, it proves that you are absolutely loyal to me." My subordinate, this weapon is ready for you to use."

As long as the weapon was given to one of his own, Pei Guang felt it didn't matter. What's more, it was a weapon issued by Kevin, so it was reasonable for him to use it. Moreover, Pei Guang feels very good about Kevin. At the same time, he has been trained by Walter, and he is his most capable general. It is not bad to give him.

Kevin: "Give it to me?"

Kevin subconsciously took over the Heavenly Fire Sacred Seal, and while taking the Heavenly Fire Sacred Seal, Pei Guang found some 50% maximum health recovery items in the storage space.

This item is... of little use to Pei Guang. Thanks to Huan Lu's blessing, there is no shortage of 100% recovery items, and there are so many 50% recovery items that he is too lazy to eat them.

What is valuable to Pei Guang are those that are good-looking or unique in appearance, such as these ingredients that can be scraped off from Huanlong's body and eaten. It doesn't hurt to give some to Kevin.

Pei Guang: "These are recovery items. If you run out of them, go to the Black Tower to get them. Using these items will cause you to lose the maximum health points. It is recommended to eat them while using them~"

March 7 asked curiously: "If this weapon loses blood, will it be life-threatening?"

Pei Guang: "No! It's written in the note that he won't be killed due to blood loss, so I prepared some blood medicine for him and let him play with it. Oh, by the way, if the medicine is gone, come to me or Black Tower No. 1 That’s fine. Even though it won’t kill you, you’ll still die if you don’t beat it after the blood is drained.”

After all, Kevin is a senior soldier, and Pei Guang would be very distressed if he died. Anyway, there is a lot of medicine now, so it doesn't hurt to give him some. If there is less medicine, you can ask Bai Lu for some.

Xing: "If you don't ask him if he wants it, you just give it to him..."

Pei Guang rolled his eyes and said, "Look at his expression, does it look like he doesn't want it? His eyes are straight!"

Only then did Xingcai notice that Kevin's eyes had been placed on the Heavenly Fire Saint, as if this weapon had some magic power.

Kevin: "This...hey me?"

Pei Guang: "Yes! Here you go, you can play with it. But after you finish playing, remember to come back and help open the box. Even if it's a city box, even if it's all guaranteed, I think I can get some good stuff out."

Kevin looked at the Heavenly Fire Holy Judge in a daze, and Alicia on the side said: "Take it, Kevin, and Aguang, you're welcome. If you really want to thank me, just work hard to protect this planet. "

Hearing these words, Kevin nodded vigorously. He excitedly held both guns. The moment he held the two guns, he always wanted to shoot something.

Seeing Kevin's excitement, Pei Guang waved his hand: "Let's go play with the new weapons. After playing, just come over and search with us."

Kevin nodded, took the weapon and found a deserted place to try it. Xingze looked at Kevin's back and said with emotion: "This time we are very lucky."

Pei Guang: "This is a good start. I'm sure we can get more goodies in the future. Besides, no one will use this weapon. If we keep it, we might as well strengthen the output of our own units."

Pei Guang has also played games that require equipping minions with equipment. Sometimes the minions' equipment is better than the character he controls, but it's not a big problem. Cultivating an invincible minion to kill everyone is also a joy in the game. part of it.

Compared to Pei Guang, Xing and March Qi who were thinking about what would come next, Alicia on the other side was much more confused. Not only was she confused about why weapons came out of the trash can, but she was even more confused about what was in the trash can just now. Where did the garbage go?

She remembered clearly that there was all kinds of dried garbage in the trash can just now, but now there was no garbage at all, and even the trash can itself was clean.

Chapter 219 Alicia: “It smells so good!”

Alicia looked at the scene and felt a little itchy in her head. She knew that there were some powerful forces in the galaxy that could not be understood with common sense, but weapons were fired from the trash cans, and even the trash disappeared and became clean, something felt wrong.

Looking at this scene, March 7th came over and said: "Okay, okay~ I was just like you at first, thinking I didn't wake up, but later I discovered that these trash cans really smell so good~"

Alicia: "Huh?"

March 7th taught: "Look! Various golden weapons, equipment and skills can be found in trash cans, bottles, cans and treasure chests. For example, A Guang's fire can be found, and there are Star destroyers were also launched, and..."

Xing took out the light cone: "I also opened this light cone! This is not a trash can! These are treasures. As long as your heart is pure enough and you become our partner, you will come from all kinds of strange places. Uncover rare treasures.”

Alicia: "Huh? Can the trash can really bring out treasures?"

Pei Guang: "Of course! Pots and jars that can be seen everywhere can produce various low-level materials, and there is a very low probability of producing rare weapons, equipment, and props. Isn't this common sense."

March 7th looked at Alicia excitedly: "Look! A Guang's wonderful common sense has appeared. As A Guang's adjutant, you can also try to open things. Try it, Aili, we will never cheat you." your."

Ai Li was a little nervous: "Really?"

March 7: "Of course~ But this requires trying. I know it is difficult to accept it at first, but according to what A Guang often says, try it. If you succeed, you can get super from all kinds of strange places. ~Powerful props,

It’s not that Alicia doesn’t believe it, it’s that it’s hard for any normal person to believe this kind of thing, what? Why did Xing accept it so calmly? After all, Pei Guang had been carrying her with her since she woke up, and she had already transformed into Pei Guang's shape.

As for other people, after getting in touch with them, you will have to believe them even if you don’t believe them. After all, there are real and useful things out there, and people with a normal mind will not choose not to use them.

What? Shameful? I’m really not bragging on March 7th. If the fact that digging through trash cans can reveal Star Destroyers, light cones, and strange skill books is also valid for outsiders, digging through trash cans is a cosmic trend. They are at the forefront of the trend. !

Besides... it is indeed a trend for Beloberg to dig through trash cans now, and even trash cans have become a specialty of Beloberg. After all, there is nothing more exciting than being able to truly survive the apocalypse, and with Bronya also secretly contributing to it, this trash can culture has spread in Beloberg.

Alicia was moved at this time. If she simply opened the trash can and looked at the garbage inside, she would only feel disgusted. But when the act of opening the trash can was to obtain treasures that were enough to fight the Legion, she suddenly felt that such an act was much purer.

At the same time, Pei Guang also said righteously: "You don't really think we like garbage, do you? Although we dig through trash cans and use garbage, we definitely don't like garbage. What we like is only useful props, not garbage!"

Xing nodded: "Yes! Also, believe in A Guang. Although A Guang always talks to us about some strange topics and tells some jokes that require explanation before we can understand, A Guang never entertains himself by insulting his companions." , Aguang will take us with him as soon as he has something good, so go ahead and break all the treasure containers and take away all the things no one wants."

Pei Guang, who was so praised by Xing, put his hands on his hips proudly, his chest puffed up unconsciously, and his whole body exuded the proud atmosphere of a player.

Hearing this, Alicia took a deep breath. Anyway, Kevin had just proofed it, and she thought that a beautiful girl like herself could also produce golden light!

At this moment, Alicia's will became stronger. Besides, it is possible to obtain information from other worlds through the world split, so isn't it normal to open things in the trash can?

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